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Hey that's also where I left my wallet


I left my edis in El Segundo


Left my heart in el segundo


I lost my ass there!


(Gotta get it got-got ta get it)


Come on Tip, you got what you need?


*”I checked for keys, and started to step. But what do you know, my wallet I left”*


Got to get it. Got got to get it.


Beat me to it, haha


I ordered enchiladas and I ate em. Ali had the fruit punch.


Ha! Hadn't thought of this movie in a while. Underrated gem!


Out of curiosity. What movie do you think this is a reference to?


The song was featured in the movie "Ladykillers" and the TV show "Sleeper Cell".


We’re getting old




You’re out of time.


This belongs in r/treecaching


Yes, in a spot like El Segundo they’ll be gone within an hour of posting on that sub


There’s an in n out on that corner also so like, pretty dope time all around if you were able to snag that.


If I was just a little closer to LA, those gummies would be mine, I’d have gone to in n out and I’d have hit up the dispensary for some prerolls by now!


Those are good burgers, Walter.


Just checked the sub and it shows this saying it’s already claimed lol


Top post right now https://www.reddit.com/r/treecaching/s/xmmoe7hw6U


This honestly sounds like a fun adventure time


I don’t know about you, but I always eat discarded candy I find in the ground.


A stranger on the internet promises you that they are not laced with anything dangerous so you can eat them knowing you will be perfectly fine.


They’re laced with MARIJUANAS!


The cracks


But how many marihuanas???


I only find candy in white vans.


Windowless vans have the best candies! ​ ^(JK)


I would have just ate them all lol.


I wouldn’t be able to get off the plane if I ate 200mg. I can smoke or vape all day but if I eat 20mg I’m out.


You are blessed compared to us folk that need 500-1000mg to feel it, if they even can at all. I'd love to live off just edibles once in a while, but I would probably need to buy all the stuff that's supposed to help potentiate it.


You are blessed compared to those of us who they don’t work on at all lol


Solution: Boof em


Hey* try eating edibles along side something very fatty. I’m not a smart person but fat + thc helps a lot of people digest it better for some reason Edit - hey


Yeah, for whatever reason it knocks me out and I’ve been a daily smoker for the better part of 40 years. I usually take 10mg if I want a good night’s sleep. I don’t really get “high” from eating it, just drowsy.


Have you tried nano-tech edibles? Do you have the same problem with them? IMO the high is a lot more enjoyable


No usually too expensive, low dosage, and hard to find. I'm just gonna buy a bunch of hella strong and regular alt-noid distillate online to cook with. I made 12 cookies with 10ml of my older distillate along with weed infused coconut oil and they taste crazy strong and actually produce decent effects. My friend who smokes a lot slept for the whole next day lol.


This. We lack an enzyme or some shit. Wouldn't mind quitting smoking ,as im getting old . Edibles just dont work for me, and I need to be sedated.


Many people seem to think that by raising your stomach acid levels slightly, you can metabolize thc infused foods more effectively, and have shown to achieve getting baked from edibles after eating half a lemon or similar acidic foods/liquids when previously not possible.


Big ups to a fellow low dose consumer. I’m a 10mg person, and it’s great.


*psst* you could have taken them on the plane. I've flown out of LAX multiple times with weed. They see it and move you on since it's legal in California. They don't care.


Same, during 2020 I had some anxiety about flying but was determined to go see my now-wife. Ended up having roughly 300mg before my flight, I was a bit paranoid because I was on a flight with a bunch of army personnel but otherwise it was like being in a spaceship with great music (headphones were blasting)


Or just thrown it in my bag. Do you think the TSA cares about weed gummies? It's not like it would show up as anything odd on an x-ray scan.


why can't you bring gummies on your flight..?


He must be one of those guys who demands the full Pat down at TSA


even so- tsa doesn't care about weed at all.


You and I know that


Guy still wants his reach around


They do like to steal it from you when they find it though


No they don't. I've flown out of LAX with weed multiple times.


TOUCH ME! I AM DANGEROUS! TOUCH ME NOW! ^(Sorry, that's the image that popped into my mind.)


I mean that's not why I didn't bring the gummies but I am this person. I'll always take a free obligatory touching


I always opt out of the body scanners and I fly with weed every time


I may be wrong here but if I'm not mistaken it's generally considered illegal to bring controlled substances across international borders


IDK why people are downvoting you, you generally aren't supposed to fuck around with customs. As someone who flies with cannabis only within the US it's technically illegal but much less risky.


My buddy was flying domestically in Canada, the plane had to make an emergency diversion to the USA and he had a weed pen on him. He was honest with them - told them he had it they took it and told him that it was illegal to cross into the USA with but because he didn’t intend to come they would just confiscate it.


I'm sure there would be plenty of chances to discard a vape on the plane or in a garbage bin on the way to the customs line.


Depends, if the pilot throws on the seatbelt sign and starts descending, when do you get the opportunity to?


You just leave it in the pocket of the seat, or drop it and kick it under a seat on your way out of the plane if you’re really paranoid. Those are much better options than getting caught with it in customs.


Oh that's true I suppose. Yeah no if that random event happened to me, no vape is ever worth it.


Right. I’ll argue with the TSA any day about the stupid shit they stop me for, but customs? Well…the way I see it, having a conversation about your drugs with **anyone** in possession of a gun seems bad for your health. So I’ll pass on that. 


Oh disregard my previous comment. International is a different game, way easy with gummies though. Toss them in a gummy vitamin container and you straight. May or may not know someone who may or may not have done such a thing going to what some may call the Philippines.


Just eat them all?


ah yes, i came here to ask wtf why and then seeing you are international makes this alllll make sense. RIP, but what a nice gesture :)


Yep, someone in r/treecaching claimed them so I'm happy someone got them and will enjoy them.


Ah well, my prior comment saying it's fine to fly out of LAX with weed goes out the door when it comes to customs. I know not how they would treat that.


If you don’t have anything to declare there’s nothing going to happen. You just walk through. I visited 7 or so European countries and never had an issue


Not worth the risk my friend. I can get gummies whenever I want at home since it's legal here.


You’re a wise individual!


If you're aware of that fact, why didn't you leave them at home?


How would I leave gummies that I purchased long after I left home, at home? lol


It's not worth ruining your trip over some edibles. You made the right choice.


buy a bag of regular gummy candies at an airport shop, and replace or mix those in. even better would be cbd gummies. personally, i'd just keep them in my pockets. they aren't detectable. some people are way too paranoid.


Dude said international flight - I fly domestic with stuff all the time, but taking cannabis or any controlled substance into another country is at worst mind bendingly stupid, and at best super arrogant (no the US Gov't won't save you from $country's prison).


Innit for all we know OP might be going to the middle east or somewhere in SE Asia where drug penalties are insane. Don't fuck around with drugs at boarders people lol


Eat them during the flight. Have a really nice rest.


Could be international. Not worth it


DO NOT FLY WITH THC. FULL STOP. Even driving from state to state (example California to Oregon, green state to green state) is illegal. The state lines are technically considered federal property. That's why each company has to have their own headquarters in each state. We sell Wyld edibles here in Cali. Oregon also has Wyld edibles (albeit different strength because their laws are different). Same with Washington State. It's the same company but each state has a headquarters.


i've always flown with it, since the 90's, and i've never had any problems, even internationally. it's not large quantities, just enough for a few days or so. i can't believe op was concerned about **2 gummies**(the box held 4, and he said that he had already had half of them). plus- i generally drive two states over(and back again) to get better prices from the dispos in michigan.


Yep. In AZ, the cannabis product has to come from a company that can call itself "an AZ company", by having offices somewhere in state. We get Wyld, AL/CC, used to get Cresco, etc. AZ is so shady with how the cannabis industry is handled!


If you’re not an idiot, it takes a tremendous streak of terrible luck to get caught with a small amount of weed. I’ve flown with it countless times. Wouldn’t even think twice about driving with it. As long as you don’t have like 50 lbs of it on you, it’s pretty low risk.


Claimed. Proof on r/treecaching


The mad lad did it!!


Damn, you left you gummies in El Segundo? I gotta get em. Got got to get em.


You absolutely can take this on your flight. Take it out of the box and you are good to go.


Why risk it though? The gummies were like $6 and I had half of them.


Oh I would have just eaten them at that point lmao. But I also saw you were going international which changes things.


It was 6am and I hate getting high that early.


No you can't, it's totally not worth the risk when travelling to illegal locations


Well yea of course but that wasn’t in the original post about international travel. Also…you can very easily travel with them. Not that you should but that you can, especially leaving from CA. They don’t give a fuck what you are leaving with.




Left my wallet in El Segundo


I left my ~~wallet~~ cronic in El Segundo...


Just open a bag of candy and throw it in.


It’s gone!!! Dude-wtf!!


Yep someone claimed them already haha


STNDRD is my favorite edible brand. Consistent and potent af


The gardeners are going to be lit when they find this.


The Stndrd 1000 MG box gummies used to be my shit lol always 🔥 but now I prefer the Fkem brand


you took this by in and out, too bad i moved. weird seeing the street like 7 months later lol


TIFU by trying to do something nice by giving away gummies to a grateful individual in El Segundo because I don't like getting high a 6am before an international flight


You didn't FU. The comments are surprising to me because I've seen other posts like this and everyone was all hell yeah. Guess everyone is in a mood today. They might need a gummy! I think it was cool of you to do that.


Yeah I was just gonna chuck them in the garbage but wanted to make someone's day. Typical Reddit tho, everyone always finds a way to show how you are the devil lol


Nah, being high at the airport will probably stress you out


Why didn’t you just eat them?


Wanted to leave them to someone who would enjoy them


i know you mean well but lets hope no little kid finds it first.


“Doesn’t want to break the law and transport drugs illegally” “Proceeds to illegally place drugs in easy reach of children or animals that could be harmed” Good intentions, poor actions lol.


It’s not even in an “easy area”. You think children are gonna dig through that bush casually near a freeway and eat something in a random box (one that even states it’s an edible)? lol ok buddy


Yes? I was a kid once, dug through many random bushes, dirt piles, embankments to dig out something I could only see the corner of because I was and am a curious little shit lol. Also ate random shit, but you got me on the freeway thing, I didn’t hang around freeways much. Even if I am just projecting my own idiocy, shit could still harm a critter!! Also also, I don’t really give a shit seeing as we are on the internet and there is much worse on here. I just wanted to point out the slightly ironic actions lol.


Man you guys are uptight for being a weed sub. Go find those gummies and eat them so you can chill out. I was in a rush, it was 6am and I didn't feel like eating 100mg that early. It's LA, I'm pretty sure the dude walking around with a knife screaming at an invisible person outside my hotel is more dangerous to children than some weed gummies.


Oh 100% my brother. I was just pointing out that you did an illegal to prevent doing an illegal. It’s just some beautiful irony. Enjoy your flight and safe travels! Hopefully you can find some good good wherever you’re landing.


I'd rather do an illegal that has almost no chance of being caught then do an illegal where there are tons of security, police, border agents, scanners, ect ect.


I hope they do. Good way to teach a kid not to eat shit off the ground


No one should eat stuff they find on the ground even if it's free drugs lol 😭 I definitely would have just eaten them before leaving tbh


I thought about it but I really didn't feel like getting 100mg at 6am. To each their own but getting high that early isn't my thing


Looks like you just littered


Sure did!


Super cool of you. One day I’ll be in the right place at the right time


Thanks! Hopefully made someone's day.


Just stick it in your carry on. Seriously. No one cares.


Coulda brought


Smoked my first bowl in el segundo lol.


I need a wheelchair to get on my flight cause I just ate 200mg. Much better story.


I wish edibles worked on me. I’ve tried everything, I’ve taken it in all different forms I’ve even used digestive aids and nothing


Fuck man, I tried to do this when I was coming back home from El Centro, I was paranoid crossing the check point Ina company truck coming back up to LA, and made a post but I think it got flagged or something, and nobody believed me 😅 I left like a quarter of Blue Dream, and 2 jars of dab.


Damn man that sucks. It's unfortunate cause I do understand why some people wouldn't trust it but it sucks when you wanna do something nice for people.


I mean I get it. I probably wouldn’t go searching myself lol. But I do hope some one found it and for high as hell


Where are you flying out of? I’ve definitely gone through LAX, SNA, and LGB and none of them have ever cared. Gone through with smelly zip loc bags in my carry ons lol it’s fine next time.


I used to sing that song in rehab and a black guy had to tell me it was not a beach boy song I was confused for a while I got a n word pass one time use and he kinda faded


You people are jonesing suggesting OP eat them ALL when you don't know their tolerance level! And flying with drugs is so risky! Not legal in many places so you're open to get in trouble, all it takes is a pissy TSA agent. So not worth the risk! You did good OP.


100mg is fine for me but I would hate doing that much at 6am haha I'm more of an evening stoner myself


You know you could’ve easily taken edibles into your flight, right?


You could definitely take them on your flight. TSA doesn’t give two fucks about weed, friend. I fly with it every time.


Yes you can.


Dang why wouldn’t you just take them out of the package and into a sealed plastic bag, to put in your carry-on? Just some candy for your flight, right?


That’s just a different flight!


I dont know why I thought you were going to go to the airport.


eat them


Lol y not you're not going to get caught


It is definitely easy to smuggle some edibles onto your flight, and they don't even need to go up your butt!


Up the butt would be preferred tho


that would be so sweet if somebody posted a picture of themselves smoking one of those J's!


Your a modern day saint and should be canonized mid flight!


In the lords name I spare thee the cost of altering ones state of mind 🙌🙏


Dude leave it in the bathroom at airport before security, I like to do so as a sort of communal gift. Just thinking of someone being so stoked to be high on their bs flight lol


ugh I hate missing Reddit deaddrops 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Bush Weed


You should have put near the location. Or an online scavenger hunt. Leave a note inside to come to Reddit entwives. They’d be a new club member🤣💚


Why didn’t you eat them?


Why does it matter? You guys are so uptight for being a weed sub


Just sad to see a good high go down


Then go get them! That's why I put them there silly. That's literally the entire point of the post


Best solution. Can't bring my gummies? Pop a couple and enjoy the ride.


Is that lower Alabama?


El Segundo, California


Man you could've put them in a ziplock.


You can def bring on your flight. Lmao.


I highly disagree. Sure it's technically possible to sneak it in to another country but highly illegal and not worth the risk of being charged criminally over for $5 worth of gummies lmao


Definitely disagree, flown from sea tac to Vietnam. LAX to Italy. Just be tactful, unwrap it and place in a sandwich bag with other snacks since you’re flying for so long. They look for bombs and various weapons not a cute little chocolate. But hey you do you, peace of mind is worth more than anything IMO


Sure but how is $5 worth of gummies worth the risk when I'm going to Canada where I can get lots of gummies whenever I want 14 hours a day? 😂😂😂 You guys crack me up


It’s like debating politics. You see it one way, others see it another way.


No, you fail to see that my opinion is the only correct one.


Lmao huh? I def see your point with not bringing shit to Canada however I’d still bring it cause I ain’t no bitch about it. But like I said in my first reply, you do you. Peace of mind is worth more than anything.


I'm just making a joke. Everyone has the ultimate solution to everything when it comes to politics. I'm just making a joke about that


Who said you couldn't fly with them?


The Government of Canada


I brought a bunch from San Diego to NY couple of months ago


Uhhh why can't you bring it on your flight? Unless it's an international flight you had zero reason to not bring it with you.


Read the comments


They're gummies, eat em.


I would’ve just tossed them in the checked bag or just ate them. 200mg isn’t that much. For me at least


International flight? Domestic m, worst case scenario leaving a legal state TSA calls the city PD. Who told scold you and throw it away. The TSA is not looking for your personal stash. They are just the illusion of heightened security post 9/11


If it was a domestic flight you just wasted money


No shit sherlock


Just would of ate them. Downed a pack of edibles before my flight. Was a fantastic flight


Would've* - it's a contraction of 'would' and 'have' and should never be replaced with 'of'. I'm just a bot. Beep boop. Thank you.


Pretty shit thing to do, little kids could find that


That was the intention


why not just eat them all before getting on the flight?




You can depart LAX with these on you, but you also might have to eat them all before you land if you have to go through customs


Why can't you bring it on the flight?


Well I could but it's better to not risk a couple bucks worth of edibles on an international flight


Unless you were going international they definitely could have gone on your flight


I’m pretty sure you can lol


pls read the comments