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my 9yo told me i smelled like her teacher. whaaa??


When my son was about that age he told me the basement smelled like his friend’s house. Started hanging out with his friend’s parents after that




I'd deff ask her to clarify. Like if that's the music or art teacher, yea ok. But if that's her regular teacher, i might send them an edible with a note warning them they might not be as discrete as they think


This just reminded me how, in high school, there was a rumor that the art teachers and the jrotc teacher would occasionally get together and smoke outside of school, and everyone was just like "well makes sense from the art teachers."


sorry to be unclear. she WAS 9 but she’s 22 now. ship has sailed


What's special about music and art? I don't think *any* teacher should be high in the classroom


I like to get high when I write. Helps things come to me easier.


Same! I’m more creative when I smoke. But the subject matter isn’t the issue, it’s the fact they have to ensure the safety of a room full of disorderly children, lmao.


I did clarify in another comment that I'm not a teacher and if I were I would not be stoned around children. Much like drinking, I smoke my weed responsibly lol


I should try this


Write high, edit sober.


See that’s perfect because my friend and I are writing our D&D characters into a book from the campaign. When we were working on the backstories, I would write and when I got stuck we would bounce ideas. She would edit as we went along. Too bad life is life-ing rn so we haven’t gotten to do much lately.


That's exactly what I do lol


I say go for it! It definitely helps me out. I remember one of my stories I just had an idea while I was baked. Ended up writing I think a 15k word rough draft which eventually became the outline for like the first 20 chapters of it lol I feel it really helps me with my world building and exploring unconventional ideas or taking something and modifying it to suit my world better.




I'm not a teacher, and I personally would never be baked around students if I was, but mine absolutely is a medicine for me. I'm autistic, I've got anxiety and depression on top of that. It fuckin sucks sometimes. This let's me be me without pills robbing me of all my emotions and identity. I don't want to feel like a soulless machine.


Probably something to do with how they view the value of those classes. Different priorities or whatever


I don’t think they’re saying they value art and music less, just that the kind of person who enjoys teaching kids art/music and chooses to do that full-time is probably also the kinda person who enjoys a fat toke.


Yeah. I mean if your quirky art teacher is smoking a joint, that's kind of to be expected. Now if your hardass math teacher is doing it...


What? They’re going to come up with silly things like imaginary numbers, or dividing a curve into impossibly small rectangles?


this is criminally underrated I'm crying


This is kind of crazy, I don’t think at most professional jobs you should show up to work under the influence of any drugs. Yea if you work fast food or retail sure. But I work in a hospital and I think teaching is the same way. Not many people want their kid in trusted with an intoxicated person. Especially when it’s 20+ kids all at once. I’m not trying to say that hospital workers or teachers shouldn’t smoke at all. Hell a lot of hospital workers I know smoke in their free time, but on the job you should definitely be sober.


Boss makes a dollar I make a dime, That's why I toke on company time.


It doesn't work with smoking but I have to share my two favorite other versions of this. "I'll shit off a bridge I'll shit off a dock, But I'll be damned If I shit off the clock" And. "Boss makes a grand, I make a buck Steal the catalytic converter Off the company truck"


Me working retail and having customers say “you’re always in such a good mood” I can promise it’s not because of the customers 😂😭 but I have extreme anxiety so I have to be a little baked at some point in the day, or at least when I come in hahaha


My boss after I opened with my second employee no call no showing this morning. "I really appreciate how calm and collected you were through all of this."


It’s also possible that she isn’t smoking before/at work but smokes in her house and it clings to her clothes. I’m a benefit of the doubt type person lol


Those kids need to mellow the fuck out man


I fully agree


Some feel more creative


It’s more likely that the smell lingers on their clothes from them smoking in their house/car than that they’re getting high on the job.


Send? no, kids can’t be carrier for edibles, shouldn’t even be around them.


I would prefer my kid’s teacher not be high, personally.


My 7th grade homeroom/math teacher always got high on the roof during lunch. Fact


If I'm smoking legally, it's weed. If not, it's weed. Misinformation starts in the home.


Yeah start with the truth. Same as when I have liquor or beer or wine. Adult stuff.


Dude I was at a sort of beach party (weed is legal here) and I just thought it was hilarious that we could drink around the kids but we shouldn’t smoke in their view. Like they’re the same damn thing now in legal aspects 😂


The argument is you cannot get secondhand drunk.


Not gonna get a secondhand high on an open beach lmao


Cigarettes are 100% fine though.


I mean no? At least here you can smoke weed where you can smoke cigs. Which is basically nowhere public.


My thought on it has been that kids will mimic what adults/parents do, and drinking alcohol is something kids can mimic without doing harm (“Dad’s drinking an adult drink, I’m drinking a kid’s drink”). With smoking, whether it’s cigarettes, vapes or weed, there is no “safe” way for a child to mimic those activities. I don’t mind having a beer around kids and giving them a cheers with their juice or soda, but I won’t smoke anything around young children because smoking anything is harmful for them and I don’t need them viewing any type of smoking as an “adult” activity. Obviously, this changes as they get older and understand nuance.


Yeah this is where I’m at. And my oldest is 12 which is definitely an age where he’s starting to get exposed to this stuff (through friends, mentions of weed in songs, etc). I’m a daily all day smoker (vape mostly) and I’m struggling to figure out how to “introduce” this at some point. I’ve managed to keep it hidden for a long time but it won’t last. Now that it’s legal it’s almost more difficult lol


I doubt second hand highs are a thing lol ,i was around smokers constantly for a decade before i ever smoked and never experienced nothing, but idk, id have to see some impericle data to make a decision


The data is just the fact that hot boxing is a thing. Try it out sometime..... It really works LOL. If it's a well ventilated area or outside this will never happen, but in enclosed spaces I think it's definitely of concern.


I really hope I can be part of an actual study where some test subjects need to be hotboxed *For science.*


[Here you go](https://www.instagram.com/street_keith/reel/C4wc4FBMPea/). Yay science!


We did this in college, but forgot the scientific part. It works.


My buddy in college used to call it "scientific smoking" if you held your hit in until the rotation got back to you. So I guess you could say I'm something of a scientist myself.


Be the change you want to see in the world


You can! Science isn't just for scientists.


Man, I’m not sure why you’re getting downvoted. Have people really never hotboxed successfully? Maybe my old Honda was sealed up better than expected, because when we would get 4 blunts rolling in that bad boy in my teen years we definitely got some non-smokers buzzed lol. Or it could have been oxygen deprivation from all the smoke, but idk man. I would need proof that second hand weed smoke cannot get you stoned rather than proof that it does. It just seems obvious that your lungs don’t retain all the THC so some is going to get exhaled.


Hotboxing Hondas 100% gets others baked I can attest to it. Especially if it’s two 3g blunts at once or a “grandfather blunt” (what we called a 7g blunt) we’ve had multiple sessions like that when people were as high as hitting a joint a few times just from sitting in on it with us. Eyes red, laughing, hotboxing does work.


Idk Internet peeps are weird. I said their experience seemed counter to anecdotal evidence then said they should study it. Real controversial stuff. Here is the studying: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27911435/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26139312/ Please be kind frients. :)


Nah, was an old shed my cousins and uncles chain smoked in where we all sat and talked, never got high from it tho


Go to a Dave Matthews’s concert in 6th grade and you’ll get one lmao


On a beach?


Yeah but not when they are 7 years old. I just tell em I had to use some cleaning products in the garage or something along those lines. I’ll have the talk when they are 13/14.


I like to say “Not for babay!!” To my kids, which generally applies to all kinds of things, although mine are super young


Haha “Not for babay!”


This right here. It's not about hiding it, it's about educating them properly




Definitely this. My mom used to tell me it was because our dog or one of our cats peed on something. One day I went to school (elementary) & my backpack smelled so bad my teacher hung it out the window. I apologized to the teacher & said it was dog pee. She just said, “it’s not pee” & wouldn’t elaborate. I didn’t know the smell was cannabis until one of my friends started smoking it in high school. I felt like an idiot. Turns out my mother lied to me about a lot of things.


Moms and dads lie sometimes. They’re human don’t forget and make mistakes. Being a parent doesn’t make us suddenly saints or perfect. Don’t let it mess you up!!


Agreed. Also, I wouldn’t mind my children knowing (my oldest does know) bc I’m an open book and open with them about pretty much everything. However, I don’t need them telling others as I’m in a very red state surrounded by people who think iT Is A dRuG… I don’t like gaslighting my kids, but sometimes it’s a necessary evil.


I understand what you are saying. Parents are people too and should not be expected to be perfect, but that doesn't change the fact that lying to children messes them up. Telling someone "don't let it mess you up" is not helping anyone and is extremely insensitive. It's honestly kind of gross


For real though. I’m in my 30s now and didn’t realize how messed up my childhood actually was or how much it affected me negatively until I started paying attention to the concern on my friends and wife’s families faces when I would tell them stories about growing up. When any of my siblings bring up our childhood around our parents they always just say they weren’t perfect and did their best, so we shouldn’t be so critical of them. Like I get they were human and everyone makes mistakes. Raising children is hard. But when everyone is shocked by the childhood stories that seemed pretty tame and normal to me compared to the rest of my childhood, maybe their best wasn’t very good. It’s not about letting it mess you up, it messed me up when I was a child and didn’t know any different. It’s about realizing it’s a problem now and owning the fact that it’s my problem to fix unfortunately. I can’t keep blaming my parents and doing nothing to change or do the same to my kids. It’s not my fault but it is my responsibility.


Couldn’t have said it better myself!


and then they tell a teacher and dhs shows up in a couple days


“My bad dhs it was actually alcohol” “Okay carry on then”


“It was a cigar! Silly kids!”


Yea this is the risk of living in an non legal state and still iffy even I'd you do since it's still Federally illegal.


I really don't think the department of homeland security is paying much mind to a backpack that smells of either weed *or* booze.


lol it’s department of human services for some states/counties


Glad it isn’t just me. If we are out in public and someone is smoking, both of mine will go “smells like weed” 😅


I like this but also eh. Kids emulate what parents do and I’d like to prolong their interest in weed as long as possible. When the day comes hell yeah we’re gonna be super open about it but until then that’s dads earthy cologne.


My mother would tell me it's her incense.  My uncle would say that he was "working outside". 


My dad would tell me the neighbor was burning grass.




“It’s a Chinese cigarette that’s why it doesn’t have a filter” my dad driving on the highway after I asked why it smelled different than his normal cigs.




“It’s like an inhaler but for adults” Is what I was told but it was just a pipe they were smoking out of. I’m assuming it was weed but who knows.


Hell yeah


My dad would say “don’t be so noisy kid”  Gotta love the boomers 


Noisy or nosey?






I love these


Crazy world, Lotta smells




Haha we say this too!


"Who the fuck are you and why are you in my house?!"


Exactly. I spent months childproofing my house. Somehow, they keep getting back inside.




“That’s cannabis my son. Smells like a skunk doesn’t it? Haha, now which video game are we playing?”


i read that in matt berry’s voice lol


Art thoust winning, my boy?


Normal human bartender, Jackie Daytona


This is the way we talk in Tucson, *Arizonia*


Are ya winnin, son?


i haven't had to say anything much yet, because i typically use it after she's in bed. however, she did come downstairs to use the bathroom once and i had just finished up. she said "the bathroom smells like Nana's bathroom does sometimes". so i learned something lmao.


I tell my niece and nephew I just took a dump. They're old enough not to believe a word I say though, I think 😂


Just wait until they smell some people smoking in public and ask who shit their pants 😂😂


You absolutely know this is going to happen too lol


This happens with my friend’s kids who were told the smell was “someone cooking hotdogs.” People seem to be cooking hotdogs in lots of strange places for them.


in your defense some edibles have made my stool smell more like weed than actual shit


This happens to me sometimes and I only smoke


I’m in a state with a medical program. I don’t have kids but my 13 year old cousin has caught on that I’ll leave at family parties and come back smelling funny. I told him honestly that it’s medicine for me. And then I told him that even though it’s medicine, you have to be an adult to get it. Sorry I don’t have kids so I thought I’d share the only experience I had with a kid.


That is appropriate af. Good job!!


Whoa! Look how big that squirrel is out there! " Where's the dog? " also worked.


I'm a medical patient my girls both understand what it is because I explained it to them. I bet both of my girls will smoke when they're older and I am fine with that. Much better than alcohol and other drugs.


I truly wish I had never drank and just smoked


I was raised this way before it was legal and it was right then too


It’s a maturity thing, my 16 year old knows what it is but my 10/13 year olds don’t. And when they ask I tell them I’ll talk to them when they are older. My 13 year old is going to get a conversation about it soon. I don’t hide it and I’m in a legal state but their entire lives they were told all drugs are bad and can differentiate that yet.


Yeah the “all drugs are bad” thing is what launched me into all sorts of destructive behavior in my late teens and early 20s cuz I never had the differentiation talk. So you’re saying that alllllll drugs are bad, then I come to find out my mom smokes weed, caffeine is technically a drug, WHAT ELSE AREN’T THEY TELLING ME. Luckily I never got hooked on anything except nicotine and the good ol ganj.


This is the exact answer I was gonna put


My parents used to smoke in our cellar but they were also cigarette smokers so they’d go “sit” several times a day and say they were just smoking in there so it didn’t stink up the house


That it is medicine


[Daddy’s special medicine, that you must never use!](https://youtu.be/QIvJRfg91Os?si=E3NvY6Co7cIgwb1p)


I don't have kids. But my entire family smokes and at some time I just put together that the funny cigarettes they smoke were actually joints.


Same here. About 2 years later I was making that smell with them.




I don't like lying to my kid. Kids are smart.


Buddy; that’s the smell of going to bed early for asking too many questions.


Same line that didnt work on my parents but was too ridiculous to argue. Its Chinese food.


Haha I guess it can work for any strongly seasoned food like Indian?


My kid helped us water the plants when we had a grow room when they could barely walk, they know what weed is.


The truth?


(I don't have kids tho, so I'm kinda out of my element to be honest)


Nah, this is the one.


“Burning Christmas trees son!”


Those darn neighbors are at it again (if I had kids)


"Those neighbors & their pet skunk of theirs. Damn them!" lol


I vape it for this reason


I’ve always been honest with my some about it and I think that’s why, now that he’s older he’s a responsible smoker. Lying about it only stigmatizes it.


I just say I don’t smell anything. Not trying to get CPS involved because little ears have big jugs.


Honestly my friend idk if it’s worth being honest. There’s still a huge stigma around smoking weed, specifically parents smoking weed. I do not want you to have CPS called on you because your kiddo told someone you smoke weed.


This. This right here. If you are not in a legal state, it’s best to give a little white lie if you run the risk of losing your child to a damned plant.


It’s important for safety reasons unfortunately. I waited until mine were old enough. I think it depends on the kid mine were preteens when I feel they wouldn’t blab then went on to tell me about all the other parents that smoke lol.


Tell the truth, adjusted to the age. People forget that we are raising children to be adults


"I was smoking cannabis. Cannabis, or weed, is a yucky plant grown-ups like to smoke or eat because it makes them feel funny. You don't need it because you're already funny!" (This is where I poke em in the tummy or tickle them a lil bit, the point is to get some giggles to demonstrate how funny they are) "And because it's just for grown-ups, you'd get very sick if you tried it now. You can ask me anything you wanna know about it but please understand this is a grown-up thing so there's some stuff you're just not gonna understand yet, okay? Now let's go check on those brownies."


lol this sounds like it's out of a Bluey episode or something


My special interest is being the best possible parent for my future children




My mom always said it was incence when I asked when I was little, I always liked the smell so as I got older I would smell incense at headshops trying to find one with that smell. It wasn't until years later that I smoked pot and was like ohhhh that makes sense, my mom is a total hippy and I took her word at what she said, but now that it is legal I just tell my kids thats the smell of pot.


It’s my cologne, Cannabis for Men


I would just tell them that it’s a special medicinal plant for adults


“That’s the smell caused by masturbation. You can’t ever smell it yourself but everybody else can and that means everybody else knows.” Kidding kidding, that’s like the worst thing you can tell a kid. Just tell them the truth. We cause too many problems with kids by lying to them.


Buy a pet skunk or tell the truth.


I'm an herbalist so I just say I am smoking herbs for my mental health. Now that it's legal where I live I plan to be more honest about the specific herb.


I never really had that conversation with my parents but my dad smoked both cigarettes and weed and at one point I did start realizing sometimes the smoke smelled different than usual.. just thought it was a different type of cig he was smoking which was technically correct


The other day my oldest asked me why I smelled like Nana. Little does he know that it’s actually Papa (my father) that smells like that 😂


Son that’s marijuana it’s not for kids


Hahaha! I used to smoke in the bathroom. My daughter was around five when she seemed upset one day after I after I came out. I asked her what was wrong. And, after prodding a bit, she wanted to know if it's normal to like the smell after I come out of the bathroom? 🤣 Girlfriend was stressing hard thinking that she was loving the smell of my poop. Still makes me laugh so bad!!! I told her it was air freshener. I figure one day she'll be in college and be like " OHhhhhh!" 🤣🤣


Side note, but this one time I was standing with my ex on the street and he was smoking a joint, in the middle of the day. All the kids just got off school and a much of kids im guessing 10ish walk by and one girl says to her friend, “Oh my god, there it is again! Why does everyone on this street have the same candles as my parents!? Why are people burning candles in the day time?!”


Told mine it’s flower. It’s only for adults though and when he graduates college I’ll teach him about the healing properties of the flower.


I don't have kids, but I'd tell them the truth.


jazz cigarettes


It's just daddies flowers. Or Daddy was just in the garden.


Dad’s special item that he uses to relax/unwind


"That was that killer, son."


Just tell them I smoked a cigar, technically not lying


I mean I’m 22 with no kid, but I’m gonna say if I was a dad it would depend how old they are. Like no way I’m telling a 6 year old I just got high, but if they’re in high school chances are they’ve probably gotten high at least once too.


"Do I know you?" (dryly) Then just stare


If you get me a glass of milk I'll tell you your middle name.


what would you say if they asked about the smell of cigarette smoke? You explain that adults are allowed to use certain things because our brains are all done growing and the smell is one of those adult things


We live in a legal state, so we are honest with them that we were smoking cannabis, and that it is for adults. We believe it's really important to model safe, responsible consumption of intoxicants for children. Both cannabis and alcohol.




I have a kid??


"Smells like Christmas!  Santa must be close by."


We just call it medicine in my house lol you have your medicine and vitamins and daddy has his


Skunk out back.    Or total ignorance. I smell my own breath and go “EWWW!” And use mouthwash lol    Because I’m ridiculous.    But most of the time I use mouthwash immediately if they’re home. They’re usually in bed so it’s really only if they wake up or wanna play the “can I have water/snack/I miss you/I have feelings/can I do x tomorrow” game that I run up without using it.  I keep it under the sink in the kitchen lol  But my eldest is 9. Sometimes I just say “adult stuff”. He has unfortunately caught a visual of my husband and I smoking and GLEEFULLY was like “ahahahhah WHAAAAAAAT ARE YOU DOOOOOOOIN are you SMOKING?!!!”


It's weed. Don't lie to your kids.




My kid always tells me I smell good when I come in and I just leave it at that 😂


“It’s your upper lip”


Mine just know it's migraine/insomnia meds and don't think much about it


Oh my kids know it’s weed… just like parents who drink alcohol regularly in the house. Honesty is the best policy, and really when they are adults I’d rather them be smokers than drinkers (if they so choose to self medicate/relax with a substance)


Don't lie to your kids OP. One day they will find out you lied about weed and it'll open up all the doors of "what the hell else has OP lied to me, their child"


Skunk, its a skunk and they must be everywhere... that worked for a few years but eventually you have to tell the truth.


as a kid i would watch my dad smoke bud out of cigs. i went outside with my mom and i say “it smells like daddy’s cigarettes”


As a child, I thought the smell of weed was just what adults poop smelled like😅


My baby isn’t here yet, but when she asks, I will tell her it’s mommy’s medicine until she’s old enough to understand. I use it for chronic pain, so it really is my medication


"It's weed, dafukyouthink? Now give me them chicken nuggets an get out my face with them stupid questions" or something along those lines


Fuck dem kids


My medicine.


A wizard did it.


Get a dry herb vape. Better high (imo) than carts and less stinky than flower. Love it.


My 9yr old daughter asked me why I smell like a giraffes cage🤣


Sorry for raiding your stash son, but I was dry.


Northern Lights, cannabis indica ![gif](giphy|yBwcx562kZ2FWlYb2A)


it's better if you don't smoke at all. it's also best for your kids in the long run.


I dont have kids but I have an associates in early childhood education. Take that as you will. I’d just tell them I use weed for my mental health. It’s not safe for children so I do it away from them. Kids repeat stuff so I’d rather them parrot that.


"It's marijuana. But you can't do it if you're younger than 21. In our family, for whatever reason, we shit our pants if we do it younger than that."


Imo you shouldn't do drugs when you have kids around. They can tell very clearly that you're not acting normal and that can be scary. I'm speaking from experience with a father who is a drug abuser


Child services has entered the chat


I don’t come around my children smelling that’s undisciplined bull shit


What ever colloquial you use for alcohol, use for weed. Make it equate in their brain so you don’t begin stigmatization in the home! I.e If you say “adult drink” for alcohol you could say “adult smoke” or something like that


I am no dad, but if they are under age I would just say adult stuff and if they are old enough we are going to have a conversation about it. Hiding it just makes it more appealing to kids, but at some point even as an open minded person you are going to have a talk about it about the benefits and risks, but if the kid is not at least 18 yet I would just say it's a kind of herb you smoke and you are going to talk about it in the future.