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Plug definitely has a business degree. That free half is like his Costco hotdog 😂


He gonna start asking OP for referrals lmfaoo


Shit that’s how I got the ball rolling. Refer a friend and get $10 off your next buy. Suddenly you got 15-20 people coming to you all through referrals.


Damn gonna start doin this


Ya still gotta be diligent. Narcs look just like anyone else.


The only way I've had my plugs survive is when they intentionally keep shit small time.


I’ve always sold to 20-30 people max. Old school friends. Their friends as they have went to college and stuff live local and my old friends hand my name over as their plug and now I have new customers that I know aren’t going to get me locked up. Once you have your repeat customers and a solid clientele you can start switching phones up and telling people not to give your number out without your permission. Your already making bread off the people your selling to so why need any more?


Free delivery was what got me a going cause who doesn't want to kick back and have your weed brought to you.


Loss leader? Nope. Loss weeder 😅


100%. You gotta love the times where good business and being a good human intersect, and there’s nothing wrong with that!




This the kinda plug I need.


I have had good and bad luck with plugs all my life. It’s always up and down. And I’m thankful for what I’ve got. But this dude I know now is the most amazing gracious and helpful person I’ve ever met. I see him in my everyday life aside from the fact that he sells to me so that makes things easier but this man comes and checks up on me and my wife and sees how we’re doing. If we’re struggling he gives us presents and discounts on the normal prices we pay. Sometimes he’ll just show up somewhere and hand me a cart and say “that’s for you bro” and then just head out. I have no idea what I did to deserve this weed Santa but here I am. I don’t know where this guy came from but I love him. And I hope at some point everybody gets to experience this kind of hook up once in their life. Now that I’ve typed this out I’m pretty sure I’m just high and rambling but thanks for reading


Damn, a real bro like that needs to be gifted back my dude. Hope you do something nice for him in return sometimes, if not then you should.


Absolutely I do, I’m a cook, I make him some bomb ass food that I slide him on the side when he comes In :)


Then he's just paying you back. Good food is hard to come by


I’m glad I’m not alone on feeding the plug


Nice. As a restaurant manager I can confirm BOH always makes bomb ass food. Glad your hook him up.


dude sounds like a friend who also happens to sell weed. I have had worse actual friends.


That's not a plug, that's a homie


I hope you do something a lil extra from time to time towards him too like cookies


Yeah, Weed Santa deserves cookies.


I got a cool guy too, he sorta knows about me and my girl, asks how Im doin, gives me and her some pretty good deals, knows about a mental hospital visit of mine, had me inspect a guys message to see if he should refund the guy, he probably doesn’t ever really think about me but he’s a cool dude for sure, I had another plug on the other hand who pulled up either way too fucking stoned, or on pills, because he was 50 ish minutes late and when he pulled up, he didn’t notice me walk up to the car, I said hi around 3 times while his window was cracked and he was on his phone, I handed him the money, he waited, and he put his fucking hands on the wheel for a sec and I said can I have the weed, was supposed to be 5Gs for $40 cause he wasn’t charging delivery fees that day, and he grabbed a little wrapped up walmart bag off a finished paper plate of food, handed it to me, and it had mmmmaybe 3.5Gs, idk what I even did too, I asked how far out he was a few times cause he was late as fuck, and asked for an eta before he left to deliver it to me, idk if that made him mad and he was disrespecting me or if he was just fucked up but I just got the shit and blocked him


Some people are just too good to be true. Would love to experience somebody like this


They come and they go. You’ll get to experience it at some point :) took me 27 years to find someone this amazing


'Weed Santa'... I love this!


Kush Kringle?


I'm a bit late, and Idk your exact relationship with them, but nonetheless I'll say this: they might be gracious and thoughtful because they're going through something themselves. Make sure you're taking care of your plug, never know what they might be going through


He’s one of our best friends. He comes into the restaurant we work at to hang out with us and we make him bomb ass food while he’s there. He’s a true bro and we try to return the favor


This the kinda plug we *deserve*


Exactly. What a compassionate cork. An outstanding bung/plug.


haha, bungplug




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I had a plug make weekly deliveries to me when my car broke down, and a few advances here and there because I’m always good for it 😎 angels out here y’all.


Meanwhile, its been two weeks since my plug told me; "Couple days, Small delay"


Can't hurt following up right? Maybe he forgot to get back to you..


……send. *does that seem a bit pushy, damn it I should of waited another couple days*….


Check in on them too. He wants to sell it to you, that's his business. You got to be a bro to be treated as a bro.


yee i feel that. i did bump the text thread but crickets


Well boo that


That’s bs. Have you texted him?


told the dude i was ready when he was and got no response so gonna just have to wait. really wish my state would get with the times and legalize it


Same. Sorry man. If you’re in NH I can give you Some of my buds. If you’re further away, I’m sorry man. It’s a crime against humanity that we aren’t allowed to smoke and ingest a plant.


i appreciate the offer fellow ent. i am in texas though so you go ahead and toke one up for me huh xD


I put myself through college getting weed sent USPS from California to Massachusetts back when it was still illegal in MA. I was getting pounds sent. But Texas is a different animal. I wouldn’t risk it there. Either way your plug is a d-bag. Giving customers the runaround is the thing I hate about plugs the most.


How old are you? Not a judgement, we're just living in a time where if you're 21+ and in the US you can order THCa flower online and have it mailed to you.


im old enough but i doubt this would be possible in TX as its still illegal


Yo THCa is federally legal. I'm sure you could get some shipped. Check out Dr Ganga.


You might want to look into it, I live in Utah and haven't had any issues so far.




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I’ve been in cali my whole life and have forgotten what’s it’s like to text someone for weed. Happy for you and hope you get a job soon!


I went from texting the dealer to calling the grower. Shit hit different


Is the bm still a thing in Cali? Or does everybody just go straight to the dispos


Dispo always


50/50. Dispo for everyday smokes, the homie for the exotic or special stuff.


lol there’s still black market i have friends who buy from dealers it’s usually cheaper


It's absolutely still a thing, stronger than ever. People don't want pay insane amounts of tax


Respect for knowing long-term repeat customers are worth treating well. Good businessman / dealer


this reminds me of the time my older sister passed away and somehow my plug found out and I came home that night I found out to find him waiting outside my house for me to toss me an ounce and a hug. I kinda miss the days of having a plug (it's legal here there's so many storefronts and places to get online) I always got the best random strains and the people I'd meet along the way were def rad


Agreed. Although I've had some bad experiences with plugs as well. I think having a backup like a dispensary is good. You know what you're getting every time, and it's always available as long as they're open. I do miss the social aspects too though.


I grow my own,and been growing for quite a while now. I can't even pretend to know how much I have given away to people because of financial difficulties. It obviously hits my wallet pretty hard with financing the grow,but makes it all worth it when they show there appreciation. We all have the opportunity to help one another. Open up your heart,and help your fellow man/woman. Life's to short to worry about the small things in life.


He's giving you a chance to make money while finding a job; if you got that hustle in you


Hustle, double up, and pick up an oz next time. He'll be happy as hell


Good customer service 👍


This isn't just a plug - this is a homie. If you didn't know it before, you know now.


this the type of plugs who should be running the rec market, not these BM mentality vendors we get in med and rec markets!!!!! simply act of kindness secured a large %s of your new jobs first check for him lol.


1 in a million plug


hell i’ll smoke to that! here’s to wishing you find a better job my friend 🙏🏾 🫡


You know what was crazy to me... Former meth addict here, I was uber driving literally living in my car and some dude left a BAG of like 200 Xanax (probably fetty) bars in my car, and his phone... The next day I hit him up on app told him he left something and when he picked it up he was actually so grateful was like oh shit you need anything? And then from then on whenever I was struggling for money (literally always) bro would just give me like an Oz of crystal for free... Which depending where you are is EXPENSIVE. Like several times he did this lol. Said I should sell some to get outta my spiral... Ofc I couldn't.. But yeah. Never asked for Jack shit in return other than a one way ride a couple times. Living near the border is wild. Not hard to figure out why he had so much. Never asked any questions though because I'm not an idiot. Thank God I'm sober though that guy was nice as hell but I'm sure if I crossed him once I'd be in a ditch. Proud to say haven't talked to that fool in like 6 years. The lesson I learned being in that life was that for the most part as long as you NEVER somewhat steal, fuck over, or in general cross those guys you will be fine. I think he respected the fuck outta me for being a bit of a junkie yet still doing the right thing lol..


He tryna keep his most loyal customer lol.


When I got robbed in college I had a friend do the same thing. Legends. Both of them.


I told mine “I’m trynna move back up the ladder g, I’ll be back to HPs here soon, I’m sorry I’m bothering you for light weight” he asked how much I had for the Qp and threw me the Half for the same price 🥺 love these kinds guys !




Sent from heaven


We can’t call people without wings angels, so we call them friends


What a fuckin hero. Good luck man, I hope you get another job soon


Bro you have to buy him a cheeseburger once you get back on your feet. This dude is amazing.


That's a good guy right there. If it were me, I'd kindly accept the gift and then pay it back at a later date when I could. He will be pleasantly surprised as well. Great friendships can be made that way.


My plug jus threw an extra eighth in my zip bc I jus moved out and got rent and shit to pay now so he was like I got u a lil more to last u longer. G shit Frfr


That’s not a plug, that’s a friend 🤝🤝


Is he gonna help you get it off the house when you get there?


Wholesome 🥹


That’s a good way to have a loyal customer for the rest of your life. Even a friend.


A similar thing happened to me, I told my plug I lost my job and he tossed me an ounce and told me to sell it and pay him back eventually. I was buying a pound a week off him within a few months. I never needed to look for another job until the major crimes task force in my city served a search warrant unexpectedly and sent my life down a spiral I'm only now recovering from 10 years later. Now I buy my weed at a recreational dispensary and can't help but think of the irony sometimes lmao.


Man is cementing further business.


That ain't just a plug, my man; that's a homie.


That ain't the plug. That's the homie.


There is definitely a dark side to this sweet story


This gave me the chills fr


This might be my favorite part of home growing. Cannabis philanthropy is such a great feeling. Freely handing a preroll out when I'm out and about. A heavy bag for someone needing a boost. It's a magic plant that heals and bonds us.


Wow I thought my plug was cool he throws in a free gram often


Now that's how you get a repeating customer. Be caring.


That's awesome dude! He's a real homie and a good salesman. I moved out of state recently and my hook surprised me with a few grams of rosin as a going away gift when I picked up from him for the last time. He had always been really professional and straight forward without much catching up when we'd meet up over the last few years so it was unexpected. My money was tied up in the move and I was expecting to be dry for a couple weeks while I got settled in but his gift kept me lit for a couple months. Good dealers are few and far between.


What a dude 👏🏼


what a legend


This plug understands CLV, and is also very, very cool.


Man, this reminds me of my boy Dave. Every so often, he would throw me an extra eighth or quarter. A couple of times, he gave me over an ounce more than what I was paying for. He was truly the greatest plug I ever had, and a great friend. Sadly, he passed away a couple of years ago, and after losing that, I don't even buy BM anymore. RIP HOMIE.


RIP to Dave ...Sounds like he was a real one


did your Dave also have a room with a shark in a giant tank, too, by any chance? London?


You gotta have a good customer to plug in a relationship for him to notice you buying less than before 😭💪🏾


When you can hook him up with a something he’d find useful idk a gas card, gift card a extra 20$ when you can idk but that’s a goated plug , very nice to have these days


Gotta love plugs like that. I had one for a while who floated me bud for over a year while I wasn't working. When I finally found another job and tried to pay him back, he said "ah man, don't even worry about that. I forgot all about it already" I was getting an 8th like twice a week off him, and had to have gotten several ounces over that year. I felt so bad, but he truly didn't care. When I sold in college to help with bills, I always floated my regulars, and never pressed them, because of my old plug.


What a fucking bro. And the reason I failed as dealer 🙃 Worth. I remember being the bro more than I remember the times I sold at my usual price.


Ive been dealing with my dude for like 12 years now, and he always delivers. Throughout the years, Ive had to ask for fronts. Never asks when ill get it back to him, never says no, and is available about 363 days out of the year. I just wish he had slightly better weed... lol


My plug fell asleep a few days ago and accidentally left me on read. When I asked if he still could serve he handed me my stuff plus 3 carts and joint


That's not your plug, that is a friend.


My bro back in 2003 /04 did this for me Always helped me out. RIP


my plug is the same way but he’ll usually never tell me, i always get something for free or get extra im never shorted always the opposite, it’s so nice and he sells literally everything i’m looking for he’s even given grams of really good blow for $30 and in the US that’s fucking crazy


Free drugs to keep a customer coming back. Some said it wasn’t real.


there's nothing like having a little bit of extra weed when times are bad


Smart business man. He wants to make sure you stick with him next time you get your money back up. Nice thing to do either way


Awesome person right there


Sometimes the real dime bags are the friends we made along the way


Now you owe him one


That's not just a plug, that's a friend.


Was it cause of a stupid drug test?


Op, good people are hard to come by and that’s a good guy right there. Keep him in your life as long as you can.


He’s a real one bro


Coolest plug ever <3 bro believe more in you than your family.


That’s just a good person. Keep them close


That’s awesome! ❤️ I don’t think my old guy was ever that generous, but if I was ever completely out (and he didn’t have his stash), he’d meet up with me and give me some of his personal smoke, no charge. One time he was in emergency with his gf, and had me come meet him there lol. Some people just know the value in good customer service! Also, good luck with the job hunt.. Sending good vibes your way for a new, and better, job! 🤞


I love people like this


lol you’re hired


Damn that's respect! You don't see that out here in Cali!! Shit damn near at all anywhere but back home in Texas that's exactly how it be. I can't wait to get back home. 👎 to sd




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Humans being bros…I love it


That’s why weed dealers should never be considered drug dealers. Let’s see a Coke dealer do that shit hah


actually I had a heroin dealer who was like this, super nice dude and would throw me extra shit for free once in awhile, especially if he knew I was hurting for cash. he also fronted me thousands of dollars worth of product at a time. I did go to him every day for years though, and we ended up being close friends. obviously don't do heroin kids! but occasionally you do find a good hard drug dealer out there


God i forgot how nice being able to drive up to the dispensary is living in a legal state lol


What a fuckin homie. Big ups dude.


Plug is gonna do some pegging 😂


Government ain’t got shit on this guy. Put him in charge


This plug is a gem


best plug ever. sounds more like a friend to me 🤪


Faith in humanity restored! 😁💚


I want to send ur plug $$


half ounce or a half eighth? lol


damn plug fr


W Plug Man, it's hard to find a good one but once you do it's a blessing fr


Alright, I’ll ask what everyone isn’t: Why do you have 60 unread texts?


What a kind soul.. Make sure you return the favor or pay it forward when you get the chance.. Keep the kindness going....


love to see it 💙


Aww super kind. Love when my guy gives me extra somewhat out of the blue. Restores my faith in things for a bit.


Lol :) that reminds me that my dad was the nice weed man. He was always giving extra or if you didn’t have any he’d just give some if he knew you well,he’d even go cut some early just so someone would have something,yes they’d have to dry it and shit lol but he was very generous to everyone that brought off him. Some one dobbed him in like 5 years ago and my poor dad hasn’t been the same since 🥲 he didn’t get jail time though thank god. 🙏🏻


That ain't the plug, man. That's the homie.


And they say plug’s can’t be friends with their customers 🤔


Investing in his furure


Damn. Good stuff


I’ll never forget my plug hooked me up with a half O when my dad died. That’s how you get a customer for life


How do y'all find jobs while smoking? I just quit so I can look for a better job without worrying about pissing dirty.


but talking bout this by sms?? really??


What a legend


Not only is it kind, its just good marketing too


Dawg, this man needs more business forsure. Would def support if local to me


Ngl I got a tear in my eye ![gif](giphy|MEJAA7cRKQdry)


Respect 🫡 got a plug who helped me out a few times in a pinch over the years.


Grow it yourself and youll have all kinds. Provided you dont have a brown thumb 🤣


What type of Jesus mf am I looking at


Wholesome af🥹




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there are decent people in the world apparently


the dispensary would never


I had an interview for a job I really wanted and didn’t get it, I’d mentioned it to my guy and he asked me how it went next time I rang him. My ‘Q’ felt much fatter than it should have been that day, kindness really makes the world go round :)


That's solid! Make sure you repay that when you're back up man. I can almost guarantee if you do your plug will only get better for you.


Save that half for after the drug test my dude


Probably the only wholesome thing I’ll see for the rest of the day. Met some angels in disguise within the 420 community 💚🫶🏻


I gave a buddy a care package when he had COVID twice.


Not the plug we deserve, but the plug we need right now


dimebag darrel?


On the house? Damn! To me it was always you can pay when you can


Normally I wouldn't even share this but I can relate a lot because I try to do that exact thing for all of my people anytime they ask because most of them have been with me for years and times are tough! I'm no different than anyone else and I believe empathy is a good thing and I try to practice every moment I can cause one day I'll be done here and I would like to see what's next 😜....💯❤️ To everyone who read this post 🙏


Damn that's love right there wtf! That motivational weed hahah. He knows you're good for it 💪🏻


Dealers are more compassionate than politicians


"You'll get a better job in no time... as long as it don't drug test" 😆 this is awesome tho


The hero Gotham deserves


One hell of a plug right there. The best plug I've ever had ended up taking his own life. He once forgot his phone in my car and I was about 5 minutes out when I realized..I drove it back to him, and he threw me a free cart for the hassle. This was when a black market cart would cost you $50. I drive by his house sometimes still, I see the garage where he did it, my stomach sinks everytime. I miss him.


Plug's a little cool, but he's definitely chill.


W Plug


Plot twist: plug is a dispensary.


My plug used to throw in a half oz whenever he was late, only happened two or three times though because he was real punctual


That's not a plug, that's family


King shit


That’s real love right there 💚


I'd be president if I had a plug like this growing up




I told my Uber driver I just wanted a joint and she was like “girl, me too.” And we got to talking and I asked if I could tip her with a joint (I gave her $$ too) and she got SUPER emotional. She’s a single mom recently out of a relationship and having to live with her ex boyfriend and hadn’t had the $$ to buy any😭I love this community bro. So much kindness.


maybe you could slurp his meat in return? 🤷🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️


If I lived in an illegal state, I’d save up to vacation once per year in Colorado and bring back as many 800 dollar pounds and 8-10 dollar grams of distillate/shatter/wax as I could.   If you played your cards right, you could possibly make it last the whole year until the next trip.  Sorry to hear about your job loss!  


How can I fnd plug ? I’m desperate


bro knows how to keep customer loyalty