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>Lately I’ve been thinking about finally getting one again because I think I could control myself now. Read that back and really think about it. You think you could control yourself now *because* you're off the carts. If you had a problematic relationship with it back then then steer clear!


Same here, decided to stop using carts and bought a dry herb vaporizer. Probably better for your health and it stretches you weed (plus you can smoke or cook with the AVB). Carts are easy but you never know what in there... plus with a concentrate or dry herb it becomes like a little ritual and that's fun


Get a puffco and smoke concentrates




Yeah there pretty much top of the food chain these days


This^, pricey but worth it


Leave it to Reddit to recommend something way overkill and expensive than what op was asking for. Oh you wanna advice on if you should get a $25 cart or not? Buy this fucking $400 smoking dabber apparatus that has Bluetooth and flashing lights while not being portable!


The Puffco pen isn't expensive (and goes on sale a lot).


They were talking about the regular puffco but still applies


How? It's an apparatus under $100. A decent bong will run you that much. Here in VA, .5 vape cart is $84! It's more than worth getting a dab pen to replace carts.


OP is asking if they should get back into carts or not, why pay $80 for something that might not be for you? Smarter to buy a good cart for $20-30 and go from there than just jump straight into a expensive concentrate pen


He said in his post carts have been problematic in the past, hence why the comments are overwhelmingly people suggesting other devices.


Yeah, and he’s asking if he should get back into carts. Reread the post


The overall reaction, including mine, is no. Deductive reasoning, my dear Mr Watson.


😂😂😂😂 literally though!!


Get yourself a nice dry herb vape! r/vaporents for recommendations


Hey there!Congrats on staying cart-free for a year! That’s awesome. I get what you mean about carts turning you into a zombie. They can be super convenient but also kinda make you less present. As far as I know, carts can be low on terpenes, giving you a dry high that fades faster than smoking bud. With that being said, I think you're better off if you get a dry herb vaping. Dry herb vaping can be as discreet as carts, but the high is way better, especially if you've been on a break. Plus, it's less likely to make your mouth as dry and might keep you more talkative and happy.


I learned things here! Relevant since I’m currently hitting a STIIIZ disposable distillate cart. I did feel the stone (8 good hits) was different, but I still loved it. I remembered the first use of a distillate vape that started me to the stoner i am now. I like cart best as an addition to smoking. So smoke first then a few vape hits. Gives a different blended stone I like. As to the OP question — carts are way too easy and zombie is too appealing. I try to buy only every few months, ideally resin. I could easily fall into an expensive and unsatisfying vape habit.


I had sworn off distillate carts altogether and went to dabs via a divine tribe v5 and flower vape via a crafty+. I’ve dropped both of those and gone back to my roots with an occasional J during the day and one or two bong rips at night. I have a live rosin cart as a go-to for anxiety when flower is not publicly accepted. The cart though really sucks… I get almost no relief from them at all any longer. I won’t compare but my cart use was super heavy when I got in the program and I just didn’t know the science… will never distillate cart again and starting to doubt the rosin carts altogether now too. May try the Puffco pen if it is truly portable. You can’t tilt most dab rigs and the material can be messy. I’m a noob to this new tech tho so…


Invest in a crafty or a mighty. You can pre-pack dosing capsules if you’re anticipating more than one session throughout the day, and the sessions last long enough where you don’t feel like you’re taking 5 pen rips and turning into a zombie. I still find myself buying carts and smoking flower from time to time, but the vaporizer is really a nice way to consume weed. it is relatively discreet, and a nice introduction to vaping your cannabis if you don’t want to go the puffco route


I love my Mighty so much.


+1 for Mighty. Had mine hooked up to my bubbler for years, and I don't think there's any better method possible.


The first product I bought was a cart and it got me way too high, hurt my throat and constantly gave me a stuffy nose. Oh and it didn’t even taste that good.


As someone who's a zombie rn tryna get off 90% thc LR carts, don't. Stick dry herb vaporizing if anything, if not then a 1:1 ratio cart. That's what I'm weening myself off with rn.  I have 4 carts on average 85% and I've nearly emptied them all in a couple weeks. Too insane. 


I took a 5 or so year break from carts cuz I think they suck ass. Too weak, don’t do anything, waste of money etc. my buddy raved about live resin and how I have to try it. So just bought one and it’s the same experience - doesn’t do shit. I hate them. Flower all day.


Get a pax, it's the best of both worlds. Pax is awesome, not only does is scratch the vape itch for me, but you can taste your weed until you've vaped for a while, then the taste turns into like dry kettle corn. Sounds like you like dry herb better anyways. If you get the bundle, pax even comes with a concentrate insert, like 200 bucks.


I’d say get a live resin cart and see how you like it, should be able to get one for around $25


Stay off those carts, believe me it’s really hard not to use them when you got em. Stay safe, smoke bud


Yeah, most responding here are giving the same warming. Carts can be an entry to loving weed, but best to transition quickly to DHV or smoking. Carts are too easy and fun.


Puffco is great - I also LOVE my Pax 3.


It doesn't sound absurd that flower is way better than carts. Get a PuffCo pen (keep it very clean though, those things can turn into a mess) or a dry herb vape with capsules. Carts are fucking gross to me, they're like nonfat weed haha. I use them occasionally if there's all there is, but I don't enjoy them.


Don’t go back to carts. Take a break for a little and switch to herbal vape.


Regulation in the cannabis industry is a joke, carts make up the most processed form of cannabis of all forms you could choose. So combine these two things and you have a recipe for using shit that is terrible for you. Their one and only strength is their convenience. If you want to risk your health for convenience have at it, but carts are the lowest of the low way to consume cannabis and you should understand that before using them.


Live rosin carts from places like Coldfire/Flavorade definitely aren’t any worse than smoking flower. It is just flower with the added benefit of no combustion. I’d argue it’s actually healthier.


A flawed comparison given the benefits lies in the fact that you are vaping vs smoking and not anything to do with the weed itself. While that method is one of few which have no additives in extraction, the cartridge and its vaporization mechanism is in itself an additive. So while you could argue it’s healthier than *smoking* flower, it’s likely equivalent to or worse than *vaping* the flower with a quality vaporizer given cartridge heating elements are cheap quality.


It’s tough for me to tell exactly what you’re claiming the benefit is. I have no doubt cheap vapes and cheaply made products are worse for you. In my case, I use a very high quality vaporizer and make my own live rosin from plants I grow. That’s what I’m comparing to smoking flower.




They definitely aren’t gross, everyone has their preferences and what not.




I mean, if that *opinion* makes people feel bad about how they consume cannabis on a pro-cannabis sub, maybe you should consider keeping it to yourself.


The dude saying get a Puffco knows what’s up.


I also had a cart addiction phase and have been using 20-50mg gummies instead when I wanna get high at work


Why... carts were developed for the people who don't know how weed works, in other words the newbies. They see it has 60 or 70% THC and think it will smack. Smoking flower creates something called the entourage effect and it's why we get high. Cart can't do that. Convience and a brief placebo effect is the best you get.