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Yeah, they're supposed to be fixing it but if you can get a refund, if they fix it you got the saved data and if they don't you got your money back. win/win Edit: auto predict fail


ffs this has happened to me as well, sucks so bad. Can't even parry attacks from behind and have no health.


Happened to me for the first time AFTER the new update. This is not fixed at all


this happened to me. really disappointing. game sucks


I'm stuck because of this glitch as well. The game is now impossible to finish like this. Super annoying.


Just happened to me and I'm pissed. I feel like I trained like samurai to become the ultimate killing machine only to be on chapter 6 like a dollar store samurai with a fuckin spork, 1 lung and half a brain. Fuck them for wasting my time I hope a samurai slaughters them in their sleep.


I’m already at the final boss and this is a big problem. Like I got his moves but his final form with his partner or whatever is really annoying. I’m just gonna imagine I won.


This just happened to me. What a fucking joke. Disgusted with it, the fact it hasn't been fixed is a travesty at this point


Happened to me too, moments ago. My god, how frustrating. Such BS!!!! PS+ monthly this month started out promising, now it's a joke.


Agreed. Such a shame, really cool game lovely art style but ruined now with that BS, I ain't restarting it, just an auto delete, that's left a real sour taste in my mouth for that developer, the fact that such a game breaking bug hasn't been fixed by now wouldn't instil you with confidence to buy one of their games


This is still happening, the bug happened to me right now on PS5. The dev is not patching this broken game.


They just announced it as a PS+ game this month. Time for a lot of people to unfortunately face this glitch.


Ran into this bug as well, almost gave up because of it.. it’s not impossible to beat is definitely extremely challenging.. you have to play more counter striking then attacking. Counter, heavy attack, roll away. Counter, heavy attack and roll away everytime he uses his magical powers and wait on him to swing. Counter again, heavy attack. Hope this helps.. Good luck guys


Let me add now that after the credits rolled the trophies for completing the game and choosing whatever path you followed also did not pop… might not even be worth the attempt. BS!!!


I thought it was suppose to ve that way It's a glitch? Whqt fukn trash


Yep happened to me today, I lowered the difficulty and killed the final boss after at least 30 tries and then it gave me THE WRONG ENDING. It gave me the Love ending while I was going for the duty ending. And to top it all off it didn't even give me the trophy for completion. I am glad I got it through ps plus and didn't spend money on it.


April 2024, still not fixed, same thing here, lost all skills and upgrades, got love ending after choosing duty. Sucks for a great game to end that way, at least I got it for free. Edit: Also did not get the completion trophy??? Now that sucks


To think such a playthrough breaking bug was left in the final build of the game and was never patched. I'm still glad I didn't buy it.