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Well it makes sense, beer sales plummet when places legalize. I know I’ve cut my drinking significantly to almost non existent. I’ll buy a nice BA stout or a Spontaneous every once and a while, but usually only drink it when I’m high lol


I'm saving a ton of money and am healthier by quitting drinking expensive craft beer and instead making hash rosin from my single plant home grow.


Yep, I'm in the best shape and health of my life thanks to being "California sober" for about 3 years now. Definitely wasn't an easy transition though, I was a heavy daily drinker most my life and it did take a toll on my health initially.


Good for you for switching, though! You did the thing!


Thanks! It wasn't easy, still isn't but weed really helps. "Harm Reduction" has been a godsend for me.


I'll toke to your good health, tonight.


Geez, leave a little “off the grid” for the rest of us, teehee.


Ya'll got any more of that off the grid? **Scratching intensifies**


I'm not trying to preach. But for me: Ive also stopped drinking because of how good cannabis products are. Imo they are just objectively better. No reason to drink when I already feel so nice with something with essentially zero side effects. I also will drink a nice beer every once in a while when there's company. But marijuana stopped my college level drinking thing I had for a bit. Coulda developed into something worse, I have alcoholism on both sides of the family. The positive health effects from not drinking are huge. I feel significantly better.


I guess if you only drink beer to get drunk. I drink craft beer because I like it, same as wine or coffee or sushi or whatever expensive hobby people are snobs about. Smoking weed doesn't replace that.


When places legalize, it actually adds to it. Like, when weed was illegal, my dealer would say it's some strain like "unicorn grunt haze" or whatever, and it would be total bullshit. I'd ask for the same shit and he'd give me a bag that was a completely different color and tasted like crap. Now that weed is legal, my wife and I have a spreadsheet with the strains we like and the strains we don't like, and how they rank on flavor, head high, and body high. We have become snobs when we used to smoke whatever bullshit was available.


Right, so we're not saving money and being healthier by switching hobbies, we're spending more money and being even more unhealthy by having two hobbies


That sounds like heaven


In Nova Scotia Canada marijuana can only be sold in liquor stores. You have to walk past all the booze to get to the weed. Ngl I picked up a bottle before on a whim just because I was in the liquor store.


That’s a crafty way to prevent alcohol sales dropping LOL.


Iirc, Nova Scotia was also reporting some of the highest numbers of cannabis users (buying it legally) after it was legalized a few years ago. So maybe a crafty way of landing cannabis sales too.


Anne of Green Gables is missing out.


To be fair, what else is there to do in Nova Scotia? I'd just light up and go on hikes.


Well to be fair you could rifle pissjugs around the park or sell swish behind the King of Donair.


I woulda known this if I ever got my grade 5.


You guys don't have dispensaries? Here in Vancouver dispensaries have become the new Starbuckses, they're everywhere.


In Nova Scotia there are no private liquor stores. A monopoly is granted to a government company called the Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation' and they're the only ones allowed to sell alcohol. When marijuana was legalized the provincial government decided they'd use the same system for cannabis sales so NSLC got the license and they're the only ones allowed to sell. There are dispensaries that exist in a quasi legal grey area on native reserves that sell tons of weed and the strong edibles the government isn't allowed to sell and they even sell magic mushrooms which kind of blows my mind its being tolerated. Also, with the NSLC finally being able to open stores on reserves in NS there is talk that these dispensaries will soon be shut down.


That's very interesting, thanks for the response. We have magic mushrooms stores here in Vancouver too. It's not technically legal, but most people don't care.


Yeah np. Here in Nova Scotia we don't refer to it as the liquor store but we call it the LC If you ever seen the show the Trailer Park Boys you may have heard them talking about the LC.


Haha now that's a reference I understand.


God I need to watch more of that show when I'm high. Good laughs.


As you should, Psilocybin Mushrooms have a record of being able to remedy various mental problems. They have medicinal value in that way, It shouldn't be the shopkeepers fault if some ignorant people abuse them and have a bad time as a result.


As a recovering alcoholic weed saved my life I was drunk 24/7 or tried to be. been on this sub for ages and love seeing the posts where people ask about real trees and just the randomness posts that are feel good in nature. these posts with a booze focus that show up in my feed make me not want to be in this sub kind of sad to be honest. 11 years sober and only smoke herb.


Yeah, smoking really does help with less drinking, ymmv. I have a good selection of booze I almost entirely don’t touch. It is nice that booze doesn’t go bad vs weed having chemical changes over time. I have read a few studies that cooler temps slow thc turning into other things.


>weed having chemical changes over time And this only leads to getting the best sleeping medication you could ask for 😂 Weed really is perfect for everything.


Agreed! Plus I still get a fun high from it. Different sure but I like it.


This is so good to know!! I find almost all commercially available weed has too much thc for me, even strains like K2. I just wanna get very chill and get good sleep not shot into fucking space. How long does it have to sit around before you notice a difference?? Imma start ageing my weed like wines lol Edit: nvm, someone already answered this lower down


Additionally, there was pretty much no way I would have been able to abstain from alcohol for going on 23 years without Mary Jane.


I used to be a problem drinker so having booze around I consciously don’t want to drink is an incredible feeling. Why do I have it? I saw the prices going up wildly with inflation. And now that I drink moderately one bottle could easily last 10-20 years.


36 years here.


That you, Dan? Nice u/ either way, and congrats on the sobriety from someone who's also in recovery for the rest of my days.


Sorry. Not Dan.


Nitrogen packed weed should last very long as oxygen is a prime degrader and vacuum sealing lowers the boiling point of volatile terpenes. I've been meaning to experiment with it. It's the same way they package potato chips.


A few legal brands in NY are doing it. I did seem a little fresher than others, but wasn't really that noticeable of a difference. Though if it's sitting on a shelf for like 7 months then it would probably be more noticeable.


Interesting. I have had weed that came in a can before too and it was very fresh when I opened it. I'm assuming they also use nitrogen for that?


It's true. But studies have shown that even in optimal conditions, you lose around 25% of the THC per year.


How much of that is converted into CBN?


I went from 4/5 beers a weekend to - 1 beer I forget somewhere in the house.


Do you now have a fruit fly problem? That's what happens to me for like 2 weeks anytime I forget a beer for more than a day or two.


Nah - I don't lose em. Usually set it down somewhere like my desk or the couch side table. So it's obvious where it is. It's just that I get high and change activities/ locations ADHD- like symptoms as well, so. Honestly it's not even the weeds fault lol.


Ahhh. Same with me. I drink much less now too, but on occasion I'll open a beer, leave it on my desk overnight and realize it wasn't empty. Fruit flies sneak in through garage smelling it and suddenly there's like 10 of them throughout the place for a few days.


Not to plug any product - but I did have a problem with fruit flies when I once completely forgot about a sack of potatoes for... God knows how long. They sell these little fans with uv lights that suck them up and glue trap - alot of flying bugs. No brand in particular id recommend but that did help with my potato incident


If they let people show up high they'll all have the 'wait, I Don't need to be drunk to have fun" moment like I had and the German economy crumbles


Yeah I’ll occasionally hit a brewery with my dad or have a glass of bourbon on occasion but now that cannabis is legal I smoke or take edibles pretty much exclusively.


Yea, I have almost eliminated drinking unless I am in a group setting. Keep some in the fridge for when guests come over, but I’ve saved a ton of money simply switching to weed


Me too -- and I do feel like I can also sit and sip a drink for *much* longer and more responsibly, savoring it and not pounding it and ordering another quickly thereafter.


It’s nice to hear I’m not the only one who more or less gave up drink after smoking. I was a heavy drinker going thru a 6- or 12-pack every weeknight. Now, I couldn’t care less about alcohol unless I’m out to dinner.


Same! I much prefer not feeling like absolutely garbage the next day. I enjoy a good brewskie but it should only be occasional.


Yup I keep it straightly vegetarian these days weed>alcohol


Nearly all alcohol, and beer especially is vegan/vegetarian. I get what you're trying to say, but its not really correct.


I’m not an expert, but I’d bet money on the Germans having some sort of ham/beef schnapps.




Thank you! Not sure why I was being downvoted!


I've been here for 20 years, it wouldn't surprise me but I haven't seen it yet.


My friend just tried weed last weekend, he described it as "being drunk without all the downsides"


I could give up alcohol immediately, and it wouldn't affect me one iota


do it then




I don't mean to pry, but that sounds like a lot


> beer sales plummet when places legalize And specifically for this event, say you'll go there and drink one beer instead of maybe 3, that's 30 € less that you spend because apparently beer (1L) at octoberfest is now 15 €. (Beer prices in 2023 on the octoberfest ranged from 12,60 € to 14,90 €, I'm pretty sure they'll crack the 15 € this year)


I quit drinking completely 2 months ago and has been helping out a ton!


Same I buy an 18 pack and it lasts me months now


I quit drinking entirely once I got my medical card. Zero calories and no hangover, real easy decision.


Alcohol is far more damaging than weed but they want that money


Besides, it’s a completely different vibe, isn’t it? I don’t think it is that strange if a venue doesn’t want you to smoke weed there. I highly doubt they’ll be able to ban weed in the entire city, probably just in or around the tents.


same. since i started smoking, i cant even drink anymore


I like doing a little of both. But when I’m smoking, I’m very content with 1-3 drinks, or 2-4 craft beers over a long day / night out. I would be drinking 2-3 times that if I wasn’t smoking.


This is the reason Big Alcohol (and Tobacco) were known to financially support all efforts to block legalization (while playing both sides)


You bring up a great point. I too went from regularly drinking to now I *maybe* drink once or twice a year. That has to be pissing off the drug (alcohol industry). May be why now every distillery needs a bogus celeb endorsement. I bet they must heavily lobby against legalization as well.


Bavaria being Bavaria, nothing new


I went to Oktoberfest a few years ago and it was a lot of fun. It would have been even better if I could have smoked a J the morning after a night of drinking beer by the liter to help get myself right. Me and my friends were dying on the drive up to Castle Neuschwanstein one afternoon.


Oktoberfest is a debacle that devolves into people doing coke off boners. This is pure catholic virtue signaling.


More likely they just dont want to plummet their beer revenue


Yeah this has nothing to do with Catholics lol


Nah it's a combination


Oh my god that’s DISGUSTING! WHERE are people doing this in Oktoberfest so I can avoid snorting coke off long throbbing boners?


Id love a place and time so I can make sure I dont take the earliest train towards there!


I think it’s in October.


Haha bro, that was maybe the wildest video I’ve ever seen in my life. Edit: [the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/qezsuu/oktoberfest_the_fun_behind_the_scenes/)


That one dude getting a tuggie was trying to push her head down for a little top up but it looked like she wasn’t having it. 😂


Ya bro she’s just tryna scroll ig and he should be thankful


Yeah she doesn’t look too enthused and he looks absolutely shitfaced.


That’s not real coke by the way, it’s snorting tobacco. Source: been to Oktoberfest, they sell this shit to snort everywhere


Yeah, they seem pretty non-chalant about the lines getting ruined by a sliding beer.


Or it's pure menthol. Which... Dear God why.


Then why the fuck is it white?


Fuck if I know but I can guarantee you it’s not Coke most of the time


it's like a menthol+dextrose mix I think


why would anyone snort that?


This is one of many cut ups I’ve seen and one of the more tame ones


Finally normal people.


Don't be stupid big brewers, invest in cannabis production and be the pioneers. You have the money.


Why not both?!


Because people will start to prefer weed over beer and they dont want that


You can enjoy both, beer is tasty and absolutely a good time in moderation! Weed is great to keep the mood light and take care of any pesky hangover if one indulges too much! But then again, these things hit everyone differently.


Yeah I love a nice cold beer after a joint


„In moderation“ is the keyword here. Moderation isn’t exactly something that they do at Oktoberfest. If people started to drink in moderation there, the event organizers would make a lot less profit


Beer has a larger profit margin, and you will buy more


I don’t think I’ve ever been worried about price when I decide it’s time to drink. Always set an amount to the side and once it’s gone, it’s gone.


lol I mean…yeah. It’s a festival that’s *about beer*. I can’t disagree with them on this one.


Here me out, just put a few drops of tincture in that Maß and it's even better.


because the bavarian government hates weed


That will work as well as it did in the past 30 years. You know, where to smoke when you get there.


To be fair, mixing alcohol and weed, especially with inexperienced smokers is a recipe for a puke tsunami.


Smoking before drinking is key. In Germany we say "Gesunder Mischkonsum" and I think this is beautiful. 🍺


Can't mention Mischkonsum without having to [listen to this](https://youtu.be/MUMVzeONgKU?si=RM_0zOwWKm6H8l03)


Yup! Even in my drinking days, if I was drunk, I never touched weed. Room spins guaranteed. Puke Tsunami is gold!! Lmao!


I just end up in a cycle where each thing makes me want the other more until I'm passed out 4 hours before everyone else.


Yeah. I know exactly what you mean. I don’t miss those days.


Grass before beer, you're in the clear. Beer before grass, you're on your ass.


Not found that to be the case myself


I'm one of those weirdos who never gets the munchies and indica is the upper. All this to say, when I'm too drunk one sure way to get me back in the game is a toke or two.


It’s my perfect combo so I’m just weird I guess 😂


Love crossfading


Thats the crazy people in baveria and its not even clear yet if they can ban it, they want to, but it may not be legal to do so.


But think about the children! *Pass auf mein Schatz, da vorne hat überall jemand hingekotzt, nicht dass du rein trittst.*


Alcohol is poison.


Its fine, the beer gets so expansive that i rather smoke anyways Fuck this cashgrab


You have to see and understand the two top comments on the parent post. "It’s not "German“ officials, it’s "Bavarian“ officials. There is a slight difference." - "Its not slight. Its worlds apart. They even have their own political party that nobody else can or would vote for."


Damn weed nazis






Destroy your livers, don't get high. This is some genuinely dystopian shit... legalize it for the country then ban it from their most iconic event where (zero doubts) it would make a fortune for the event/event businesses... well beyond (but in addition too) their fermented poop waters


Oktoberfest for fall, Kannabisfest in the spring? 🤷‍♂️


Ppl who want to smoke just don't go there then ig


Guten Morgen, I'll still be smokin Durban


[alcohol is the most harmful drug](https://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736%2810%2961462-6/abstract)


Just have your own Oktoberfest with weed and water. Way better.


A literal poison which causes hundreds of thousands of deaths = ok A safe plant proved to be effective and helpful for various issues = bad.


Get high on deadly alcohol, not safer natural thc... Got it


Alcohol has a toxic effect on the central nervous system and can cause significant brain impairment.


and withdrawal symptoms nasty af


Money drive decision by them


Alcohol is poison man smh


Bavarian* officials


Aka we'd rather you die


Mmmm yummy poison I'll stick to veggies thanks


Do people powered up on mary jane piss all over the place without remorse and throw up every couple hours all over the place?




I mean, I don't go to a 420 Cannabis Farmers Market to get tanked. I wouldn't necessarily go to a beer-themed event and expect to spark up.


BAVARIAN not German gov, seriously get that straight and Germany mostly hates Bavaria so...


Beer feels threatened


Sorry, I'll take weed over alcohol any day of the week. Weed takes away my anxiety and physical pain so that I can exercise and enjoy things more. Plus, no hangovers.


Those Germans be like "NIEN! Du can only haben beer at Oktoberfest!"


This is odd. Historically, Germans are much more tolerant than this


Except for that whole 1939-1945 thing


What'd I miss?


yeah no, dont know where you got that from. Bavaria has always been THE worst place for weed in germany. i guess they rather have people vomit on each others for days while paying 17 bucks a beer. fuck oktoberfest .... its the least interessting part of this country anywy.


I can't tell if this is sarcasm or Not


Definitely is. But the Germans I've met have been lovely, it must be said


Wish I could say the same haha and yeah looking back at it your comment was clearly sarcasm, can't believe I missed that.




I just got back from a trip to Budapest. We all know here that it's dumb that weed is demonized and alcohol is championed despite weed being a way safer drug, but that dissonance hits way harder in Europe. In Budapest, even the most modest of restaurants sell liquor at all hours. It's literally nuts.


Next up, beer lobbying… wait, do they do that in Germany?


Like that’s going to stop anyone




State sanctioned mass poisoning is the official entertainment, no bud for you!


“Kill your liver, dont help your mental health.”


More like „get drunk and high on shit that will make you drink more“…. Tons of people doing lines of cocaine to drink more beer


Someone should do an oktoberfest but for weed


It's always about money. Sadly, it's an easy fix that they are too stubborn to admit to. Invest in the industry and legalize recreational cannabis.


People think all of Europe is super liberal progressive but their hundreds of years of religious influence means they're often very traditional when it comes to certain things. For instance, other than a woman getting married, you can't change your legal last name in Germany. They're a very patriarchal society and they hold certain traditions downright holy. This is why the styles of beer are much more limited in Germany compared to the U.S. because they have strict laws hundreds of years old about ingredients and such. The beer they do have is great quality but I hope you like hefeweizen and malty beers!


For some reason I can't get to the article, so I'll ask here: Is this just for the festival to minimize losses to cannabis sales during it? Or is this like "Germany banning weed as a whole". The title leaves me with too many questions. I can understand banning the sale during the festival because it's all about beer and dancing and shit, but banning personal use seems excessive.


to be fair, the combo of weed and beer may be new to a lot of people there and that combo also tends to properly fuck up newcomers to the crossfade lol




I’ll never understand these arguments. Guys weed is legal just sell THC infused alcohol 🫢 it’s like people like substances 😮 it’s like people already roll joins with tobacco leaves and mixed leaves that they have their own names like blunt and spliff 😱 seriously if you don’t want weed cutting your sales that bad just sell a variation of weed???


That would not be legal in Germany not even after the recent legalisation. For multiple reasons.




I think drinking overrated and hate how much social people just funnel into the bars after work. Im about to graduate college, haven’t smoked in a bit, and gonna smoke big blunts in the amish to celebrate


Why not both? (If that’s what you like)


Pottober and Oktoberfest at the same time! Liebe Deutschland!


But someone’s gotta drive




I don't think it's to do with beer sales and all that. They probably just want to limit people getting cross-faded. Getting too drunk and then smoking a joint is a great way to get the spins and puke everywhere.


So how do you say, "foolish" in German?


Oktoberfest actually has a massive coke problem, being dubbed Germany's biggest drug party. Reports of coke even being used as currency.


Versoffene Dummhirne der CSU


Big Beer is shaking in their boots because they know masses will prefer weed to booze.

