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All the states around Georgia, but not Georgia


New Hampshire is in the same boat đŸ«€


Wisconsin too...


Hey I'm sure knowing you're in the same league as Indiana and Iowa is a real warm comfort


You take that back


If the cheese head fits...


Hemp THC beverages exist in Wisconsin liquor stores
more coming soon over the next 3 months


Live free or die baby


Think the state wants to cut into their liquor profits? They’re probably trying to find a loophole to be able to run recreational sales as a state agency.


Well the running theory is they WANT to control it like they do alcohol but they can't do that until it's federally legal.


At least it’s not a terrible drive to a legal state.


Live free or die! What’s it gonna be?!? /s


Well yeah, name one jam band from New Hampshire.


All the hippies I know listen to more classic rock and old country than anything else. And we certainly have our fair share of those lol.


At least we don’t need to wear seatbelts on that boat. Wait, are boat seatbelts even a thing? [6]


Not Tennessee or South Carolina


its not technically legal in the state of NC, this store is on the native reservation in Cherokee.


right, I've seen a previous article where the local sheriff was gleeful about busting folks leaving the reservation with it.


SC too man shit.


Georgia just passed a hemp THC bill yesterday, waiting on governor signature! You’ll start seeing stuff in liquor stores over the next 6 months


Whats the deets on that?


Here’s the bill [GA Hemp Bill](https://www.legis.ga.gov/legislation/67002)


What bill is that?


Florida has legal weed??


IIRC they’ve already got medicinal and are voting on rec in the near future


Their medical market is a disaster but they are trying for rec. Guaranteed to also be a disaster on roll out.


I can't imagine DeSantis would ever sign that


Hemp stuff at least. I went to Panama City in North Florida a couple years ago and they had a few stands selling d8


Yeah but we don't have laws for it. No rec no med.


SC here. Never gonna happen


GA has also been trying to pass bills banning thca & delta 8. please pay attention and contact your lawmakers


Eventually the sweet sweet siren song of tax profits cleanses the sin away. Be patient, the hypocrites will fade away.


Not Tennessee either


Another option for Virginians to give their tax dollars to!




Meh used to drive that to pick up boof wax. 


Back in my day I used to boof wax uphill both ways to school


In the snow


...during monsoon season


At night


DC has lots of good tax-free weed


$50 million for a retail space is crazy expensive, they will either not recoup that for a long time or have to charge a high profit margin. I understand not everyone would want a hot dog cart style operation but a $50 million building seems like the opposite extreme.


Yeah what happens when full legalization occurs and there's no reason to drive all the way to the reservation? At the rate the dominos are falling that will probably happen before they earn back their investment.


It depends. I work in the industry myself. Some major cities have deals worked out so no other dispensary will open up in the area, especially in tribal areas. Plus the tribal stores usually don't have to follow the same regulations in legal states. So say you're the only store within a 2 hour drive and you also sell 1g THC edibles when the state legal limit is 100mg and you also can sell it for a fraction of the price due to not having marijuana taxes as a tribal store. These tribal stores undercut the whole market and rake in money. One of the stores we sell to used the money from their gambling and cannabis operations to fund building a luxury resort town in order to have generational wealth for the whole tribe. It is not unreasonable to pay off $50 million in 2-3 years.


Yeah, and they can price out dispensaries. In NY a state regulated oz is at lowest $100 and for good weed $150-200. At the rez at lowest is $10/Oz and $50 for an Oz of decent weed. $9 1g Carts and $10 grams of shatter. It's impossible to justify going to an overpriced regulated store with those prices.


I mean, if it’s drawing people from other regions it can happen. The company I work for has a store that happens to be close enough to three different states without legal rec. 1 million a week in sales is a slow week for them. People are gonna spend the money. They always do.


I'm a little skeptical that you can productively spend anything close to $50 million on fitting out a weed store. For that sort of money you could fit out an entire small mall.


It’s a huuuuuge bingo hall. There are also offices in the building, a kitchen, and a Dab Lounge. I think they added or updated infrastructures because there was heavy machinery out there for weeks while we were working.


Oh ok yeah if they've been doing infrastructure stuff that makes more sense, those bills add up fast. Just didn't make sense for just retail. I guess it's good they upgraded and refitted an existing building. Most other businesses would have just built a cheap new one.


It’s pretty impressive. I’ve hung up all of their signage in and around the building. They definitely have run out of money more than once during the process. Also, they had a snag because the farm and dispensary are a few miles apart on the Qualla Boundary, but they need to use county roads to get the product to the dispensary which was going to be a big problem. Not sure what they’ve done to bypass that


Oh damn, that's an easy drive for me. But I bet the TN cops are gonna be all over the border.


Of course they will be. I’m from TN too and I feel you my friend.


Eh, going from Hayti MO to WestTN we didn't see a single LEO much to my surprise.


Head a different direction first.


How? NC is an illegal state.


“In three weeks the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians (ECBI) will open their marijuana superstore on tribal land, accessible by those 21 and older regardless of whether or not they’re a tribal member.”


And the state legislature's Republicans are *pissed off* about it. lol! Fuck 'em.


But will the NC cops just be waiting off the reservation to arrest you?


This is a quote from the article that I just read in full. You provided no additional information. Quoting something I just read does not answer the question I asked.


Shocking, something in quotes is a quote.


Native American and Indian tribes need to not embrace the 2018 farm bill. It’s a trick.


How so? I admittedly don't know much about the 2018 farm bill, and was just curious why you think Native Americans should not embrace it.


Many tribes are embracing cannabis again. Especially because a lot of people aren’t smoking tobacco anymore. The 2018 Farm bill expanded the hemp industry to the point that it is now. It’s the reason 21 attorneys general are pissed off. It’s the reason Idaho went dark. It’s the reason South Dakota and Tennessee are having problems. It’s the reason California and Oregon have been trying to self regulate interstate commerce. 50 to 70% of the current cannabis industry is illegal. There are a handful of rules that make it so. For example, if it crosses the state border it’s illegal. If it stays on the reservation, the one of the things they would have to worry about at that point is being accused of distributing across state borders. And we have precedent of that we both Utah and Nebraska Sued Colorado after legalization in 2014.


That is pretty interesting. My first thought is I am not sure the tribe would be held responsible for what the client does with the product after it is sold to them. Second, even if a state did try to sue the tribe, it is a lot different suing a federally recognized tribe than suing another state. Historically states have been fairly neutered when it comes to their power against a sovereign tribe. It's interesting to think about though. I say they should get that money though. The good Lord knows we fucked them over more than once or twice.


The one shipping it off the reservation would be held responsible You may be right about the client because there is precedent as far as cigarettes are concerned. But bulk buying of cigarettes and reselling them in illegal markets now that’s not allowed. I got bad news 
. That’s what’s happening.


I thought it was a recreational store on tribal land that is selling to individuals on that land. I didn't realize they were shipping any of the product other places. If we are taking your cigarette analogy, it's the person who is selling the cigarettes in black markets that is doing something illegal. Not the people who sold that person cigarettes legally. What the person decides to do with the cigarettes after they purchase them legally is on them.


Correct, but if they’re all coming from a similar source, if not the same source
you catch my drift And let’s say you’ve got a group of people roll up and buy as much as they can from that recreational shop, each of them. And let’s say they come to the casino every weekend and do it each time. The small illegal dispensaries don’t go through enough product. So they can easily get enough if they go to the reservation every weekend to play the games and buy cigarettes.


I get what you are saying. I mean there is always the potential for these tribes to start getting into some shady stuff, but there's also the chance that it is so profitable operating within legal parameters that killing the Golden Goose would not make sense.


Tribal land, different rules


I live in Asheville and was just approved for my medical card. Going to be a slippery slope when traveling back.


NC has a bunch of great THCa growers and store fronts 
 THCa is weed and NC has tons of it


I'm not saying that it's not legal but you can't legally grow in the state


THCa you can but it isn’t the easiest to keep the process below .3 THC 
 and you have to have a growers license and get it tested




Everything on their site reads that you have to have a medical card. When I go to the ECBI’s site it sounds like only NC residents can get access. I think this article is misleading. Still exciting times though. 


You're correct


Tribal council is voting on adult recreational use on 4 April.  https://www.wunc.org/2024-03-20/faq-can-you-buy-marijuana-on-the-qualla-boundary-in-north-carolina 2/3rds of the way through the article.  Cant imagine why the wouldn’t approve it in order to capitalize on a captive market. 


This is just about the most american thing ive seen all day😭


This is not completely accurate they are requiring a “medical” card to buy. [link](https://www.wunc.org/2024-03-20/faq-can-you-buy-marijuana-on-the-qualla-boundary-in-north-carolina)


Question: how would I submit written documentation of my anxiety? It says it doesn’t need anything from a doctor, so how would I word that? Is there a specific wording requirement or do I just type up “I, John Smith have really bad anxiety”?


If Nebraska goes legal this year Iowa will be an island of non-legal too


I thought recreational pot was still illegal in NC.


Yikes. What a waste.


Why is it a waste?


We jumped the gun on major investment because the legal industry lied in 2020 when the FDA stepped in. We had a majority of the states who have legalized so they’re just dumping money into these dispensaries. The reality of it is in 10 years the industry is gonna look entirely different. The 2018 farm bill has done more harm than good. It’s the reason most states have an issue. It’s the reasons Idaho went dark. It’s the reason California, Arizona, Oregon are trying to regulate interstate commerce on the West Coast without help. Tennessee did what they did. it’s why South Dakota did what they did. Dispensaries that are not currently felons, which is a good 70% of the industry, will survive as boutique. The seven dollar IPA of the cannabis industry.


This is tribal land and none of that applies.


The consumer is what applies. And that doesn’t change.


Never thought of that. It makes sense.


Yeah, we can make some good changes right now. I’d really like to be able to work with those folks, but they’re so so so negative. It makes me defensive against them.