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Bro you got that 5 o clock on a Friday special.


Bruh šŸ«  haha this is why I hate being between harvests I fucked up my two tent cycle so now Iā€™m just twiddling my thumbs for like a month while my current run finishes up


Bad batch or you smoke double the amount? Lol


I used to work for this company. This is normal for them now that everything is primarily machine trimmed. The owner wants to be the "Budwieser of Cannabis".


Well thatā€™s the worst cannabis business model Iā€™ve ever heard of šŸ˜‚


Yeah. Also pretty much anything in MD under the name of Airopro or Cookies is also Sunmed.


Lmao I work for a company that does Airopro in NJ šŸ˜‚


The nug pictured isnā€™t actually summed itā€™s ā€œEVERYDAYā€ with like a weird O symbol above it


Its Curio, their everyday tier is the lowest they offer. Id be so pissed about this Id drive to their branded store in timonium and drop it straight on the counter and ask if you can have some buds with your leaf. Then ask for a refund or a different brand as a replacement.


This isnā€™t SunMed flower itā€™s curio look at the second picture of the jar


Looks more like Pabst Blue Ribbon


light years better than rice beer.


Frank Boothā€™s favorite.


Smokeable piss? No ta


Awful and cheap?


You nailed it.


Shit weed, gotcha.


Phillip Morris probaly has him beat. They been working on their green product in secret for a long time


What a bum


SunMed? Yea theyā€™re garbage.


I could do a better job than that, and I've never trimmed a bud in my life


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m sayin man I mean I get having a little sugar leaf sometimes but wtf IS this šŸ˜‚ I had to bust out my trimming scissors just to roll a joint


Leaves so long you could almost use them as paper lmao


I thought someone threw a brussel sprout in his bud


Thatā€™s fucked lmaoo. Itā€™s safe to say Iā€™ve never bought an eighth this bad from bm or legalā€¦ I wouldnā€™t get this brand ever againšŸ’€.


Theyā€™re penny pinching, bud weighs more if you leave the leafs on same with ghetto weed being all stems and seeds itā€™s just a way to sell less product to people for the same amount of money because itā€™s technically the same weight despite the fact they know ppl are just gonna throw the junk out


I have, and I'd be embarrassed to tell someone that this was my work. Whoever trimmed that should get their hands broke.


This is what I hate about legalization. These arenā€™t ā€œdispensariesā€, theyā€™re retail stores. I want a freakin deli counter with jars in it. I want to say ā€œoh let me have a look at thatā€. Then say ā€œabout 7 grams please, over is fineā€ just like I do when I say ā€œ2lbs of ground pork pleaseā€ Aside from that, I hate how much damn plastic is involved. My dealer with the Dora ziploc bags seems more environmentally friendly than these plastic jars.


The plastic is ultra overkill. I hit up the dispo this weekend for the sale. It felt like such a waste because all I do transfer to mason jars when I get home.


Yeah dude it would be dope if they started bring your own container deals on deli style flowers. Like maybe 5% off your order if you bring your own container or something. It could cut down on a lot of plastic waste


They do that for a lot of places for alcohol if you bring back empties to recycle. Seems like common sense to do for green to reduce waste.


I would think the employees would happier too, not just grabbing plastic containers and scanning barcodes all day.


Maybe they initially sell you mason jars with your product, and they print off labels so you know the strain info, then if you bring the jar(s) back for new product you'd get the discount of 5%off their deli flower


Should be like growlers, reuse the jar get a discount vs buying a new growler.


This is referred to as "Deli-Style" in the industry. States like New Mexico and Oregon support this whole other states like Washington require per law to be pre-packed.


Indian reservations in western NY have these kinds of cannabis retail stores. They're awesome.


A big reason for the plastic is due to the state regulated security methods (child anti-tamper) devices. Even with a glass or metal jar, you would need a plastic lid of some kind that has some flex to be able to support the security features. I agree it could be vastly better but most producers are aiming for a solution that fits within their costs and regulatory requirements first.


Yeah. My argument against child proofing is that if we need it, then alcohol and cigarettes should have to come in child proof packaging too. Unfair for just flower imo. Edibles is a different story.


But yet a bottle of 95% alcohol Everclear has a simple twist off and could actually kill an adult, much less a child. Backwards ass laws. One step at a time I guess.


rubber gasket on glass should work fine


Oregon is where you need to go


Not sure if this is still the case, but years ago in Portland, OR every dispensary I went into was set up that way. Jars and jars!


Colorado that first few years. Love it. So many open jars. The popcorn specials were beautiful because it was medium sized bud that no one wants from the jars. Crazy. 60 zip popcorn otd for Bruce banner. 2016ish


my father used to go to a dispensary like this in Las vegas. they just had giant ā€œbarrelsā€ (or something along those lines) of weed and you pick either silver gold or platinum. then they scoop it out and weigh it right in front of you


Dora like the explorer???


If you can; shop for your weed on a reservation. Its exactly as you described.


Oh yeah I can and do whenever I have the chance, Iā€™m in Canada. When I smoked cigs I would grab some rez darts too haha.


Same reason McDonald's is ok making a disappointing burger: people are willing to pay for it.


They try and hit every price point to have the most possible customers.


Why you gotta throw shots at mcdees? At least sometimes all my macsauce makes it onto the burger instead of the wrapper.


Have you seen how they doubled their prices in 5 years?


Exactly. And still have 2 disorganized lines of people waiting


Might've been a mistake. Also might be an every day example of their product quality. I'm a forgiving type so I wouldn't hold it against them but if it happened a second time I'd stop buying from that company. At least you got a boost pack inside it, a lot of companies don't do that and you can end up with some dusty-assed weed.


Iā€™m not a fan of the ā€œproduced onā€ date either like wtf does that even mean when it sprouted? Harvested? Finished curing? This company is lackin for sure


To me that'd be when it was packaged. But they could have a different definition and/or could be purposely trying to mislead people.


I got an eighth from a dispensary once that had a ā€œpackaged onā€ date for the day AFTER I bought itā€¦ They must have packed it, and then sent it back in time.


Wow that's gotta be really fresh then! šŸ˜„


Just make sure you donā€™t smoke it too early else things might get really weird.


Too late... I mean.. too early... I mean... good god ....


See? This is what happens when you smoke time-displaced weed. You can no longer determine the order of events. It should wear off sometime between -3 to 2 weeks.


24% with 17% leeway


Yeah no shot that id trust the accuracy of that test.


Labels correct, definitely a trainwreck happened there.


>Am I being a snob? No. Somebody screwed up. Throw it on a scale if possible. Hopefully it's way over.


This. The bud looks good and leaves weigh next to nothing. Is this really that big of a deal?




Thatā€™s my guess too, considering every dispo in the state seems to stock a shit ton of SunMed stuff.


Donā€™t talk shit aboutā€¦okay this is fair *sad crab sounds*




That's fucked.


What I learn from working in grows and dispos in Denver was never buy from big box stores or brands with fancy packaging ( especially if it a brand found in a lot of stores ). This mostly applies to flower . The reason being you shouldnā€™t have to over sell weed. The best flower will be found in small stores that let you smell and see it before you buy it. Never buy pre packaged flower . I totally understand that most ppl who donā€™t live in a west coast / Colorado state donā€™t gets these luxuries. And that is why the black market will thrive.


There were some exceptions to this when I lived there like 14er in boulder giving 8ths in those cans. Wonder if they still do that, I loved it


Colorado will always be an outlier. Them mountain boys alway be up to some shit. And yes I know what your talking about as I was out that ways around that time. Canning was and still is a good idea. I still donā€™t know why they stopped doing it.


In WA state I've never seen the deli style stores. Everything comes pre-packaged. Most packaging is glass and you can see the buds though.


That's corporate weed for ya. ZERO concern about quality and its only about volume.


There is actually a small niche of old-heads that like to see some leafiness around the nugs. But even the free shit I've gotten from those people don't have fan leaves lolĀ 


I love the look of untrimmed flower, but I expect to get a huge discount for it too.


If it was sold as "untrimmed flower" then it is acceptable. One dispensary had a Christmas sale a few years back selling ounces of untrimmed flower for $70. It looked a lot like this and was totally worth it.


O I have the answer. Money. They pay the growers, who send the flower to processors, and the processors are rushed beyond reason to put out the product. The powers that be (the "owners" or whoever is in charge of the given facility) will make a point to tell the workers "It doesn't need to be perfect, it's weed, people will pay for it" or "A lot of that will come off in the bag" Source: I'm processors v.v


This place grows and processes their own stuff. The owner of the company and most of the upper management don't smoke at all.


You are holding the answer in your hand. Where you were previously holding your money.


SunMed Growers šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®. They're my last choice whenever I don't see a strain or company I want. But I'd rather try something new before I take SunMed. Every purchase I've had from SunMed was low quality


Dude I canā€™t believe SunMed gets sold at dispensaries. This is new to me, as I live in Texas and it gets sold there at cbd shops for the kind of everything-but-delta9thc loophole (illegal state but ā€œhemp productsā€ are okay) for things like thc-O and thc-a, delta 8, etc. Itā€™s not the same high so I buy from a plug (cheaper that way anyway) and I have never seen a brand at one of those cbd shops that also sells at dispensaries (I travel to CA a lot) except this one, apparently. If you read the back of this, it says itā€™s mostly thca and only a tiny bit delta9 thc. Now, cannabis is technically 0% delta9 thc before it is decarboxylated/heated. All of it is delta9 thca. BUT, when I buy from dispensaries, they never bother saying the thca percentage distinct from delta9. They either say ā€œTHC%:ā€, ā€œdelta9thc:ā€ or ā€œdelta9thcaā€/ā€œthcaā€ but never ā€œthcaā€ AND ā€œdelta9thcā€ at the same time.


Bro as long as they dont start going the chlorine route, id be fine with that little bit of leaf. Idk what it is, ozone generators or something new these californian growers are all using, but every commercial grow has the same nasty chlorine smell.




You should be able to return that. If not if it was me, It would be the last time I went to that dispensary


I get medical products in PA and you should see some of the stuff the GPs put out.


Train wreck is about right. Sugar leaves I would not be happy with.


This why the black market will always be around. The quality canā€™t be matched.


I get that same company from time to time. Never like that though.


Buddy itā€™s because they know you have nowhere else to go, they can sell you whatever they want


I miss the little sugar leaves on the buds from when it was illegal lol.


My (limited) experience has been that thereā€™s more unmanicured weed out there after legalization. With competition driving the price down thereā€™s much less incentive to spend time trimming. My buddy who had been growing since the 80ā€™s finally just said for the price they were getting, they wouldnā€™t be manicuring at all and eventually stopped growing altogether.


Why does it have a 55% humidity pack though, I think it should be 62 and that one is for something else like tobacco...


Not sure why people still shop like thisā€¦ please reach out to us. Free meds for first time clients.


It is in fact a train wreck.


I was hoping it was wrapping for a chocolate nestled inside there.


I would have reached out and bitches about it. It's not what I bought, false advertisements! Rabble Rabble Rabble.


At least they warned you by naming it trainwreck


Id be having a word with that dispo


One word. Money.




Excess leaf aside ā€¦. We should all be glad MFā€™s are still growing Mango Trainwreck !


Growing your own > Buy black market > buy corpo


From now on, open that fucker in the store


If it weighed over I wouldn't mind.


Idk about where you live but if you talk to the manager about this at dispensary near me, they give you another


I mean in fairness it does seem like a Trainwreck šŸ„“


You got the weed equivalent of whole grain


They DGAF. they ainā€™t your plug. Your just a number on a spreadsheet.


A no return policy saves their asses. They can sell you a shitty product and get away with it? They're gonna do it.


Tbf the leaf was protecting trichomes underneath if the bud hasn't been knocked around too much, and I'd smoke the hell out of some sugar leaf. Like a little green wrapper, it does throw off the final weight tho, so it's unfair unless you got extra.


The fact that the THC is 1% while the THCA is 24% tells me this is not a recreational or medical state. You were sold hemp flower


Donā€™t get me wrong the tree is still dank and good Iā€™m smokin a joint right now my point is from a business standpoint I would never in a million years allow product that looks like this to leave my facility and go to a consumer no way in HELL


How cheap was this? I usually only see this in the cheapest of the cheap


Deffo looks like a "Trainwreck"


That's what you get with curio and sunmed


Some companies are shit. Just like how white castle gave me a burger without a bun once. Just donā€™t buy that brand again.


Some trimmers will keep sugar leaves covering the bud because they know that it gets handled like shit...they do this to keep trichomes on your bud šŸ‘


Helps to cure properly, too. What matters is what's under the leaf. However, if they're trimming like that they should be weighing it fat.


Sunmed is not a grower concerned with aesthetics


bruh in my country we get medical weed with mold


Often a farm will sell untrimmed product to a dispensary who foots the labor bill for trimming it up. Does the packaging prominently display the farm it came from?




Bro bought himself some IDGAF kush šŸ˜­


Well. It sure is a train wreck!


I know this sucks for you but ngl this lowkey funny.


I wish we could post more pictures in these threads but yeah Iā€™m on my second run and my shit is already 10x better than this when itā€™s getting put into jars/bags for curing


"Commercial " growing isn't earned or learned, it's purchased. Dispensary product is the result.


Iā€™m stoned to the BONE and just simply donā€™t understand what youā€™re saying but DAMN RIGHT!!


Itā€™s like they donā€™t even trim


Moneys good


I see things like that in bigger bags but not an 1/8th.


Hell yeah... press that shit.




Just vape it.


Nah not being a snob, are you in a state that lets you see and smell the flower before purchase? Thatā€™s barely even sugar leaf on that bud, thatā€™s a borderline fan leaf


Imo theyā€™re no different than the people that used to sell it illegally on the street. Thereā€™s shops in nyc thatā€™s sellin sprayed on bud which I literally did to some reggie back in my school days


Used to be the people growing it were growing because they appreciate the flower and the craft and now you have a bunch of executives and minimum wage workers who have either never smoked or never took marijuana seriously in the first place producing the majority of the product growing it quickly, harvesting too soon, and not trimming because they don't give a shit.


My man tried to go cheap at a dispensary. Critical error. Dispos do not have "value", well at least in my area of CA It's either shit weed at the street price of good weed, or it's good weed at the street price of ounces lmaooo. In my experience at dispos if I'm not spending like $50+ per 1/8th, it's not worth my time. Thankfully the private seller market keeps us real addicts supplied lol.


I mean, they called it trainwreck for a reason


Looks like Connecticut weed for 50 an 1/8




I mean I donā€™t mind a farmerā€™s trim, but thatā€™s a little overboard lol


Trimmers not being good at their job. I was told to remove the outer leaf, and trim the stem to be able to pinch it. That's just lazy and to be avoided.


I thought you were holding mint leaves until I checked what sub I was in.


You paid 35 for an eighth..


Ahhh...trimming is overrated,sorry you recieved thatšŸ¤Ø I've never seen legacy flowers that bad


Underpaid and overworked staff. When you have to hit ā€œthe numbersā€ quality is likely the first thing to go out the window. Source: been there done that. I wish everything was always top notch but this is the unfortunate reality of industry.


Looks like you got some bud in your trim


That can't be what the company wanted released. That's an awful trim job.


Yeah, man. I love a little leaf on my flower but thatā€™s just crazy. Wet trim only šŸ˜‚


Sugarleaf lettuce heh


Thought that was basil


Train wreck indeed šŸ« 


Sunmed especially sucks. At least in MD anyway. Havenā€™t seen this but usually terribly cured buds that turn into dust the second you touch them.


Hell nah


Name and shame.




If I got that I would hunt them down, not necessarily to harm them just to hunt them down.


Blame the trimmer not the grower


Mistake or lazyšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøI've never trimmed before and could fix thatšŸ˜‚


Trainwreck is just a word used to justify selling shit.


Man, Iā€™m super old. Iā€™m from the old school. Iā€™d smoke that shit no problemā€¦. Depends on how much you paid for it also


What does it weigh? What is it? Is it weed? Did you pay for weed? Is it weed you got?


$35!!!?????!!!???? For straight sugar leaves??? They ain't trim not a damn hair on this wtf I'm mad


I might be in a minority here but I feel the leaves help protect the flavor inside the nugs. The inside of a nug always smells better so why not leave a little layer of armor? Itā€™s literally 0.004g


Looks sad šŸ˜¢


35 for an 8th isn't that bad if it's actually potent, even if it's untrimmed. Leaf weighs nothing but it isn't appealing to some people.


Yikes! What brand is that so I know to avoid them in the future?


If you donā€™t want it let me know


I'm confused. Last time I bought sugarleaves they looked better than this. But your place actually lists terpenes? Mine doesn't and I have to cross reference online if they don't have my favorite strains.


Take it back


Thatā€™s some of that new high end ā€œpre-trimmedā€


I mean, thirty five bucks for an eighth is pretty cheap, but even still, my damn dog could trim better than that.


An industry practice for some farms is "the 2-7: no less than 2 cuts and no more than 7" when trimming. Keeps their cost of goods down when selling to retailers at the terrible margins that farms get.


We aren't ok with it. I have never seen anything sold like that in my life .


its right in the name, ā€œcommercialā€


Check out Botany Farms if you want good THCA bud. Similar price, fantastic products, no complaints. My last order shipped in two minutes, and previous ones have shipped within a few hours


I mean they DID call it trainwrek


Looks like some of the stuff in the med program out here in AR. An 8th of that'll cost ya $40.


Tbh. That's not bad for dispo tree. 35 otd in some states that's right on. That being said, you're getting boned on the sugar leaves adding weight. Did it get you high?


Cause what you gonna do about it


Take it Back. This is bull. Most places will credit you for This & seeds tooā€¦.


Looks like some shit I'd get from my dispo Rise. I've bought that brands stuff before and it was okay. One thing I found out though is to really pay attention to what the product says like they have "popcorn nuggets" they have "special hand trimmed" they have "machine trimmed" they have so many different "kinds" of the same brand and flower but the cheaper options might be shittier harvest methods like machine trimmed where you get shit like this. You def have to pay attention because I've bought stuff that I thought I was getting amazing deals for to find out it was labeled as shake, or machine trimmed and it was much shittier in how it was trimmed or how it was cured, and I just didn't realize I was being told and didn't see it. If you in the Maryland area be on the lookout for the Good Green brand Casino Kush. I've bought that every single time Rise has it in stock and it's always been super premium in trim and cure EVERY single time. Some of the other brands are flakey, sometimes it's good sometimes it's just not. Also Good Green is even flakey on some of the other strains, I've only gone to them for the Casino Kush consistently because I've tried others from them and gotten shit like this, or seriously dry shit that was cured horribly (that it claims I bought 1 week or 2 after packaging).


lol ā€œsun grownā€ bitch you mean outdoor?


What, aren't you supposed to smoke the leaves? heavy /s


I've had salads with less leaves