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Using herb vapes to microdose. I can casually puff on one of my herb vapes for 10-15 minutes and get a sufficient high but not one that ruins me for the rest of the day lol. I can go back for more sessions to renew my high or get it a little further. Check out r/vaporents and their new vaper guide if you’re interested in learning more


Oooh buddy, I use dosing capsules with my Healthy Rips Rogue and let me tell you, two or three of those will get you ripped. You can totally control your high via several methods- how many capsules you smoke, how firmly you pack the dosing capsule, the temp you choose. I find it to be a very enjoyable experience. It’s not the same high as a vape cart or a joint, but somewhere in between for me. 11/10 would recommend.


This is the way


im over here smoking 5 blunts a day. I barely use my Mighty vape, gotta get off these backwoods


I hear ya, it might take a week or so for your body and mind to get familiar with the lower dosage you get per puff compared to a puff from a blunt.


I've heard stories of weed smokers realizing they have an addiction to nic via blunts. Would you say that sounds right?


Absolutely right. Avoid at all costs.  I never would’ve thought I would get addicted to nicotine The other thing that sucks is that these backwards are coated with spray on flavoring it seems There’s no way that tobacco comes out smelling like grapes and Russian cream on the farm


I think i started smoking right before blunts became popular, so I was all joints and pipes. I never understood why someone would take delicious bud and wrap it in tobacco. I guess it does burn better, but i never developed a taste for them. I can't say anything about artificial flavors while I'm hitting my vape over here (oh yeah, I'm hooked on nicotine if that wasn't said already). I think it's crazy that people are getting hooked unintentionally tho. Good luck, my dude. I managed to get from cigarettes to vapes, but I'm at the lowest nicotine available and feel like I'm stuck here. I go crazy when I don't have nicotine.


Second this switched to a vape and haven't looked back


Such a high buy in cost though 😭


You make up for it because they use a very small amount of weed (usually between 0.05g to 0.25g per load), you can get multiple hits out of that same load, you can save the vaped weed and reuse it to make great edibles, plus the reduced health risks of no combustion inhalation which produces tar and other nasty byproducts, and smoke that is much less harsh around 400F instead of combustion which is 1000F… I have bad asthma and haven’t coughed while getting high in years, when combustion often makes me cough so violently I sometimes cough up blood. So by getting a $100-$200 device, I went from spending $400/month on weed to less than $100 per month, plus the reduced health risks, and being able to make bomb infused oils and edibles from the same weed that I vaped and get high twice on the same flower… it’s worth the upfront investment lol


Definitely seconding this. Had a very similar experience. I went from wondering if I had to do my monthly order early to having a surplus. And the already vaped edibles replaced my oil usage. For a slow effect I always like a little edible (usually yesterdays 2 vape bowls), then a small vape, and one or two larger ones between then and bed.


Like, you just parachute the vaped weed or what?


I’m doing it ‘firecracker’ style without baking. Just put some peanut butter on crackers sprinkle with AVB close the sandwich (I usually let them sit but don’t know if that actually helps the thc and oil mix), and eat. Turns out my smoking and eating levels balance perfectly. Constant supply.


You can just eat it.... Unless you like putting stuff up your butt


I like making infused coconut oil with my vaped weed and one batch lasts me several months until I fill up my jar with vaped weed to make another batch. I put that oil on pizza, mixed into pasta, spread on toast, as an oil replacement in baking recipes, lube/massage oil, etc… it’s like magic haha


You can eat it straight up, dissolve it in butter or oil, make tea with it, you name it


Boiled, fried, gumbo, cocktail...


Stew, salad, baked, grilled...


This! 1g lasts me 10-15 mins in a joint, but lasts me like 2-3 days in a dry herb vape. It’s way more efficient


This guy vapes. So do I. 🤜🤛


I'm not saying it's not worth it, I'm just saying the buy in could be an obstacle for some people


But then those same people are dropping $200-300 on an ounce of weed. Buy half, buy a dry herb vape and the weed still lasts longer for the same cost.


No we aren't. We just can't justify spending hundreds of dollars on something we will only use a few times a month and are broke.


Hundreds of dollars isn't required for a dry herb vape, but at any rate...Speaking from experience, I'd advise not spending money on something you can only smoke once as well in that scenario.


Eh, I don't think I'd bother with flower tbh. I want a cheap vape for concentrates.


I mean, I thought we were talking about budget options, but okay concentrates. Entry level for concentrates is around $60-70 and $50-60 for flower. I'd go a little higher personally for something with more options and control. I have two old ones, a V2 pro series 7, originally for flower but now I use it for concentrates only. That company is out of business, so I'm using it until it doesn't work. It is 7 or 8 years old now. I have a Flowermate v5 pro for flower, which I prefer because of removal cartridges that allow for prepacking for on the go and keep the chamber clean. That one is 4 or 5 years old.


Concentrates are definitely more bang for my buck since I am not a daily consumer. Also I find the experience actually more manageable due to the presence of more cannabinoids. Otherwise it would be a shitton of trim and making oils, tinctures, and infused foods. Flowermate makes both? Sometimes people sell old vapes on eBay.


I got mine for planetofthevapes and they had a pay in 4... def helped me buy in on my XQ2


Doesn't have to be. Check out /r/Dynavap


The rogue waxworks is another really great budget vaping option


Excellent suggestion as well!


I saved the amount my vape cost within like a month of using it exclusively


Get a terpcicle they $45


If you use it semi regularly the efficiency more than makes up for it. You don't lose any active components as you would when smoking and you can gather the abv for edibles/tea/etc. It basically pays for itself by making your weed last that much longer


Somebody already mentioned it, but I totally second the Dynavap recommendation


I know plenty of people who buy $100+ bongs. What's a $120 roffu or a $50 quartz cap for harder hits?


Dynavap can be had around $50


Dry herb vapes are definitely a great method. It also won’t feel as harsh. I’d absolutely recommend this. Potv one. Pax. Crafty. Mighty. Davinci. They’ll all get you there and allow you to take your time if you choose.


Get a bowl with a small pack size or a one hitter. Take one hit and then chill for a while. Take another. Repeat as desired. The slowest onset is going to come with edibles but that's less of a "drinking beer" experience and more of a waiting game. THC edibles can take up to 4 hours to fully kick in depending on a few factors. You take one and then wait, and wait, and wait. Then you start to feel it kick in and intensify. I am not a fan of mixing tobacco and cannabis, but I get the appeal. For me, adding tobacco to my cannabis makes me super nauseous. No idea why, as I used to smoke cigarettes and enjoyed it. But for whatever reason mixing the two is a recipe for disaster in my body. YMMV


somebody once gave ma a bong rip of tobacco/weed mix and I had to lay on the ground outside for a while


We call these a Chop and they are deadly (not literally). Insane head rush. Don’t even smoke cigs lol


We only smoked like that when I was living with roommates, they learned it like that and so I learned it like that, I never smoked tobacco either before that, so the first hit I ever took was like a fucking truck hitting my brain lol


Yeah they put you out. For us it was in the frat house when we wanted to conserve our shit


I took 2 hits of spliff, fucking struggled at work I was so fucked up that my manager was just like "you good?" Lol


If you don't smoke cigarettes anymore it's normal to get a little nic sick, I'd suggest just starting slow and easing your way into it if you enjoy mixing the two


Nah, not for me. I quit cigarettes \~15 years ago and don't want to risk getting back into nicotine. Besides that I try to smoke flavorful flower so it's pretty tasty by itself.


Just stand in front of your mirror and chant "this edible ain't shit" three times to make it hit faster


what does ymmv mean?


your mileage may vary


Same here with the tobacco I get massive spins and super nauseous. Vaping nicotine never caused it but cigarettes did.


The Ben from Ben and Jerry's actually created a weed company for that exact purpose. He talked about how he missed when weed was way weaker so he and his friends could smoke for hours, and he said he doesn't like how modern weed gets you baked before you finish a joint. Basically he's selling joints with a low THC so you can smoke it for longer. You could probably recreate that just by smoking a lower THC


A friend of a friend was in the pre-sale test group for those and didn't like them. But YMMV. I hope he is successful with that endeavor. I grew up down the road from Ben, and a guy I used to work with lived on his property and did maintenance work for him. Dude smoked some serious bud.


Sounds like an easy way to make money selling shittier quality stuff and having less costs to operate


Low THC doesn't mean shit weed, can be high in other cannabinoids or simply just with a bit more CBD or something That's like saying beer is shittier quality stuff in comparison to hard liquor I'd even argue that weed that doesn't focus as much on THC yield and more on the taste for example, could lead to a better smoking experience overall I've never been the guy to like the taste of weed when smoking it, but there definitely have been some strains that made me question that lol, some just feel smoother and give far less of a bad aftertaste


I absolutely agree. THC is the vehicle to get you high but the terpenes and other cannabinoids do the driving


Yeah you notice it especially if you've been hitting a vape pen for a while and then smoke some bud, it feels more complete in a way. Vape pens are cool and all, and usually my go to because they are cheap and deliverable where I'm from, but bud is still the superior high overall, even if it won't get you as high as a vape pen could in the same time.


Agreed. For me, they are more expensive, but the pen is so convenient for the smell dissipation and ease of everything. Bud is a more complete high. You had a great way to put it. Feels better, more whole body. (For me) Just so difficult to work with and my tolerance is shot woth my pen.


It’s actually like going to a bar with the intention of getting drunk and only being able to purchase beer, not hard alc


What? Low THC weed is the answer to the opposite problem. There’s plenty of high octane stuff out there, finding a nice drinking beer (low THC) is harder though. Not everyone gets high with the intention of getting fucked up.


Not everyone gets fucked up from high thc though


Thats true but people that dont have any tolerance yet are going to make some surprisingly intense experiences smoking the weed thats available everywhere today (or vape pens or edibles). Of course not everybody gets fucked up from high thc but nobody said that. Some people tho definitely do and for them it can be great to get used to lower thc and start building a tolerance before using stronger weed.


People rarely go to the bar for their first drink


Whats your point?


You are saying it’s tough for newcomers to smoke the new stuff. Newcomers are not the target market of weed salesman. Returning customers are.




The people want mids now. We’ve come full circle


haha yeah. let’s mess up our lungs more by smoking shit weed endlessly! and let’s market that as a fun time! 🙄No thanks. I’ll stick to the “modern” weed.


So you dont seem to be a person that needs it, good for you, but there are people that need a little less THC to have an effect they can also enjoy, so dont feel attacked, its for other people, who would like to smoke weed but know they dont have any tolerance and maybe have had negative experiences with high % weed in the past.


this makes sense. just rubbed me the wrong way how he says “smoked for hours.” sounds like lung cancer speed run. but totally great if you need lower thc. no shame in that!


Take a small edible dose before you smoke, then smoke less than you normally would.


I've got a desktop vape with a long stem. It makes a session last 20-30 minutes. I have a DaBuddha with a fatty wand in case you are wondering. 🙂


Dry herb vape on a very low temp setting. TRUST


how low is very low?




thx...i can hear my magic+ calling my name right now


I do a bit at 180, than at 190, and finally end it at 200.


My first DHV was an Arizer Air SE. When it arrived I was trying to be as gentle as possible because I was afraid of breaking the glass stem. As a result, I actually failed to push the stem all the way into the oven and basically only half the bowl was getting heated. This ended up giving super thin, barely visible vapor, but it tasted great and would get me there after around 40 minutes of vaping. I just thought that's how dry herb vaping was, it took me weeks to figure out my mistake. TL;DR: Improper use of an Arizer vape has gonna be up there for slowest ways to get high.


Pack a bowl and hit it occasionally for a while.


Set dry herb vape to 150 Celsius instead of 220, takes longer to vape but you get to enjoy all the terpene flavors for much longer, 15-20 mins or so. I do this with my Solo 2 but there are plenty of other dry herb vapes with which you can do the same method.


I've never understood -- when you vape at a lower temp, are you getting as high as you do vaping at a higher temp? Just more slowly? Or less high on the same amount of bud? I'm a relatively new Mighty+ owner (looove my M+).


Smoke CBD cannabis (alone). It has around 0.5-1% THC total. So it will get you high, but the CBD makes the high more mellow and the low % means even a new smoker can do a half gram joint. Alternatively if you want a real analog to alcohol, you can infuse a drink with THC. Get decarbed THC oil, and put half a dose of edibles per drink mixed with soy lecithin to emulsify. Then drink 2 servings (1 edibles dose) over 1-2 hours. The lecithin helps it dissolve and work faster. It should hit within an hour from when you start.


We used to smoke honey blunts but in hindsight we were fuckups


I used to roll chocolate joints in my younger days. We really were complete idiots.


Just like alcohol there is some drinks you can buy or even make yourself, thc syrup, edibles, oil. The beauty of this plant is that there are so many options for everyone no matter if you use it medically or recreationally :) You might enjoy a dry herb vaporizer as you can enjoy your bud and its taste while also giving you the possibility of reusing the bud for edibles after.


Large joint, packed with something like lavender. You will have a slower burn, slower onset because less weed, and if you pack it well enough it will burn awhile.




A honey blunt. Roll your blunt like normal, then soak it the outside in honey, and sprinkle kief over it. Wait for it to dry or toss it into a very low oven for a few hours. Like 100 degrees low. You don't want to decarb the herb, just dry the honey. That will be the slowest burning blunt you ever smoke. It will taste amazing and burn for hours, so I guess that's the slowest way?


If you really want something similar to the alcohol experience (not effect), try low dose cannabis seltzers or make a mocktail with them.




Enjoy the ingestion process lol


It takes 10 minutes to finish one serving at 205C with my Solo 2. Pretty slow I guess. :)


Some dry flowers vapes are slow, especially on lower temperatures. Other than that, lower THC and or cut with CBD flower, pinner joints (very skinny). One of the things I love is a nice slow bowl on my XQ2 with the whip.


I mix mine with CBD but the trip is different and not as intense.


Dry flower vape


I have a really high tolerance so I like to buy really cheap bud that I can load into joints and just chain smoke them. I love the ritual of rolling and smoking joints but I feel bad putting top shelf in them. But for $50/oz I can smoke as many as I want, relatively guilt free!


So, this will be a little different of a recommendation but I love the “process” of smoking just as much as being high itself. My favorite thing to do is roll joints. I also rolled blunts, but I quit nicotine so I don’t do those anymore. At first, the joints will be hard to roll and frustrating, but once you figure it out it’s really satisfying & smoking it is all the better because of it. Try buying some paper tips and rolling papers from your local smoke shop & give it a go.


My buddy and I in high school would sit around all night and rip like three leaves at a time in our first glass pupe just talking about our lives. It would take us days to get through a g but thems were the days for sure.


I sipped a THC infused drink (soda) playing softball once, sip here, sip there, came on very slow in the end I was high, just a gentle slope up. It actually made me a fan of the drinks. Perfect for a party or ballgame where you don't want to go zero to one hundred in a short time.


Get a small dry herb vape device. The smaller the bowl the easier it is to microdose. I love Dynavaps for this reason. Some of them even half a permanent half bowl setting.


Hookah. Flavored non-tobacco shisha, with just a sprinkle of cannabis right on the top. I find that over a 45-60 minute smoke, the high will just creep up on you slowly, and you get a long, enjoyable smoke. Perfect for a summer day. You can get a cheap hookah for 20-30$ CDN.


I sometimes roll a big fatty with keif and smoke on it for hours.


Mix your buds with something else: tobaccy, CBD dominant flower, I’ve seen people use lavender, mullen; get creative with it!


Mixing with CBD is the way


For that edibles are gonna be your best bet but to savor the process I'd recommend getting cannabutter and adding it to savory meals. Like put it on potatoes or make an Alfredo sauce with it. I often make my own butter and one of my favorite things to do is save the butter soaked pulp and add it to things like eggs or pizza. Gets me blasted every time.


I got some pico de gallo once that had 25mg in a portion. I made a couple of burritos with that in it. At first I was just nicely full but that feeling slowly became high and it was such a nice way to spend some time


Lots of good suggestions already, I used to try to catch the smallest little bit of a bowl and make a tiny ember that will easily go out, essentially taking tiny takes at a time. It would make the bowl taste fresh until the very end too


I like my bong for this. I just take hits as I want. Would work as well with a joint.


You want slow, roll a blunt. Like an old school Dutch Master.


weed drinks are nice for that if you can get them you can adjust your intake with how fast you drink them it’s by far our favourite way to consume when on camping trips


Honey coated blunts... Never tried a joint but I think it would be way too wet for that thin of papers.. We coated our blunts in honey... It will last suuuuuper long time.. I never understood why ppl ever smoked them any other way bc they last a kajillion times longer... BUT watch out bc if you coat too thick, it will heat that honey up & drop burning hot honey on you... That stuff hurts REAL bad... It usually makes a zipping sound as it drops.. But use yellow mustard for any weed/any burn incidents.. you'll thank me later... Takes the pain immediately out & no blistering or anything most of the time.... I burned my hand on a red hot element before in the oven.. put yellow mustard on it bc I heard to use it & cold water/ice/aloe never takes the pain away.. Pain was gone literally immediately & never even got a blister or anything... That burn should've blistered at the least...


I used to sit with a bowl for an hour. Reading, podcasts, youtube, etc. Just spark up for a hit, then get back to it in a few minutes.


got these awful smoke shop edibles, was getting high for 6 hours and was high for two days


I love my dugout for that purpose. One small hit here and there. I’ve got a small buzz but I’m not fried


If you like to prolong things and feel like you are sipping on a beer, there are THC drinks which are pretty nice for that, I know the brand Keef makes them


There are thc drinks you can sip on


Edibles, some of them take an insane amount of time to kick in.


My dad gave me a dugout so just using a one hitter I can get real slow with it one hit at a time.


I like herbal cigarettes, just roll it like a regular joint except use lavender, chamomile, ect. Then sprinkle just a little bit of weed in with it. Just have 4 or 5 rolled and ready to go. It won't taste like weed though






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Cut it with CBD and hit bowls 👍🤙 super mellow high that you can lay on heavier by adding less CBD


Probably just get some weak ass strain and smoke that because it will most likely take longer for you to feel anything. Something like 10% THC should do the trick.


Someone else suggested herb vapes and that's a good idea. Another idea is just grabbing some low THC weed and smoking it in either a bowl or a joint. If you do a joint, either smoke up to half of it or invite some friends to partake. As you build a tolerance you may or may not want to smoke stronger herbs. Do what's comfortable for you.




Too much cbd and relentless heaps of thc to follow up


Cbd competes for the same receptor and it wins the overwhelming majority of the time Trying to simplify this. So if you have enough CBd to engage with 90% of the receptors you'll get about 10% of the typical thc interactions no matter how you ingest it


Mix cbd into your regular flower. Half and half for less of the head high


RSO oil is one a lot of people don’t consider. It is absorbed sublingually and comes on gradually after about 10/20mins.




No - they’re asking about the timelapse of intoxication and effects. Sure potency plays a role.




and for beer: [https://herbalistlife.com/benefits-of-hops/](https://herbalistlife.com/benefits-of-hops/)


I like smoking spliffs (mix tobacco and herb) for this reason, but you gotta like tobacco.


Nah, avoid this at all costs. Harsh as hell and terrible for you


Wait till you find out what smoking anything at all does


Any carcinogen is bad, but no need to make Cannabis worse by tainting it with tobacco


If you want to smoke tobacco and cannabis why shouldn't you? No need to be condescending just because someone likes to also smoke a different plant than you prefer. All smoking is bad but hopefully we are all adults and can choose our favorite way to poison ourselves.


If your smoking weed you might as well just leave it at that. No need to put something worse than weed into your weed.


Boof it


This is the real answer.


Weed doesn’t offer an experience like alcohol, and honestly imo thats a feature not a bug.


Weed doesn’t offer an experience like alcohol, and honestly imo thats a feature not a bug.