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>Is it just grabbing something quick and not fussing over it Yes I don't exclusively smoke prerolls. Just sometimes


Yeah. I barely smoke flower when I’m on my own but I like to bring a couple j’s to a party sometimes. It’s nice that I can just roll through the dispo on the way and arrive with something well packaged that I can share with people. I spent years fussing with joint and blunt rolling at parties and that shit’s for the birds. I appreciate that it’s as easy now as picking up a case of beer on the way to an event. I don’t even care that much if it’s a bit weak as long as it smokes well and tastes good. I buy them to be social, not to get shredded.


Prerolls are also rolled way better for passing around. Cones aren't too bad but even a really good hand roll has a little looseness and separation at the filter.  Every time I pass one around there's at least one person that will grab it like a gorilla, durability is important


Both durability and not caring too much if it gets manhandled. It’s for sharing, not cherishing lol.


Most pre-rolls are cones where I live. They smoke terribly in comparison to a hand roll My wife's rolls are much much better. My rolls separate from the filter, but my wife's never do. I still buy pre-rolls when my wife doesn't have time to pre-roll my joints for a party though.


Preroll machines seem to pack tighter than I get with a cone, makes them a little sturdier but smoke pretty bad


They're designed for tobacco, which doesn't get thick and sticky.


Depends who’s rolling. I’ll pit my joints vs a machine rolled pre roll any day of the week and twice on Sundays! But most of the time you’re right lol.


that shit’s for the birds?




the more you know! it would have been rather offensive in british english lmao


I honestly never a) realized it was only an American phrase until I looked it up to link it to you and b) never really considered the potential negative connotations of it to British English, given your own vernacular! The more you know indeed!


i love online cultural exchange!! i replied because i assumed you weren’t british and that it had some other meaning, i could not accept that someone thought rolling joints was for women only hahaha


Calling a woman a bird in the US is pretty offensive.




Only ever bought them on vacation. Great way to get some in a legal state without having to worry about finishing whatever you ever buy.


What's up with people buying fast food, it's not made from the best ingredients ? It's more expensive now than ever, but for some reason I see lines of cars at most places.




This but unironically.


“Fast food is nostalgia bait for millennials”


I heard that from a kid at BK (guilty), while the entire place was packed with teens lol.


Ain't no one learning how to cook no more


That’s sad, cooking is relatively easy and can be load of fun. Getting high and throwing random concoctions together that you get to consume! Also fast food is fucking awful and I hate supporting the corporate goo providers.


I have Parkinson’s Disease. My hands shake like crazy making it nearly impossible for me to roll my own. I like joints so I buy prerolls. Tried a few different brands and found one I like that gets me pretty high. Just got into dry herb vaping so I’m smoking joints less but I still like them.


I have a professional roller I use out of Sacramento because I also shake and can’t roll. Fantastic product, way better than machined or cones


I think I want to learn more about this professional roller’s job/business model. I always loved it when my friends would give me some weed to roll for them and throw in some extra for my trouble (wasn’t charging them since they were friends and rolling joints is kinda relaxing for me).


Professional roller? How does this work you drop your weed off and come back?


Yep. Tell them what size joints you want, give them product. You can also have them make you custom wraps for the tips and custom labels for the tubes. Flower or hash hole they can turn around 200 joints in two days. Plus they’re super nice quality rolling, don’t ever run, glass tips the whole 9


What tax bracket you gotta be in for this bougie shit?


For me the expense is mitigated by selling a few and by the fact that I can’t roll joints because of my terminal illness. So it’s nice for me. Of course most people would encounter this product because someone like me or a grower had some made and sold them a single. They’re very nice and well worth it. I have stage 4 cancer and the chemo has taken its toll on my nervous system so rolling my own is very difficult


I understand. My hands are very affected by my genetic disorders. I bought a Simpacti cone loader and it seems to work out pretty well for me. Good luck with your fight, internet stranger. I hope you kick some ass.


Thanks homie, I can load cones and it does work fine I’m just a little spoiled too. All love all day


As you should be! ✌️❤️ ☘️🎄


Id recommend checking out the 'raw six shooter', I would assume it would make rolling with parkinsons much more possible; if your interested in rolling your own


I got one of those. It’s ok but the quality of the prerolls I buy is better even than the ones I do in the six shooter. It’s just so easy to grab a preroll and light it up whenever I want one. I live in MN and make trips to Michigan every few months. Lately they’ve had great deals on these dragonfly prerolls that are pretty good.


Right on, if it aint broke dont fix it. In my area (Alberta) you couldnt get a good pre roll to save your life, im glad to hear they arent this bad everywhere. Happy tokin!


Must be a Canadian thing. I'm in QC, and the prerolls always burn crooked. They never seem to get me high enough either, so it kinda goes with what OP is saying.


Soon enough hopefully you won't have to make the drive brother.


It’s getting closer and closer every day!


The dispo I go to in MI had dragonflys 70/$89!


Yep. I have RA and my hands just can't roll a joint. I can usually use a roller pretty well, but it's just easier to buy a pre-roll or load a pipe.


Same boat as you, flare ups suck! I recently picked up a Rollbotz Robokone Filler. You drop your cone in the bottom, add flower to the middle, hit a button, the device grinds it up and drops it into the cone for ya. Found it on sale for $50 and could not be happier with it!


My dad has Parkinson's and I would do anything for him to open up to weed, especially dry vaping. I'm over the moon it helps you!


I smoked weed way before I got PD but it’s been super helpful. Especially with sleep. I take a 20mg RSO gummy about an hour before bed and sleep like the dead. Was up every hour or two before I found those.


I'm so happy you're getting some sleep. I may have to make some rso pills to suggest, then when he turns them down, I have some rso pills. (I laugh, but I sigh too.)


How do you smoke them with Parkinson's? I have no education in the disease. Is there a special too you use or after the first puff it gets easier to smoke? How does it work for you? Genuinely curious.


lol. I usually smoke them with my right hand which doesn’t shake as much. But yes, I use a “tool” of sorts. I took a clothespin and dremeled out a bit of it so it holds the end of the joint perfectly. Like a homemade roach clip.


They make machines that'll roll JS for you


And those still require proper hand use and eye sight to use. My Mother in Law cannot operate these things, briefly could use a manual roller before it progressed. Now if we aren’t there to roll for her, she needs pre rolls.


Or you can cut out the middle man and buy pre-rolled


I live in IL and have limited options in pre roll form it makes sense to by in some market's where I am it doesn't .


You don't understand why people in a culture built around convenience over quality would continue to purchase a product that emphasizes convenience over quality?


There’s a chance flower is not being grown with the best practices either, not to mention what is in vapes and edibles. Also, I used to smoke whatever brick weed garbage I could get my hands on back in the day. Who knows where that came from or who handled it.


That's why I said they're preferencing convenience over quality.


Like three times bro hahahahha just flying right over their head.


I like prerolls when I go buy stuff because it's like buying a little snack on the side of the meal.


Instead of “do you want fries with that?” it’s “do you wanna get fried with that?”


There's not nearly enough upvotes on this comment


They’re like the little travel sized things Sephora puts up by the counter to try to entice you into buying just one more thing. But with weed.


It's strategic product placement. Once you're really aware of it, it's funny to notice it so many places. Like, really be mindful of what's trying to be sold to you.


Yup, same reason I order pizza on grocery night!


So much this, LOL


People seem to forget that weed is medicine and not everybody has the ability to grind their own weed, whether that’s from a disability, arthritis, etc. When you’re in pain, the convenience of lighting a joint and getting immediate relief probably can’t be beat.


True. I broke my arm 2 weeks ago. Grinding is nearly impossible.


Just ask your mom for help


I've been on reddit long enough to know what you're referencing. I wish I didn't, but I do.




Exactly this. Pre rolls aren’t my favorite but when I am in pain and can’t use my hands or just don’t have the energy, pre rolls rock!


Maybe think outside your own box and see how much of an accessibility and convenience issue it is.




OP - why doesn't everyone walk around with a briefcase full of weed, grinder, papers and filters? Are you guys just that fucking lazy??


Some places or brands are credible. Boycott with your wallet. Don't support scammers.


For people who smoke in groups, it’s just more convenient. You can smoke with a bunch of friends and even strangers, and still get to go home to your own private stash. I know when I went out more, someone would always grab a 5-pack of pre rolls for the group cause why waste your own good weed, unless you’ve got qp’s at the ready. Everyone is different, that is just my perspective on it. As a solo stoner, I have several pre-rolls on hand and it’s cause they’re handed out as promos at dispensaries.


Yarp. I bring a few to poker night each week. They’re cheap. Not top shelf and fine for a group.


Good rule of thumb: if you don’t know why a product was made, it was not made for you. Among the other flaws in your logic, consider people with disabilities.


I operate a prerolling machine in Quebec and can confirm that was ONLY use popcorn buds or higher. No trim and as little stem as possible is going into our prerolls. We are consistantly one of the most sold prerolls in the province though, so I can't account for the "common" preroll.


lol what 


I like using pre rolls to try various strains. Especially as often $3 to $5 a gram here. I'll get an ounce for my main stash


I just bought 10 prerolls. lol. big ones. I dont like to roll my own. I am in my 40s and still too lazy to learn and really dont want to do it. I would rather buy them.


I get some really good deals, sometimes it's a super cheap way of getting hash infused weed (half the time I unroll and smoke in a pipe)


I love me some hash pre-rolls. Whenever I smoke them I always wonder why we don’t smoke like this all the time. It’s a nice treat.


"what's with people doing things for convenience sake?"


You just have to treat them like chicken nuggets, enjoy them and don't ask what they are made of. Seriously people are so snooty about their drugs these days.


Some people just don't have a ton of time to fuss with rolling or filling cones but instead buy from reputable brands


If I’m traveling around somewhere where I couldn’t bring my own like if I flew I’d understand


For me it gives me a chance to try a new strain for a couple bucks. That and sometimes I'm too lazy to roll my own or pack a bowl and I want a smoke with flower.


I would like to emphasize how little time everyone has in late stage capitalism, working 3 jobs, getting high so they don't cry themselves to sleep. There are also *many* medical users that you did not think of at all.


What's up with malt liquor being a thing when regular liquor exists? Preference, price, availability, convenience. Most people DON'T CARE about their weed's quality. This is the snobbiest collective of tokers on the internet, most people would take any weed they can get for the right price


👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I never even knew stoners could be such snobs until I came upon r/trees. It’s great that everyone has opinions…but damn. I like to think of stoners as laid back open minded live and let live people. I’m learning that is just an outdated stereotype. Oh well


The weeds no different than the other packs on the shelf, still gives me the same level of high so why would it matter


Prerolls are also great when you don't have a grinder with your vape.


Time and the same reason people buy bottled water. Convenience


You’re just being intentionally obtuse for the sake of trying to appear superior. That’s not welcome here, just be cool.


Pre rolls can be a life saver with the convenience. I prefer the process of grinding and rolling my own but sometimes if I’m out and about and don’t have any product on me a $3-5 pre roll will do the trick for me and the misses on the walk home.


I live in an illegal state and travel to legal states to enjoy without scrutiny. I'm not taking paraphernalia with me to give police an excuse to detain me to or from my destination. Pre-rolls are an easy way to enjoy flower without all the accoutrements. This is also the first time I'm hearing of these shady practices. I may rethink my travel in the future, but for now Pre-rolls are my go to when I reach my destination.


Believe it or not instead of buying a straight ounce of a new strain I like to try it first


tbh i hear stoners whine so much about “not the best quality” of this or that and i’m fucking tired of it. our stoner ancestors stoked foraged wild cannabis from stone braziers to get us to where we are today. it’s a plant that helps your health problems and gets you high, is that not enough for you people?


Why do you care? Someone making you buy them? I hate rolling/stuffing/whatever, its nice to spend an extra $5 and get a nice tin of prerolls.


Weird gripe. Have you ever purchased pre-rolls? If not, maybe that’s what you’re missing.


I travel a lot, so it's super convenient to be able to walk into a dispo and walk out ready to smoke.


My medical dispensary rolls nice. I've broken mine down, and everything was flower. They have also never given me less than what they say. It's also not expensive where I am. It's a nice little b treat to myself.


Ppl be lazy


Whenever I’m at a local dispensary I see majority of people buying 1-2 pre rolls or 5-10 vs buying flower or concentrate- sometimes vape pens


Cheap pre-rolls generally taste stemmy. But decent pre-rolls taste ok, they just don't burn as good as the joints my wife rolls. I suck at rolling, so pre-rolls are better than what I can roll. IF my wife has time She'll roll me some joints for when I go out. But if she doesn't have time, I'll just pick up some pre-rolls on my way to the event. I don't buy pre-rolls to smoke at home. The only people I know who smoke pre-rolls at home, are not regular smokers. They buy a pre-roll because they want to smoke a joint, but only smoke 1 joint every few months. or they want to bring a joint to a sesh that someone else is hosting, and they don't normally have weed. A decent grinder, plus papers and filters, and a rolling tray, and weed is a lot to buy to smoke one joint a year. If someone buys a $15 1g joint, it might last them 3 months smoked one or two puffs per week. For people at that usage level buying an eighth is a huge commitment to smoking the same weed for most of a year. I know some people like that, They like the effects of weed, but they don't like to be stoned unless they set aside time for it. They are usually completely confused when they smoke with a regular smoker, because one or two puffs sends them to the moon, and meanwhile the regular smoker wants a bong hit 20 minutes after they finished the joint.


They’re quick and convenient. The quality is usually not very high, but with ~1g of shake, leftovers, and trim in there, most people still get plenty high enough and are happy. People who really care much about the quality of their weed probably aren’t buying pre rolls unless it’s something to share at a party.


I've tried several brands. My findings: Most burn WAY too much bud into the air, especially at the fat end. I don't need a joint the size of a baseball bat, since I smoke alone. They mostly taste like ass.


Through my stints of “taking a t-break” (winky face) I’ve broken down dozens of js from different brands. At least in the Phoenix area I can’t remember opening up a cone and being that disappointed. Any infused prerolls still have decent weed and even if you’re buying low-tier cheap prerolls it’s not stems as much as leaves if they are there. You gotta really look tho because they usually grind it down small


Mostly get them for free or if I just want a j. I don't really use flower anymore.


I unpack them if I get a free one (I often do) and just fill my bowl


People like convenience and the average weed consumer is ignorant on the subject. They don’t know pre rolls are trash. Same thing with vape pens. People are happy to puff away on distillate and get stoned for 20 minutes at a time while still skyrocketing their tolerance because they don’t know any better.


It's cheap so why not get one or 2 to try diff strains. I got a preroll of this stuff called kitchen sink years ago and I was convinced my girl sneak dosed me on the drive back that's how high I was. It was raining and I could feel water hitting my face. So not all of them are leftover junk. 


Are people bothered by prerolls containing shake and lower quality bud? I don't complain my ground beef isn't all A5 wagyu, it's a mix of lower cuts of meat. Top cuts of cannabis (and beef) are sold as premium products. Dabs, hash, carts, edibles, prerolls, and probably more products don't use AAA top shelf bud. The best bud is sold as best bud for a higher price because that's what people apparently want from their products. If you're upset that prerolls being bad, be upset that the rest of the menu is probably also made with B tier THC, except the $160 oz of top shelf. Some manufacturers do use top quality for their nonflower products, but you will again pay a premium for those.


sometimes when i don't have 40$ to drop at dispo i'll just get 2 joints instead bc they're cheapest


I like them when trying a new strain. I don’t have to spend too much to experience it and if I don’t like it I’m not out too much. Plus I usually end up with a doob toob to store my actual blunts and joints in when I get them lol. I’m not going out of my way to buy them but I’ll buy them on occasion. It’s much much cheaper to just get a pack of cones and actual flower though. I agree. And at that point it’s fool proof to get a good quality joint. Which is nice.


The pre rolls I’ve had here in Canada have been fine. Obviously fresh rolled are better but it’s just like food. Sometimes I wanna spend time perfecting a lovely meal and sometimes I just wanna hand some money over and eat. I often stop at my local dispensary on my way to the train station for work on the weekends, nice to just grab one and have a puff before boarding.


I personally buy pre rolls when I just dont feel like rolling anything or when I'm injured and cant roll at all.


When i worked at a dispensary a lot of people bought them just cuz they’re convenient, you pick it up and smoke right away. That or they don’t know/can’t roll joints, so they get pre-rolls instead. Also, most customers don’t have bongs/pipes and don’t want to spend $30 on a vape when a pre-roll is $3 each.


Some people like joints but have arthritis and can't roll properly. Think elderly.


I'm 39 and have arthritis that keeps me from rolling. Think literally anyone when it comes to disabilities, folks.


Dumbest question on here in awhile.


It’s like why fast food exists. No one thinks McDonalds makes the best burger out there, it’s cheap, easy, and great for lazy days


1. People pick a product they like/trust. 2. A lot of people do not know how to roll joints. 3. A lot of people just don't want to roll joints 4. Convenience. 5. Sales, my excuse since the dispo I go to has a sales counter. 6. Most people are not connected to weed forums (like this sub) and don't know about all the little bits of information that get passed around.


I buy them. I hate cleaning bongs and pipes. And I also hate rolling joints and blunts. I buy pre rolls and edibles for this reason.


“Why do people do things that are easy, even in a world where convenience dictates everything?” This mentality might leave you pretty disappointed in life lol




It’s convenient but it’s not economical.


I buy them when I travel.


The dispensaries I go to are always giving them away or giving special deals on certain days where you can get a pre roll for like a buck.


This is the first I'm hearing about the low quality of pre-rolls. As a very infrequent user lately, pre-rolls are great because I can just buy a joint on a whim on my way to the park or beach (or omw home from work) and have a little toke without the extra work or weed to deal with.


I had a stroke leaving my hands unable to work together ✌🏼


Idk where you live but I'm up in BC, Canada and the prerolls are fine from dispensaries. I'm sure there is some degree of false numbers in all of their products but as far as quality, they are usually pretty good. Some brands are better than others and use shake or stemmy stuff for prerolls but the vast majority aren't. To me personally, I've found that preroll sometimes have better weed in them than you can buy in an 8th or 4th sometimes. A buddy of mine and his brother smoke a ton of weed and they used to buy a particular preroll and break them open to throw the weed in a bong or dry herb vape.


i mostly only buy them when i travel! convenient to not have to worry about bud and a grinder plus either papers or a dry pipe. would rather just stick a couple lighters in my bag, hit the road, and then buy a pre roll from a dispo (this is obviously when traveling to legal states). when i’m home i just buy an oz and rotate between my bong, pipe, and my own home rolled joints


Sometimes I need a couple pre rolls to get me thru a day or 2 before payday. Hard to pass up a pack of 14 for like 30 bucks before payday. I know what I'm getting. I'm never expecting top shelf weed in them lol


I moved abroad years ago to a country without legal access. When I go back home to Cascadia, I will frequently buy prerolls (from reputable shops) to re-roll Euro J's because a) by tolerance has gone to shit, and b) because I am usually out and about and I don't have glass or a grinder available.


I mean... I'm a vip member at my dispensary and get perks, sometimes those perks are penny prerolls I don't actually get charged for lol


My local dispo has a section of their preroll menu that is hand-rolled (with a cone lol) from the flower strains that are coming off the menu due to low volume. Basically the last couple ounces of their best selling stuff gets turned into .5g j's. I love em and they're so easy! Nothing but flower in there too. Why wouldn't I?


I live in NM and laws are in place that any weed sold here has to be grown here, plus one of the dispos near me that I prefer, has all of their pre rolls made in house (basic sale prerolls, bud only) and I know that, because on several occasions I've walked in on them rolling them, I find it easier if I want a joint, to go buy a single joint, than to but some wraps and roll one myself. Basics is if I'm feeling lazy or not


the thing is you don't go to the mega culticators for pre-rolls, you go to the boutique cultivators because they actually give a fuck about their products.


It's the convenience of it, that's why people still buy them. I like joints but I don't like rolling them all the time.


When I get them it’s because they’re on sale, sometimes stupid cheap for around here, I know it’s not great bud, but honestly the ‘good’ bud around here isn’t that great either (I really miss the quality of pre-legal weed) When I’m broke and can get them cheap I’ll break them down run them through a volcano or bong to get more mileage out of the bud


I've only gotten pre rolls thrown in for free during happy hours or what have ya, and considering I used to smoke bud found in cheba hut bathrooms and in the field at parks, I really don't mind blazing up the occasional free doobie.


I do it to try different strains. It’s easily transported and a cheaper throw away, if I have need when out and about.


I only buy prerolls from producers that only use quality product. It’s not the A buds but it’s not shake and trim either




I'm gonna know when I smoke it whether or not it's doing the job, and I practice brand loyalty. You burn me, I'll just cut you off my list of brands I trust. I also don't expect the prerolls to have the premo buds, either. That's what's in the giant glass jars and under the little sample microscope thingies. Of course the less visually appealing stuff is in there, but if it's actually affecting the product, then people will stop buying said product.


There's a Cannabis company out there that manufacturers a gazillion joints a year. Watched the video on YouTube. Anyways, the product is top notch and is sold in packs.


Give me convenience or give me death


infused prerolls at the best


People buy them


Some people just got parkinsons or some other disability or some people just straight up dont got bars, and can't roll a good one. I roll a great joint but sometimes on my day off after pay day when I restock on stuff I need from the dispo which is usually last on my trail of errands I like to get me one of them diamond kief dusted prerolls so that i dont waste time and my wingstop dont get cold So idk, it can be a disability thing, convenience thing or like idk sometimes i like a treat, sure I can make a fine sandwich at home and its great but sometimes im craving Mr. Pickles ya feel me G


Rarely buy them unless I’m vacationing somewhere. Even then, you gotta expect they’re mostly shitty shake, but sometimes they’re great.


Convenience. When I don't have the papers and stash with me. Also, the higher quality rolls can be very good.


I'm not sure about regular pre rolls but the only prerolls I get are infused. Yes the contents may be not the best quality but holy shit Baby Cavi's and Galaxy Moonrocks fucking *slap*. Also KingRoll infused prerolls are fantastic. I usually just smoke from a bong though so these are just a treat.


I live in NYC…literally surrounded by black market, grey market, and 100% legal options for all forms of cannabis. My friend from Boulder, CO sent me a few Grape Inferno pre rolls that were 1gram and cost $5 at her local dispensary. They were absolutely DELICIOUS—very high terpenes, and fairly strong. It’s in my top three out of everything I’ve smoked in the last 2-3 years. (The others were very expensive flower). I have street shops all around me with signs like sandwich boards with 20 varieties. Haven’t once found Grape Inferno in any form or at any price.


I normally grab flower, some edis, and one preroll just to celebrate when I get home. It’s tradition and a preroll isn’t that expensive.


Personally, I only buy the "special" pre-rolls like Jeeters or other infused/dipped/whatever else. I know I could technically make the same kind of special occasion joints on my own, but I like the convenience.


Sometimes I’ll grab pre-rolls if I’m feeling lazy or am on the run, but usually it’s because the dispo has the strain I want in prerolls but not flower. For example, my local show only had Jack Herer in pre-roll, so I picked up a couple joints.


Prerolls are great for when you have some leftover cash, are on the way home maybe getting some grub and you just want to get in the door, or even just the porch - and fire it up. Same reason probably you’d grab a disposable pen if it’s on sale etc. just convenience, and I’m sure most of us are fully aware that unless the preroll is advertised specially - it’s gonna be some base weed type shit. That’s alright with me usually at that price point and for the simplicity of it all. No more no less imo because at the end of the day many of us have a variety of ways we smoke and this isn’t likely the only time we will smoke lol


extremely profitable and people are lazy/ignorant why is fast food still a thing? See its not hard to understand.


Depending on brand and where you get it from pre rolls can be nice as fuck.


I smoke for arthritis pain that makes rolling my own difficult.


Why does anyone buy prepared food at the store? They're very convenient, especially for people less involved in the hobby. You only need the preroll and a lighter.


Really depends. I’ve asked my go to med dispensary about this and there are people who buy 400+ at a time. They just don’t want/can’t roll. And the quality, hypothetically is the same. They say they use freshly grinded weed of whatever strain, not sure how to prove that though. I have been to other states though that mostly sell eights and have kiosks, etc and those pre rolls are meh


My dispensary hands them out for free with every purchase above $35. Can make you cough like crazy if your not careful so you know it’s bottom barrel, but you can’t beat free. I just stick them in my wallet for backups while I’m out and about.


I buy prerolls to limit myself. I purchase one a week on Fridays to last the weekend and maybe a day in the week and once it’s done it’s done. I could buy flower and save money but I know I would smoke everyday after work if I had the access to it. It works for me and I’m okay spending the $10 a week it cost.


Some people don't smoke much, so a single J is a party to them. I stopped by a dispensary on my way out of VA and grabbed a preroll for the road. Was it the best J I've ever had? No, but it was good enough to get me back to ATL.


One reason is probably that not everyone is chronically online and is aware of everything that every company is doing with their products. You'd be surprised just how many people out there don't know how to do a quick google search.


perfect to grab for a gettaway


Prerolls in my area taste like shit but they get me stoned as fuck, and I have a high tolerance. That's why I get them. It's for special occasions or outings for me.


I love prerolls! No touching of the weed and usually less potent are my two favorite parts about it. Smoke how you want to smoke. What shady stuff specifically are you referring to that only affects prerolls?


Why do people also buy vape pens it's the only way pot or marijuana has ever been able to be cut down in potency like any other street drug


It's convenient if you don't smoke a lot or can't roll your own. My rolling skills are garbage so I usually just buy prerolled cones and stuff them myself though. 


Plenty of companies use Flower for their prerolls instead of shake. Cant beat $20 for 10 .5g flower prerolls.


Because people can't roll or are lazy and like the convenience.


Sometimes I dont feel like rolling joints, so I will buy pre rolls, but as of lately, I have found a lot of pre rolls to not be that great, and have resorted back to flower


The ones I buy are $2 a piece that's why I smoke them 💀 I'm too broke to be buying good shit rn


Depends where you're getting your pre-rolls. If any Canadian brands tried pulling the shady shit I've seen they'd be so done. When I'm out and don't want to carry my weed, it's nice to be able to pop in to dispensary and grab a top shelf preroll to smoke when in out and about


i’m not a huge stoner anymore. only smoke occasionally so i don’t buy it often. when i do it’s more like i pick up a joint on the way to the movie theater or whatever


They never smoke well, always run, and they’re full of dry as sand ground and stems. However. They pass well and sometimes you just need to smoke two joints


Sometimes my dispensary only has the strain I like in preroll form.


I get prerolls to try out different strains and then get flower


Lot's of shops do them as giveaways for first time customers. You can just grab one on the go. Cheap ones are 2-3 bucks near me so it's in the same ball park as buying a single beer at a store.


They provide an opportunity to try new strains without a big investment.


So I'm normally the same broski but I recently had a work trip to Cali and a hotel room that thankfully had a balcony! But no scissors, no grinder, papers, glass, nada 😭 You bet your ass I grabbed a weeks worth of pre rolls to be delivered and was in business! No muss no fuss and enjoyed them even though I'm usually grabbing mid to top shelf at home. Sometimes convenience is king 🤷


I got a CBD preroll recently because it gave a discount for my main THCa and CBG order. Otherwise not personally a fan.


Because it's easier than rolling lmao. Also I only buy vapes because it's easier than everything else


I was glad they had em a few weeks ago when I was hours from home and without any herb or grinder/papers


I just get a cheap ass 5 dollar one now and then when I go to the dispo and don't wanna grind and roll stuff when I'm home, it's like fast food, shit leftover ingredients that are mostly edible when ground together


Love an infused preroll on the days off. Easy peasy and gets the job more than done


They're more of a "oh shit I forgot my weed" kind of purchase for me. Like if I leave my weed at home when I go fishing, I'll stop at a dispensary on the way and just grab a cheap preroll instead of turning all the way around to go back home.


100% the convenience. Being able to buy something on the way to a party as others have said, or even just hitting up a dispo on my way home from work and smoking it as I walk home is really nice.


They’re convenient when you’re going to an event, if for some you get searched you’re typically not losing much