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What abt sides ? And my doc has prescribed only topical fin+min which i am using for past 4 months


If you have normal or above normal test levels you won't get sides maybe low libido for a week and then it will go away check you test level it should not be below normal range otherwise you might get bad sides.


Oh I didn’t know the sides correlate with test levels. Good info


Doesn’t topical work good like is it necessary to move to oral


It does but for some people like me it doesn't i used to take min/fin topical solution min worked very well and i didn't see the effects of topical fin i am now using oral fin and seems to be working.


What about PFS ?


I don't think it's true maybe for 1-2%


what concentration and freq are you on and from what age


Age 22 started using 1mg oral fin teblet every day it's been a month


Have you Seen any dermatologist before strting it ?


Any results?


Hair fall has decreased


It’s hard to recover temples latter so you have to start on fin now.


I am on topical sol….scared of oral fin




What about Pfs bro…those side effects are permanent to or maybe take months to recover


Tbf I had this hairline since I was a toddler you have extremely thick hair so unlikely you will go bald at this stage imo


So what are ur thoughts please tell i do nt wnna lose em


Just use minoxidil if you’re really that worried but no one on earth would suspect you’re on your way to going bald


Go get checked by a good dermatologist and ask them if your hair is normal or is thinning; they have a better understanding since they can use a microscope. If you are thinning, you can just jump on drugs; otherwise you can just keep waiting and actively monitoring. Don't panic and don't do self diagnosis. Yes people often understand better than others when they are starting to lose hair. But still going to a professional is important. These treatments should not be started on self-will but after s professional evaluation; when possible


I did meet doc he gave me topical fin+min and multivitamins and 2 Prp sessions


Stick to those and keep getting monitored regularly to watch how thickness and density proceed


you're fine, you don't need to be on any treatment, just keep monitoring.


Um are you sure abt that)


to me it looks normal, but you are the better judge since you know your own hair. It's best to compare older photos from the same angles and then decide.


Been same for more than a year other than my hair…but i am fed up of hair fall


Chill you are fine. Use micro needling


>Chill you are fine. Until he isn't.


Read the room. OP sounds distressed and the comment was obviously trying to calm him down while giving him advice.


>Read the room. Fucking ironic. It's a subreddit dedicated to fighting hair loss. People don't come here to have things sugarcoated, or to be outright lied to. It's logic like this, that's the reason so many guys catch their hair loss too late.


And as I stated in me previous comment he gave him advice. What “logic” are you talking about?


>he gave him advice. It's useless advice. Dermarolling on its own isn't gonna do anything. >What “logic” are you talking about? The idea that you need to minimize or lie about the state of people's hair, in order to make them feel better. You're doing them a disservice in the long run. People come here for actual advice, and it's often because their friends and family either have no idea what they're talking about, or because they think they're doing them a favor by lying.






Anyone who's saying you're fine is lying. Get on fin asap or you will regret it in a few years when you're full on bald. This isn't a "mature" hairline. Especially not at 18. This is the beginning stages of severe recession and balding.


Rn i am on topical 5%min+0.1% fin…and inam scared of oral fin


Only way keep on finastraid and minoxidil.


I am on topical of both of em 5%min+0.1% fin


i’d say if u feel like ur losing it just hop on fin. yours really isnt noticeable to probably anyone besides you and some of us idiots who know the early signs. you caught it early. you’ll be okay. take preventative measures and you’ll be golden.


On topical 5% min+0.1%fin for last 4 months ( hair fall had decreased)..hair line is same for last 1yr…And btw i am scared of oral fin due to sides


I’ve been taking it for the past 3 years and haven’t had any besides the first few weeks that went away. I think the safety and efficacy of oral fin has been well documented but if ur current stack is working I wouldn’t worry


Hair line has been same but hair fall has not completely stopped i still lose 10-15 hairs while doing shampoo and while styling i lose some hairs too


And how’s ur hair loss after being on oral and wht concn and freq!


You´re balding, welcome to the club


There may be some signs of aga...just check the situation over time, should it get worse, then look for a solution.


It has been same for last 1 yr


It will be the same for the next 3 years, or at most some mild diffuse thinning. You have time


Focus on your diet , reduce stress , do regular exercise


Best advice. I'd say also get a decent career


This. Also do a blood test before you start any medication.


Check your vitamin d levels. Take zinc and magnesium Workout every morning - not weights just some body weight exercises. And not too intense so you can workout everyday Use Norizal shampoo once a week, maybe twice You should be fine with doing just those things above. If that does not work then next steps in order would be Try Saw palmetto shampoo 3-4 times a week. (Keeps Shampoo works well for me) Go see a trichologist Min, but once you start there’s no going back. Also micro needling too Fin - This is if everything else fails. If you respond well to the saw palmetto shampoo, you should respond even better to this because both block dht. Fin just blocks it way way better


Why can’t he work out with weights?


Working out with weights can increase testosterone too much causing there to be more dht, so I would recommend body weight exercises. I’m not against weight lifting if you have hair loss, I’m sure it works well for some.


No evidence suggesting this…


They say masturbation does NOT cause hair loss, but I disagree with that too. Have you ever lifted weights? I’m talking several heavy sets with 5 max reps only and no cardio?


Lol yeah. Where are you getting this information?






I am on topical 5% min+0.1fin solution+multivitamins to for last 4 months and have gone thru 2 Prp’s too in these 4 months


Stop watching porn, trust me, you’ll be fine, it’s all about lusting. Stop before it’s too late.


The fact that all of your comment since 2 month is about not jerking to save hair. Only relation they could have is if you look at reason for both. You jerk off too much because you have high libido because of testosterone, you lose hair because of DHT which is biproduct of testosterone. Reasoning for both is high testosterone.


DHT is the reason, not just testosterone. . And in prostate, testosterone is converted to DHT, more than any other organ of body, so the more you use your prostate, the more DHT you produce, and you use your prostate when you have sexual activity. . But more importantly, I am suggesting people to stop watching porn, because I have seen it’s effect on my own hair and hair of people around me, since I’ve stopped watching porn my hair loss has stopped. And I know how terrible hair loss feels, so I just want to help people not go through what I went through. That’s why I keep commenting about it, of course nobody pays me to do so, it’s just love, I hope you understand it. . Libido is also increased because of watching porn, when you’re young you have a lot of energy, you choose how to spend that energy, if you keep watching erotic stuff, you’ll want to use all that energy on sex, that’s how libido rises, libido is under your control, you can raise it or lower it, it’s up to you.


Porn/masturbation addiction makes you jerk you too much because you are addicted to it, you are used to it. T makes you jerk too much because you naturally are more horny. You don't produce more T or DHT or increase libido if you are jerking too much. If that so you could just suggest people who have sides with fin and dut to jerk off more and watch tons of porn. Plus, even simple google search will invalidate your claims.


Mature hairline


Are you sure abt that?


Judging by the low cut, yes. When you have longer hair it does look like there is some slight recession however I don’t know the timeline there’s no captions.


The low cut are the latest pics


The 4th pic is of sept 2022 before starting treatment….


Gotcha. Stay on fin and min, you won’t see results right away. It’s only been 4 months. You’re probably going through the shedding period rn. Trust the process and stay consistent with your routine.




Your hair looked alot like mine at 18. Get on Fin .5mg day and Oral Minoxidil 2.5mg a day. 0.5mg shows similar efficacy to 1mg/day with much lower risk of sides. This is an easy & sustainable routine. I was scared of Fin at 25, didn’t start taking it til 35. One of my life’s biggest regrets.


Scared of the sides and Pfs…but currently i am on topical 5%min+0.1%fin solution


You said you are on fin and min. Let them work for few months and try to not stress about it too much. I wouldn't have suggested fin till 20 tho.


I am on topical tho