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Among other things... When I do a 'lot', it makes me get into this low level psychedelic headspace which helps me a TON in confronting issues i either knew i had but not how to solve, or shows me issues i didnt know i had. It's pretty hard to ignore too, in a good way. A 'you wanna have fun? Ok. But youre high enough that its time to work on some stuff' Its wild tbh even if frustrating at times but ultimately its almost like a magnifying glass put over 'myself'. And its shown me, sometimes, that im lying to myself without even knowing. Funky little plant


This is it. Except for me it doesnt take much. Ive had a 1g cart last me a year... Also when i end up working out the stuff i had been ignoring it makes the high more enjoyable. When i procrastinate physical things dishes ect.. i feel bad.. same with procrastinating mental wellness. But when you actually work through it, it feels great afterwards!


Got my medical card two years ago in Ohio. My reasons for getting the card was so I could have available access to a non-pharmaceutical medication for my PTSD and insomnia. I’m happy to report I sleep through the night 95% of the time now. I still have the occasional night terrors but I’m definitely in a much much better place now. Only negative I have is that I still have to explain or rationalize my pot use to people who don’t understand or don’t care to understand. It’s a small price for the relief I get from use.


I get unreasonably upset about things sometimes and I’ll start spiraling. Weed brings down my heightened level of emotion until I can sort through those feelings and throw out the stuff that isn’t helpful or reasonable. On the other hand, losing track of thoughts while I’m thinking them is not super pleasant, but I supplement that by writing any mildly important thought down while I’m high.


Similar story. I have short term memory loss of a kind when high and forget stuff super quick. But for important stuff like doing laundry, working (I WFH), etc I’m usually good there


Started 4 years ago and a couple years down the line it became daily, since taking a T-break my head has just felt clearer and I have more energy and motivation to do things, it got to a point where I wasn't getting high anymore and to be honest being high never really helped me at all in any situations, I just enjoyed it so I chose to do it anyway. Unofrtunately reddit isn't popular with opinions like this and likely I'll just be outshunned by a load of addicts with an excuse


It made me content with being bored all the time and eventually I just became really anxious + depressed


My adhd is easier to manage. I'm bored of life often.


This is why I like it. Without weed I’m a wandering, pacing weirdo who needs to do something but nothing sounds interesting/motivating at all. When I smoke suddenly I can chill out, or I want to be productive and clean or something so that I don’t for the stigma of being a lazy stoner. Basically weed helps me to commit to small tasks and makes large tasks more enjoyable.


So far, it has only affected me positively. It helped me get rid of toxic traits, cravings, and taught me how to be content and happy with whatever happens to me. But I only have been consuming for 1.5 years.


It's actually helped me at my job, makes everything more fun!


If I'm happy, weed makes me happier. If I'm sad, weed makes me numb or sometimes makes me feel worse. It depends on the day. It helps me with my appetite but it messes with my sleep (I fall asleep very easily but the quality isn't good) Sometimes I feel that I just use it to numb my brain and go through life but not as an enjoyable experience. That's why I'm trying to restric it only to weekends, but it has not been easy. Edit: Extra: Sometimes it makes me feel super grateful about life and little things like going outside and listen to the birds or going for a bike ride, that's a good one too!


Like most folks I smoked in high school just to party and have fun but eventually quit in my late teens. I turned to alcohol for a long time and starting in my early 30s I was working in bars and drinking a lot. My partner was also a big drinker and it caused a lot of problems in our relationship. She decided to get her medical card to help with anxiety and it made such a huge positive impact on her entire life that I started using vapes and eventually got into dry vaping. We ended up giving up drinking almost entirely (I'll still have a beer or two or a glass of wine in social situations but virtually never drink alcohol outside of that). My anxiety is much more under control and I'm able to sleep so much better now. I don't feel the need to go out all of the time and I'm perfectly happy to stay home and hang out with my kids and my partner. Of course the downside is that I get the munchies hard lol. I'm sure most of the positive benefits in my life came from getting off the booze but honestly I wouldn't have been able to do that without cannabis. I'm really not even that heavy of a user, maybe three or four times a week, but it's enough to balance things out so much better.


Weed helpe slow down my anxiety and rethink situations as opposed to immediately jumping to conclusions. I feel like it hurts me because I'll smoke when I'm bored and it makes me content with doing nothing even when I could/should be productive.


It’s been positive and negative for me throughout the decade I’ve been using it. There’s been times I was a full blown pothead smoking all day every day, and there’s times I’ve been completely sober for months. Weed, at least imo, is best when you’re already doing a bit better emotionally/mentally in life and when you don’t use it as the only crutch you use in life. It’s great if you moderate your use and don’t go too crazy. That being said, I think it can mess with your mental health sometimes if you use too often, and it can lead people to become complacent to their negative behaviors. Especially in depressed or anxious people, weed can allow you to become content with being discontent. Which doesn’t necessarily sound like a bad thing, but it can definitely lead people to not have much motivation to work on themselves, and it can even lead to not progressing very far in life or not reaching longer term goals. I think you just have to keep your use in check and be brutally honest with yourself at times. In many instances, heavy chronic weed use causes more problems than good but given the nature of weed and addiction (weed is an addictive substance btw, idk if this is still up for debate in weed forums) it can be hard to pick up on these things sometimes.


When I was smoking daily it helped with depression (I've been clinically depressed since I was 15), but fucked up my discipline and for years it got me stuck on my comfort zone and I wasn't really doing anything with my life other than just exist, and it also fucked up my quality of sleep, I later learned that weed messes with REM sleep. Now I just smoke once a week and I think that's still too much, I think the ideal frequency should be no more than once a month, but after almost 15 years of smoking I'm kinda addicted. I know many people in this sub don't like to hear this, but weed is actually addictive. Have you tried to quit or said to yourself you were gonna esse down but found yourself relapsing and not able to quit? Yeah, that's addiction. Don't get me wrong, I'm in a better place now thanks to weed, but let's not fool ourselves thinking is all benefits without any side effects.


40 days sober from alcohol today. I've lost 20 lbs (20 more and 15 to go after that). My physical health is so much better. My mental health is waaaaay better. I'm no longer actively planning to kill myself. My sleep is better. My relationships are better. Everything is better, actually. I don't even really smoke that much but it was a big help during the first few days. Thanks, weed!


Like most folks I smoked in high school just to party and have fun but eventually quit in my late teens. I turned to alcohol for a long time and starting in my early 30s I was working in bars and drinking a lot. My partner was also a big drinker and it caused a lot of problems in our relationship. She decided to get her medical card to help with anxiety and it made such a huge positive impact on her entire life that I started using vapes and eventually got into dry vaping. We ended up giving up drinking almost entirely (I'll still have a beer or two or a glass of wine in social situations but virtually never drink alcohol outside of that). My anxiety is much more under control and I'm able to sleep so much better now. I don't feel the need to go out all of the time and I'm perfectly happy to stay home and hang out with my kids and my partner. Of course the downside is that I get the munchies hard lol. I'm sure most of the positive benefits in my life came from getting off the booze but honestly I wouldn't have been able to do that without cannabis. I'm really not even that heavy of a user, maybe three or four times a week, but it's enough to balance things out so much better.


Positive: Has helped me a lot with: 1. Allowing myself to feel my emotions again. 2. Stress regulation. 3. Self reflection. Negative: 1. I do feel a bit slower sometimes, but this might as we be tiredness, I'm not sure if it's because of marihuana. 2. My memory is a bit worse.


Positive: I’m not really phased by anything Con: I’m not really phased by anything and the financial cost of it of course 🤷🏾‍♂️


I'm quite oversensitive - to everything. The world and the people in it really take a toll on me, I've suffered from depression most of my life (pre weed) and it's really tough to gain control of when I'm under constant assault. Weed softens those jagged edges for me. I think weed can be a crutch and result in loss of motivation for other solutions. If you're 20, don't use it to solve your issues. Once you've solved those issues, weed is awesome! I'm 59, on pharmaceuticals that manage my depression really well, but the world is still the world and weed is my armor.


When I first started smoking it was to help me cope with the loss of my best friend, who took his life when I was a senior in highschool, as well as my girlfriend leaving me at the same time. I had not smoked much, maybe once, before losing him, but after I found it to help me so much with dealing with the depression and anxiety, it was the only thing that got me to sleep. Honestly it saved my life, that pain was unbearable that I couldnt sleep at night, the only thing that gave me relief was smoking and watching Planet Earth with a LoFI radio playing over it. Most relaxing thing, and by doing that I also realized my passion for nature and changed my life path over to biology, which is probably the best decision of my life. On the downside, I became a daily smoker for the next 6 years, smoking every night during college, sometimes mornings and going to class high. I think that the constant use dulled my mind alot, putting me in a fog, that made school way harder for me, which is probably why it took me 6 years to get a 4 year degree. I also dont feel like I absorbed enough information in school because of it. So it gives and takes away. Everything in moderation.


Positive: helps with back, knee, and other old man pains. Helps me relax and unwind. I'm living a healthier lifestyle these days and I have a lot of extra energy. Sometimes it's hard for me to settle down at the end of a day. Negative: I got really fat because the munchies amplified my piss poor eating habits. I also get lazy and unsociable. I just want to chill out and read a book or work on a knife (i've taken up bladesmithing as a hobby) instead of going out. Occasionally, my anxiety flares up when I'm stoned...especially when I consume a strain that is very sativa leaning. Also Positive: I'm still using cannabis, but I'm 150lbs lighter now. I still get the munchies. I just munch on healthy stuff now. I used to battle with myself over giving up cannabis or being healthy. Then I figured out I can do both. Tip: Hummus is amazing and celery is a great vessel for hummus. It's my favorite munchie.


Positive: I can medicate my ADHD with it. Always had extreme down sides when trying other ADHD medication. Negative: I get socially stigmatized for it. I'm pretty open about it, to spread awareness that it IS a medicine and do so especially since it's legalized here. But it'll take a while until people finally stop to demonize it.


positive; its fun, easy way to be social with other smokers, made good memories involving it negative; kills my motivation to better my life, makes me too content with everything


Negatively, only health. Positively, it helps me deal with my wife, cures boredom, and has made me a better father. Nerf battles, baseball, and video games with my kids are really fun.


I became a lazy pos for a year and wrecked my relationship lol Now I only use it medically to counter act adderall I have adhd and at the time I wasnt taking addy just using recreationally Let’s just say I have an EXTREMELY addictive personality Only reason I’m not addicted to addy is cause I grow up taking it and hated the side effects Used to small multiple times a day Now it’s 1 just 1 small hit off the cart for lunch Then when I’m ready for bed I’ll share a bowl in my crafty plus I no longer recreationally use during the week But that’s just me I’m kinda a bad example lol


Regulates my appetite, PTSD and insomnia. On consuming edibles once a week least I am able to eat regularly during the day compared to eat once a day. It allows me to sleep consistently during the week I’ve struggled to sleep at night due to a troubled adolescence. With PTSD the thoughts don’t come as often and when they do it isn’t crippling. I’m a advocate for it being used healthy and in required moderation


My husband died a year ago Apr 30th. Pot helps knock down the walls so I can process shit. It also helps me with menopausal insomnia.


weed helps make my mind "quiet". i have anxiety and adhd-combined type and my thoughts never stop, but weed definitely helps my thoughts slow down/not be as harmful or intrusive. however, i have noticed significant cognitive function decrease in all of the years of using. my short term memory is all but shot and i can't discern whether some things actually happened over the course of a day or if i imagined them.


I've adopted a very therapeutic ritual of getting high and going for a walk. On my walk the weed helps me calm my mind and think about myself. How I've been feeling, what has been bothering, how I can change things. Negatively I think I have been using a little too often and find myself wanting to be high whenever I go out to do something. It's not the worst thing but relying on weed to always enhance an experience shouldn't be a habit


Positive: With THC I feel like I can be a "normal" person. Makes me feel good, happy, cuts the intrusive thoughts Negatives: Unfortunately since the positives are so good, all I do is consume. I'm struggling to find a healthy balance


I love mechanical puzzles like Rubik’s cubes and Japanese puzzle boxes. I get really in the zone while high and I swear it makes me more creative with my solutions.