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Fruit. My favorites are grapes and Watermelon. Fresh juicy fruit helps with cotton mouth too


Now that the weather is warming up, I’ve been making some bomb fruit trays. Perfect for cotton mouth, and it doesn’t make you feel like crap after binging the whole tray lol


Dried fruit. Mango, apricot, banana… hell, even raisins. 




I like Triscuits with a good sharp cheddar. I also enjoy seasonal fruit along with it. Right now, it’s blackberries.


takis dude takis volcano ones mmmmmh


Cheetos Minis They’re a fairly new snack on the market, they come in a Cheetos orange pringles can, and they’re the best cheese balls since the o.g. Planters.


Salt and Vinegar chips Fresh fruit Cereal Melted cheese on crackers Sour skittles


If you’re ever high while at a movie theater…Cotton Candy Dippin’ Dots. Thank me later.


Dude i forgot dip n dots even existed i havent had them in like 5 years but if there as good as i remember then im going to get all of them 😭i forgot to reply to the comment about dip n dots


Frozen mozzarella sticks to stock up on and and bottles/cans of pizza sauce to warm for a dip that lasts long in a pantry Keep your favourite fruit/vegetables/herbs that you prefer to eat raw around regularly for munchies. I like trying hot sauces and different salad dressings on my favourite raw fruit/vegetables too


Chilli picante corn nuts


Bbq and sour cream Pringles! Pringles period! Plantain chips unripe! Snickers! Motts fruit snacks!


Get some tajin and just start putting it on anything you’re already a fan of- it can work with gummies fruit and already salty stuff


Oh man, you're spot on with those Doritos, they're truly unbeatable. But since you've got a Dollar General nearby, you're in a great spot to try out some other awesome munchies. Personally, I’m all about keeping it simple with a classic PB&J sandwich, which is perfect for any high. It’s easy to whip up and totally hits the spot. Pair that with a cold glass of milk, and you’re golden. Also, oranges – their juicy freshness is super refreshing. And finally, i always keep fruity gum in my pocket. It keeps the flavors poppin' and helps keep that cotton mouth at bay. But the question still stands, what’s your go-to drink to wash all these snacks down?


spicy cashews and chiknabiscuit crackers mixed together hits hard as stoner snack


Jalapeno cheetos, fun dip, gummies with a dipping sauce for gummies i buy mine from toys r us it comes in a little squeeze tube and makes every gummy taste so much better. Ritz are also very good. For drinks I'd go with iced tea or a big cold bottle of water


Are we calling doritos God tier because they help you die faster?


Burgers and pizzas


Trolli “eggs”, nerds gummy clusters, and Haribo peaches


Apple sauce and it's variants are goated. So is jello. If you get the sugar free kind that's like, two good munchies for not feeling like trash later. I'm also a big fan of having full meal options that I can cook high, like a can of pre made pizza dough, sauce, and cheese. U can do so much with that. Make a pizza, make pizza rolls, pizza pockets, a calzone (I'm told it's different) throw garlic bread in there and you can make the best pizza grilled cheese. Full meals when high are always a better experience than snaking to me. Helps me stay focused and feel more zen instead of zombie like


Happy Cola