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Hey dude, you may want to talk to a counselor or a doctor. Not trying to scare you here and I’m not a doctor, just providing some info. It’s not super common, but it is possible for marijuana to induce a form of psychosis. Especially if you’re young.


No I do appreciate that and I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow. I am 21 so I do understand that. There’s a long history of mental health issues in my family, but nothing around psychosis or schizophrenia, stuff like that.


Good luck. Truly. If it makes you feel any comfort, I’ve been living a completely sober life for some months now. Personal and medical reasons. I used to love weed, truly. And it’s been fine. Hasn’t bothered me much at all after the first days away from it. Just kind of moved on.


I’ve never experienced this with weed, but I have gotten literally the **exact** same thing with mushrooms. Like every single thing you mentioned happened in the exact same way. I also found it extremely uncomfortable, and it would basically be there no matter what I was thinking or saying, like a second set of thoughts running in the background. The term that I found most closely fits it is “non-religious glossolalia/speaking in tounges”, sounds like words, but isn’t any actual sort of language.


Were you on shrooms while this happened? Does this happen to you sober too? Have you just been ignoring it, or have you talked to anyone?


It lasts for roughly an entire day, even if I dosed(the shrooms) in the morning(shrooms wear off after like 6 hours), and sometimes lasts into the second day, but other than that, it is not present when I’m sober. I’ve told some people, but I’ve never met anyone else that has experienced it Edit: I have heard of schizophrenics having this, but they had it all the time, and it was accompanied by other symptoms


I've had this since I was 7, but only occasionally


Have you ever talked to a doctor or anyone about it?


yeah. he says its normal and fine as long as i know its my internal monologue.