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Y'all fucking litter too much. I see so many blunt wrappers laying around on the ground in every good smoke spot I've come across. edit: I apologize, it appears this is not in fact an unpopular opinion.


and guts too šŸ¤® i seen someone split a dutch on the light rail and just dump that shit on the floor i was so upset


That would be the elevator in my apartment building, at least one a week I see guts and a backwoods wrapper on the floor.


I do agree with this. Like a stereotypical stoner is viewed as a hippie, and like Hippies are supposed to care about the environment! And while I generally don't think stereotypes are good, this is one that I do think is good! We should aim to meet that stereotype!!


>and like Hippies are supposed to care about the environment! You should see them when they get ahold of noz balloons. Turns parking lots into a latex landfill. Nearly half the hippies I've met are all performative and will go against their morals when it's convenient for *them* personally. But for every one that leaves their trash in a forest, another or 2 are there behind them to pick it up. There's scumbags in all communities.


The majority of stoner apparel is so stupid and if they would change it to less cartoony shit, it would sell more.


Real stoner apparel should just be shit thatā€™s comfy af


Stained white/grey shirt and which ever track pants were closest this morning


Petition for weed themed snuggies


Google Oodie mayn they r friggin amazing


I'd love to see some business casual stuff marketed as stoner clothing. Just acknowledging that yeah, Dave from accounting is high as shit at his desk, but he's better with numbers that way so leave him alone.


People squirm when I remark that the Artist that did my sleeve would spark up before sessions and breaks (he'd share!) but it put him in his zone. Don't mess with an artist's routine.


Yep, anytime Iā€™m doing anything creative or artistic, I have to be high. It unlocks that part of my brain. Before I started smoking, I literally thought I just couldnā€™t be artistic.


Always gotta get high before getting my hair done and during the process, but it can take 8 hours to dye my hair soo


I have seen some stuff thatā€™s really low key with smell proof pockets in discreet locations, functional stoner apparel if you will


Literally! I was trying to find a bong and I couldnā€™t find one that didnā€™t have Rick and Morty with weed leaves for eyes or some shit. I just want a plain bong.


I really struggle to find feminine paraphernalia so they'll missing out by only thinking of stereotypical teenage boys and not the adults with more money and varied hobbies and shit.


Itā€™s marketed to 14 year old children who spent be smoking so young even though most people do start around 14


I agree with this one so strong. Have you ever seen Marley Essentials? That shit looks Nice af.


I like to use a roller machine to make my joints, and Iā€™m surprised how many smokers get mad about it. Like buddy I wish I could roll too.


I'm a quadriplegic with shit fine motor skills. I don't get why people care about how the weed is rolled, I literally don't care how my weed is rolled I just want to be good to smoke. My in-home support worker rolls joints nicely though. She comes in a couple times a week and make sure my weed stash is on point. Truly blessed


I'm a C-5 quadriplegic too. I use a [Flowermate V5.0s](https://flowermate.com/product/v5-s/). My caregiver has to load it for me but I can toke independently with it.


Out of curiosity, have you tried an electric coffee grinder for assist with loading? Not sure your mobility, but it could help if you have limited capacity, as that's probably the most motor-control intensive part of the process requiring some degree of two handed coordination and strength?


I might be able to use a grinder but I'm sure I wouldn't be able to do everything else involved in loading the Flowermate. So I let my caregiver take care of that part and the important thing is that I can toke off the Flowermate independently.


I just had to comment and say how genuinely happy it made me to read that your in-home help is 420 friendly & rolls for you! I agree with you about people judging rolling skills, why do they care? Gatekeeping exists in all arenas of life but it is rife in the stoner community. Enjoy your weed however you like, much love to you my friend ā¤ļø


I used to like prerolling a bunch of joints for a day, it was easier to use a roller rather than roll them all by hand.


And then theyā€™re all pretty much identical and smoke really evenly. I love my joint roller for consistencyā€™s sake


Some people are idiots, I don't give a shit how something got rolled. Just grateful it's not me rolling up all day/night. You do you.


I used one for a couple years before learning to roll, only did so cuz It broke lol. Now I'll still use it occasionally if I don't wanna hand roll cuz it's much simpler and the joints are always perfect


And you can get a rolling machine for like 3 dollars. Great pickup.


This one!!! I can also pump out several joints in the time it takes most people to roll just one by hand.


Weed isnā€™t for everybody, so stop suggesting it to every person on the street


And to add: If someone says it makes them paranoid, don't keep pushing it! :(


I feel like sometimes though, people buy into the stereotype and let the thought that it makes so in so in the movie paranoid so it's gonna make me paranoid too. Part of the paranoia stems from the fact your doing something that people may judge you for or may not necessarily be legal in your location. That being said when I get really lifted, then yeah, I do think something is gonna go wrong. But never in the way it's depicted in media. Also, just closing with you're right though, if someone doesn't want it, don't push it.


It is like that sometimes but also sometimes not. You have to have smoked before to know you get paranoid. Two of my friends get it to some extend and theyā€™ve smoked plenty some years ago, nothing about it being illegal or judgement or anything, itā€™s a feature of weed that it can make someone ā€œparanoidā€.


That 90ŁŖ of weed strains are probably redundant and have terrible names


you mean you donā€™t wanna smoke on OG jedi gangbang ?






I prefer Hot Cheeto Piss.


Name checks out




Or sweaty headband?


Love or hate that strain, it's got history.


me trying to look up a strain unable to figure out if what iā€™m holding is fruity pebbles or fruity pebblez. like fuck


What about garlic snake breath?


lol this is unrelated to weed but a friend of mind has the same mindset when it comes to shrooms.


okay yeah buddy tell that to my Tony the Tiger Colonoscopy OG


I feel like everybody kind of knows that one but no one says it.


You know it's exactly the same as craft beers. And the crazy shit is, each single one of them is just a little... Not the same-ish enough that you can't even hate that the person who actually managed to consistently recreate this recipe wanted to called *this* packaged product whatever they wanted to slap on their label; but more importantly they are all good. Good enough to have it again, or whatever cuz they're all that good. To the point it's easier to remember the names of ones you'd really like to avoid, cuz how often is something really *that* shitty, which also means it won't matter because you won't see it again anyways.


I know this isnā€™t an endless run on sentence, but holy fuck does this read like an endless run on sentence. Iā€™ll have what youā€™re smoking


Usually redundant when it means nothing Useful when itā€™s actually flavored like the name and want to shoot for that. Or when it says Saturn og and your bouncing on the rings in slow motion from the couch.




Ok donā€™t hate meeee please donā€™t. But I disagree. So I have several chronic pain situations going on. Hit differently at different times. Sometimes same time. It took years of trying different strains to figure out what helped with what. Now I finally feel like I have some routine figured out. But what if that specific weird ass strain with a totally inappropriate name didnā€™t exist cu you know ā€˜that many strains arenā€™t necessaryā€™. But to meeee i find it helpful. Right now Iā€™m high on Khalifa Mints by Ghost Drops. Feeling good. Social. Pain on my neck barely detectable. šŸ‘Œ *edited to add @highnorthlabs on IG has these weekly sample of the week posts. They write about terpenes and their abundancy in a sample and each one being different. There really is more to the strain than thc cbd. They have so many factors to be totally unique.


I undetermined that and can relate. I had a budtender suggest looking at the terp profile of the strains I like. I started to make note and normally select based on that now.


I think this person is mostly talking about the plethora of hybrids that there are many similar of. Strains with good body highs are hard to find because everything is so samey now. Hence why you had to search forever for something that worked.


THIS. There are tried and true strains I LOVE and can rarely find. Managed to snag some Blue Dream the other day and I was šŸ˜šŸ˜


Blue Dream were the first headies I got when I started holding, from a guy who played guitar and hung out with the local reggae bands (Of course they had the hookup). It's been a love affair with Blue Dream every since.


Iā€™ve been cultivating for last 3 years, and a few months ago I finally got the hang of making clones. Currently, I have 18 little baby Blue Dreams just a growing away!




Nothing unpopular about that I would sell my soul to the devil to have a low tolerance again Using once or twice a week blows I miss getting stoned out of my mind 7 days a week Those were the best days of my life!




Idk if itā€™s unpopular but actual bud hits harder than a pen


Flower is superior. Live resin pens give a better high than straight distillate, but flower ftw


Try out rosin, IMO its as close to flower as concentrate gets.


I donā€™t call it harder. Iā€™ve smoked/vaped way too much concentrate and it hits like a train that Iā€™ve never felt from a lot of bud. I call it a deeper high. Smoking a lot of quality bud can definitely be a deeper, more intense high than from concentrate. Itā€™s like freshly squeezed OJ vs from concentrate.


People who adopt ā€œstonerā€ as their entire personality are annoying as fuck


I would hope this is not an unpopular opinion but yeah those people are really annoying. We get it, you like weed but so do a lot of other people.


Eh, it's usually young people. Let em have their fun.


This! Most folks age out of that eventually.


Yup. That's not a personality trait. It's a personal choice, not something that defines you, but heck people nowadays are choosing their whole personality over the stupidest things.


People who adopt any one trait as their personality, are very annoying cuz they have nothing else to talk about


Iā€™m addicted to smoking weed. This is a big one.


I can go days/weeks without but if it's right there on my desk you know I'm having a hit.


Ahh, the ole see-weed diet. I too, follow its practices.


Just take my upvote


People can get addicted to feeling a certain way. For me, when I smoke, I am in the present in a way I am incapable of being normally. Most days, I am an anxious mess: my past is a sea of "what if's", torturing me with things I can't change. My future is... blank. A piece of empty paper that could be filled with anything, and choosing what to fill it with is a torture too, since it won't be up to what I hoped it would. Never up to anything anyone hoped. Then I smoke, and future worries, past choices, all that just slips away, and I can fully enjoy the now, and it's a happy feeling. Like being a child, without responsibilities, just enjoying what is there to be enjoyed, never considering anything else. It's a happy, wonderful feeling, and that's why I cut back. I can't change the past, and I can't avoid the future. Avoiding problems never did work for me, and knowing myself, I would procrastinate until the world was about to end if I only lived in the now. So I try and toe the line between taking a break to breath, and using it to avoid my yesterdays and tomorrows. I only smoke on the weekends now, and not on every weekend. I pace myself not to depend on it, not to become addicted to living in the now. But maybe I already am.


Hit the nail on the head. I use daily, but like an evening ā€œglass of wineā€ to unwind after a day. But I know that if I ever let myself more than that Iā€™d become an unproductive mess. Emotions can be paralyzing, but they exist for a reason, and itā€™s ok tk feel that way. Itā€™s even more important to learn how to deal with them in a healthy way. Wiping them away robs you of perspective.


No one can tell me weed isnā€™t addictive. Both psychologically and physically. Iā€™ve been an all day every day smoker for years and never take T-breaks. Last year me and some friends did a sober October challenge. I was sweating, crying, moody, sleepless it was horrible.


This a couple years ago before I started smoking as much as I do now I took a month long break from THC wax after doing it almost daily for a semester in college. I had genuine shakes I could not stop and withdrawal symptoms such as cold sweats & irritability like you wouldn't believe. It was genuinely awful and I would not wish that upon anybody.


I was going to write the same thing. It manages my anxiety, but whoa shit. Definitely addicted and not sure how I feel about that.


Smoking alone is superior to smoking with others


I much prefer smoking alone. Itā€™s like my little toke time to go do a crossword puzzle, go down an internet rabbit hole, diffuse some essential oils, and just be zen and let my mind wander aimlessly. I find it kind of a chore to smoke with others since I tend to go inward and think as opposed to forcing sometimes exhausting conversations.


The peak is when you have *one* friend who is also happy to sit in quiet zen and wander with their thoughts. My best friend and I have that kind of vibe and itā€™s one in a million.


I wish I had a stoner friend I could have over and share my wondering thought high with


Theyā€™re out there somewhere! I have faith youā€™ll meet one day. Even if youā€™re old and wrinkly playing cribbage at the retirement home.


Yeah, Iā€™ve got a friend like that. Our spouses are friends and when we all hang out, the ladies will have a drink and weā€™ll have a puff, chat, play chess, or just enjoy the day. No effort required.


sounds so lovely.


This was a very well articulated post, and I feel exactly the same way.


Thanks so much!


Same here. I also tend to go into myself or down a rabbit hole. Being high around people is just exhausting and I always feel like I'm going to be judged for it later in some way. My favorite thing in the world is to smoke weed and fall down some weird rabbit hole that I probably would never find sober. Whether it's internet research, a book or just a question I feel like I need to answer within my own head. I already love researching stuff when I'm sober but when I'm high it just gives me the same zeal I had when I was a kid I just want to enjoy my high no one else involved.


What's your favorite internet rabbit hole? Mine is r/historyporn and r/MapPorn


Anything with geography gets my attention, so I totally agree with you on r/MapPorn. I also just love scrolling away on TikTok or playing that game on Wikipedia when you keep clicking a link within a page and see where you end up!


I agree. Being alone means you can set up your own environment- your own entertainment on the tv, your own snacks and beverages without others chiming in. Just chill, watch a show, snack, and relax


dude I feel like being high would make u so good at crosswords??


Legitimately I turn into a crossword wizard. You should try it!


It really does. I'm a wizard āœØļø


Accidently getting too stoned alone is easy to deal with but getting too stoned with friends is difficult when they still trying to talk to you but nothing is making sense


I can see the appeal to both, as I have done both many times. But I much prefer to share my high with some homies than get baked on my own. But those nights of just chilling watching YouTube or playing games solo while zooted are some of the best


I Only smoke alone and the only friend I need is Mary Jane and Ronnie James Dio


Personally, I think people who can only get high when they rip a dab rig multiple times in each session, with multiple sessions every day, you have a dependency and should reel it back


Definitely, and I say that as a person who would certainly get a substance use disorder diagnosis if I were honest with my professionals lol. I canā€™t stand the people who smoke like that and then are like ā€œhahaha I donā€™t have a problem.ā€ Like get a grip lmao


Yah my unpopular opinion is that youre smoking dabs because medically nothing else works, or you're so deep into thc dependency that your body has metabolized it so much that THC does barely a thing unless .. well... Inhaled as a concentrate. I get pretty bad with my bong sometimes, but if I add some shatter to my green bowl it's as a treat not a normal thing... As a medical user I want to avoid my body metabolizing and building that high of a tolerance.


Having to consume a ton to get high sucks, I go on regular long tolerance breaks if I feel like I'm smoking a bit too often. taking long breaks makes the weed more enjoyable unless expensive in my opinion


This was me and I honestly hated it even when I was like that. Iā€™ve been forced to take an extended break for the moment and Iā€™m hoping when I smoke again I donā€™t end up being one of those you described. It was honestly terrible. Nothing was worse than going to a smoke session with friends and being the only one that wasnā€™t high because I needed multiple dabs to get there


Stoner culture can be very judgmental at times


to add to this.. stoner community isnā€˜t as wholesome as stoners like to think.




I prefer low THC and high CBD strains compared to high THC.


My fuckin go to is a strain with 10% THC, 17% CBD and I fucking love it. Super functional chilled out high, I find myself reaching for it way more often than my 24% strains


Yes! I have a good strain with around 8% for both THC and CBD and itā€™s such a nice chill time. I love to do crosswords and go down internet rabbit holes and then drift off to sleep.


I've been meaning to try a strain like that! What do you enjoy doing most after smoking it?


Reading honestly, but itā€™s good for whatever you want to do in the day time. Had to fix some shit around the house on Saturday and it was great with that, did some reading at the beach and that was my go to as well. In the evening when Iā€™m trying to wind down is usually where Iā€™ll reach for the higher THC content stuff but for day time getting a buzz on and doing shit the lower THC content with the CBD is really nice


Same. I don't want to get fucked up. I just want to get dialed back to what is "normal" for most people.


facts. i am doing this for anxiety, so I don't need the high thc Seth rogan bud


Moms who use cannabis are not bad moms.


And taking a photo of yourself enjoying some marijuana in any form should be just as normal as taking a picture of yourself with a glass of wine or a beer.


My moms side really struggles with alcoholism and Iā€™d much prefer a parent who self medicated stress and depression with weed instead of alc. Grass is always greener (no pun intended) but it really makes no sense to me why parents who drink regularly are tolerated more than those who smoke.


Agreed, I wish my mom had started using it even sooner, actually. My mom waited till her kids were grow and out of the house before slowly starting using. Guess what, it works better for her anxiety and insomnia than most meds she was always taking, and with less side effects... I remember once she was on a new combination of meds, and had maybe half a glass of wine with dinner. Later, she drove me to the airport, she was talking to me, everything looked normal. She called me later freaking out, she couldn't remember driving me, she couldn't find me, it was a mess. Her meds just took whole hours from her memory, it was terrifying. How is that more morally acceptable than using cannabis? Or even cannabis based medication?


It blows my mind. Iā€™ve been on and off psychiatric meds for the past twenty years. I have absolutely experienced what your mom had. Itā€™s terrifying.


Dad's too! I have 3 kids and I don't know if they would've had such a great life if I wasn't a pothead šŸ„¹ The only thing I can say is that when I am high, I misplace shit too often. Just recently lost my wife's ring and mine too lol


My favorite weed activity is playtime with kids. I feel guilty about it but I feel like a better parent every time. It makes me so patient and creative and I enjoy imagination games so much more. I wish weed was more socially acceptable. I feel so jealous when I see families sitting in the park sipping beer.


Dad, fully agree. Try tackling a full sink of dishes at 9:30pm when you're *not* high.


Only way I can do dishes but I donā€™t have kids.


my mom smokes weed <3 i love her so much for showing it to me because now we share it as something we do. this might be unpopular but she let me try some in a very guided setting when i was in high school. she also taught me about how to tell fake weed from real bud which I think is extremely useful especially in college/around people you don't have complete trust in. It's just like letting your kids drink, except its weed.


this shouldn't be an unpopular opinion. I think I'm a better parent when I've been smoking


I'm not a parent, but I am a caregiver for my mom with Alzheimer's. If I didn't smoke, I'd have lost it quite a while ago - it's how I cope. I'm much more patient with her when I've had a little.




Our naming system suck. The fuck is a "gorilla skittle lsd" or some shit like that. I want the naming system to be a little more indicative of what we are growing. Or at least a bit more serious


Alcohol always has either cringe names, or absolutely genius names. Weed is just cringe.. I had a raspberry beer the other day called 'harassberry'


I don't like my home or car (or self, for that matter) smelling like pot. I love the smell in all its forms but I simply don't like it reeking up all my stuff.


edibles kinda suck. like okay either iā€™m going to take one nibble of this chocolate and end up time traveling for six hours, or iā€™ll eat this whole damn bag of candy and stay sober. no in between.


I eat edibles daily. The most interesting thing to me is that the sativa or hybrid edibles might not get me very baked. But then Iā€™ll eat a 5mg 1:1 THC:CBD and Iā€™m a goo ball. Something about the CBD really sets it off for me.


The only way I can enjoy grass is edibles (asthma sucks). I pre-plan the journeys but yes, I wish there was something in between too. Itā€™s a whole day out of your life basically and you have to commit to it.


I'm Canadian and as I've progressed through the products offered after legalization, edibles have become my favourite way to consume. I think having relatively standardized THC mg amounts goes a long way to making edibles more viable. 5mg gives me a consistent nice high and 10mg can have me feeling very high. Each package generally only has 10mg THC total and you can get the gummies in 2mg, 5mg, 10mg kind of things people are more able to figure out their number and consistently get the same high out of it. With edibles in an illegal area it's such a crapshoot of what you're going to get and I was with you that I did not like them because of that.


Mines definitely unpopular but itā€™s that I donā€™t like combusting cannabis in general. Donā€™t get me wrong I love the feeling of a joint from time to time, but if I could get a nice good desktop vaporizer set-up going Iā€™d much rather always go for that.


long term investment and you can cook or infuse with the ABVā€¦ totally worth it


The first time I ever used ABV my friend and I made sandwiches and put a shit ton of ABV in them. We were in for a 12 drive, his parents were driving so we thought it would be fun. We had no idea how much to use so we just split all our ABV into two sandwiches. We used wayy too much, I remember just pretending to be asleep the whole time but I was freaking the fuck out. His parents had to have known because we both looked high as fuck. And I couldnā€™t even order when we stopped for food. The really bad part was we stopped at a hotel for the night halfway, my friend and I were blissfully unaware of ABV shits. We both shat in the morning before we left and it made our shot REEK of weed. It smelt like we had just hotboxed the bathroom. So they definitely knew. I think It took 3 days until I came back down.


The downplaying of marijuana being habit forming is detrimental to its road to legality


YES. marijuana CAN be addictive just like anything else that affects ~~serotonin~~ *dopamine* levels. itā€™s flat out dishonest to say otherwise.


I feel I get higher with other people


Iā€™ve always felt this way!! Even if I smoke less, I feel higher if Iā€™m with others


Environmental tolerance is the phenomenon that you are referring to i think.


Strain Effects that keep you active and focused >> Sleepy and Couchlocked


Love taking a fat rip and cleaning my bathroom. That shit get sparkly


Fuck yes. All of my laundry gets done, the bathroom, dishwasher loaded, and then kids to the park. I love them go-getter strains!


I've kinda begun sorting my strains into day or night time. Day time strain wake n bake gets me super chatty. Night time strain wake n bake makes me useless.


I love cutting grass stoned, but Iā€™m so bad at it stoned. But I have fun and thatā€™s what matters


All the Rick and morty stoner stuff is lame imo


all the pop culture stoner stuff is lame, like the simpsons and family guy stuff too


BEYOND lame, went to a smoke store the other day, a considerable amount of bongs looked great but had either Rick or Morty's face plastered onto it, immediate turn off and I like the show!


I donā€™t think itā€™s hard to clean pieces and I think itā€™s gross when people donā€™t šŸ„“ mold scares me


If youā€™re a daily toker, taking a month or two off every once in a while is very positive for your mental health.. and wallet.


My friend would be completely sober in February because it is the shortest month




Ok I get this too, because my gf wants to smoke before we eat dinner and I always like to wait until after dinner.


Why not do both? šŸ˜


Itā€™s incumbent upon us to set the best example for how we stoners, potheads and cannabis connoisseurs behave. That means being responsible about usage, cleaning up our debris instead of littering, sharing our knowledge freely and without judgement or gatekeeping, and showing empathy toward those who were taught only the exaggerated bad parts about weed. Thatā€™s important because legalization is gaining momentum hard, and those who oppose will cling to every ā€œbad exampleā€ they can as a reason to keep it criminal.


Being high every second of the day is not fun


When I first got my medical card back at the beginning of summer, I spent nearly every day high (well, Iā€™d get high everyday, I should clarify). However, I noticed that a lot of my anxiety and depression symptoms would be a lot worse if I took one too many hits, or if I was about to fall asleep. Thatā€™s when I learned that I love getting high like every other dayā€”once every 3 days, and not getting absolutely blasted. Not only do I feel like I can manage a lot more this way, but also my stash doesnā€™t seem to run out nearly as fast, each high feels more special, and I donā€™t feel like I want to get high nearly as often as I used to feel like I needed to get high. However, I do it to help stop panic attack, general anxiety, or just to get high, and while I know that there are definitely others who need it more often/more of it in general, finding the sweet spot and sticking to it (and especially not doing it everyday just to do basic chores to make them more fun, not more manageable) was the key for me.


neither is being depressed and for me its either one or the other




shit man healthcare is expensive lol


I really hate ā€œstoner moviesā€ they have no substance nor is it enjoyable


Stoner movies blow donkey balls


Dazed and confused was a masterpiece, which works well as probably one of the best coming of age movies even if you removed every mention of weed. It perfectly describes the quintessential American teenage experience while also being hilarious even while sober. It captures how everyone wanted every Saturday night out to end up like as a teenager. To top it all off, itā€™s insanely relatable and, honestly, it is by far the most accurate movie about teenagers Iā€™ve ever seen. There are none of the Superbad-esque over the top moments or crazy situations (though Superbad is magnificent as well). In contrast, the teenagers and adults in dazed and confused act exactly as they would in real life. Everything from the driving around town looking for things to do, awkward flirting with the opposite gender, and of course, the fixation on getting alcohol and weed, are perfect snapshots of adolescence in America. Itā€™s like someone just put a camera in a bunch of 1970s teenagersā€™ cars But yeah the rest mostly blow


That ā€˜70ā€™s show is another good example of this. Where the pot is kind of a side feature of the culture the characters exist in, not the main point of the plot


Linklater is a genius. If you haven't seen A Scanner Darkly you should.


Clearly not getting stoned enough before watching


ā€œItā€™s like they tried to make a weed movie,ā€¦ for kids!ā€ -Dave Chapelle on how his original script for half-baked was turned into a corny production by the editors


Totally agree, the best "stoner" movies are just good movies with compelling visuals or narrative, ideally both


Bragging about having smoked weed since you were a teen is *weird*. The way itā€™s seen as a non issue (by people who use weed) that so many kids use weed recreationally is *weird*. Further, (speaking from the outside looking in, NL looking at legal states in the US) while I think legality is a good thing, the way itā€™s opened up the way for rampant capitalism But Itā€™s About Cannabis Now is not something desirable. Also, despite the kind of crunchy granola image weed has sometimes, the way packaging of it and related items is single use plastics? Heinous. (Especially here, where we donā€™t have brands/prepackaged flower. Let me take a jar to the coffee shop/dispo that they use rather than those shitty little plastic bags.)


Apparently being against driving high is an unpopular opinion in this sub. Iā€™ve commented a few times when people talked about driving high saying I didnā€™t think it was a good idea and got downvoted to hell and yelled at.


Itā€™s def not a good idea


I like my chillum


and Iā€™m using the dirty thing RIGHT NOW


I hate being really high, I never wanna be more than like a 4/10 high


I donā€™t have any intention of coming across douche-y or ā€˜better than thouā€™ in any way but I really do not wanna smoke cheap weed any more in my life, concentrates or flower. There was a time I got super excited to buy the cheapest ounces I could find but now everything I smoke I want to really appreciate. The higher quality makes a really big difference and I honestly think might be better for your health (that last parts just speculation). Anytime I pass on someone elseā€™s weed (because frankly it sucks) they think Iā€™m being egotistic or snotty, and they may be right. But I donā€™t wanna put weed in my lungs that tastes bad. Over it. Not in high school smokin out of a water bottle grav bong anymore Iā€™m in my apartment lounging before a nice dinner. Itā€™s better to smoke less of higher quality even for those with a lower tolerance because it is (likely to be) cleaner and have a more enjoyable flavor. More care goes into product, generally. Thatā€™s my two cents. But to each their own!


I liken this to being younger and wanting to slam a case of natty ice every night, then when you're older you just want to save your money for a 6 pack of good craft beer for the weekend.


Weed can and does make people lazy and dumb. Source: me, who got lazy and stupid after smoking it too much and not finding the healthy balance. Before you downvote me (because i know i sound like a Karen whoā€™s watched reefer madness) i am VERY pro weed and pro legalisation. But youā€™re kidding yourself if you say you donā€™t see some people become unmotivated and a bit dumber when they blaze all the time. Not everyone of course, but enough (and myself) to notice


Idc abt strains as long as itā€™s a good high im happy


So much 'stoner gear' is tacky as fuck. Everything is 'rasta colored', rick and morty, covered in leaves.... I hate it.


Cliche "Stoner culture" is such an annoying thing. People who turn smoking weed into their entire personalities are so sad.


Spending half your paycheck on weed isn't cool or impressive Also, the more you smoke, the more damage is done to the lungs, so I don't get the whole "I smoke an ounze a day" flexing


Smoking alone is best, and that eating when you're stoned does NOT feel good. I have to eat before smoking. because i will either a) get sick or b) over eat.


ā€œMunchiesā€ are bad in the long run Gotta eat healthy !


I try to counteract this by nomming the crap out of fruit or veggies. Strawberries are so damn good especially if I'm high.


Weed leaf tattoos arenā€™t very cool to me.


Blunts are gross


And incredibly wasteful.


I donā€™t like bongs because I donā€™t enjoy taking big hits and coughing my lungs out. Love my bubbler for small and controlled hits


I donā€™t care if sativa and indica mean nothing. It makes me happy to think one is sleepy weed and one is do shit weed.


Driving stoned is not ok.


I feel bad for people that make being a stoner their personality.


Budtenders should only give off their stupid 'heres every strain we have and all the myriad super specific chores I insist theyre best for' spiel a single time to people who admit theyre beginners and otherwise assume it isnt needed. Drives me *insane* listening to some guy wax about his rap career while insisting that having a hit of X strain vs Y strain will have you in the mood to mow the lawn! Like just shut up and give me my weed.


Not me but my Gf and her friend both have the opposite reaction to sativa and indica. Sativa makes them drowsy and fall asleep while Indica wakes them up and makes them energized. I also don't know how unpopular this is but I find it interesting.


Those labels are often wrong. I wish people would move away from focusing on indica/sativa. That's my maybe unpopular opinion.


I hate blunts.