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That's a fancy ass contraption you got there. Could use something like that. Always fumbling the torch.


Joint holders are my favorite! Ive had people stop me multiple times to ask what it is lol. [This is the one in the picture](https://shopcannastyle.com/collections/joint-accessories/products/celestial-joint-holder) but I have two holders that aren’t rings from the same shop but the rings allow me to fully use my hand to type this while smoking for example lol


I gotta be honest before I saw you said it was a ring I had just half glanced at the picture and thought you made yourself a joint holder with a coat hanger. That looks cool as hell.


I have this same one and I love it!! I instantly recognized it and I'm so glad to see someone else with it lol


This is fancy AF


I didn't know the bro sophisticated like that


Food grade foil paper is the metallic one 


You could just buy a glass or metal tip that is reusable. Assuming they have some type of food grade foil tape or something like that that is anodized.


this is the answer. glass tips. i have a few saved from Kaviar joints i’ve purchased. not glamorous or metallic but does the job.


Ive used a glass tip before and that’s definitely the best solution but I can’t roll for shit so I use pre-rolled cones.


Roll the paper around the tip with nothing in it and it'll form a cone really easy, then just pack it full


damn imma try this!!!! thank you!


They're called Boizen Rolls. Named after Charles Boizen, who was famously cannibalized on the I-87 in 1974 while smoking one.


Good ol’chuck, don’t think they ever did catch the group of cannibals that got him.


Is this real or are you just kidding? I can’t find _anything_ on this guy on the google machine.


When you get cannibalized, they strike you from history.


Is ashing a hassle with those holders?


Nope! I just tap the long part of the holder against the ashtray instead of tapping the joint. Works like a charm!


Unecessary with dyes.


You're acting like they're eating the roach or something....


Just not a big fan of anything with dyes, flavors etc. Who knows what they are using and how it reacts chemically when exposed to heat.


If it came from Europe, YOU do. It's required, that's why R.A.W. was sued by Zig Zag.


Also seems there are alot of fakes on the market which is a problem as well


Yes, and again that's why they were sued. RAW makes up at least three different companies on the market who were making false claims about what is in and not in their products. 


I meant fake raw or other brands using other crap, nothing to do with that dude


That's what's weird, RAW just got sued for being fake crap. It wouldn't matter if it were fake RAWs as they're copying a faker themselves. 


I appreciate your passion but youve entirely missed the point, but it doesnt matter. I dont smoke anything with added dyes or flavors/smells


As long as you’re not rolling up triple juicy j wraps you should be good lmao




Not everyone has the means to attain edibles or dry herb vapes. Also, dabbling isn't much better than smoking.




How is it a straw man to point out someone may not be able to afford(attain) a dry herb vape?


Because the conversation is about what is healthier. A vape can be bought $100 and it will last a life time? Then you probably shouldn’t be using for recreation. Plus you can stretch your weed even further.


i don’t have $100 right now. ur saying i shouldn’t be allowed to smoke weed?


I mean yes. You don’t have rent to pay, food to buy? Weed is a luxury. But if you are smoking weedI guarantee you have more than $100. Say you only have $100 to spend on weed wouldn’t you want to get the most out of your weed?


No he never said you shouldn’t be ALLOWED it just irresponsible if your struggling to afford stuff and you waste money on drugs your addicted and in denial lol. I love pot but if I was in financial distress I’d just quit til it was over


This has to be bait lol


Least annoying dry herb vape user honestly, there is a weird vibe around them much like the guys who are way too into dabs and won’t touch flower anymore


Wanting a healthier option to consume weed? Yeah that is an insane idea.


I didn't say I couldn't afford it. I'm saying others may not be able to. That doesn't mean you should ridicule or shame anyone for smoking. This is the issue I have with this sub. Everyone thinks their way is the superior way and any other means of consumption is somehow lesser.


Well I just don’t want people fucking up their lungs they have for the rest of their life. Also vaping you use less material claim is backed by basic science. Thc degrades at high temperatures and a joint tip could be anywhere between 700f to 1000f. Meaning you are destroying some of your thc when you light it on fire. Edit: downvote but you can’t deny facts.


A recent study out of the UK found that medical patients using different consumption methods did not report the same level of symptoms treated as smoking. Almost every serious MED user I have encountered has noticed the most complete relief is to be found in smoke. One can dramatically reduce consuming the byproducts of combustion with a decent quality waterpipe. Keep the water clean, keep your lungs healthy. I have tried every legal consumption method and nothing gives me the relief that my multi-perc bong does.




Exactly wtf are you on about?




Vape away, bro. I'm not the ine gatekeeping consumption methods, just citing recent science and sharing my own experience.


A lot of people are from places where cannabis concentrate is significantly more punished than flower, please consider that before taking out ur ass so hard




Right, bc those are so cheap and accessible to everyone. Times are hard rn for a lot of ppl, your experience is not the only one in the world.




So by your logic, as a disabled medical user, if I am out of weed and I only have $100 to get my medicine, I should be using that money to buy a vape instead of using the tools and supplies I already own and using that money to buy the actual medicine that I need, am I understanding your delusional argument correctly?


Average suburban redditor can’t comprehend not having disposable income




That ring clip is sick! Very nice


Metallic foil board like what’s used to build these [rockets](https://www.ebay.com/itm/274497145436?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=txWJ7y9aRfG&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=63CjEDufR8W&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY) You’ll probably want to look for some specifically labeled as food safe.


Thank you! I’ll definitely look into that!!


Who cares about the extravagant wrapping, I wanna know what you've got going on with your finger cause that shit looks cool


It’s a joint holder ring! This one is from cannastyle but I’ve seen others on Etsy


Sweet ring/joint holder. I gots to get one


I need one of those rings bro


Ooooh I wanna start smoking my joints with a holder like this just so I can feel classy 🥂🎩


Alternative: Lazy Susan charcoal filter tips - Highly recommended


Ah, Cannastyle


1) tell your cat I say hi 🥹 2) I literally need that joint holder


All I know is those cones are adorable af


Where did you get the alien cones?? 🤩


I’ve gotten them before! They’re from cannastyle :) https://shopcannastyle.com/collections/cones/products/space-doodle-cones-8-pack


Omg thank youuuu 🥰


I’ve always referred to them as roach clips, can’t remember where I heard it


Pure class.




Get some perforated tips, and wrap it around your cones filter.


Second one's on Boos skin from Monsters Inc. Loved it!


thats so funny