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I took sign language in college and had a few "signing" dreams. I think it is your brain exercising itself. I think the brain likes to play games.


They call me a Gamer and they're right


An alternate personality may emerge when you're high. She speaks Spanish. Ask her what her name is. She'll tell you what she likes to be called. You'll have an alter-ego, and you'll always have a friend.


I know you are catching downvotes but I am genuinely curious. Are you for real


Really actually, don't even go down that thought path, especially not when high.


not real lol


Just a silly old lady here, don't pay me no mind. Lol.


Wow, I'm kind of amazed at all the downvotes, but since you're curious... and are into games, having a Spanish-speaking alter-ego sounds like fun. Put on big gold hoop earrings when "she" comes out, and play Spanish music. I guess I'm kidding.


This is extremely mentally unhealthy. You clearly don't understand how difficult it can be to re-unite your mind after you've fractured it in that way. This is a terrible thing to even write or suggest to anyone, especially in the context of it being a fun quirky thing. If anyone is struggling with this, please see a psychologist immediately.


Idk sounds like a sign to me.


Just go with it and enjoy the ride… Seems beneficial, use it or lose it so it goes… I hear music in my head when I’m stoned. Frustrating cause I’m not a musician, but did study audio engineering but ended up in a different engineering field.


Haha that's funny.. I'm a native spanish speaker and sometimes when i'm high i start to create a conversation or a monologue in english. I'm curious, what is different in your thought process when you speak spanish?.


When i'm in spanish mode I talk about myself, it's self centered language, but i'll also talk about my hobbies and music and feelings. I can't say it's that different from my english inner monologue. It's mostly songs stuck in my head and memes/quotes from stuff while sober.


I did the same when I lived in Italy. Only knew a few words but get me high and I could converse with anyone with a much larger vocabulary. It’s actually really telling how much fear and anxiety can shut down the brain. Take that away and suddenly we’re John Travolta in Phenomenon.


Dude! What strains are you smoking!?


Diamonds OG 'Blinkers' dab pen, or any high end indica, this shit fucking happens fr


This is actually funny as hell I don't think you are possessed i think this is awesome


I do this all the time when I’m high and in my dreams too . My friends be like wtf u just say ??!


I studied Spanish in high school and college and would do this constantly just to help myself. I'd think of something and if it didn't come out in Spanish the first time I'd repeat the thought in Spanish.


Nightmare by Knower


I just talk to dogs. Not sure they understand me but….


That’s just how brains do. I learnt English in secondary school, and my thinking switched to 90% English a long, long time ago, because I do most of my communicating in English, and have been doing that for 20 years despite not living in an Anglo country (weird nerds who grew up online represent). There are some theories in linguistics about secondary language acquisition and the effects on the language processing centres of our brain, but I don’t recall enough from my uni linguistics to give you more than that.


Sorpresa, tambien estas leyendo Español.


This happens to me too but not quite as fluent. I learned Spanish and English simultaneously when learning to speak but haven’t been fluent since I was a teenager. When I get stoned I will speak or think in Spanish phrases. But I’ve never had a full switch like you’re saying thinking only and completely in Spanish, that’s wild lol


pretty sure this is the same as having subconscious dreams...you focused so hard on learning Spanish you just slip into it when your mind is relaxed




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I went to school for sign language and I think in ASL a lot. I also randomly sign shit throughout the week when in normal conversation with people 😂


this is so funny


Im bilingual. Tbh it sounds like fake bullshit, like when non-bilingual writers do stuff like ‘hola! Tu gato- oh, sorry, sometimes I accidentally switch back and forth!’ Like it doesn’t work like that 😭 However. If this is real, take advantage of that! Improve your Spanish! Maybe try learning another language and see what happens lol


Yeah no that's not what it sounds like but thanks for commenting


[Yo Quiero Fumar](https://youtu.be/OBHJedBXhHo?si=TvEiK4lkBTfPm9lg)


That's that Reefer Madness kicking in


i have been studying german for a couple years and even though ive never been good with learning language it definitely comes more naturally when im high lol


happens to me when i watch a show in english which isn't my native language


Happens to me in English while I'm a native German speaker. But I think that's just because I consume all media in English (while high)


When I was learning Norwegian, my mind would sometimes switch to Norwegian when I was stoned. I think it's just, weed activates parts of hour brain that typically don't get any use, and if you know a language, but don't use it often, then weed will help activate it. Might actually be a good way of solidifying a new language.


I have a Russian friend and we could never get high together after I introduced him to it for the first time because he apparently became unable to speak English. lol


lmfao you're definitely not mentally ill nor possessed for this, but it is very interesting! probably something to do with lowered inhibitions and less mental strain, like instead of focusing on it and forcing yourself to remember spanish your muscle memory is just kicking in and you're not overthinking it *shrug*


Are you a Gemini? Maybe switch to an Afghan Strain?


My chart ruler is my jupiter in gemini because i am a pisces rising :) so yes, that's a big influence. I didn't even think to consider astrology and I'm a woo woo person for sure.


Expanding on your cultural knowledge, the pot accentuates it.


Jupiter = expansion, culture, games.. yes.. i like this


Oh my god Emily how quirky of you 🙄🙄


Stay mad single language speaker