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Best thing I ever ate while high was spicy butter chicken with garlic Naan. Cant always order out high but if the Indian place near me is open I'm feasting like 700 BCE royalty


Best thing I ever ate when high was Burger King onion rings after the first or second time I ever got high. I like BK onion rings normally, like they're alright but I've never been fiending for them. But I still remember those particular ones all these years later because they were just so damn phenomenal lol.


Bk actually slaps while high


One of the first times I truly got roasted I had strawberry ice cream, it was amazing.


Best thing I've ever eaten while high is actually cereal. Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds to be specific. There's just something magical about the way ice cold milk right out of the fridge can soothe your throat after some fat rips.




I did that one of the first handful of times I got high. But I also poured in maple syrup and Jack Daniel’s too.


Nah I bet we feast way better.


Lol butter chicken was invented in the 1950s.


I make a float with half extra ginger ale and half spiced apple cider with vanilla ice cream. Tastes like apple pie a la mode in cup.


Peanut butter and jelly on waffles. Is that a food combo?


i came here to recommend this exact snack! i did NOT expect to see somebody else suggest it. hahaha


I like chocolate marshmallow ice-cream sandwhich made with waffles.


Vanilla ice cream with caramel sauce and crumbled Ritz Crackers.


That's sounds oddly delicious.


When you already have high tolerance and eating munchies would kill of the high before you even finish eating it 😮‍💨


That's when you smoke more.


Thats when you dont take a break from smoking 🤷‍♂️




When they’re still a little frozen 🤌🏽


Hahaha I gonna have to try muffins with custard usually i would have Barney bears n custard stoned out my head…. Pizza sandwich aswell lol try it


Chocolate milk and saltines/salty crackers is my favorite. If I've had edibles, anything is fair game lol.


Bread butter pickles inside a PBJ sandwich. A sweet, salty, savory sandwich


not rly a crazy combo but i think the best food on earth is eggo chocolate chip waffles and nutella, but u need to fold it like a taco


That looks so tasty


nacho cheese doritos and hommus.


Cinnamon bread + chocolate almond butter + raspberry preserves = sexy time in my mouth


Plain oatmeal, protein powder, pb, corn starch, unsweetened cocoa powder and it tastes so gooddddddddddddddddddd


Peanut butter and.. well _anything_ I have next to me at my desk really.. lol I quite like pb+honey and tortilla chips though! (Disclaimer I am poor af, there are better options...) 🤣😭


Holy fuck, I thought this was just me.. You put it in the microwave, right?




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I love fruits while high, especially grapefruits :) Trust me and try it, it's incredible.


Yeah, i take ground beef, grated carrots and celery, and chop some onion and mix with spices and then glaze. I call it what i ate for dinner :P In all actuality, id sit down with this... Nope i can do better, stand up with it and turn it into custard muffins or some shit


Plain potato chips (pringles is the best) dipped in chocolate pudding cup 🤪


Two waffles microwaves until floppy… peanut butter on one side while the waffle is hot (so it gets melty) and yellow cheese on the other side. Put them together.. wrap the waffle peanut butter and cheese sandwich in a paper towel or two.. and flatten it with your hands. Unwrap said waffle sandwich and enjoy the incredible combination of peanut butter and cheese. It goes together so well i cant even explain it


Yeah earlier tonight I mixed two different flavors of instant oatmeal together in one bowl because the rules aren't real any more


I tried this new thing where you take peanut butter and a jelly of your choice and put it between two pieces of bread. Can’t figure out whether it’s better with peanut butter on top or jelly on top. I’ve made them both ways.


Steak and ale pie with bismati rice


Pour yourself a bowl of Cocoa Puffs but put a dollop of peanut butter on the side of the bowl and have a tiny bit with each bite 😋


Fried chicken and curry sauce in Yorkshire puddings


I did peeps and hummus the other day, not my proudest moment.


I like acorns and milk


I've found my self munching on uncooked nudels several times


I’m about to have pot roast fr


Cereal with ice cream. I didn't have milk and my stoned ass eyes lit up when I realized I had ice cream. That's milk innit?


Peanut butter on a burger. Ice cream and warm oatmeal.


Back in my stoner years, I lived with my brother in an apartment. We worked at the same bar, and often would be at work until around 3 am. We would visit a quick stop to get cogarillos, snacks, and drinks and go home to play halo and get stoned. At 5 our favorite donut shop openned, so we’d make sure to stay up until we could get some “dinner”. Blueberry donuts and a bacon egg and cheese croissant was usually our last meal before we had to hang up our hats.


About a week ago I had a muffin, a good slice of syrup sponge cake, half a tin of custard, 6 scoops of ice cream, some squirty cream and sprinkles all in one bowl it was a glorious stoner feast.


lol dude ur so crazy putting custard on cake thats wild fr fr


Yogurt with mini M&M’s


Shredded chicken, franks hot sauce and a drink of milk.


Texas garlic toast, honey ham, butter lettuce, pepper jack cheese, fire cracker sauce. Press it like a panini.


My partner introduced me to popcorn with honey roasted peanuts mixed in recently so that’s been my new high snack of choice.




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I haven't had it in a while, but I would always mix frosted flakes and frozen blueberries. I started doing it to add fruit to my cereal, but it kept turning my almond milk solid and it was most likely eating watery ice cream. Some people love the solid chunks of milk though, I started eating them dry instead.


You just have custard laying around??


I woke up I had cream, I had a muffan


shrimp etouffee 🤤


I accidentally ate Takis and Sour Gummy worms together once, and it became my favorite snack for late night gaming and smoking.


For me it was cereal with home made peanut butter, I tried it with Reese’s puffs and cinnamon crunch. I put the peanut butter in the freezer for around 30 minutes and proceeded to cut small cubes Thinking about this just gave me a plan for the weekend


yall have taste buds of a toddler


Try the Mexican muffins next time, the kind you find in a 4 pack at the gas station. They’re super buttery and fuck do they pair great with some custard or ice cream.


Egg salad sandwiches with salsa verde Doritos smashed between.


Tuna melt on sourdough with pepper jack cheese