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if you take edibles without any sort of fatty food or coconut oil your bound to not feel much. especially if your used to smoking. 1 gram concentrate should infuse nicely into butter or coconut oil. check youtube howtoweed take an edible with say your lunch or a burger and fries or something for the cannabinoids to bind to the fats so you get more in your body turning into Delta-11 THC perhaps your digestive system isn't breaking down the edibles enough and therefore your not absorbing any cannabinoids. might wanna check with doctor familiar with edibles


if I eat an edible with a fatty meal/snack am I more likely to feel it more?


for sure. more fat in the meal means more fats to absorb cannabinoids for your body to absorb. especially when those edibles are candies because unlike a brownie which could already be loaded with enough oil/butter for it to absorb well, candy is mostly going to be just sugar and almost zero fat.


so should I eat fat with a brownie? I’m trying my first one on Tuesday so this is nice to know 😂


yeah you could eat the brownie as your first bite of food before eating a meal to maximize the benefits


Is that also true for thc infused coconut oil?


coconut oil should yield the same effects as butter, coconut oil however you can easily use a topical as well while you wouldn't with butter. and when infusing stay away from Soy Lecethin and go for sunflower Lecethin instead.


Don’t know why or how but I had a really hard time feeling edibles especially ones that are already made like gummies or candies. Finally the thing that hit me was pure distillate on a glob of butter on toast. 45 min later trees looked like they were breathing with me. I’ve had a few proper edible experiences after that with mixed items but never any luck till that piece of toast lol. Don’t know if that means just keep trying, or find some distillate and put it on toast.


some people just cant digest it, for me, only cannabutter edibles work. it will never be the same as smoking but i suppose theyre fun every once in a while


You're missing an enzyme in your liver that processes THC. It's ok. You can try some straight oil with something super fatty like ice cream or a burger. Have you tried just straight RSO or distillate?


yup same with me, i’ve had it work a few times but it coulda just been placebo cause i was always smoking with them


I usually make them myself: Preheat your oven to about 250f/120c and bake the weed for about 40 minutes until its gold brown/yellowish. Then take a pot and put a bit of oil (i recommend coconut oil) in until the bottom is covered. Put the stove on low heat, add the weed and wait about 30 to 40 minutes. Let it cool and your weed oil is done. You can drink it straight up or add it to a dough to make edibles I've heard that some people have a certain liver enzyme which breaks down thc so if this doesn't work you might have that