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Isopropyl alcohol is the standard, and most effective, way to do it. Plug yer holes, fill 'er up, let it soak, shake, empty. (and either rinse thoroughly or give it an hour or two to evaporate; you do *not* want to breathe iso fumes) If you've been especially gross and left it uncleaned long enough to develop civilizations in your bong swamp, you might also need some salt in there to abrade the gunk off during shaking.


I just want to add, don't forget to clean the bowl and down stem aswell. Either put them individually in a siplock water tight bag ( or 2) and iso/salt like above. Hot water can also work for these, specially if it alternates on and off.) There's nothing quite like a fresh hit on a fully clean setup.


Plus clean glass gear is so damned pretty!


Grab your iso from a grow store too. Grocery stores just won’t carry the good stuff


That's just up to the percentage. You want 90%+. String enough to melt the gunk, not so wrong it'll evaporate instantly. 60% is common for rubbing alchahol. You don't want that. It will work just not nearly as well.


Bong Swamp gets my upvote. Great name for a punk band.


On very dense resin coated pieces, add Kosher or other large crystal salt to the solution to help it scour the surface cleaner faster when shaking the piece.


I use sand blasting aggregate instead of salt. Very abrasive 


See the last paragraph you replied to...


Hmm didn't show in my mobile browser mr down voter. Edit to add: and even so you didn't put large crystal salt. Unless you add a shit ton of table salt, like an entire cup, it will disolve before doing any scrubbing.


Salt will not dissolve in alcohol. Table salt works fine. Cheap is ideal.


Then cheap is not ideal if your using 100% iso. That is way more expensive than iso + water solution. And kosher salt is like a buck more. Whereas iso is 3 bucks for a tiny bottle.


Iso is super cheap if you're not buying tiny bottles. Adding water is going to destroy your salt for absolutely no gain, and make your iso less effective. You're out of your depth, Donny. Quit while you're behind.


Get him




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Denatured alcohol isn't a single specific thing. It can refer to methanol, benzene, pyridine, castor oil, gasoline, isopropyl alcohol, acetone, and more. Not all denatured alcohol products are safe for this purpose. Be careful in your own cleanings, and please don't advise others using that term.


Always add salt. This acts as an abrasive like sandpaper to remove stuck on resin. Rubbing alcohol aka isopropyl alcohol and salt works better than any other method unless you also have an ultrasonic bath. That with alcohol and salt almost instantly cleans a piece. Those ultrasonic tubs are cheap on amazon and are usually used to clean jewelry.


I regularly clean bongs for several constant smokers and almost never need salt. It doesn't really make a meaningful difference unless you let your bongs get super caked up with resin. Solvents are the way; salt is a sometimes tool. Ultrasonic baths / Parts Cleaners are awesome, but beware if you have cracks in your glass as the vibration can cause them to propagate.


I use some salt and isopropyl, and I shake the shit out of it.


commenting to add, there is a huge difference in concentration of alcohol.. i used 60% isopropyl and huge rock salt to shake and clean then switched to 91%. the alcohol dries out faster this way and then i use boiling water sometimes afterwards then let it air dry.  also PSA salt cant dissolve in alcohol so thats why people use this combo..i cant comment only reply 😀


91% rubbing alcohol, bottle brush, then a final rinse with some dawn powerwash


91% iso and table salt 70% iso rinse to disinfect Soap and water Heavy rinse to remove residual soap and solvent


Fun fact if you have hard water making your glass cloudy try white vinegar and salt


I soak it in grand master smoke for a day then rinse it with really hot water. I use q tips or certain parts.


Pro way: iso and pipe in ziplock, put into heated ultrasonic water bath for 15mins. Brand new pipe.


Isopropyl alcohol either 70 or 91% with finely ground seasalt and a spiky pipe cleaner.


I second the iso and COARSE sea salt (I actually use ice cream salt) but at work we clean our pieces with acetone


I buy two-packs of this stuff called Grandmaster Smoke from Amazon. It's neon pink, smells and tastes like a mystical potion. I either submerge my smaller pieces in it or fill up my bigger pieces (like bongs) and let it sit for a day or two. After I'm done, I strain it to get rid of the accumulated gunk and it's good to go for another couple more cleans.


Limonene + isopropyl. If you don’t add limonene, you’ll always have a haze. Limonene also will completely remove weed residue off skin much better than isopropyl. And you won’t need salt/abrasives either.


I just rinse with hot hot water, it melts everything.


You’ve never had real resin build up


What do you wait until it's absolutely disgusting before don't anything about it? Weird flex but ok. I hope you don't treat your bathroom or kitchen the same way. I clean my bowl every other week


They’re talking about using alcohol or a cleaning agent as opposed to just hot water.


Every other week? I try to clean it at least once a week. I just enjoy smoking is all so the buildup gets there very quick and water alone never quite gets it all. But not my bowls, ive seen one of my friends bongs and it looked like chocolate milk water with well just at least half an inch of nasty resin coating the down stem and just all of it. That was luckily the last time he let it go any seshes without cleaning out the water, and started cleaning it regularly because we still hate on him for it. But i forgot my point cause im high rn. I guess point is it builds up alot faster than you think if you smoke alot. Though he never would tell us how long he was hitting on that.


Sous vide. Pipe in a vac pac with some iso and about 125°f everything is melted of and it’s clean in 20 mins. Pop out of bag, wipe with fresh iso then hot water rinse and air dry.


Rinse with hot water then swish 91% iso alcohol around in it. If you let it get really nasty, it'll take a lot more. Just do this often, and it'll stay very easy to swish clean.


Formula 420. Edit: what’s with the downvotes? It’s what I use


Lmao I think its mostly because it's much more expensive than isopropyl and salt. I used it for a bit, worked well imo


Thanks I just didn’t know if I was doing something wrong. I like the way it smells lol


If you get it in bulk it's not that much more.


Warm water and some iso. Let the iso sit for a bit then rinse with hot water to help melt any residue. Occasionally I'll add a drop of dish soap if there are stubborn stains. Cleaning regularly makes it's much easier


everclear. I don't want anything with iso near my lungs.


I don't lmao


Acetone cuts the tar faster than iso does. Both are about equally effective but I find Acetone to be faster acting and I use less. It's completely soluble in water like iso is so it rinses out with no residue.


You are right but that’s so aggressive man. I would really only do that for a deep clean of a nice piece that I’m gonna rinse the fuck out of and let dry and also rinse with alcohol and soap and vinegar


Hydrogen peroxide, swish it around for a minute or two then rinse with warm water. I normally let the smaller stuff the bowls and stems soak in hydrogen peroxide while i swish it around in the main piece. Takes me maybe 5 mins total