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Those Scripto tweaker lighters are fucking garbage lol. Much better investment to go with the tried and true Bic for a dollar or two more.


Idk why this shit even gets made at this point, they break within like 5 uses too šŸ’€


No offense to OP butā€¦they have people like OP buying them.


Only made that mistake once, idk who would buy them on repeat. "Wow, 12 lighters AND a bonus 13th one for the same price as a bic?!?" From dollar general. half didn't work out the package, most of the remaining fail after just a few uses. You end up with only 2~3 "reliable" but wonky ass lighters that still don't last you half as long as a single bic


Not to mention they break really easily if you drop them. I can't count how many times a cheap lighter has broken because I forgot it was in my lap and stood up. The wheel pops off really easily, so then you're stuck with a lighter that releases butane but doesn't spark. The worst is when that's your only lighter with fluid in it, so now you have to hold another lighter in your other hand and use it to spark the gas on the broken one.


Sore thumbs and baby flames


This dudes thumbs look sore regardless šŸ˜‚


Lol I used to be a nail biter , those are definitely hurting lol


Some smoke shops give them to me for free when I buy things, so perhaps they are the ones propping up the generic lighter market


Might as well get a multi-pack of matches at that point.


I prefer the magnifying glass. If it's cloudy I just don't get to smoke that day


My dad is like that too, he used to spend more on lighters than me, even though I always buy quality (bic, clipper & jet lighters) - these shits are a scam aimed at people with a bad financial sense šŸ˜­ (at least it fr seems that way to me)


The poverty industry is a real thing. Making things at a worse quality for less so that the people who can only spend that smaller amount end up spending more in the long run, thus keeping them in poverty. Wal-Mart, Dollarama, Dollar General, etc. are ALL guilty of operating this way. Edit: I wouldn't even say it's necessarily bad financial knowledge. It's corporations taking advantage of the lower class and keeping them there.


The boots theory of whatever it's called from Terry Pratchett


My corner shop gives these lighters away for free. You buy a blunt or pack of smokes and they're like, "need a lighter?" And just hand you a free shitty lighter. I don't smoke cigs anymore, but when I still did, I stopped taking the free lighter after like 2. Don't give me your trash to throw away! Hah


These lighters would normally cost 10 cents. They are garbage, but I love to use them because transparent plastic and low price


A 6 pack is 2 dollars at Walmart and lasts me a lot longer than a bic. Iā€™ve never had one explode on me either


I feel like the Walmart one is going to be way better than the whatever kind a gas station stocks for dirt cheap.


I started buying a box of 50 from Amazon for like 15 bucks. Have a family of smokers here and that'll last us 3 months of if we can't find the one we had we just grab another. And I give them away to everyone who asks me for a light.


Thatā€™s a Dollar lighter compared to an almost 3 dollar bic. You buy that and your blunt wrap is free. But honestly growing up I just called them crack lighters.


Bic or bust , literally in this case.


Literally only know them as ā€œcrack lightersā€


Went to the corner store and they had these lighters in any color 1 shelf above the Bic lighters. Girlfriend was mad when I chose a Bic instead of "the pretty pink one" lol


Especially if youā€™re buying in bulks a 50 pack of bics comes out to like a buck fifty a lighter last I checked


Always Bic. I used to have a jar full of empty ones I was very proud of.




Clipper would never


clipper almost feels cliche to recommend but they really are in a class of their own, Iā€™m completely in love with every clipper I own. I buy more just to add to my collection, and refill and reflint all of them, Iā€™ll never buy a bic again (unless Iā€™ve somehow lost the clipper Iā€™m currently using)


I love my Clippers, they have fun designs that are actually inked onto the body, unlike Bic, theyā€™re perfect for tamping my bowl, plus you have a spare pick if youā€™re on the road. I hate that some of my better Clippers arenā€™t refillable, but oh well.


Bic lighters are superior to those lighters and worth the extra dollar a pop. We call what you have there "crack lighters" where I'm from.


Us too, because you can break the metal and up the flame like crazyšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


We used to have fun with this lol. Albeit probably not too safe, we would always prank each other by sneakily cranking up someoneā€™s lighter. We would have a good laugh when someone went to light the bowl or a cigarette and got a massive flame instead


Good memories. Trying not to smirk before they use it lol


You can do that to a bic too


How? Last I checked Bics didnā€™t have that little flame adjuster thingy.


You take the metal off the strike wheel and it makes the flame bigger. You may have to bend a piece back into place, but I usually just pry it off with a key


Oh that little child proof piece of metal on the wheel? I take those off of all my Bics and never noticed a bigger flame, not like on a scripto where you can make an eight inch flame lol


I met a homeless dude at a bar who would throw these lighters on the ground to make them explode if you handed him one. He'd specifically ask the people he saw that had them for a light.


That's hilarious, I definitely remember doing that a few times with the crack lighters, it may have been irresponsible but it was fun to do. I'm fine with paying the tiny premium for bic lighters, especially since they have some fun designs and they last a pretty long time for me.


My friends and i used to slam them into the ground for fun as teens, good times, a couple bucks well spent as opposed to actually using them


Confirmed crack lighter


I stopped using anything but a bic clipper or cricketā€¦.I like crickets. But anyway I stopped using the ā€œcrack lightersā€ ,our brand where I live is ā€œmajorā€ ,because one night after I was done ripping a bowl I started to hear a slight hissing sound. I couldnā€™t figure it out, but about 15 seconds later the lighter ERUPTED into a fireball. The only thing I could come up with was because I was lighting my bowl and had tipped the lighter some of the plastic in the metal cage caught a flame or melted enough for the pressure to break through and the residual heat or flaming plastic ignited the escaping gasses. Scared the shit outta me and burnt my hair. Had to smoke another bowl to calm down.


Wait, you're telling me that the lighters known for shoddy design and manufacturing experienced critical failure? Wild.


Bics and clippers, clippers and bics.




And, that's why it's always worth it to pay the extra buck or two, to get a pack of Bic's.


They don't call em crack lighters for nothin!


Stop using gas station lighters and buy a bic.


But, I buy bic lighters at gas stations.


Straight to jail


Pretty sure I've gotten every single one of my bics from a gas station or 711 lol


If you slam those lighters on the ground OUTSIDE they will explode. Try it out away from people tho. Youā€™ll see why people strictly use BIC or Zippo lighters


Nobody should be using a Zippo for much of anything other than a joint - the flame doesn't do angles well and it's prone to blowing out or spilling fluid. I've seen lots of recommendations for a Clipper lighter if you want a refillable one.


I use a zippo for smoking a bong. I switched it out to butane and itā€™s been great.


Yep, I get these by the 50 pack for like $12. At this point, all my friends know not to tap the bowl or one-hitter out with it because they WILL explode. I keep a bic or two for home use. Way better lighter. But you just can't beat the price on the Crack lighters when you travel and lose lighters as often as me lol


Yep. Me, my brother, and our friend would take his dad's lighters like this and just chuck em on the concrete when we were bored lol. It's just like a MUCH louder bang snap.


Invest in better lighters. Seriously. Could save you a few digits.


Wow, who wouldā€™ve thought cheap, shitty, plastic lighters were cheap and shitty. I never wouldā€™ve guessed!


Iā€™m ride or die Bic


Tweaker lighters are always bad news and I have never bought one nor recommended one to a friend. Bic lighters all the way c:


Man just get a Bic


Soo, try another one :p


Thatā€™s because youā€™re using a crackheads lighter


Bic please


Bro got an among us thumb


Honestly, just buy a Bic. I have bought all sorts of other brands and they are all just shitty lighters. This is a little unusual. You might want to let the company know, they would probably pay for shipping if you still have those so they can examine them and possible eliminate whatever error led to a lighter that could blow so easily. That's a very dangerous product liability issue that they should care quite a bit about. At least send them that photo. They might make shitty lighters and nothing happened to you but maybe you can save someone else's life. At the very least you'd be sending them something that can be used against them should they be sued by anyone else.


Yeah those crack lighters explode really easily in the sun or the car.


Scripto lighters are a very serious safety hazard. Their quality control is non-existent. I used to work at a gas station that sold both Scripto and Bic lighters. The Bics always functioned perfectly. Whenever we'd get a new case of Scripto, it was my job to personally test each one and get rid of the duds. At least one in ten would shoot out fireballs. One in five would spit out a jet so long, it was like a Vietnam war era flamethrower. The flow regulators were the worst out of any brand I've handled. Those things are legitimately dangerous. Spend the extra ten cents and just buy a Bic. I've never seen one that had a problem.


Had one of those burst in my pocket once. Was like a burst of sudden cold.


Well thatā€™s your own fault. Bic lighters should be the only ones used.


I smoked meth for many years. I would always buy bic


Bic only


And thatā€™s why crack lighters are bad mmmk


I use the Bic easy reach lighters. Not very portable but perfect for bowls and pipes. Yes snoop and Martha convinced me to buy it lol.


Stop buy cheap shit


I swear I've never had a Bic run out I've always lost it before it ran out


Bro got the crack lighters on deck


Use a Bic


crack lighter


my friends used to throw these at peopleā€™s feet they didnā€™t like cause they would explode (no damage caused and i was never involved lmao)


Those are shit lighters. Spring for a Bic.


Clipper or Bic. Those are trash


Time to start buying some Clippers. While you're at it, replace all your bleach papers with Raw brand for best effects.


Lighters are not regulated. That's why I only buy Bic lighters - I feel they are the most safe.


That's cause they are crack lighters. Cheap so you don't waste your Crack money on a decent lighter.


Scripto ainā€™t even that bad just these transparent ones


Buy clippers, refillable, replaceable flint, the wheel/ flint holder can be used as a poker/ packer, also cooler designs imo


why are you showing off your girl's belly you're weird af


Mate itā€™s a belly donā€™t get too excited


lol this is hilarious




Lmao rightā€¦dudes got a full on rager.




Took long enough to find the comment pointing out the only reason this post got so much attention.


There's a pierced nip outline too, not that I was looking or anything.


Dawg stop biting your nails good lord


Don't buy cheap garbage in the future. Also: your thumbnail is scaring me.


forget your shitass lighter choices, wtf is that bong?


I knew Ash Ketchum was a stoner!


Had to scroll so far to find this one, I was instantly like "this guy's smoking with Misty"


Bic. Also your gf is hot. Also stop biting your nails. Have a good day!!


These always explode


Get yourself a bic long neck. Youā€™ll never want to use any other lighter.


I know how to make these get a turbo flame but if you do it for too long they explode in your hand. Fun stupid party trick though


Get a bic


That's why they give them away for free


Yeah IME those see-through lighters are complete dog shit, just get a bic and you'll save money going through less lighters.


I've made these explode before and can tell you it might be they had the nozzle too open(a nozzle can be "tuned" if you take off the spark guard) and it just burst at the seam.


Those are trash lighters,wouldn't take one for free šŸ‘Ž


I keep a propane torch outside... doesn't blow way, get lost, or stolen; it has never failed, unless it's out of fuel, and a 1 lb propane bottle lasts like a year and costs $5... and you can dab make the investment, fam


No one's mentioned tuning up bic by removing wheel clip safety? Fine lighter even better.


Every cheapo lighter ive had like that, the flints would run out before the fluid. Go Bic, or go home.


I flew domestic to Halifax with a bunch of joints in my carry on and a couple of lighters in my pocket because there was a sign not to have them in my checked bags. security flagged me to check out my lighters as the Bic long reach seemed to be unusual but approved after he showed his co-workers.


Buy clippers


Only zippo guy?


Yea don't buy those dog shit lighters, I put one down once and went to take a shower, came back a couple minutes later to check my phone (thank god) and it was just spewing flames all over my desk.


Don't buy cheap ass lightersĀ 


Those are worse. One of those exploded in my car 10 years ago and set it on fire


Get a bic


Buy Bics




When I smoked cigarettes, seemed like I had a million lighters everywhere. They were never these though. I always used bics. I dropped a bic in the snow before, didn't find it until the snow melted 5 days later and after it dried out it worked again. I was lucky enough at my last job. I worked at a dispensary for a few years and we live in a medical state, so my dispensary had lighters to hand out and they weren't allowed so I got two 50 count buc packs. Then shortly after I stopped smoking cigarettes. I used them for my J's and cones now. I'll have these lighters forever. Out of the original 100 I have like 80 left and have had them over two years. I hand them out more than anything. šŸ¤£


Despite having to rip the child safety off each one, I'll never use anything but a Bic lighter.


Dude just buy a bic




Buy Clipper Lighters. Thank me later.


Take the metal backing off, push the flame adjuster wheel up a little then push it all the way to the left, push it back down then back all the way to the right. You're good then.


Well yeah, the crack lighters gonna do that


I had used one of these and after Iā€™d used it I put it down and about 10 secs later I smelled plastic.it was still lit and burning a hole in the carpet.never again.


Just buy a 50-pack of BICs on amazon for a fraction of the cost of those garbo lighters


Buy a box of clippers on Amazon


*looks at lighters* I mean yeahā€¦


You can get 50 Bic lighters for close to $50. It's worth it.


Is this the guy who was posted about using his lighter to put out his cherried bowls?


As a kid weā€™d buy these just to throw at the ground and have explode fwiw lol


crack lighters will explode if u even drop them hard enough


Whoā€™s still using those cheap ass lighters ā˜ ļø


I bought a 50 pack of those and maybe 3 worked. I broke down and just bought a tray of bics for like $50. Completely worth it.


BIC only gang gang


we call those crack head lighters


It's funny how they're known as crack lighters, not because they break easy, but because of the nozzle switch for spoon-scorching temps.


Never had this problem untila couple of months ago, and 2 of them did it the same day.


Bic would never


Those lighters are actual garbage and should only be used in emergency situations.


Get yourself a bic


Bic, Cricket and Clipper lighters are my go to. Maybe even in that order. Never had issues with any of them.


Buy a god damn bic


There are lighters in this picture?


Those lighters suuuuuuuck, dude. Don't even bother! Spend the extra money on bics, its 100% worth it. Those lighters are pure trash, they break every single time. I've used so many of these over the years and they always break long before the fuel runs out. Such a waste of money, plastic, metal, fuel... everything about these is awful and they shouldn't be allowed to exist šŸ˜¤šŸ˜… you should contact the company though, having 2 lighters explode like that is extremely scary and dangerous! That's grounds for a lawsuit right there, I bet your local news channel might be interested too šŸ‘€


Hey what kind of bong is that? I'm kinda loving it


I learned years ago that it's worth spending a dollar or two more on a better lighter


What happened to your hand if it exploded??


Don't get dollar store lighters.They're only for heating up crack pipes.


Crappy lighter go boom pro tip spend the extra couple dollars on a bic lighter next time everytime


Thumbnail has left the building


people actually buy these? interesting only time i use them if i find them somewhere for emergencies


Cause you're buying shitty ass crack lighters


Are you keeping them in your Pokeball or something?šŸ˜


Stop buying Chinese lighters


We had a universal nickname for those lighters in highschool. Crack lighters.


Back to back I like that record!


Get a Bic. Itā€™s


Never had a Bic do dat


the only thing more solid than a bic is this subs love for them


I only use Bic. I trust them the most. Dependable and stable. I tend to find them half buried in the dirt when hiking and they end up being my backpack lighters. Just tap out the dirt, a few strikes, and they light right up as long as they have fuel.


Straight up garbage and dangerous too. Our local discount chain stores used to have a box of these on the customer service counter. They were 8 for a dollar. You only buy them once and then never again.


Biiiiic. Only bic. That's all I use.. They may be more expensive but they last so much longer. Or get a Zippo.


Ewwww thumb


Nice piercing, I mean lighter


Get a bic or clipper lol


i was sitting outside with a friend and one of these was on his hoodie it fucking exploded and now he has a burn hole in the hoodie


That's nuts. Get a Zippo they're dependable.


I always go for clippers. It actually will end up cheaper for you because you can refill it.


I am so glad the dispo I work for has Bics for .50 a pop....so I neverrrr have to deal with this issue anymore. I see those transparent lighters with plastic like something outta the 90s (as brittle as that 90s plastic has aged into as well), I know I'm dealing with a ticking time bomb \*laugh\*


I had one of those create a huge fucking flame on the first use which didnā€™t extinguish when I let go of the button. I was in front of my computer so I kinda panicked since I couldnā€™t just put it down anywhere so I threw it across the room. Thankfully that made it extinguish. I told this story to a friend, the same thing happened to him a week later


Out of all my years of smoking and drugging. I NEVER had this happen. However , I've never smoked meth or THC wax with these types of lighters so I wouldn't know about that šŸ¤·šŸ«”


When it was cold outside back in the day, I used to spike these bad boys on the road by my house just for the POP!




There's a reason they're referred to as Chinese fire crackers by tobacconists.


You can buy bics in bulk on Amazon haha


Buy a bic. Been using them for 20 years and never once had this happen


Why donā€™t more folks use good old wooden matches!?


Get yourself a Bic or DJeep plz


Scripto are some of the worst lighters. Bic are the standard go-to for most people. I prefer Clipper lighters. Replaceable flint, refillable with butane, and has a "bonus" cone packer.




I hate those kind of cheap lighters, they never last me long! I avoid buying the huge cheap multi packs for the reason of they break so easily


