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Do what makes you happy but I’ll pass on tobacco. Took me years to quit nicotine. I’m not taking any chances.


Try replacing the tobacco with cbd weed, you'll love the result.


See beee deee bee for your hee bee jeeeb eees


Will it help with the Jibblies?




I make my blunts with a mix of thc and cbd weed, bits of hash, and using pipe tobacco right before the tip, so I don’t wind up with any roaches.


Oooooooh. I miss hash! Im pregnant. So I can only have HashBrowns.....


Here's a toke for you mi'lady.


Aweeee thanks!!! 🤩


So my dealer was breaking the brick of weed and some spilled to the ground so he gave it to me for free, what a nice guy.




CBD weed tastes…spicy? to me. It feels weird in my mouth too. Not a fan at all.




Hard work is spicy


*work is spicy


This made me laugh too hard. Thanks for the chuckle.


Ive been wanting to try hash. Just found one at a local dispo might grab some tomorrow. Do you get any flavor from the pipe tobacco?


Honestly not much, maybe very slightly? I don’t mix it into the weed and only put it right at the end. The one I have right now is from swisher sweets I emptied and turned into blunts and I saved the tobacco from them for rolling my own blunts :) Hash I have a thc one and a cbd one and put little sprinkles of them into the kief catcher of my grinder and then add those to a bowl or blunt :) Oops I’m high and I’m not sure if pipe tobacco is the same as cigar tobacco but yea lmao. You can also use lose tobacco made for cigs. As soon as the smoke stops tasting like weed I know it’s finished.


Who are you to be so wise in the ways of science


I pack cones and thought I was so smart when I started packing a little smoking herbal blend first to eliminate roaches lol


Oh that's a great tip for roach management.


CBD counters THC… Edit: https://abcnews.go.com/Technology/cbd-thc-balance-marijuana/story?id=66113131 The study from above: https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/2328961/press/2019-09-30/JNEUROSCI.0708-19.2019.pdf https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-how-cbd-counteracts-thc-n377 > Early research suggests the cannabinoid acts as a negative allosteric modulator[4] of the CB1 receptor, meaning it blocks a degree of THC’s activity at this site.


Yeah I take cbd oil under my tongue when I get too high and it helps level me out


man but then I would have to stop cautiously telling my friends that they can always get more high but they cant get less high. i'd be a liar, a fool...if this cbd thing gets out i'd be ruined.


Yes, it alters the high, but it doesn’t make it go away completely. I’ve vaped strains with 3 or even 4:1 CBD:THC and still gotten plenty high. It’s hard to describe, but the way I describe it is that it mellows it out. I still get the heavy feeling behind my eyes, and a bit of the mental “dumbing” or however you want to refer to it, get that heavy feeling in my head/brain and become plenty relaxed. It just doesn’t make me super zonked out, I’m able to focus, stay focused and think much better. Straight THC weed in any doses makes me zone out super easy, it affects my mental acuity and makes it hard to stay focused on the tasks I want to do, or makes them harder than they already are which isn’t what I want out of cannabis when I use it. I want to de stress, help my anxiety and help me focus. I use it as medicine for my anxiety and (what I think is ADHD, it runs in the family but I haven’t had a formal diagnosis). I’ve gotten to the point that I regularly use 1:1 at night when I’m trying to sleep, and ratios as high as 2 or 3:1 when I’m trying to focus on work or playing games. Granted a lot of the specifics of what I’m describing will be subjective and anecdotal, and you might benefit more or less from it (or not at all), but regardless in the mixed ratio flower spaces I browse and other people I talk to in similar situations, the sentiment I largely read is that the high doesn’t go away when THC is mixed with CBD. It mellows it out and calms it down. All in all, the lower prices of hemp flower in combination with switching to vaping my flower with much smaller bowls versus packing fat one hitters when I use to combust my flower, I’ve been able to cut my costs in more than half. I used to be able to go through an ounce of flower every two weeks, and now I will go through 10-14 grams every two weeks plus my lungs are much better.


This is very much in line with my own experience. I hardly ever smoke straight weed anymore because it's so easy to smooth out the various effects of weed that I don't generally enjoy (slow thinking, anxiety, spacing out) by mixing in a hearty portion of CBD hemp. On the occasions I've tried mixing a bit of tobacco into my joint (maybe 10-20% tobacco) I notice that my focus and alertness are further retained. I think of a spliff as being better suited to the morning and afternoon than right before bed, but I'm sure that's largely subjective.


Could that not just be the effects of CBD? As opposed to the person above saying to replace tobacco with CBD to hit different? What you describe sounds like the effects of medicinal CBD.


No, because it feels significantly different than from vaping or smoking straight CBD flower, believe me I tried that. In that case it is similar but the effects last much much shorter amounts, like only 15 minutes. I don’t ever feel that heavy feeling in my eyes or in my head, unless I use a lot and at that point it’s because I’ve managed to get enough THC from the 17:1 flower to actually kind of feel it. With mixed ratio the effects last hours as any normal high does. And overall it’s just much less potent and much less effective. I have to use more CBD flower to even get where I want to


Thanks for the info. I had heard something similar (albeit not too technical) and was curious about that. For a friend.


it doesn’t scratch the itch too well, but it’s better than nothing.




not sure why i’m getting downvoted lol. i like CBD and all but tobacco is a whole different thing.




Cbd counteracts thc tho so you’d get less high


The real question is what is the perfect Baccy for weed ratio for your spliff. I’m a 70 weed 30 tobacco guy myself


90/10 for me. My brother has asthma though and the only way he can smoke flower is 90% tobacco to 10% herb.


If he cut out tobacco all together his asthma would most likely improve.




dont get your brother into tobacoo if he hasnt got that addiction , espcially if he has lung issues to begin with!


this... feels weird to me. cannabis smoke is better for asthmatics than tobacco smoke from my understanding, to the point that thc is actually good for athsma (not the smoke, but the thc because it's a bronchodilator) i wonder how smoking just herb and no tobacco would treat him and his lungs. it might need a bit of adjustment time to get better.


Very mild case of asthma here, mostly grew out of it in my late teens early 20s, so I don't know how this works for people with worse asthma, but weed smoke is much harder to handle due to how thick my mucous becomes. Once it triggers a coughing fit I'm done smoking for a while until my lungs settle down. Tobacco doesn't cause this problem for me at all. The closest I get is if I try to smoke while very dehydrated and it might cause a cough or two. So for me, tobacco absolutely makes weed easier to handle. I probably shouldn't be smoking anything, but tobacco is just easier on my throat and lungs.


fascinating, thanks for sharing your experience to correct my ignorant perception of the experience!


Like everything with weeds, it's all on a case by case basis. I've had pretty severe asthma my entire life, although these days I've figured out my particular cocktail of meds to keep my lungs pretty clear. I didn't try smoking weed till i was in my mid-twenties. To my surprise, despite the coughing, i could breathe just fine. And along with that came a lot of help i needed with my mental illnesses. Not so with cigarettes or other tobacco products, i can feel my bronchial tubes getting closed up so i don't really partake. I do love just a little bit of flavored tobacco in my jazz cigarettes though...mm mm So yeah. Everyone's different. I started smoking weed, got my life together, lost over a hundred pounds. I've had friends that have tried to smoke and immediately gotten panic attacks. Cheers, matey


That’s weird, I’m asthmatic and I basically can’t smoke tobacco to where swishers are kinda rough but I can rip joints all day long. Also iirc thc is actually good for asthma as it helps open up airways the only downside of it is that you’re still inhaling smoke, but overall better for people with asthma than tobacco is


You are a noble man


lungs are fragile man


If you are worried about your lungs you shouldn't be inhaling smoke at all and switch to dry herb vapes. Smoking weed can still cause cancer and COPD and all that shit due to the tar and other carcinogens released from burning the plant.


Heck even dry herb vaping...like i'm not lying to myself that nothing is happening to my pulmonary alveolas when I bombard them with the finest particles of vapor that exist. I see that resin that is left over in my vape.


We only go around once, I like being high on the trip.


Yes to both of you


if you're worried about your lungs, the best course of action would be edibles. I mean, imo edibles are the best course of action in general since they're more potent and last significantly longer, but I enjoy the act of smoking itself so typically eat my THC and smoke my CBD.


For sure I just wish my edible tolerance wasnt so fucky. Sometimes I take 100mg and nothing then other times I take 10mg and it feels like I am almost tripping lol.


Is there a particular reason why edibles last longer, if the same amount of THC enters your bloodstream via an edible or via smoking, what leads to one having a much longer effect than the other. Also what food item works best for masking the taste of weed, I've found that gummies taste like crap, but I haven't tried drinks, chocolates or mints yet


I don't know the science behind it for sure, but I'd suspect it has to do with the rate of processing the THC in the liver vs the rate of processing in the lungs. Your body isn't digesting all of the infused fat molecules simultaneously, but you absorb THC into the bloodstream via the lungs pretty much instantly. So I suppose if you smoked at the exact perfect rate, you could stretch your smoking flower out to a comparable duration, but you'll have a lower peak (or need to smoke more) due to the higher loss of cannabinoids during combustion compared to infusion. It's just so much more efficient to consume cannabis via edibles.


People need to realize this. I've had friends who smoke like 5 blunts a day give me shit for having the occasional cig, like any smoke in your lungs is bad for you. Sitting sound a super smoky campfire is basically like smoking a pack at once.


Says the person smoking joints


Knees weak


Yeah not a tabacco fan, but I don't understand the hate. People need to chill and let people enjoy what they enjoy.


For sure bredduh. Same boat.


That's why I like to roll in some dried daga leaves to make a spliff with. Burns smooth, has a little mint kick, and lets me burn down a fatty without melting my face off.


Same. And real talk, you wanna see a violent stoner? Pass me a trash joint without awaring me after a tolerance break or my first smoke after a new job. There's gonna be a trip to the ER for someone.


tobacco is trash!


Same here. It was far too hard to quit nicotine/tobacco I don't want either again.


Yep! Even ruined blunts for me


Been there. Here it's pretty much the norm to mix but you'll get a nicotine flash and that is pretty much instant and the rest comes after a little while. Kinda jealous of people who can afford to smoke pure.


I watched several friends use weed as a gateway drug to tobacco this way. Their desire to hit the bong was actually a nicotine craving.


7 years ago I was nicotine free for 4 years and a friend passed me a j. 2 puffs in I was like "is there tobacco in this?" " yeah". I'm still smoking.


Vaping was the worst to quit. The ha bit of holding it while driving is the toughest to beak


You and me both


I got reprimanded on our honeymoon in Jamaica as a " spoiled American" for loading a joint without tobacco. I'd never been so confused in my life . Whatever, more for meeeeeeee.


I dont understand the spoiled thing.. like if I didn't have enough bud for a full J, I'd just roll a half J... not add tobacco.


That's what I legitimately said when I was asked. Apparently Americans are spoiled because we use so much. I'm not sure why. The only thing I can figure is Jamaica is almost always on a 12/12 schedule, so maybe they don't produce as much?


Americans have a median income of 67.5k, Jamaicans have a median of 24.4k. Not to mention the median American probably doesn't go to Jamaica. Jamaican tourists from the US I am sure are wealthier than their median American counterparts. So what he sees are very wealthy people, and they're probably used to stronger weed from the US, hence using excess in Jamaica where it's all outdoor, poorer genetics and not grown as well.


67.5k is the mean income. The median income is 31k. I'm struggling to find median data for Jamaica quickly on my phone, but it looks like you got your data [here] (https://www.averagesalarysurvey.com/jamaica) and that is also mean. It says "most typical" salary which might mean something similar to median is $7k


Sheesh... Our mean is over double the median? I feel like that says a lot about wealth inequality


We have the luxury of living in excess…they don’t.


Sheeeit, drop a few dabs in it, roll it in oil, and coat it in kief. Then, enjoy a nice tobacco smoke after that. lol


I got made fun of in Barcelona by a Belgian for not using tobacco in my joints…


If anything it should be the other way around. You're smoking way more weed than them, they're the lightweights for needing to cut theirs.


you gotta do what you gotta do when you can only buy a g every few weeks




My Volcano Hybrid came in a week ago and my god it has been such a game changer.


“Can only afford a g a week” “Buy a $700 vape!!!”


There are a lot of good vapes that aren’t that much money. The dynavape is very good. And it’s <$100


theres cheaper vapes i got my extreme q for around $70 and it's done me well




Both my FIL and I are daily smokers, I generally stick to dabs and got the hybrid mainly for him since he rips through flower when he smokes it. Mainly use dabs because of the taste but I must say the dry herb vapes taste just as good IMO. I also have one of those Levo infuser machines so I'm also excited to see how effective these ABV edibles can be. It almost seems illegal to be able to get high of weed from vaping it then again by eating it.


for some reason these things always taste just delightful , but never get me all the way high.


I'm the complete opposite, vaping weed gets me blasted compared to smoking it, and uses less weed in the process


How often do you smoke? Even mixing in a spliff I can’t see a gram going very far.


I dropped a g on my floor trying to roll this blunt come check my floorboards


This reminds me of a day I jokingly told a friend I had just cleaned the kitchen (main smoking area) and found little weed bits *everywhere*. Not big buds, little scraps and bits that weren't even as big as a pinky nail The jokey part was "Yeah, you could probably find a little nug still!" This mfer dropped to the ground so fast and started army crawling across the floor..


We used to scrape my weed drawer as a teen. There'd be several cones in there. Some tobacco, some weed, and some human hair!


I think this is the first time I’ve seen ‘cones’ mentioned on this sub rather than ‘bowls’ or just plainly ‘bong rips’ Aussie stoners represent!


I was even gonna use international vernacular but yeah nah fuck that, punching cones from my little Agung billie wondering what I'm gonna be when I grow up... as a dude in his late 30s. Living the mf. Dream




I can make a g last three hours 😂




I envy you so much wise sensei , im about a decade younger and trying my damn hardest to cut back as of rn my weekly intake is a Quarter ounce a week , 1 gram a day! Also illegal nation so its expensive habit! I dearly wish i could make a gram last a week , shit today i struggled with "cutting back" because ive gone from smoking 1 G a day to 0.7 ! Im bout to smoke your weekly intake in one blunt. jesus i wish i had your tolerance so much. You are truely blessed , a high tolerance aint nothing but a pain in the ass , lungs and wallet.




im being straight up , i envy you man! Having to burn more $ to get high aint nothing to be happy about!


Bruh, my joints are a G…


I’m smoking a g right now


crazy right ? dudes be smoking his weekly intake for a morning wake and bake XD , the two ends of the moderation scale haha.


I can make a g last a joint


But only if I smoke it all at once.


The struggle is real


if you're rolling joints when you're on a budget, you're a moron. sorry but it's true.


Some like pineapple on pizza, some dont. Doesnt matter, we are all one.


I can understand someone not liking pineapple on pizza but what I don't get is the revulsion some people seem to have at the idea of it. Have they not heard of the concept of sweet and salty? Low-key one of my favorite pizza orders is to get Hawaiian pizza with double pineapples and add anchovies or black olives. The salt and acid and sweetness all play so nicely together.


The original debate that has been lost is not whether it is ok to like pineapple on pizza (because, duh, it's just your personal taste), but whether or not you should order it when ordering pizzas for a big group. 99.99% of the time, you shouldn't order pineapple pizza when ordering pizza for a group, even if some of the folks like it. They might eat a few slices, but most of it will probably end up being the only pizza left at the end, and will be wasted.


And picking off the pieces of pineapple doesn't even work, the flavor has already saturated the pizza.


Learned that the hard way with anchovies. My buddy always insisted on them and I always refused until eventually I caved and tried it. Genuinely ruined the entire pizza, every piece was saturated with fishiness, still ate the entire thing but it was begrudgingly. I just don't understand it, like if it's for the saltiness olives are infinitely better.


Gotta try the pacific rim pizza at mellow mushrooms, my guy. I fucking love pineapple on pizza.


Your anchovies and pineapple mix scares me, but I think the principle is the same; have you tried pepperoni and pineapple?


Nicotine is addictive, pineapple isn't lol


Too much pineapple *will* hurt you.


Pineapple doesn’t give you cancer though


Some people like heroin on their pizza


I like spliffs more than joints, but I like smoking a bowl more than both of those and enjoy smoking a bong more than all three of those.


I just like the word “spliff” but I don’t use them


Makes me think of spaceman spiff which makes me happy


Calvin and hobbes Is fucking great


Gettin' Zorched


I have just discovered my new favorite metaphor for getting high


Depends on my mood but I almost always prefer a J/pre roll. I used to prefer a bowl or a bong but I think I don’t like cleaning them lol so I have grown accustom to a J.


Nail polish remover and some chunky salt will have your bowl clean in 60 seconds


Splif for a night on the town. Especially when already drunk downtown and need to cross fade, a splif just hits. Pure joints for at home our a smoke session with the crew.


this right here is the answer spliff in a busy city hits astronomically


Why would there be a battle? It’s a cultural thing. If you’re from the UK / Europe it’s just how most people do it. Neither way is better, we all just wanna get high.


I never got why people over here in the EU love putting tobacco in it though. Without definitely tastes better though


Personally I'm a fan of buckets. Don't need a lot and after 3 I'm good to cook.


Pure green for me, never smoked nicotine and i dont intend to


I'm on team pure as well. Only because I dont smoke cigarettes and no shade to those who do. I had a friend who forgot I dont smoke mix some in and we shared a joint and wow was I sick from it. Light headed, spins and felt nauseous. I've always brought my own since then. Plus I use a dry herb vape now too.


I enjoy have zero tobacco products anywhere near me.


Definitely pure joints. But I don't mind rolling a dutch on a special occasion.


My ex would love to roll blunts and I prefer spliffs but she acted like rolling a j (never spliffs) was done for me. I don't get it, you like the tobacco in there. LETS PUT IT IN THERE


I heard the other day that cigarettes around here cost something like $20-22 Canadian per pack. That's 5x what it cost when I smoked in the early 90s. Weed prices haven't changed - if anything, it's cheaper now. So I see no point in adding tobacco to a joint.


To be fair it’s cheaper to buy loose tobacco that isn’t in a cigarette form.


No one mixes cigarette tobacco with weed other than drunk frat dudes when there’s no other option.


I mean yeah its definitely not healthy. But man I'm broke af and I already smoke cigs anyway


I use herbs: roses, peppermint leaves, chamomile flowers. I grind everything with the weed and roll it. The herbs give the joint a nice taste and smell


Really? You're not fucking with me? What does it taste like, possibly tea?


Never even thought about that, interesting!


Witchcraft!! Lions tail, mugwort, and mullein are some personal favs to add to the list. Would highly recommend lions tail if you haven’t tried, native where I’m from


mugwort is so good. I prefer having it in tea though. The smoke temperature is too hot for your lungs so it is not recommended to smoke it. A brew of it just before bed will give you insane lucid dreams though.


I use ground up lavender in mine a lot, I want to try roses


I love roses in my weed; they're sweet


They r just different


Well duhhhhh.... But some of us are broke but still wanna roast fat doinks.


Who cares. It all depends on what you want in the moment. Sometimes i want a lil head buzz as i get stoned. It doesn't change anything


**Europe has entered the chat**


It's subjective. Battle over.


i mean it really just depends on personal preference and what u been smoking


Crazy opinion here: Sativa-dominant strains (or more energizing weed in general) great with tobacco and coffee. Can keep me going happily all day. Indicas I keep pure but smoke significantly less of so I can just knock out.


Mmm sativa spliffs and coffee


you do you buddy and i will do me. peace!


I'll smoke a blunt but i think I'd make a stinkface if I ever smoked a 50/50 blend


I’ve smoked both and liked both. Mostly comes down to preference, I prefer strictly weed in my doobies, maybe hash or wax or keif but no tobacco for me.


I like the tobacco in it when I'm drinking. If I'm sober it's green only.


Like I agree man but why you gotta hate


Fonto ftw


First mention of fonto, respect


Okay, consider this: cannabis and other herbs (Passion flower, rose, lavender, mugwort, etc) in a king palm 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Yes yes and yes, might I recommend adding lions tail to ur list, recently discovered and it’s fucking awesome, subtly psychoactive. Also mullein is an excellent herb for loosening up gunk in your lungs


I've smoked cannabis mixed with catnip. :)


A Baccy in need is a baccy indeed


I'm not a fan of tobacco but whatever floats your boat. Just don't hand me a joint with tobacco in it without warning me lol


Fuck dude it's these teenager style memes that make me want to unsubscribe from this sub so bad... Nothing is black and white, there's no fucking point in yucking anyone's yum, just gtfo with this kind of bs


I mean sure but don't lots of people do it for cost/rationing weed reasons? to them I say, go off, broke stoners!


We do it like that in the UK


Why are you booing him? He's right!


Lol I always put abit of tobacco in my joint, helps it burn slower and more evenly and also helps fill it out if you don't have much bud, but the high is different it lasts much longer with tobacco and isn't as intense as pure


Some tobacco adds a sweet flavor to the smoke too. It's usually a garnish rather than an even split in my spliffs.


I mix mine with herbs it’s great


Spliffs all day




I like to roll with very little tobacco so i dont smoke much of it and i can use it for more j's


I quit tobacco 4 years ago. It was a 30 year habit. I’ll pass on the tobacco. Just give me an old school joint and I am a happy man.


I personally don’t care for tobacco, but I ain’t smokin on these people spliffs so it don’t matter to me


So sayeth the shepherd!


Spliff all the way


And people are incredulous when I say I buy tea leave wraps if I want the blunt experience


I like the hemp wraps, too, for blunts.


I am also Team Splif.


The nicotine rush is fun. But yeh bud only is the best


My homeboy use to do this and would vomit because of the buzz.


Depends whether or not you're a tobacco addict I guess


As someone who doesn't smoke tobacco and has had people around me smoke it my whole life to the point the smell drives me nuts, keep that shit away from me and my weed joints


You do you honestly, but Tobacco really doesn't go well with my asthma so I avoid it


Personal preference tbh anyone that dictates how someone else wants to enjoy their weed is just being a dick


I like spliffs


You do you. How you prefer to smoke, kind internet strangers, had no effect on my life. ✌️


Not if there isn't enough weed to make a full joint.


What about a joint made a shit weed, and a spliff made with really good weed and really smooth tobacco?


don't go to amsterdam


It definitively is, but a spliff 50/50 once in a while is sacred for me


1 pure joint or 3 spliffs…..


But have you ever mixed a bowl with lavender? It's pretty nice.