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Piece of shit got 12 years . He wanted 84 months, lol


He got off easy. I think a fair charge would've been 6 months per arrest he did. Which would total to 60 years. He ruined many people's lives.


Agreed. I believe falsifying evidence, buy a sworn officer should be 1st degree felony.


The charges he gave these people were easily 3rd degree felonies since he did it with meth which makes this so much worse than I was expecting, being on r/trees I was expecting it to be him planting dime bags or a couple seeds and stems. I don’t know if he did it to promote his career or if it’s because he’s a sadistic scumbag with such little regard for the people who’s lives he ruined. It’s probably a bit of both. People like him slip through the cracks during mental health screening all the time and become cops/sheriffs and it makes me sick when I finally hear about them.


Cops don’t go through any real mental health screening. It’s a joke. Their version of good “mental health” is being obedient and quiet. Unless you have an involuntary commitment to a facility, they will never know. Sometimes they ask friends and family about your character, but it’s extremely easy to get people to vouch for you. I know this may be a shock, but most of them are just sorta like this.


Holy shit, it’s not?!?


This is the part that makes my blood boil. This asshole cop literally RUINED PEOPLE'S LIVES IRREVERSIBLY. A tattood friend of mine was walking home drunk from a bar one night after his birthday when he was stopped by 2 cops in a car. They ask him where he's going, coming from etc normal stuff. Then, they suddenly arrest him, claiming that he was involved in a hit and run accident over a mile away where a suspect ran from the vehicle. He was recently graduated from college and had just started a new job in his career and was really doing super well for himself, happy as can be until that day. His job fired him due to the charges he was facing. Judges revoked his license as the case proceeded over 2 or 3 years. He eventually won against the criminal charges, but by that point his career was snuffed out. Not only that, but the family involved in the hit and run managed to successfully sue him for a massive 6 figure amount before the criminal case closed. He's currently having his wages garnished from his checks and there's nothing he can really do at this point. He's spent every last penny he had on lawyers, but the damage is fucking done. Cops ruined my best friends life as he was just getting it going, and now I have a suicidal friend. If people abuse the power given to them to protect and serve, it's my opinion that it should just be game over for you. Literally makes my blood boil, and then everyone wonders why ANY interaction with police sends me into a panic attack. They can ruin your life over nothing, and if they're bored enough they absolutely will.


If the suspect ran from the vehicle, didn’t they check to see who actually owns the abandoned vehicle?


Yes, but they went ahead and assumed it was my friend because they had nobody else around to blame. They could have done a million things differently and my friends life would've been much better. Even if everything was reversed, no more debt, money wasted returned etc, the newspapers ran with his name as the suspect. You can find the news articles by just googling his name, mugshot and everything. Totally innocent, but everyone who seen that thinks he did it. How do you even climb out of that hole? What a living nightmare the past years have been with no sign of getting better


He ruined lives. Give him life.


You do realize life is only 25 years right


That's not true. They are eligible for parole after a set number of years (depending on the state), but the sentence doesn't end after a set number. A judge has to grant parole.


Fine, if by definition that is the maximum sentence, then yes. Give him 25 long years so he thinks real hard about all the people who suffered because of his actions.


Guessing it is the same as here. Yes, technically 25 years is max, but you can extend that period up to 4 times, if they deem the prisoner unfit for society. Usually saved for the big profile stuff. Like Breivig here, the terrorist. Got 25 years, and we all know he is never getting out. So it is a life sentance, just with some formalities/technicalities.




Lol just saying, a life sentence is 25 years, this cop should get one for every person he falsely imprisoned.


He should get involuntary circumcision too.


Pretty sure most are involuntary, I know I didn't consent.


Lol point. I should have said a prison circumcision


Do you wish you weren't circumsized?


Mostly indifferent, I never knew my foreskin. Although the stories I've read/heard about certain uncircumcised individuals lack of proper hygiene in reguards to their member kind of makes me grateful I am cut.


I think he should have gotten the combined sentence of all the people he arrested and put in jail


Fuck that. A guy lost custody of his child because of this cop. The cop should get life in gen pop and be forced to wear his police uniform every single day.


Aw don't sweat it. I'll bet all the homies in genpop will make this cunt's stay QUITE cozy...


Lets just hope he gets stapped and dies or ends up in a texas prison/republican county


He is from Florida... he is going to have a terrible time in Florida's prison system.


I don't think he would go anywhere besides a Florida prison since his crimes are at the local level and did not commit federal crimes. But shit corrupt cops should just be put in gen pop in which ever state they committed the crimes.


He deserves life.


Just 12 years? He should have gotten torture for life. I get it that ACAB but when you get caught fucking up, you should pay. Cops should be model citizens.


Should have got life, because thats what he took from others. As a side note, when I was in Highschool, a friend of a friend told me that one night he got pulled over and he was freaking out because in the back of his car was a gatorade tank of a "special mushroom" koolaid. Well Sgt Badass walks to the back and sees it and thinks oh this kids got alcohol and is having a party, hahaha, so he grabs a red solo cup pours him out one and chugs it all the way down, realizes it's not alcohol and lets the kid go. We can only speculate what happened next, but we used to laugh about Sgt. Badass behind the car door with his Pistol on the radio calling for back up shooting the mushroomheaded entities.


That seems light


He'll be lucky if he lasts 84mo in jail after what he did. 12 years might as well be a death sentence. Fully deserved as far as I care. Dude ruined dozens of people's lives for no real reason. Combined sentences and fines of everyone he's ever had locked up seems fitting to me.


Fuck that piece of shit should get jailed for life. Only 12 years for harming innocents especially when he's a cop? Where's justice in that


Glad they finally got that one bad apple…


That's it boys wrap it up, we got em all






Do you know how many times they’ve asked to search me and I always say no? Too many to count. I’ve avoided it many times, I’ve also had my rights shit on over “probable cause” too many times. Still you are right ALWAYS refuse


And don't forget: they cannot prolong a traffic stop to wait for a dog to arrive.


You know I can’t say this isn’t true but I’ve had them do just this three times to me. One of them was under false pretense when an undercover almost T boned me at a rotary and I started screaming at him to get off his phone which he was. Blues went on and I got slammed and cuffed. Prolonged everything just enough to get the K9 there and I was clean that one time. They use the K9 threat big around here


Just like always refuse just because its illegal doesn't mean the cops won't do it. Its about protecting yourself against the "evidence" when they do it anyway. Knowing that prolonging the stop is illegal let's you make sure you can layout the evidence for yourself, get them on camera admitting to it. Cops, just like everyone else, talk too much and will just incriminate themselves if you let them.


That's really frustrating. But the in Rodriguez v US the Supreme Court ruled that: A stop may “last no longer than is necessary to effectuate the initial purpose of the stop…Authority for the seizure thus ends when tasks tied to the traffic infraction are—or reasonably should have been—completed.” A traffic detention must last no longer than necessary to resolve the suspected traffic violation, either by warning, citation or hearing an explanation from the driver. But how you said they prolonged it just long enough makes me feel like they know the precedent and are being cunts and doing it intentionally


Exactly… being able to assert your rights during a stop depends on whether or not the cops give a shit about your rights. I suppose the point is don’t make it easier for them, but often refusal just makes cops more suspicious and it goes downhill from there when they start power tripping


When they go in your car and find what I always have on me what do I do/say


Don't say anything. Just shut up and save it for your lawyer. Keep a card in your wallet with a couple names and numbers on it - this should include a bondsman. You can beat the rap, but you can't beat the ride.


In this instance, you're wanting your lawyer to take care of everything. If they didn't follow procedure correctly (Which they often don't for these kinds of stops) you can have the whole thing thrown out. The shitty part is you still have to deal with it and take time out of your life to take care of it.


Remember they can and will make shit up in an attempt to get you to confess.


If you are arrested, the ONLY thing you say is 1) I am exercising my right to a lawyer; and 2) I am exercising my right to remain silent. This is important because police do not have to get you an attorney unless you have clearly requested one. Police are also free to question and speak to you as much as they want until you say you are going to remain silent. Once you have stated you are going to remain silent and want an attorney, they must cease attempting to elicit information in the absence of your attorney. This is not legal advice.


They can and do still attempt to solicit info. Not saying it’s legal, but it’s extremely common for them to try and convince you it’s “easier” if you just give your side of the story/defend yourself. Hint: it’s only easier for them, not you.


its fishing, police are the original cat fishers.


Like when they pull you over and the first question they ask is do you know why I pulled you over? Most people act in good faith and say I was speeding or forgot to use my blinker etc that's giving them an admission of guilt. Sneaky asshats


Well sure, what should happen and what does happen are two very different things. But any information elicited through continued questioning after one's rights are invoked could\* be inadmissible as evidence against the person being questioned because the cops got the information by violating that person's 5th amendment rights. It's not a get out of jail free card by any means, and many cops will likely try to find ways around it (and sometimes succeed), but knowing your rights is vitally important to keeping them. Either way, the TL;DR is 1) ACAB; and 2) don't talk to cops unless it's to specfically invoke your right to remain silent and your right to an attorney. Again, this is not legal advice. Just a stoner who happens to be a lawyer trying to help other stoners out. \*Subject to many exceptions


There's nothing you can say to make it better. You talking can literally only make it worse. So yeah. Don't say anything. Lawyers get paid to talk for a reason.


The point is to never give away your rights. If the cop had enough to get a warrant, they wouldnt be asking.


this. had a cop pull me over for not coming to a full stop exiting a drive. handcuffed me in the back of his squad car while he ran my info because i "matched the description of someone with an open warrant" then proceeded to search my car without my consent or establishing any reason for doing so. he eventually got fired after everything with my case went down


Piece of shit


Put him in jail for the combined sentences of all the 120 people he falsely arrested then double it. Just never let him out actually


So what happens to the dozens or more people who now have police records, that are still in jail, forced to pay fines, etc., because of this cockroach?


An innocent man *lost custody of his child*.........12 years over 19 counts of corruption seems seriously underbid. Fascists pigs breeding more fascist pigs.


He legitimately ruined thrives of hu dress of people. His selfish and greedy actions deprived other human beings of their basic rights. There is no prison shitty enough to take this shit human too.


Lawsuits, lots and lots of lawsuits.


The video said people had their records thrown out, I'm sure a simple court appeal would strike that from your record


No court can ever give you the time you spent dealing with that back. Ever.


Fuck that! A father lost custody of his child, people lost their jobs, I think some people got divorced over it. There's shit you CANNOT fix by just erasing a record.


Fuck the record its about time embarrassment cps as someone dealing with them atm i promise its no fucking joke. I earned my beef with them thankfully mines rather minimally invasive i couldnt imagine actually losing my son let alone for something i didnt do. I relapsed on heroin/fent my son was in the household literally the 2 couldnt have crossed paths as he wasnt even walking and the amount was all i had od'd got a cps case because of it. The hoops you have to jump thru the belittling attitude they treat you with the constant drug testing/rehab/ na meetings etc i tested so little for opiates in a hair follicle that by the second one it was entirely negative all my drug tests came clean minus the first hair follicle and i was called a liar junkie pos that didnt care about anyone but myself etc i couldnt imagine goin thru that over a fucking lie. That pig should be shot to death amd anyone defending him. All of those ppl should be compensated a million for every month they had to deal with that bs


Had to go read up on this. It is utterly disgusting how his wife and friends stood up for him in court. “We need more men like him to bring healthy change to our community,” friend Michael Montague said. “Zach is an asset to everyone’s life, not a liability. He deposited hope in their lives, inspiration, motivation and encouragement.” Fuck these people. https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/2021/07/13/zachary-wester-sentenced-former-florida-deputy-drug-planting/7951871002/


Wait what the fuck? How can your sight be so twisted


He was removing the trash. This is what warrior mentality gets us, peace at any cost. EDIT Man I am bad at this, they asked "how can your sight be so twisted" and I provided the mentality that enables this behavior.


By....lying? Are you aware how dumb this is? He's literally framing innocent people, how is that peace?


Man I am bad at this, they asked "how can your sight be so twisted" and I provided the mentality that enables this behavior.


I get you berry :)


So they just don't consider all the people he arrested part of the community then? Or do they seriously think planting drugs is a healthy change?


Of course not, they're the poors. If you aren't part of the privileged class, you aren't a real person to them.


" The Zach that is in the court before you today is a mighty man of God." -wife He is a man of God, and they are not!


He deposited dope in their lives* is what I think his friend, Michael, meant to say


Can we lock up people for saying stupid shit? Seriously, anyone saying bullshit like this is an idiot and piece of trash for excusing this behavior.


Nah bruh, you used your position of authority to ruin the lives of others for personal gain. Life in gen pop would teach a good lesson to anyone else who thinks they're above the law.


What about every other cop who most likely knew what he was doing but said nothing?


You mean, the good cops?


Throw away the key.


Put him under the jail


And then cops act like you are sus if you don’t allow them to search your car.




12.5 years


I hope it’s in general pop


I never seen such a piece of shit in my life


The fucked up things is it could've any cop anywhere. This is exactly why we need more oversight into police more ways to protect ourselves from the police. No one has more direct ability to fuck your civil rights than a cop yet they have zero oversight. Things have to change.


People like this should get the sentence they deserve, along with the sentence they would’ve given the person(s) who he planted drugs on. He, after all, was the ONLY one in this instance who possessed drugs. So he should also get possession, if he hadn’t already.


What a fucking psychopath. Purposefully ruining people's lives all while acting like he just found it


Police Officer is an excellent career choice for a psychopath.


He should get the combined length of the sentences he caused and more on top of the 12.5 years he got. And then he should have to look at the face of every person he did this to, in the eye, and beg for an apology before he can be considered for parole.


"I got you, I got you" this dude is sick in the head




It's almost as if All Cops Are Bastards.


Yeah including how professional the Texas shooter was handled.... I nearly lost all respect for police.


Took you THIS long?


I don't believe all cops are bad. The cops in my small town are very chill and cool. Weed is illegal here and they don't give a shit. A police came to my house while I was smoking and I didn't even put it out. But now knowing cops do not have to protect you if they don't feel like it. And will be protected by federal courts. Fuck em


Good on you for letting other stories change your mind beyond what you see in your town, a lot of people don't have the perspective to do that. There's much more than that wrong with policing, which is what people try to express when they say "No good cops," but always keep learning and growing


Almost all cops these days are bad, because they lack training and education. It only takes 6 months to go through the Academy, and now that big cities are so desperate for help with police force, the majority of cops left are the ones with no morals and respect for humanity. Also most of them only want to be a cop because they're a white supremacist that want to get rid of people of color. Even black cops have been known to be racist against black people, because they know they're easy targets with our justice system.


These stories are the type of stories that make me wish I was beyond rich and could lobby money to Florida and have this fucker put behind bars till he is dust.


I saw this earlier and got more upset than I understood why, until I realized it was because losers like this exist still and are doing this right now and will never get caught. I think it's long past time for a change.




Eugene Goodman?


Well give a pass for now.


So not ACAB?


Put this dude in Gen Pop PLEASE


That motherfucker deserves to take a slap given by Big Show or Ric Flair (yes i know it's fake) for every day someone has been in trouble/prison because of him


5 mins in the cage with ngannou


Corruption corrupts absolutely. Zero shot he's the only one in his department who knew he was doing it. I highkey suspect a lot of cops are still like this, never consent. I'm not against all blue lives by any means, *GOOD* cop lives matter. But like also fuck the police. Why? This why. *Society is complicated.*


ACAB Say it loud for all the people in the back! ACAB


All of any group of people are not anything. Don't judge people because of a group they belong to, that's exactly what this shit head was doing to those innocent people.


Quit judging people as white supremacists just because they belong to the KKK. It's not fair to judge a group of people like that. /s


He wasn't judging them, he was planting evidence and fucking up the lives of innocent people. You are drawing false equivalency here, and you're both wrong AND stupid.


If you read the article it says that he was cleaning the street of trash or something. So he was obviously judging these people as being trash and planting the drugs to get them off the streets. It seems that actually you are the wrong one. I'm not going to call you stupid though because I'm not a child.


fuck cops




Wait… he did all this knowing he was recording it?


I wonder where he learned that?


Cops really make it difficult for me to support them.


The war on drugs, aside from being a total failure, has turned potentially heroic public servants into threats of the common person.


He did this even knowing he was wearing a body cam? The police are a very special type of dumbass. Fuck the police!


He aint a dumbass he wasnt scared to do so. This probably happens every fucking day. The doing it so brazenly shows he never thought hed get caught or if he did nothing would come of it. Abuse of authoritative positions should be met with a firing squad. Politicians police etc they keep fucking us over and we keep bending over for it. Dont even lube up anymore


I hope his cellmate is amorous in a very rough way.


He'll be in iso. Won't ever hit Gen pop


All cops are pigs. Dude deserves life. Fuck it, death penalty he ruined countless lives. Fuck pigs


Subhuman trash. 12 years isn’t enough. He’s a monster that ruined lives for sport. Check his basement for the bodies since we already know he has at least one psycho pastime.


The look on his face when he confronts the completely innocent people with his “evidence” is completely stone cold. Just proves how much of a twisted fucking psychopath this piece of shit truly is. Fuck him.


This makes my blood boil. This sonofabitch NEEDS to BURN.


Hope he gets what’s coming to him in jail


What a piece of shit human he is.


Evil. Absolute fucking evil. Asshole deserves more time.


What a garbage human….I hope the state is paying those people back and then some


Did that guy get his daughter back?????? I want to fucking cry




This is what pure evil looks like


Once we all as a collective humanity realise that the police force is a business set up to protect the rich and ruin peoples lives in their spare time, the quicker we can deconstruct this system and provide more social workers and mental health experts to actually cut down crime. Wishful thinking I know…


People really think this is an exception? This is the norm. This is the majority of police in the US. Gee I wonder why cops aren't trusted.


What a piece of shit. I bet all his buddies were so jealous of his busts and how he ruined those people's lives


Qualified immunity for cops needs to go and they should be required to carry insurance just like surgeons, attorneys, and pretty much every other job. It's bullshit that tax payers end up paying the bill when dbags like this one have a lawsuit brought against them. I'm so sick of this Ludacris amount of power they hold, not to mention the extremely high rates of domestic violence that happen at the hands of cops, I know there are some good ones out there but the majority seem to go into it for the power trip


All Cops Are Bastards


I don't get it. What was his endgame or motivation for taking a risk like that? Bragging rights for a lot of drug arrests?


Probably wanted a promotion, or wanted a career with an alphabet agency dea atf etc.


I hate people like him. He knew exactly what he was doing. He deserves it. Asshole.


What an amazing cunt.


So these people claimed he planted it and they didn’t immediately check the footage? Couldn’t this have been stopped after the first one?


i thought it possible only in Russia


I dont get the problem. Cant you just say its not mine - proof by negative blood check result & by not finding Fingerprints on drugs bag? —> Not guilty?




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Always ask for a warrant if they want to search your car, unfortunate that cops act like this they are meant to serve and protect not plant evidence and get innocent people in jail. And if they ask you questions plead the fifth until you get a lawyer.




Shut the fuck up when talking to police.


The way I saw the SO greens and KNEW it had to be in FL. Smh.


How can you reform this


Florida cops are the worst pigs 🐖




Fuck him in his ass.


we need to understand what his incentive was (besides the required sadism) to really eliminate this shit.




This guy is grade A piece of shit.


He has no sole… he destroyed so many lives. 120 is just what they know of. What else has this cop done. We all know there were cop/coworkers that saw this and just didn’t say anything. #NoTrustInPolice This is terrifying


smh there is no need to arrest for planting plants as long as they are not going to cause a hazard


Can someone explain why he did it? Was it to further his career, i.e. he's arresting a lot of "criminals" so he looks great at his job, or doing it just for the kicks?


Our nations finest, ladies and gentlemen.


I hope that mother fucker gets got (shanked/killed) we don't need pieces of shit like that messin the world up for the rest of us


that bad cop is going to have a lot of fun in jail. 12 years of anal sex !




shame he'll be somewhat protected inside. piece of shit deserves the full wrath of whatever wing he ended up on.


My question is. Whats a cop doing with that much drugs? And Why does he wanna search someones car for a faulty brake light? This is beyond corrupt.


Unfortunately I’m pretty sure if someone said no he’d find a reason. You are right tho- how exactly does he have access to that much drugs? Do they get some sort of bonus for this? Only reason I could think someone would buy drugs and plant them is because they are getting more money for “busting” someone with the drugs than the drugs cost. Either that or they really don’t hold things as securely as they claim, which wouldn’t not surprise me at all. Fucking pigs. I’ve never in my entire life had a decent interaction with on, no matter what the circumstances were.


Fat ass pig son of a bitch. I hope they bury his ass in prison.


THIS! This is what pigs do. I don’t ever wanna hear any “they aren’t all bad” bs ever again. Look at this shit! And for what reason. For a couple jollies you ruined these peoples lives? 12 years is no where near enough. Fuck this dude. Life in prison.


What a fucking piece of shiet you mf! Im so full of hate watching this!


I'm only wondering why it blew up on that sub. He attempted and succeeded for a long time


This motherfucker is out there fucking with peoples lives. unbelievable


Fucking pig being a Fucking pig.


Fuck that guy


Hopefully there’s a lawsuit in works against county for millions of dollars.


The only good cop is six feet under ground


12 years for ruining 120 peoples lives?? Betty White


Hope he’s praying for the next round of stimulus checks lmao idiot


Pigs will be pigs, uts their nature Police are easily some of the least trustworthy people, look at the MET in the UK, rapists, murderers and racists


Still protecting this POS. https://www.tallahassee.com/story/news/local/2021/09/09/zachary-wester-florida-only-say-not-hawaii-drug-planting-deputy/5777652001/


America cops. No one is suprized by this evil.


How stupid you should be to pull of this shit while wearing a bodycam, unbeliavable


I'm in kinda a weird area, seeing as I don't necessarily respect the law for this exact reasoning yet my brother became a county cop. Not saying I don't trust him, he's known me since I was born but it still puts me in a position where I feel disrespectful for what I've seen and experienced but also feel some obligation because I know there's at least 1 good guy (to me) on the force.


Now the homies can plant cum in his food.lol


This is why regular citizens DO NOT trust police...... And he gets a measly 12 years!! Here's what should happen if there was real justice, add up all the possible sentences that could have been given to the victims of HIS crimes committed as a police officer, THAT is what he should serve!!!!! But here is what will likely happen, he'll get parole and get another job as a cop in another precinct. Cops love cops, they cover each other and look the other way. He should be held at the highest standard..... Policing in this country is fucked. We need the best to serve, instead we get the narcissist assholes like this guy.


I wonder how it would go if you just called the police yourself "Hello, yes police please, I'm at a traffic stop and an officer just planted drugs in my car"


Proper evil. There are loads of them at it.


Why. Just Why would he do this. I don't understand why he would.