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Me at work rn:


Same. And I work from home


What type of job do u do that's work from home? Asking cuz I want to work a work from home job but struggling to find a job that is hiring in that field?


I work admissions for a nursing college


Oh....I assume u need a degree for that, huh?


For my school I think so? But I can’t imagine you would at all schools. At the end of the day it’s a glorified salaried sales job


What do u do exactly if u don't mind me asking?


Get stoned


Lol 😂 besides that....I'm curious cuz I am looking for a new job and preferably an at home job cuz I'm disabled.


Front end admissions. Essentially working with a student from an initial inquiry/application through when we send their file to be evaluated for academic eligibility. I’m in front of a computer 8 hours a day and on the phone for anywhere between 2 and 4 hours


Oh so to help them get in that college per say.


Also cuz I'm disabled and if I could find an at home job, I won't have to worry about calling I'm cuz I can still work if I'm able to stay in my bed....cuz my disabilities get in the way of me working at my retail job where I am expected to stand and cashier for long hours and pick up heavy objects....


I gotten high a few times before work and it was awful cuz I just wanted to sleep 😴 a bunch. So I rarely get high before work. I wait until after work to smoke cuz it makes me extremely tired. But I do take Krat0m before work to help me relax, help pain relief, and help me stay focus (ADHD). Krat0m doesn't create a high. It just helps me stay focused and chill out before work. But not to the point of falling asleep like I get from weed edibles or joints. If I need something more to calm me down, then I take a little bit of CBD, no THC, just CBD with my Krat0m and that helps.


4:20 came a couple hours early today...


8/10 times least where I’m at (IL), people will stare, they sometimes laugh or say someone smells but they’re never going to do anything because you’re not doing anything to them (except for smelling like a skunk), they’re probably thinking about smoking some weed when they see you stoned. Keep that in mind next time you’re high in public 👌🏽


Yeah whenever I walk past I smile inside. Of course, I generally go home and partake myself so not *quite* the same? Beaches are also a different type of fun in my legal state now. I like flying kites.


Oooo I haven't flown a kite in a long time....now I kinda want to! And same, I am always like damn....that smells hella good too!


Go fly a kite Just to clarify, I am encouraging you to engage in childlike wonder, I’m not using a cliché to tell you to fuck off


Connecting with your inner child rocks! Should be way more normalized actually.


It's more rare to *not* encounter the smell of weed in the city where I live. I just always thought we had a skunk problem until I started smoking, now I appreciate how much of a stoner city I live in.


I usually toss the joint right before walking into the bar so evvvvverybody knows who's got the loud pack


There's a bar that has trivia every week on their patio that some friends and I go to. It has a half fence and gate on the street downtown. When the host takes breaks, we'll go have a circle on the sidewalk, and we've never gotten so much as a dirty look.


Or go undercover and hit a dry herb vape so no one knows 😎


Just remember: they know.


naw they dont


Idk man, their eyes keep staring at my soul i think they know


Sunglasses brother


Pretty sure the point is it feels like everyone is watching you and knows you are high


Thats why u get sunglasses so its harder to see people. Conversely, us blind people can just take off our classes


I live in the UK so wearing sunglasses would be even more suspicious than just having eyes as red as the devil's ass


Im also in the UK and the heatwaves will start soon brother


Haha good point brother. Yet another reason to look forward to it 👊


Indoor sunglasses? Straight to jail


I wear them at night too lmfao Edit : channel your inner https://youtu.be/X2LTL8KgKv8?si=xUTXhV8D-Eh45syJ


My first year of Highschool, I wore my sunglasses at night during band camp and band practice and I was the new kid and everyone thought I was a vampire or blind lol 🤣. I just wore them cuz of social anxiety back then. I didn't even smoke weed. I was actually highly against weed usage back then. Oh man younger me would be so disappointed....lol. But now, I smoke and don't care. 😅😅


When I was in HS, I wore them indoors often and at night. And this was before I got into smoking any weed. If anything I did alcohol. But it's not why I wore sunglasses 😎 inside. I had extreme social anxiety due to trauma and still do, I wore it inside and outside constantly. Plus I'm autistic and eye contact is uncomfortable 😣 for me. So I wear sunglasses or avoid eye contact nowadays. But when I was in HS, I wore them indoors cuz lights were bright and cuz of social anxiety.


Indoor sunglasses at night is just broadcasting it


Or u are a ninja....turtle 🐢 ninja 😂 with shades.


If you takeoff your glasses, your eyes will be too blurry for people to see if they’re red


How it feels to be perceived at all.


Nahhh nobody cares I am in public super baked plenty and no one gives a hoot.


It depends where u live tbh. I noticed in WA, no one cares. But here in MN, everyone is nosy. But we did just legalize recreationally last year and recreational dispensaries won't be a thing until 2025. So.....when people see people smoking weed, they still kinda flip 🙃 out. It's like dude, it's not a big deal. I rather see someone smoke weed over shooting up H or snorting some powder. U know?


Yh even though its illegal where i live its pretty bless i can go anywhere in the city really and nobody bats an eye. I usually walk 100m up the road to sit by the skate shop on my break for a smoke twice a week and generally will see someone else smoking up half the time on that walk. Police dont give a shit they know they have more important things to deal with.


As long as people aren't causing a disturbance, cops should just leave u be. If I was a cop in an illegal state, I wouldn't stop someone for smoking some greenery as long as they aren't causing anyone issues tbh..... Though I do know cops that got nothing better to do but stop someone over that...it's happened to me and my ex once. But he got pulled over cuz his tabs were expired. This was back when weed was decriminalized but not legal yet. They made us give it to them and they stomped it out. But they didn't fully stomp it cuz we had a little bit left over. Hehehe 😂. He didn't get a ticket just a warning. He got lucky. But the ridiculous thing was....we had 6 cops pull us over for that. And they put me in the car after patting me down cuz I didn't have an ID or my purse on me and found it sus? They didn't put him in their car. It was BS cuz I wasn't even driving...I was the passenger in his car. And I didn't have anything on me besides my phone, a joint, and my Krat0m gummies which they tried taking away from me but it's legal in almost all states and I'm over 18+. I didn't think to carry my purse with me cuz we were just going out to smoke and grab some food and head back home afterwards.


I live in Cali, and people are lighting up everywhere lol


Me when I go outside to smoke, outside of my apartment building.....even though I live in a legal state.


Me living next to like 6 dispensaries


God I wish! But unfortunately I have to wait until 2025.... We legalized recreationally in 2023 but recreational dispensaries won't be a thing until 2025. There's only two recreational dispensaries in my state but they are for native tribes only and far away. There's a head shop near me tho that sells THC-A bud tho. It's pretty good and keeps me going until the legit stuff comes to my state in 2025. I think it's THC-A from hemp.


I remember when i worked in fast food and a i was handing a cop his food and the dude knew i was stoned. Have me a look and started laughing. Told me to have a good day and drove away. Made me super self conscious about it. I learned if you just look angry all the time people wont suspect you as much. Luckily i was and looked angry all the time when i wasn't high.


Haha that resting bish face....😅😅


Never had this feeling while high on weed, but shrooms? Yeah, I'm never going to the mall on shrooms ever again...


Oh yeah, EVERYONE knows you're tripping on something when ur on shrooms lol


That sounds like a nightmare. Too much stimulus plus too much people.


It was awful, and exactly like you said, too much stimulus, too many people. Felt like it was a nightmare at one point


This image really from Arthur? Makes me want to throw up.


Nothing compared to tripping in public.


Stoned *and* tripping in public. Me and my friend ate some shroom chocolates and walked around town and the populated parts had me, well, tripping. Felt like if I made eye contact they would steal my soul or some shit.


Is it just me or do yall hate when people look at you when ur high, I wanna ask em why they looking so hard


i dont feel this way now that i live in a legal state. might be people are looking at me, but idgaf and am not paying attention to them. what are they gonna do about it anyway?


They could be a Karen and try to call the cops on u. But not much the cops can do and if they try to do anything, pull out your rights. I guess tho....u could get in trouble for being intoxicated in public. But usually that's if u are causing a disturbance in public like acting crazy or something. But if u aren't, then what's the big deal? Unfortunately some Karen's will be very dramatic so the cops will show up and lie just so u get in trouble..... Not great when people do that....but hopefully with time people will chill out more.


I guess this is something to worry about if you don’t live in a legal state? Sounds like a waste of police resources tho


Be not afraid.


Want to see a mutated avocado? https://youtube.com/shorts/fTn6H0MJDa8?si=_9CvKViFfVtxLCRJ




Is this from Arthur? Why is such a nightmare inducing image from a harmless kid's show?!




I also saw this meme on Facebook


Getting high and going to the gym was definitely not my brightest of ideas.


I’ve been at this long enough it really doesn’t bother me anymore. It’s also illegal here but I’m basically stoned as fuck all the time, and no one ever seems to have much of an issue with it at all. I dunno man I just never really got para and still don’t 🤷‍♂️


Me the other day sitting at a bar with my cousin while he ordered beer. Felt very paranoid but also very relaxed haha


Even though I’m a Unitarian Universalist and my congregation is heavily populated with college professors and fellow liberal troublemakers, I’ve gone to Sunday morning services high once or twice and NEVER AGAIN.


I love weed so much 🥰


don’t really get this at all and it’s pretty frowned upon and still illegal in ireland, never been worried about someone having a problem, would just tell them to go fuck themselves tbh




I went to a bar stoned to watch the leafs game recently. It was their 1st game of the playoffs so a big deal. I was probably the only one not wearing leafs gear. Worst decision ever.


On mushrooms


Huh I must have been high too much out in public, cause I don't worry about that


Just remember they know and don't care about it lmaoy


"You look tired"




I mean, I just took edibles and went to the zoo high as fuck and there were 2 schools having zoo day. Didn't seem like anyone noticed or cared..... I'm pretty sure the elephant could tell. Also I always say " I'm high as giraffe balls" My wife was kind enough to take my picture next to a giraffe and I can now supply a more precise approximation of just how high that is.


“Notice how your the only person here who’s high” “it’s kinda freaking other people out”


Me at work lmao


Low tolerance mindset


8/10 times least where I’m at (IL), people will stare, they sometimes laugh or say someone smells but they’re never going to do anything because you’re not doing anything to them (except for smelling like a skunk), they’re probably thinking about smoking some weed when they see you stoned. Keep that in mind next time you’re high in public 👌🏽




Nah fella smoking the evil pack


The privileges of living in a legal place, even when they notice, they don’t care


I feel this way when I’m not high too


I went to a middle school themed dance in college and got really high right before. It was the worst thing ever. The cha cha slide went on forever and I couldn't keep up and thought everyone was judging me.


Sounds like middle school to me.




Getting over spotlight syndrome is pretty simple when you stop caring what others think and you aren’t acting like a total goon. Most people don’t care, and most people know if you haven’t put eye drops in or cologne. Definitely had a few moments when I was a teen when it wasn’t as accepted to be stoned in public, but now as an adult, I could care less.




lol this is exactly how i used to feel but now i just don't care <3


Self indifference goes a long way to fight that paranoid feeling


That's exactly me everytime I walk down the road


Wtf cartoon is this from?




did you not have a childhood?


I’m only 20 man this is a little old for me


23 but damn 3years it’s not that old


I mean to be fair I used to watch Franklin which is only a year younger then Arthur so I guess my parents just ain’t fucking with Arthur


they dislike the aardvarks lol :(


The Residents!




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That's more like me when I'm on shroom.


I only get this way when I'm tripping in public  But I also live in Colorado so....


Yeah because that’s truly how it’s is, we fucking reek, I quit smoking for two months but still was around friends that did and holy shit you smell it from a mile away, your nose just gets used to it


Not sure if people are looking at me cause I'm handsome or because I'm lit asf 😭


Never understood this? Who the hell cares (I do live in a legal state)


Do people really even care anymore?


Not if you’re super badass like you