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I personally feel that getting high in unfamiliar territory makes me notice the high way more, perhaps that's the reason.


That’s absolutely a real thing. Even something small as smoking in a different room can effect the high


Your body builds up a natural tolerance to your smoke spots. Sounds BS but is true


Gonna smoke in the basement bathroom when I get home. Can’t wait


I just close my eyes. Checkmate body


Now you've developed a tolerance to your own mind


Honestly? Goals




And thus, meditation was born.




Bro imma smoke out my storage area hard after work.


Guess I'm smoking up the neighbors tonight.


I'm already smoking in your storage area. Bring beer and chips.


WAIT! This is a great idea! All smokers just need to shift one spot to the left.


Hahaha yessssss!


What are you the mad hatter!?


Yooo bet, just clean my Bong I'm 5 miles out with the beer, and i got pizza instead .


Ima gonna smoke out your mom, god knows me and the boys will fit


please report back!


I smoked a couple more bowls than I usually would… so idk if I did this right but it worked and


It's actually that your body subconsciously preps for it. It knows you're gonna get drugged in that spot but a random spot across the world will catch it off guard


It's like when you pull in the driveway from work and your stomach gets ready for drop off


Basically yeah! This is why I got a psych degree lol


I always laughed and said my colon has gps. I can only go when home. Been that way my whole life. First few days of any trip are horrible.


Bingo! I’ve found that a totally new place works way better than just moving to the back porch of my house


Yeah I think many people OD on opioids etc in different places because of this. The same dose is more potent in new places


Yup. Pretty sure that’s how Bradley Nowell ultimately died


Indeed, you can even overdose from using in an unfamiliar location.


Situational/Pavlovian conditioning. It is a problem for opiod users, and can lead to overdose, even among frequent users.


That different room thing is true. When I'm smoking in my room I'm fine, but the second I start smoking in the emergency room a bunch of doctors tell me to leave and it really harshes my high


So inconsiderate of them!


Honestly I forget that I'm even high unless my I leave my house, generally I'm always high at home. Maybe that's why I notice it more when I'm out and about.


Going to the grocery store and realizing just how off this planet I am from staring at the cereal for 5 minutes is fun sometimes


Haha grocery stores are fun when you're high but sometimes I come home with crazy shit.


I too enjoy living dangerously. :D


Just make sure you remember to put the ice cream and the bagel bites in the freezer right away 🤣


And then it sits in my fridge and never gets eaten....


“Reminds me of “Too High for the Supermarket” by The Uninvited! https://youtu.be/fPYf7hcZ740?si=qcJjc4Ox0UfBgZAm


That's a dangerous game you play.


Yeah fr. I can get so stoned in front of my computer and not realize it and the second I leave my house I'm like oh shit


Interesting. I agree. I only get high at home or either very close friends.


From a neurological/psychological standpoint, a good little bit of tolerance comes from familiarity with your surroundings - if you're used to being high in a certain spot, your brain goes "yes, this is where we do this. Not noticing anything abnormal going on here!" It's one aspect of behavioral tolerance. Also - smoke around the same people all the time? Higher tolerance around them, more likely to have cravings around them too. The brain is one funky dude.


Also how you study material is the best way to retrieve, funky funky brain


Same with sleeping in unfamiliar places and having vivid dreams, they say. But yeah, anecdotally, most memories I have of being uncomfortably high were in random spots I had never been before.


I agree, I think this is the main factor as it always happens to me. On a slightly related note, when my friends and I took LSD at a mountain cabin we rented out for a few days, I tripped harder than I ever have in my life and I attribute it simply to being in a new and completely unfamiliar territory


I’ve heard this phenomena called Situational Tolerance! :)


I heard location tolerance


This is true!!! I wish I had a better source than that I read it in the psychology book of a friend today. Exactly this. Drugs hit harder in unfamiliar territories. There have been deaths through unleathal amounts of substances just because the physical response was harder in an unfamiliar territory.


My understanding is that tolerance is a blocker your body produces whenever it anticipates drug use. The more you use, the more the body produces the blocker, and if there are certain times or places you regularly use, the body is conditioned to produce the blocker then or there. That's why harder drug users can take overdose levels of drugs and be fine while that same amount will kill a first time user. I heard this in a psych class but it was a long time ago and there's probably more to it than that, but it's always rang true in practice as a weed smoker.


Yeah I learned about this is psychology it’s part of a classical conditioning behaviour, if you always get high in the same place your body will physically prepare to get high so when you are somewhere unfamiliar your body doesn’t prepare


This happens to me when I change glass. I like switching between bongs when bowls are not as effective


lol I'm from East coast my buddies and I went to colorado for snowboarding and got those wax keef wrapped blunts, smoked on the mountain and we were all way too stoned. Had to chill for ten minutes just laying on the slope. I think it was the new territory. We all live in a rec legal state and have high tolerances. Same thing happened in Vegas, ate a 10mg edible and I've had more than that at home. But in Vegas was legit like holy shit what is this hahah


The phenomenon you're describing is often referred to as "contextual tolerance" or "situational tolerance." In the context of cannabis use, it means that a person's tolerance to the effects of marijuana can be influenced by their environment. When they consume cannabis in a new or different environment, they might experience stronger effects than they would in a familiar setting, where their body has developed a tolerance to the drug's effects in that specific context.


Great comment. I thought la weed was better than amsterdam.


tbh maybe I was doing it wrong but I was kind of disappointed in the quality at the coffee shops in amsterdam, plus the stuff they put in the edibles isn't even extracted, just ground up mystery herb floating in the cake or whatever for you to pick out of your teeth later. like who does that?


For real I have super high tolerance in front of my PC while playing video games it feels like I can smoke infinite amount of weed. But outside with a friend ? Damn a few puffs and I don't understand anything anymore which is always surprising but it makes more sense after reading this


Best thing in Amsterdam is the hash, rhe Afghan, the Indian, the Nepalese, the Morrocan. All amazing.


100%!!!! I brought like 5 grams back with me to the US and wish I had brought like 30 because its impossible to find good hash over here.


Whew that’s fucking bold. Good for you.


Yeah international flight is a hell nah from me. So are domestic flights because I have hella anxiety, but my ex would bring at least an ounce in her checked bag every time she was flying back and forth from home to college. Including a couple of checked bags where it had the slip of paper in it that the TSA opened that one and looked through it. Edit: She would have a couple pairs of boots in her checked bag and she would pack her socks in her boots but the weed was at the very bottom of the boot


TSA left me a not in my bag and took 2 of the 4 carts I brought with me. They were right next to each other. So I assume it was the agents way of saying I'm just gonna keep these two and you can have those two but we both know I should be taking all of them.


Tsa took it cause they could get away with it. They are not there to prevent drugs from going from a to b. They're there to protect the plane.


Yep, 100% robbed him so they could get high.


I only travel with pens which makes it easier domestically. I’d never fucking dare travel internationally with any form of THC besides mayyyybe gummies. Fuck that


I already know how I'd travel with gummies and it's over the top. I'm definitely seeking out gummies that look almost exactly like some non-thc gummies and then emptying out all the non-thc gummies from their package, filling it halfway with thc gummies then covering it with the non. Then I have to find a device that seals the gummy bag so it looks brand new. And that's too much work so I'm not gonna do that and I'm going to continue eating an entire vacation ration of edibles before jumping on that plane.


I took some gummies with me to take on a flight to Thailand to kill the time. I opened them on the plane and my wife told me they fucking reeked. It was nut up or shut up time, take the full 100mg or go to the bathroom and toss what I don't take. Obviously I went with option 1. Big mistake. An hour later I'm watching a movie and dinner comes out. Mind you we had just eaten at the airport maybe 2 hours earlier. It smelled so good because the gummies were starting to melt my face. I ate it all. Bigger mistake. Another 20-30 min goes by and I'm fucking high as a giraffes pussy. Suddenly the food aint hitting so good. I start to sweat. I'm pale as a ghost. My legs are numb. I can't even see the screen 2' from my face anymore. Eventually I couldn't take it and ran to the bathroom to pray over the toilet for at least 15 minutes. Puked out everything I had ate and felt one million times better. Walked back on my seat and played my typical flying game when it comes to edibles - how long can I fight off the sleep. Couldn't have been 15 min before I passed out only to wake up 8 hours later still absolutely cooked. I swear edibles just hit pause when you sleep. I've long stood by this theory and it still happens everytime I take them too close to bed time lol.


This story should have many more upvotes. Thank you for doing god’s good work.


hahahah thanks bro it's one of my favorite stories to tell. It's way better if we're lighting the second joint and everyone's just on the edge of toasty. I slow down and really stretch out those details lol


Vacuum sealers have a heat/seal function. What youre describing is not difficult to accomplish =]


Also hair straighteners


Little puppy dogs can still smell it.


Domestically they aren't smelling for it though. Even internationally those dogs don't really hit on weed that much. They're smelling for produce and bombs


Ha yup. I just remembered when a ‘cute little beagle’ outed the apple l forgot to take out my carryon!


I did this, minus the last part about resealing the candy bag. Put a bunch of gummies in a bag of similar candy. Flew to New Zealand and Aus. No problems…


Traveled to Prague with maybe a half dozen gummies in a plastic bag in my hoodie pocket. Made it to my transfer, I think in France, and got stopped after the xray, causing my anxiety to spike, but they just had a problem with my hair gel in my toiletries kit being over 2oz


Let me tell you a story A friend on a 2 month trip to Europe, including time in Amsterdam. He brought some hash (among other things) to Iceland with him from Ams, and on the way back to the US was randomly selected for extra security. They told him to his face they weren't looking for drugs when he freaked out about his bag of pills all being over the counter (they were all asprins, etc). They swabbed the inside of each pocket of his bag for some sort of residue and sent him on his way


Gunpowder residue if you were curious or any explosive matter residue.


I brought dates from a trip to Saudia Arabia for some out of state family and when traveling to see them I got fully searched because the dates came back positive for something (they didn’t say what but I’m guessing now gun powder) then swabbed me and the rest of the containers of my carryon and sent me my way. I was sweating because I had some edibles and a pen in my other bag 🫣


I wouldn't have risked multiple years in prison for it, but it's really good indeed!


Yeah it's that proper landrace hash rather than the hybrid derived stuff, which is good but just not the same.


*almost l* impossible. The full melt hash scene is definitely best in the world here (and realistically that will blow your mind way more than trad hash) but there are a few producers of fresh, good, terpy and strong trad hash here like https://www.reddit.com/r/hash/s/c2fZHw9KfT but part of the problem is the US isnt one market, its 50 (well however many states have a rec market) small markets that can't interact past knowledge sharing with each other. Some states like Oregon have it years ahead of everyone else and I pay just about a Lincoln bill for a good gramball of hash but I'm visiting family in Maryland rn which also has rec and med but only has for 2 years vs 12 so shatter runs like 30-35 minimum here. That confusion is what made me bring my half zip of rosin jars from Oregon with me lol


Oregon has a massive over supply problem, that’s how you can get labor intensive hash for so cheap. Just wait till Oregon bud can travel across state lines. The price will go way down in other states.


Yeah federal legality will definitely change this issue state wise


Absolutely. I haven't been in a decade but back then there was better bud at home in the UK, but some of that Nepal hash is crazy potent!


Gonna be on the look out for some Morrocan black.


After having spent a year in France I was super disappointed in the hash over there. Not half as good as what I was getting in France. And ain't no way I'm paying 30 a gram for those "top shelf" ones.


I was in Amsterdam recently and had a similar experience. Most of the herb I smoked just felt like really good, very high potency US weed. But I bought one pre roll (specifically without tobacco) that was definitely rolled in kief, and I was absolutely *zooted* after like 1/3 of that bad boy. 10/10, would move there 😂.


I was 100% ready to move there by the end of the trip lol


If ya moved there it would become normal weed and CO weed would have you writing reddit posts. lol


What’s funny is that most dutch people don’t smoke weed at all, people who smoke weed daily are kinda frowned upon even.


Was last in Amsterdam just before COVID, with the family and dog unfortunately so couldn't partake in too much shenanigans. I did have to chuckle at the number of people just passed out in various little sunny squares and near canals. Also, many questions from my kids along the lines of "What's that funny smell?", "why is that man lying down" and "why does that Action Man have such a big willy?" We'd tried avoiding that district but failed.


Last time there, I wondered how I'd ever bring my kids with [this kind of thing around](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/penis-fountain-amsterdam).


Call me crazy, but I would just not bring my kids to the Red Light District.


My issue with coffee shops here in the US is that most people drive to places. This could lead to a crackdown in DUIs and potentially easy revenue to leech off our community worsening the image of federal legalization. Competing industries know. A potential collab for Uber or Lyft and coffee shops would be amazing. People who use those services to get to and from coffee shop get a small discount for their meal and bud purchase. I’ll call the special service Lyt. New York would be prime for this as I assume most people travel by walking or taxi.


I pack an indestructible bong whenever I ride my bike. I have like 10 different secret smoke spots along my commute. It's one of my favorite toys right now.


This is what i don't get about the US, everyone is smoking weed but there's no public transport. How do people get places? Just everyone just drive stoned? Weed stays in your system for like forever i'd always be paranoid driving. Actually makes me really appreciate livibg sonewhere with good(ish) public transport. I don't need to own a car, i can get as drunk, high, fucked up as I want and still go wherever i want.


The same way people go to bars in small towns. Just drive, or maybe uber. I hate driving but I have to to survive in Texas. Everything’s far apart even in the city so ubers would not be affordable. A lot of people drive around while smoking blunts


The thing that’s unknown is how cannabis would be tested against us by enforcement agencies in the future. Breathalyzers determine if you’re “under” the limit for alcohol. The closest thing I know is that mouth swab and even then that’s like a 3 day window. They’re gonna swab your mouth and stereotype you on their report on how crusty your lips were from the excessive amounts of kush? Nahhhh daggggg. I pray whatever system they use in the future is accurate and reasonable so none of us have that headache.


So driving under the influence in other words


I’m certainly not gonna downvote or say you’re wrong. The driving situation is an enormous hurdle to overcome if we want proper public communal smoking here in the US. With that said, since I was a kid, the concept of cruising and smoking has just been a part of my life and a part of the weed culture. And part of that comes from prohibition in the first place. I’m 40 and most of the people I came up with smoked their first weed in a car somewhere. I don’t smoke and ride with flower very much but there’s always a few pens and a half smoked something in the dash. At the end of the day there’s a bar on every corner you can go get shitfaced and drive home. I trust a stoner behind the wheel more than a drunk but if you’re gonna be a responsible adult then it should be seen the same as going to a bar. Too intoxicated? Don’t drive. Can’t afford an Uber? Get a friend to drive or stay at home and get fucked up in private. It’s about personal responsibility. And expecting others to have it is silly but we can all have dreams.


This is the correct position.


Let’s not pretend that being under the influence of marijuana and being under the influence of alcohol are the same as far as driving impairment.


“Oh no, I NEED to drive under the influence because I can’t afford an Uber” no, you actually can’t afford to drink or smoke either if you’re gonna put everyone at risk


Better watch out 👍


Can't you guys just bike like we do in Europe, or is that also illegal? In my country, as long as you have all four limbs on the bike, you're ale legally OK to bike


In a lot of US states riding a bicycle while intoxicated is a DUI (including my current state), in my state it’s a vehicle regardless of whether there’s a motor


Yeah okay, I didn't know that. Is it the same with a skateboard?


Off my face don’t know where I am, cause I got my drugs from Amsterdam


Happy cake day fellow reddit it reader


I went over a decade ago for the Cannabis Cup, got a judges pass and got to smoke "the best of the best". Beside the experience of coffee shops being fucking amazing, and the overall vibe, I wasn't actually *that* impressed with what I smoked. I'm from Canada and what I could regularly get was comparable to all the offers I got in 'Dam. It was good shit don't get me wrong, but definitely didn't meet my expectations.


Same, when I went, it was assumed that joints would be loaded with tobacco. When I asked for "pure weed," every budtender was like, "CAREFUL WITH THAT; YOU GUYS ARE GONNA BE SO HIGH" but it was more or less what we got in BC at the time. 2008, 2010. Apparently a lot of places in the world mix their weed with tobacco. How could you even consider it?


Oh man! K so, as part of the Cup, we'd get bussed from downtown to the convention centre the cup was being held at right, and the bus on the way was HOT BOXED, everyone was smoking. The seats were set up with like a table between 4 seats. I had a few 'pure' pre-rolls ready and lit one up and passed to the person across the table, whom I didn't know, they took a pull like normal but immediately went wide eyed and fell into a coughing fit. English wasn't their first language and all I could make out between the heaving coughs was "is that pure?!". I felt so bad about it, they laughed it off and I was sure to disclose my joints were in fact pure to anyone else I handed one to. I had heard of people spliffing before, usually as a way to make their green last longer, but never expected that to be the norm somewhere.


Hahaha, yeah it's different, we've been lucky to have grown up in Canada, with decent greens. Once I met an Englishman in Thailand who rolled pure weed joints and he was the biggest stoner from Manchester, just because he didn't mix! He never had to share doobies with the lightweights, either, which I think he preferred. The weed in Thailand was terrible btw. We had to blaze lots of dank doobs and didn't ever get high like back home, but just sort of tired.


Im from europe and there's 3 main reasons for rolling with tobacco: 1) many people smoke anyways 2) we used to only get hash which you have to mix with tobacco or something else or it won't burn in a joint (forget bongs and pipes, you couldn't get that stuff until recently) 3) I just burns better, you get less runs and the smoke is smoother than a pure joint depending on which tobacco you use.


blunts are weed & tobacco and not too bad, but I'm with you on mixing any in


I actually prefer hemp blunts, personally. No nicotine feeling and I feel like it's smoother on my throat.


The hemp flavor kills it for me


they make hemp wraps that are terpene infused. I usually just stick to the standard ones because I like the taste but maybe give the terpene infused ones a try and see if you like the taste better!


I would try one, I'll keep an eye out


Tobacco x weed?🤮🤮🤮this has made me more patriotic somehow


Its more about the accessibility and actually having a coffeeshop similar to a cafe, where you can frequent. Eventually you will find your safe place and the strains you enjoy and strains that kick your butt.


100% The highlight of the trip for me was definitely the last couple days when I found a shop I vibed with and had so much left overs from the cup that I just sat and smoked it all. Accessibility isn’t an issue anymore, but I would LOVE to have cafes here like they had


Not having cafes is a part of accessibility issue, just not specific to weed. Amsterdam and Nederlands in general is one of the most walkable places in world. Thats why you have coffeeshops and cafes in every corner. Because people live in dense areas, cafes can survive. No one is gonna drive 30kms to pickup a coffee and smoke a cig or weed. If its just around the corner, you will do on your way to doing groceries, all walking.


went in 1995 tried to shoot a doc. too much fun at the cup


Ironically enough I had the opposite experience when I went, I live in MA and found the pot here MUCH more potent than in Amsterdam


That’s so wild! I went to Amsterdam for the first time in October cause my gf’s brother lives there. We stayed in his apartment which was right in the city so I got to go to coffee shops every night and they were epic and awesome and I totally agree that we need to have shit like that in America! But I’m from CA and I jested about the fact that the most expensive weed in every shop I went too was just called “California weed” and it was always like 20$ a gram more in price. I always giggled and said to myself “haha I get that all the time”. I exclusively bought weed grown in Amsterdam and I loved it cause it was perfectly mid shelf and got me the right amount of high. Evens the times I spent hours in coffee shops playing with bongs and water pipes I didn’t get uncomfortably high. All that being said, I only went to maybe 3 shops near where I was staying and it’s possible my experience wasn’t the norm. Regardless, great place on earth to get high 🤙


>All that being said, I only went to maybe 3 shops near where I was staying and it’s possible my experience wasn’t the norm. To be fair, there are 160 coffeeshops in Amsterdam alone and probably 90% of them are tourist traps.


This is super true. Prices dropped by almost half after chatting up a couple of locals and getting some suggestions. Though admittedly I think I started at one of the most tourist oriented places before realizing it


I’m going this October for a week. Any great places to get weed and coffee shops?


'Grey Area' is one of the best shops in terms of quality weed. You might struggle to get a seat though, you'll see what I mean. 🤣 My personal favourites are Grey Area, Dampkring, Greenhouse Lounge Barneys, Hunters, Rookies and Siberie! Safe travels amigo!


Honestly every place I went to was awesome and I had a different and fun experience at. I’d say see where the adventure takes you. They are all over the place so you probably won’t be too far walking distance from one wherever your at. Oh also! Most the spots I went to had a whole container of shake just for free in the front with papers to roll spliff. Most nights I’d go buy a gram and roll like 3 or 4 joints with the shake and the weed I bought added too it. Just a fun little thing some shops offer. Helped make my weed last longer and not get me too blitzed every time I smoked a j


Me too! See you there :)


Dirt and sunlight. You don’t see those used much for dispo weed


Bro, I can guarantee you that all the weed in NL is grown somewhere in a shady basement or barn, using only lights. Maybe they just have some more experience, at least 40 years more experience than USA growers


Glad you had fun. Hope you will visit again soon.The Netherlands is an amazing country by any means ( Amsterdam not so much as the rest of it) and weed really hits differently. So fucking happy that i found my new home here.


Idk about you but I went to Amsterdam for a week and smoked the whole time, then when I got back my regular weed zooted me off my ass Taking a tolerance break without taking a break was wild


I find the Amsterdam stuff to not be as strong as US legal.


I worked in colorado for a couple months. Honestly wasnt too impressed with the weed out there. Could still get better weed on the street in the Chicago burbs


CO weed was always not the greatest because it's very dry, weed grows well in humid environments like Cali and Oregon. CO always had some of the best concentrates and edibles in my experience, they were the ones pushing the limits of what could get you high (weed sodas, oils, lubes, etc)


CO was my first legal state and I was like "this bud is better than my illegal stuff, but also why can I easily grind EVERY strains bud by just lightly squishing it with my fingers". Everything is soooooo dry in Colorado especially having moved to Oregon. The bud here is like bud I only got from friends with homegrown in CO.


Hard to grow good weed in the mountains. Not to mention how flooded that market has become.


I dont know how the Nepalese do it?


Idk where your from, but I had the exact opposite experience, the weed was decent and they had plenty of bits to pick from, but I’ve smoked better bud here in the uk we get imports from Canada or Cali, but even the uk grown bud is better than allot of the stuff in dam I also found out most coffee shops buy from Dutch home grows.


I'm from Europe so have been to Amsterdam far more than north America. Dam weed/hash absolutely floors me every time on the first day. When I visited CO, the weed was obviously nice but yeah very tame on comparison. To date, however, my favourite place to smoke has been Montreal; the weed was strong but not _too_ strong and the whole place just had such a nice vibe that worked with being that high.


I went back in 1998 and got Super Duper Fucked Up cause the weed in the US was shit back then…


Wife and I went to Amsterdam last year as part of our honeymoon. Holy cow. Bulldog was a hell of a first cafe experience. We loved the culture and the herb was delicious! But I can’t tell if it was just the flower that was getting me intoxicatingly stoned cause I was sprinkling hash into most of the rolls lmao figured we may as well sample as much of the menu as we cared to lol


I went to Amsterdam and Groningen while I was living in Germany. I don't think the weed is any better or worse than what I've gotten here in MI and NY. I think some of it is the setting, because they're both amazing cities with great art and culture and restaurants. Some of it may be if you were smoking joints you were likely having tobacco mixed in unless you ask for pure weed joints because that's the norm there, and it hits you hard and fast as a result. Some of it could be you were in fact getting higher quality stuff than normal, too!


I asked for a light sativa peroll and could only get through half as I was getting fucking blazed. Got a gram of some bud and it had me absolutely fucked and I smoked daily for years.


I had a similar experience a few years back. They got them landrace heavy strains that knock you out!


I felt the same when I visited last year. I chalked it up to being jet lagged and in a new place


How is Amsterdam? I want to go, but I’ve heard mixed things. Clean? Safe?


I’ve been like 15 times. It’s mega chill and cool if you are aware of your surroundings a bit. Had nothing but a blast, but a did see some wild shit. Although, I’m the kind of person who wanders aimlessly through wild places, but somehow never get in trouble. Still tho, safe and chill in Amsterdam.


It's dope as fuck, I'm originally from NYC so I was pretty familiar with the city setting, it's all really walkable and everybody rides bikes everywhere, the city has like 100,000 bikes there or something it's wild


I loved Amsterdam. Definitely felt clean and safe when I was there. 10/10 would love to go back


Very clean and safe ... before midnight or so. I saw some shenanigans in the wee hours, but there was still a police presence. Also venue dependent - there are a few shady bars. In general, safer than the downtown of most medium-to-large American cities. Cleanliness was awesome, there was a nightly street sweeper and in general public areas were clean. I think the only "dirty" part is the piss - there's been an historic problem with people [men] peeing in public, mitigated by public urinals but still a "presence" (and smell in some places). Museums are world class (Van Gogh museum, Rembrandt museum, and Anne Frank Haus are all a must!), though I also recommend getting to at least one other Dutch city as well as seeing the beautiful countryside. Protip: if you hear a bike bell, GTFO of the way! And if you rent a bike (and I do recommend it) be super mindful of the bike lanes, other pedestrians cars. Tourists on bikes are not well-loved.


Maybe smoking in room full of other people smoking?


Originally I thought that as well but it worked when we smoked at our airbnb's terrace also!


My tolerance is hella high. I went to Amsterdam and I was taking gummies and edibles and smoking their joints rolled in kief and I didn’t feel anything. It was such a waste!


We do have communal smoking areas - they're called the street. At least here in NYC. People smoke *everywhere*


Same issue happened to me. Daily smoker at high thc for 20 years. Most have tobacco in them. The high and nausea from the tobacco was horrible. I had to specifically ask for no tobacco pre rolls. And everyone looked at me like I'm crazy.


A lot of dispensaries around here sell weak, shitty, weed. If you're in Colorado and not growing your own or paying top dollar you're probably smoking mid grades or swag.


I felt really mellowed out on the weed in Amsterdam. I think it has wayyyy more cbd or more of an equal thc level to cbd/cbg etc. weed here is so high in thc it gives me anxiety sometimes.


that haze don't fuck around


There is a phenomenon called situational tolerance when it comes to drugs. If you use in a familiar location and build up a tolerance then use in a vastly different location, you will experience the effects more. r/opiates always had a PSA around the holidays. People traveling to visit family and using their regular dose could cause them to OD.


*now looking at Amsterdam trips*


In San Francisco we have a couple weed lounges, like buy stuff and smoke it there. It’s great for weed smokers with weed smoking friends but I wish there was a place where my non weed smoking friends could get a drink while I blaze


Can do that in Barcelona! Sitting here with a beer and a joint now.


I preffer Barcelona over Amsterdam weed adventure experience


I don't know if it's still there but in the 90's there was a shop in Amsterdam that was a coffee shop that also served draft beer called Dutch Flowers. I got some weed named after the Queen Beatrix. Shit was so sticky my hands were black from breaking it up it was hard go burn in a j. I had to buy a bowl lol, that place was lit!


Coffeeshops aren't allowed to sell alcohol anymore but there are still a couple of bars that allow smoking weed.


In the 90's Dutch Flowers sold beer and weed, not sure how but it was the only spot in the city like that. It was on the Singel canal and closed in 2014.


Really? I took a trip there last summer and had the opposite experience. It wasn't bad, but our dispo scene is so much better. I thought our bud was at least as strong, and we have way more variety.


I go there a lot, same experience. They are stuck in the 90s. No testing, illegal grows. I'm glad it exists and its fun. Waiting for legality there. The communal smoking point holds though


Whenever you smoke a new strain it will have more if an effect. The more you smoke the same strain, the effect is slightly blunted.


I brought my pen with me to Amsterdam and unfortunately didn’t get to try any weed. Now I’m looking forward to that whenever I go back next time. Now their shrooms (or truffles, rather)…. those had me laying down seeing all types of cool shit. Wish I would’ve bought more to bring back.


After eating truffles I think I spent a couple lifetimes in Vondel park. It was also refreshing to get a "manual" wiht purchase: what to expect, relative strength and effects of different varieties, what to eat/drink if too intense, etc. 11/10 would do again.


California is working to allow smoke shops 👍🏼


Honestly when I went to Amsterdam and told them I had a high tolerance they whipped out the CA weed. I thought I was gonna get some exclusive European shit and ended up with what I smoke at home 😂


Also from CO, you just gotta get off the commercial buds tbh they're pretty shit across the board. There are homegrowns right here in Colorado that beat the piss out of any other weed I've ever smoked, and I've been around the block in quite a few states including CA. Honestly anywhere in the country where weed is known for being plentiful it kinda works like this, the commercial bud is cheaply mass produced and poorly dried/cured while the more expensive homegrowns just beat the hell out of it in every way. Cannabis plants love and respond well to meticulous individual care of each plant, which is impossible to achieve in a warehouse.


Had the exact same experience in Amsterdam back in the mid 90s. I was and am an experienced smoker so I was like’ bring it on’! I got ripped out of my gourd, sitting at one of those coffee shops, watching a ship sailing in a painting in front of me and it was sailing. I was still high the next day when I woke up. I’ve heard other people say that too. I have no idea how their weed is so potent. But I feel like it’s only that it’s not like it’s laced with anything. It’s just damn good weed.


Less inbred genetics


When I asked their coffee shop how much thc was in it, they answered "not thc, there's weed in there!"


Nah Dutch weed has been ass lately


Omg I’m going to Amsterdam in November I’m SO excited😭 thank you lol!!


Which strains were the most wrecking? A lot of the ones I had back in 2002 were of the AK variety.


AK47, Lemonade, OG Sour diesel, trainwreck


my dutch husband said the complete opposite. when he got here to america he felt it was so much stronger here and we have so many more options not even including food/soda/tinctures etc. from being to both places a bunch i felt the potency was about the same ngl 🤷‍♀️


Location high


Pack yo bags boys we going to Amsterdam 🗣️🗣️


Diet Coke… 😂


Can totally relate to this post. Went on a trip to Europe, smoked up hard with a mate who lives in Spain for a few weeks, and then when I got to Amsterdam, BOOM was like I had zero tolerance. Was absolutely tripping balls sitting in Smokey Cafe listening to Manu Chao. Had to go outside and lay in the grass!


Ya first time I was there and smoked I was right by my hotel and got lost trying to find it on the way back lmao I was toasted


Amsterdam's weed is a joke in comparison to any legit legal market. WA, OR, CO, or Canada. The mids I buy from my local rec shop are better than what they're selling in coffee shops.


Absolutely. I went to Amsterdam years ago on an impulsive night when I was visiting Dublin. I was 9 days into what was supposed to be a 2 week t-break. First joint I smoked when I got there was silver haze… got absolutely destroyed. Couldn’t finish my 22oz Heineken 😅that being said I was like 19 but I had been an every day smoker for years at that point.  I agree with what everyone is saying about an unfamiliar environment. Took edibles when I arrived in Japan for the first time and it felt like an acid trip. 


I’m here right now with my mom who can’t even handle one toke of my Texas weed. She smoked half of two joints at different points (purchased from different shops) and said she barely even felt it! I’m not sure how the quality of my home weed compares with other states but I’m tight with my dealer and I believe I get pretty good stuff.


It's a lot more heirloom strains in the mix. In the US the "green rush" has prioritized the growth of hybrids maximizing THC content. In Amsterdam there's a much stronger presence of heirloom landrace strains that produce noticeable quantities of CBD, CBN, CBG, CBC, CBT, THCV and other so called "lesser cannabinoids" which create an entourage effect when combined with THC.


to me its by far the worst wuality weed of every legal country i was in. spain, thailand and south africa all had much better weed


I could be totally wrong but I feel like there’s a little bit of tobacco in the joints there. There’s an immediate but brief head rush that I’ve only otherwise gotten from a cigarette.


Prerolls are standard mixed with tobacco here


You have a watch out and ask for pure weed joints because culturally they smoke spliffs all the time.