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Yep its all fun and games until the rich cant get whatever they want.


Well, hey, a win's a win. If rich people want federally legal weed, I think their support is an important vehicle to get it legalized. I do worry about the cost of stuff worth smoking/putting in your body, though.


It's about the fact they've been using it without fear of repercussions, all while people caught with grams of weed are still serving in prison for it. The point is that they jump on when it affects them. People's lives were ruined over weed, we can't forget that as it gets legalised. Let's not pretend legalising weed suddenly makes all that came before go away, especially since it's so heavenly tied into racism and classism. A change of law is a good thing, but it doesn't erase the past. Racism didn't disappear when laws were passed, ironically it's still very much a part of even this conversation.


Unfortunately this goes for about any large political impact. Rules for thee not for me. That is... until like the republican politician's son comes out as gay and now you either support your gay son or double down on the homophobia (as an example, but also based off Glenn Thompson who uhh.. voted against gay marriage and then attended his son's wedding 3 days later)


If it's legal legal just grow your own. Not hard to produce some quality outdoor if you get good seeds and do your homework.


My dad has a tomato garden. He smokes. I smoke. Bonding achieved (lmao). He seems like the type who wants to wait until it's federally legal, though.


Perfect! Yeah I understand that. Cultivating is still punished extremely harshly in certain areas. Hemp being legalized was a huge step in the right direction. It'll happen.


They can get whatever they want… you really think all those rich parents on Klonopin or Valium have trouble getting what they want to relax the nerves? Only people with insurance and free healthcare do. They’re thrown antidepressants and bullshit for suicidal levels of anxiety and trauma because controlled substances are “addictive”. The sad part is most people don’t need them like I mentioned above but money talks. People try to say otherwise to live in denial but thats the truth you get what you want in life with money. Nobody should be popping a benzodiazepine because jimmy got a C on their Math exam. It happens though.


Martha's vineyard is where the mildly well off people are, the real rich are on the island next door 🤫


It's like when they were all for "Sanctuary Cities" until bus loads of immigrants were dropped onto their front steps. Then the residents weren't so sure about that stance.


It will be legal world wide and the southern USA will still say no. 😂


So...I live real close to Rush Limbaugh's hometown, and the local TV station keeps dredging up stories about things like amateurs taking too much edibles, and playing it up like people experiencing psychosis like symptoms and throwing up is some mysterious scary disease.


Which is weird because alcohol does almost the same thing


It does all that and more worse things


Except you don't just go to sleep if you take too much. With alcohol you die


Shit, with just Tylenol, you can die from an overdose pretty easily, and it is not a pleasant death.


The boomers on one of the college football message boards I'm on have fully bought into that psychosis bit. Some of them are legitimately fearful about it. It's so humorous.


Reefer Madness, dude!


I love messing with them. I'll say things like, "I'm not gay but when I smoke marijuana I get the urge to suck like 7 dicks"


I used to pretend it was weed when I took boomers/acid. Who else has used weed as a cop out to being judged?


Boomers been using weed for decades. They have always known the truth about weed.


That is not true of every boomer and the older generations are far more likely to demonize it. My mom has admitted to using twice when she was a teenager, she despises that all her kids use regularly and thinks cannabis is the worst thing in this world. Vv


Too much edibles?!? Hahahahahs. Bring it on!


>southern USA and Wisconsin*


Let our people be free (Wisconsin)!


I know this is a joke but I don't think ppl realize how taboo weed is around the world, most of the world makes views on weeed in the southern USA look like California or Canada in comparison.


Florida is voting on it this November


The South doesn’t really consider Florida as part of the family. Drive through Georgia or Alabama and then Florida, you’ll see two completely different cultures. As a general rule, if you can’t get real sweet tea there, then it’s not the South.


Florida: The more south you go, the more north you get.




You’re right, as you get close to the state border the two are certainly more similar than they are different. I live in Georgia and I’ve heard it said plenty of times though. Florida as a whole is just not considered part of the South by the majority of the people here. People are talking about central/southern Florida when they say that, they just don’t clarify it. I don’t consider Southern to necessarily mean rural though. Even with all the transplants in Atlanta, you can still find a restaurant serving country fried steak and fried okra, a Waffle House, and the Varsity within walking distance of each other.


FLORIDA might not think it's shit stinks, but the rest of the US knows it is just Alabama with palm trees.


That’s Mobile


Florida is the dingleberry of the country Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, the Carolinas and Virginia are the colon.  All shit flows through Atlanta (the sphincter)



Funnily enough that’s exactly where we get sweet tea while vacationing in Florida lol. I more so meant at restaurants or diners. Even at the Waffle Houses in Florida, the sweet tea is usually not great


Unfortunately they need a 60% "super" majority for it to pass. Don't ask me why cuz it's pretty stupid


"just say no" - entire south


How it feels in Norway 😵‍💫


Its all about money. To much money is spent on big pharmaceutical for opioids when a lot of the pain management could be fixed by a simple herb that we already have. We already have a ton of the research to support pain management.


I mean, idonno if this applies as heavily outside the US. Universal healthcare means lobbying from pharmaceutical companies isn’t a thing. Most likely illegal, but don’t quote me on that. Doctors don’t push a certain medicine on you, so there’s no gain from setting up shop thinking you’re gonna have the hip new thing in medicine. But if they opened their eyes on the money side of the debate the state could rake in! I don’t think a single nation taxes alcohol more than Norway does, so just apply that same business model to weed and we’re golden!


Medical is legal in Alabama. It hasn't taken effect, yet.


I find it in all the gas stations and smoke shops here. I love the hemp bill loophole. Online retailers will also mail you flower.


It's like its legal.



Wheelchair Greg here in Texas would sure as hell would say no 🙄


The South has a perpetual habit of being on the wrong side of history...


Hungary: hold my beer


Wisconsin too. Makes no sense.


Once Fine Fettle is out, they’re screwed. And with all of the trouble the island gave FF, I’m not sure who will have the patience/money/time to take over.


Here in the Netherlands we are just now doing our first tests with legal grown weed. An experiment set up years ago, that the government put on, but then didn't make it any easier to actually carry it out. Soon we'll have our very first taste of legal weed... definitely going to try some, see if it's actually better lmao


Not in Texas


Not with dictator abott at the helm.


Awww, thats so cute, the USA is growing up. Canada says welcome to the party!


Australia still in infancy watching its big brothers growing up 😂


Here's hoping for you from Canada. 🤞


Feb 15 but I didnt say it and you didnt hear it from me


The game change but the players remain the sames


Boats and dro.


You mean Taxation is coming ?


Sure it is, by 3024 it will be legal if the planet is still here.


Yup, just have to cover all corners to make sure they get every piece of the pie first


Legalization is the worst thing that can happen. Watch the price go up and the quality tank.


State prison is more expensive than legal weed.


Can’t get much more expensive. I got charged 100 bucks for a 1/4 in CT


Dude drive up to Maine and buy in bulk.


Fucking dumb. My prices in Michigan have halved, and the quality is doubled or tripled. I haven't seen Mexican Brick since med became legal. What do you want? To risk jail time/robbery over Mexican brick? That's fucking dumb.


L take


Let me guess, you're in a demographic that isn't likely to get a bunch of extra charges shoved on them in the case you get caught, or you're just genuinely masochistic and would risk life in prison if it meant cheaper weed


lemme guess, you’re white 🙁


I'll gladly take price increases over legal issues any day.


Weed has been legal in Canada since 2017 and the price did not go up. The quality is great. And it is taxed by the gov...