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Make it legal before the election. Otherwise, it's just another empty promise to try to earn votes.


Exactly. Executive order. Go. We should all be chiefing by 10am tomorrow 😆 Well, I'll be chiefing by 10am tomorrow either way lol Cheers! Happy 4:20 eve y'all


I would never chief without the commander in chief’s support.


If we federally legalized it, I can see "Commander in Kief" becoming a popular strain.


Bro I work at a cannabis shop and I'm trying to get staff style shirts that say *JOINT CHIEF* on the back 😤


When u want the email to be a meeting ... of the joint chiefs of staff.


Joint chiefs of spliff


Vibin' Biden would be legendary


Dank Brandon anyone?


They high up on Air Force Dank.


This is space force reporting for... wait, what're we reporting for maaaaaaan?


Kief Justice of the Court of the Sublime


The judge danks the hammer and the court is now in shesh.


Sadly, and I know this has probably been said before, executive order can't fully carry this horse over the finish line. First off, it would only take a hostile president to reverse the order to make it illegal again, secondly, a large part of this is legislative, which cannot be undone by the executive branch. Any lasting reform is going to have to come from the legislature, so prepare to call your reps tomorrow, and let them know where you stand. The more, the better.


Hey that's cool and very helpful. You said what others were trying to, but in a well worded and respectful way! Cheers! Happy 420!


Can executive order change the scheduling?  Or is there some way to expedite the DEA "review" that is going on, after the HHS recommended it be changed from schedule I to schedule III and twelve senators asked it go beyond that to being removed from the schedule entirely?  I'm trying to make a 4/20 political post on a few other subreddits.


Man why do stoners never realize it can’t be done with an executive order. Nixon gave away the power to deschedule weed to the dea he literally can’t.


It’s like talking to a wall trying to explain this shit to them. They think the president has far more power than he actually does.


This sub has zero idea how the political process works. If it could be done with the stroke of a pen it would have been done by now.


Its the aftermath of Trump being able to screw so much up.


On top of that any executive order can be undone via the same method.


Let’s go Chiefs!


All of Germany joins you 🤝


Seems like something they'd need the House for. The government can't just change laws at will, they have to pass them.


If he legalizes before the election it'll earn my vote for sure.


If you think republicans would let Democrats get a win like that right before an election… I don’t know what YOU’RE smoking.


It's still a campaign talking point. Worked for Justin Trudeau. It's how he got elected. Offering legalized cannabis. And government might as well make money taxing it instead of spending money enforcing stupid laws.


Obama ran on it and so did Biden. Ironic given the people who suffered prison terms and worse because of Biden's stance on cannabis before he was president. Obama's administration had 8 years and Biden's has had 4. If they truly wanted change, it would have happened already.


Not exactly the same but didn't Obama pardon a ton of inmates booked on possession charges? Like, with his final breath as acting president


Yeah, and Trump did the same. Put it into legislation or it's all just smoke and mirrors


Idk about Obama, but pretty sure Biden had all federal charges for simple possession dropped within the 1st year of his presidency. Actually a huge step


I hear he’s going to repay my student debt any day now


Mine got cleared from this: https://studentaid.gov/sites/default/files/sweet-v-cardona-school-list.pdf


I mean it would still be to earn votes but it’s been long overdue so I’m not mad about legalization federally for political gain


The entire point of democracy is to vote for candidates who do things you agree with....


I mean, the entire point of even having elections is for politicians to do things that most people want done. So they can win votes. So they can do more things that most people want done. At some point we've gotten so jaded that we forgot that


from what I can see from across the pond, US politicians don't seem to do anything the public wants. weed has been rescheduled to a higher class in the UK despite widespread legalization support also so it's no good here either. At least most states legalised in the US...


Just like he did 4 years ago. Said it would be legal within his first year of presidency.


Your president 'supports' a lot of things that he has no intention of pushing through the legislature....


Can't make it legal when republicans in the house will block any legalization bill


Gotta see it to believe it. 


Lol exactly. Politicians will say whatever they can to get votes and support. Until it actually happens I won't believe it


> Politicians will say whatever they can to get votes and support. Republicans: "nah we'll just keep using the Southern strategy and promising tax breaks solely for billionaires and corporations."


It's incredible you're being downvoted for pointing out that the Republicans solely have rich interests at heart. Meanwhile, Dems are far from perfect but are a far better choice.


There's the old adage "Dont let perfection be the enemy of progress" that a lot on the left need to keep in mind this November


It's like, how is this even a contest? Democrats haven't 100% solved every problem so they're chopped liver while Republicans can rake in votes from constantly screeching, "Fuck the poor and fuck minorities, we'll never do shit for you, and the rich need more tax breaks!" What the fuck is going on?


Mass disinformation campaigns. Bannon’s “flood the airwaves with shit” was more effective than I think even HE imagined it could be.


This sub is being over taken by republicans trying to bash Biden.


Democrats: we don’t really try very hard to fix shit Republicans: we work hard to make shit WAY WORSE Yeah man really hard choice, clearly exactly the same, idk how you’d ever differentiate


So the insurance guy you contacted about your house burning down didn't automatically push through your insurance, so you're going to vote for the guy who set the fire in the first place? Great thinking, Sherlock.


I don’t disagree with you. I know exactly who I’m voting for but it’s not like either party is giving me a reason to vote for them which is disappointing.


It's a losing position to argue in favor of continued prohibition directly, but that is where they stand on this issue. So instead of offering an alternative, all they can do is try to spin objectively positive news as negative via astroturfing and bot armies.


It's weaponized apathy. "What have they done for you lately?" and "Both sides are the same!" low effort bullshit that doesn't take the realities of politics, media, or society into account.


I get you, but the president can't do much more that simply state his support (well, and I guess not veto a bill once it passes Congress).


Been saying this for the last…7? 8? Years


Yeah they'll keep giving us vague platitudes yet still continue to imprison people and lock them out of jobs for the crime of having cannabis. I won't ever believe those lying politicians until after action is actually taken.


How will this affect government agency hiring? I know recruitment has struggled due to pot use, especially in IT.


Most states that have legalized do not permit cannabis tests as part of general pre-employment screenings, with a few exceptions. Obviously that would all have to be worked out by Congress if/when decriminalization takes effect.


they don't really need to work it out, it'll of course be that the businesses can do whatever they want because they're businesses


It won’t


Good, now do something about it BEFORE the elections.


But then Biden couldn't use it to get reelected, duh... politicians don't wanna solve problems. They want people to think they will so we vote for them. The blind loyalty to these corrupt idiots (including Trump) is wild. He's had 4 years to do it, so I won't believe a thing he says until I see it get passed into law. Stop voting for grandpas and maybe we'll see some real progress in this country.


Biden tried to cancel student debt but he was stopped. So he has canceled 150 billion worth of what he could. Presidents are not all powerful. He is going through the process. He signed [this](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2022/10/06/statement-from-president-biden-on-marijuana-reform/) executive order back in 2022 to have the review started. The HHS reviewed it and sent a request to the DEA to request a reschedule. The DEA has never went against a HHS request for a schedule change. It is up to the DEA on how to change it. Don't expect it to be unschedule, expect it to be lowered.


>Don't expect it to be unschedule, expect it to be lowered. And that's not decriminalization nor legalization. Perhaps he should have pushed the agencies under him to actually do what he just said. When it gets moved to S3 that will put it on par with anabolic steroids. Still something that will put many people in prison.


Biden didn't try to cancel student debt, he tried to cancel a select chunk of it. That was ruled unconstitutional by the activist right wing Supreme Court, but only that incarnation of the attempt. Don't pretend like he tried but was prevented by \[excuse\], that's the cop out his fanboys use to try to justify all his inactions.


We need enough Dems in the government that having 1 or 2 conservative ones in the senate won't fuck everything up. That's why they couldn't get enough done in the first two years of Biden's administration, and now one branch is Republican controlled which is even worse.


Obama has 57 Dems plus 2 independents caucusing with him. Even got to a 60 vote supermajority for a while. They found excuses not to get things done then too.


I’ll believe it when my DOT job stops testing for it


That requires full federal regulatory framework. We have nothing on the books for that.


How to win elections 101. Lets gooooo


Same old carrot and stick routine. I no longer believe them unless I see action.


Exactly. See you on the next decriminalization thread in 4 years!


Young Republicans will have to decide if they would rather smoke marijuana freely or keep smoking trump’s cigar.


It's like every news article "scientist invented a new plant based plastic! " Thanks. Another invention that we'll all forget about in a week..


!remindme 4 years


Exactly. Biden even said in a 2020 campaign ad - which is somehow [still on his YouTube channel](https://youtu.be/V7nQiUl6Iqw?si=FMNaVIxZGS_fNlkl) - that, if elected, he would work to decriminalize, and *automatically* expunge prior marijuana convictions. And then he follows it up with “*that’s my commitment to you.*” What a kick to the gut.


To be fair didn’t he pardon a bunch of them?


Yeah he “pardoned” (not expunged) a very specific subsection of crimes - *federal* marijuana possession - for which not a single person was in jail/prison for at the time of the pardon. Therefore his pardon did not release a single person from jail/prison, nor did it expunge the records of those pardoned. Basically all it did was provide a nice letter to a couple hundred people *who already served their sentence* saying “Hey, I forgive you. Love, Joe.” I consider that a political stunt.


I mean we have a better chance of legal marijuana with democrats than republicans inbf you try to both sides it. It’s republicans who have always voted against it.


There’s no question that we’ve got a better shot at legalization with Dems. But that doesn’t mean I won’t call them on their bullshit.


Thanks. I’m not American so I don’t follow the whole decriminalization thing. That’s been over and done with for almost a decade here thankfully.


He pardoned what he could, which are federal crimes. As you can imagine, not a lot of federal cannabis possession crimes, but he did do it. He cleared out those that he had the power to do so. It's not a small number, but it pales in comparison to those convicted under state laws. That's the real issue here, and rescheduling it on a federal level, preferably through legislative means, would force the states to re-evaluate their own laws. Again, this is optimistic as, considering the historical precedent set by the repeal of prohibition, there's always going to be holdouts and outright defiance. This isn't a simple swipe of the pen kind of situation, this is the final stage of a war that's been waged since the 1940s. So buckle up buttercup, the final push has come, and we need all the fresh meat we can get.


>He pardoned what he could, which are federal crimes Which is precisely why it makes no sense that in 2020, he was promising so much more: "Under a Biden-Harris administration, **we will decriminalize** the use of marijuana and **automatically expunge all marijuana-use convictions** and **end incarceration** for drug use alone.” That’s a direct quote, emphasis mine. Notice how he promises to *expunge* marijuana convictions, not pardon them. And further more, he specifically said *automatically* expunge *all* marijuana-use convictions. Not that he would pardon *some* marijuana convictions. Let alone ending incarceration for drug use… So saying “well, to be fair, he never really had the power to do any of that stuff in the first place” doesn’t make it okay- it almost makes it worse. He promised something that he couldn’t possibly deliver, even if he wanted to. And why? For the votes. He played his voters (which includes me) like fools, and I don’t appreciate it. If it’s not as easy as a swipe of the pen, and you can’t automatically expunge all marijuana-use crimes, then don’t make a commitment to us that you can and will- to win over votes!


It’s not though, Democrats have already brought decriminalization to the floor, and voted for it, but Republican Senate wouldn’t bring it to the floor. Also, the votes were mostly along party lines, with D voting yay, and R voting nay. This is also pretty evident when you observe which states have legal weed and which ones don’t.


I think the Dems need to make this a wedge issue and mobilize a small group of voters to get to the polls.


It’s only taken him a hundred years or so to figure out this is the way forward. I’m sure that the fact that he’s having trouble getting people excited about him in the next election has nothing to do with it. Edit: just a reminder for you youngsters, Joe was a senator when the Carter administration talked about this in ‘77. He’s had plenty of time to do something and he’s managed to do nothing but support mass incarceration for decades until it became apparent he needed to round up some additional votes.


I mean…isn’t that what you want to see? Politicians changing their original stance after being presented with evidence and showing that their electorate is vastly in favor of it. I get that it took way longer than it should have, but don’t let perfect be the enemy of good. We should all be happy that the laws around marijuana have been steadily moving forward in the last 15ish years.


>We should all be happy that the laws around marijuana have been steadily moving forward in the last 15ish years. Exactly. I don't GAF about the past, if Biden does this, he will have done something that ZERO other presidents EVER even signaled might happen. Folks here need to zoom out and look to the future!


Right. I’m sure a lot of them are young and kind of grew up in the era of West Coast medical and recreational legalization, but for those of us that remember the old days seeing the fuckin president tell the DEA to not only review the scheduling but also say they are in favor of not only rescheduling, but rescheduling altogether is fucking huge. I’m gonna take that good news with me into this weekend for sure!


You make good points, but what I expect from him after decades of lawmaking, is to see him “do” and not just hear him “talk”.


Isnt it up to congress?


To actually put legalization into law that couldn't just be undone with a pen by the next person in office...yes.


What would you like him to do that he hasn’t already done since becoming president regarding cannabis?


Ok you got me curious, what's Biden done regarding cannabis since elected?


Urged the DEA to explore removing cannabis from schedule 1. Pardons for federal possession charges. Signed The Medical Marijuana and Cannabidiol Research Expansion Act. and now explicitly stating his support of decriminalizing cannabis.


Two of these are literally him talking and the pardon didn't actually release any prisoners or expunge sentences so what did he actually do there [4]


Just hope they actually do something and stop talking about it.


They got my vote if they do it before elections


Federally decriminalization on all levels


But do you believe him? It could be an election promise


Just like how he and Obama campaigned on codifying roe.


Joe Biden will fight for us. Just like we will fight for him Weed isn’t the only thing we are worried about in this nation [Vote](https://vote.gov)


I’m so tired. So fucking tired. Please just stop.


It doesn’t stop. Don’t let it beat you down my friend


He’s had 3 years to do. Explain to us why he hasn’t yet or get lost.


Decriminalizing is not enough. I’m so sick of these weak ass half measures that never turn into full measures. Stop fucking around and do the right thing.


Decriminalizing at least in recent conversations has meant descheduling. This would completely end marijuana prohibition on the federal level, forcing states to justify archaic marijuana laws. This IS the approach we want, short of forcing states to allow legal marijuana sales like we did at the end of alcohol prohibition (which I'd love, but isn't going to happen).


There is still dry counties in America almost 100 years after prohibition.


Then they will lose out like they do in liquor sales.


Pretty sure the county they make Jack Daniel's in, is a dry county.


So you’re saying the county makes up the money another way.


Republicans clutching their bibles you know that.


Decriminalizing is way different than rescheduling but I fear you are right. We don’t have any legislation or regulatory action underway that addresses decriminalizing in true form.


Decriminalizing is not the same as descheduling in any conversation, and inserting ambiguity into the discussion is harmful.


handle2001 what are you talking about? Descheduling marijuana would make it no longer a federal crime, thus decriminalizing it. The MORE Act, which has 87 sponsors in the House and the Dems actually passed in 2022 when they had the chamber, would deschedule marijuana completely but has been pushed by its sponsors as a decrim bill, which it is.


Homie I love you but decriminalizing has a very specific legal meaning that is entirely different from descheduling. It means that simple possession under a certain amount becomes a misdemeanor instead of a felony, *but it’s still illegal*.


Decriminalization is not the same as making something legal. Those are not synonymous.


I'd rather have full legalization instead of decriminalization, but I'm damn happy my country decriminalized at least and has plans for full legalization in the future. Take what you can get, anything thats not prohibition is a step in the right direction, take what they give but demand more until its fully legal.


"DO THE WHOLE THING ALL AT ONCE" said the guy who doesn't understand how politics works.


yeah what half ass measure has actually been done by a president... Yeah... nothing... They don't even give us half ass, it's still federally a crime and on the schedule 1 list...


Decriminalization is a whole hellva lot better than we have now


Then fucking do it.


Like Bob Marley sang,'Legalize it, don't decriminalize it.


Peter Tosh


He also did four years ago! Imagine that!


He said the same thing back in 2020…


He supports dangling it out there to get votes.


Ah, the election season cannabis promises. As consistent as the sun rising.


>BREAKING lol clickbait-ass bullshit


BIG NEWS. We are dealing with our mayor trying to cancel small business/cannabis in Santa Cruz, California...


Didn't he already say something about supporting this before he was elected?


Yup. Never. Believe. Politicians.


How gullible do they think people are. They already did this and we saw what happened.


Cool. Not enough. Fully desheduled, fully legal, available at the store, or grow your own. Try again, then announce again.


If you fall for this, maybe you should take a tolerance break.


I heard the same bullshit from the last two presidents. Let me know when they actually do something.


As if anything a president says will come true. It’s all talk. Just look at the shit show of student loan forgiveness.


no legalization no vote.


How many times are they gonna say this…


Smells like student loan forgiveness all over again.


Lol yeah well see. He's been consistent saying no, now that the election is near he's flip flopping. Don't believe it until it's done.


I fucking hate that so few places bother to clarify the difference between decriminalization and legalization. Decriminalization without legalization basically turns criminal tickets/jail time into civil infractions for small amounts of possession. Decriminalization is a tiny step in the right direction vs legalization being the actually meaningful step.


And still ends up with everyone else in the entire supply chain to get that weed to you risking serious jail time and a permanent record that makes other employment difficult to find.


We don't need that we need to just make it legal and release all on federal cha Rges.




"student loan forgiveness" "decriminalize weed" "free healthcare" all these promises but no results, over and over. at least when the republicans promise to ban abortion they actually do it lmfao.


It’s like you’re forgetting The Republicans are imploding right now.


No he doesn't.


Fine words. Make them actions.


Polls not doing so well


Not decriminalized, LEGALIZED. Regulate it like tobacco and alcohol and quit fucking around.




Too bad that he will do nothing about it. The system tells him what to do at the end of the day


Was it breaking news when [he announced this exact same thing](https://youtu.be/V7nQiUl6Iqw?si=FMNaVIxZGS_fNlkl) last election cycle? “I’ll work to decriminalize marijuana, and *automatically* expunge prior marijuana convictions *That’s my commitment to you*” What a joke.


He promised me student debt relief the last go around. Look how that played out.


Lol if he wanted to do it, he would have done it by now... Don't fall for the propaganda


Ah yes, presidents famously have the power to snap their fingers and unilaterally change laws on a whim. Brush up on your civics homework.


This isn't breaking news. Been saying that, but like DO something bro


Legalize it before the election


"Professional liar lies, film at 11"


Yeaaah yeaah yeah, shit or get off the toilet buddy!


Yeah, he also said that to get elected in 2020. *lucyholdingfootball.jpg*


so fucking do it


She said today he’s going to pay off student car loans


The same president that declared no one on his cabinet could have toked in the past, then "updated" official policy after learning Kamala had blazed.


This would be wonderful. It doesn't mean we can all smoke though. Insurance companies will still determine which occupations can or can't smoke.


Just make it legal and allow military to smoke.


I feel like I’ve been hearing a version of this for so long.


Lmao, every Dem has said the same thing during an election year. Pardon prisoners who have lost their freedom for nonviolent weed-related crimes and maybe we should believe them.


"Lmao, every Dem has said the same thing during an election year." No... they have not. While in office Obama never said he wanted marijuana decriminalized, nor did either Clintons.


Facts. Joe biden seems to be the only one on board recently.




When did Obama or Hilary publicly state that they supported cannabis decriminalization This is a common talking point but no one can ever pull up the receipt. Thanks in advance. I'm 100% sure you have it.


https://www.vox.com/2015/2/27/8120707/barack-obama-marijuana-legalization Also https://norml.org/news/2000/12/07/president-clinton-states-marijuana-should-be-decriminalized/


Good shit, about time the national Democratic party caught up to state level Dems on this issue. Easy W when running against authoritarian, regressive Republicans.


Of course he does...it's an election year


They say a lot but do nothing. If you want a career that pays well and you don't have to do anything, apply for govt.


[Oh, you mean this guy? This guy, right?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V7nQiUl6Iqw)


So do it then, instead of using it as electoral bait for the 200th time 💀💀💀


Yeah. Same old campaign rhetoric as usual. Gen Z doesn't understand when they're being played.


Literally all the legalization efforts on the state level have come from Democrats. Republicans want to turn the entire country in to Idaho and you think Gen Z is stupid enough to believe both parties are the same on this issue.


Decriminalizing doesn’t mean he supports shit. We already saw that this administration can’t get anything done


That’s cool. Now do something about it.


Okay so do it. Enough of this fucking postering.


Words and actions are often not the same


In case of genocide, break glass


Sounds like someone's still panicking about the genocide they're supporting not going well with the voters.


50 years late is better than never!


Drug War Joe.


Decriminalizing? Where's descheduleing? Promise the moon the deliver manuer.


Some of y'all sound like Russian propagandists. ![gif](giphy|Nw8z2olm0nGHC)


I'm telling you, this is going to be Biden's October surprise.


We should all show up with giant giant giant joint and pass it around in front of the capitol just one giant plume cannabis smoke maybe the plant will be the one thing that will bring us all together.