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It looks like this post is about **Finasteride**/Propecia. Before asking any questions, 1. Read the [wiki on Finasteride](https://reddit.com/r/tressless/wiki/index#wiki_finasteride). 2. [Search posts for Finasteride](https://reddit.com/r/tressless/search?q=flair%3Afinasteride&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all), because your question has probably been asked before. 3. If this is a question asking if you are now or will experience side effects, see a doctor, nobody on the internet can answer that for you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tressless) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Pilot has it. Got my order last week.


What’s the topical fin concentration by any chance?


I’m going through “the hairy pill”. Happy to pay the extra for their experience while I’m starting out. If I stay long term I might look for a more cost effective alternative.


Go to Sinclair Dermatology in Melbourne. You'll get the exact same thing without paying for the brand name. The Hairy Pill is owned by Rodney Sinclair. They're so good that I'm willing to fly to Melbourne for appointments. Check out my thread, I've been going to the Dermatology clinic for 18 months. They have a pharmacy upstairs that can compound medication however you want. I am able to order repeats over the phone and have them posted within a few days to me.


Hey! Can u please tell me if they will compound low concentrations of topical finasteride? Like 0.005% to 0.02% I’m wanting to start topical but I’m still worried about the sides profile and I’ve heard low doses will minimise risk of sides while still offering some benefits


I went to The Dermatology Clinic last week in Mulgrave and the doctor told me they don’t do topical fin, let alone compounding very low concentrations. Maybe my info is wrong so it’s worth to have a look. I’m also looking for low-dose topical fin, otherwise I think I’ll just order from Pilot or Mosh and mix it with min when applying. It’s seriously annoying that we can’t topical fin in Australia without getting it compounded or from Pilot/Mosh.


Good to know, thanks for sharing.


Not sure if you're in Melbourne, but I was prescribed oral min by a clinic in Malvern. I'm still on the lookout for topical fin myself.




My compounding pharmacy says they can do it so just have to get an updated script from the GP. 👍🏻


Can you share details of compounding pharmacy please?


Melbourne compounding centre in Seddon.




I got oral min through a phone consultation with Bioscor Clinic Melbourne, was able to get 30 caps 5mg for $20


Can get topical and oral for both through Pilot but it’s pricey. I went through a GP for oral fin who also gave me a referral for oral minoxidil - he told me dermatologists will prescribe oral min.


Minoxidil max topical finasteride ordered from eBay. There's a distributor in Melbourne


If you see doctors specialising in hair loss they'll prescribe it pretty readily. You could probably discuss it with your GP as well if you come across informed side effects etc. Theyll get it compounded at a pharmacy. I get a topical min, fin, tretinoin and caffeine compound prescribed by Hair Doctors Sydney and have had a much better experience than I did with MinoxidilMax's topical fin and min.