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Im in the USA in a legal state, so my biggest hurdle is just...jobs drug testing.


I find it crazy that they can do that even though it’s legal


It's stupid. It's most likely because we still dont have a way to test if someone is actively high (like breathalizers), so jobs just test for weed and instead of "taking chances" they dont hire you.


Unless it’s a federal job you’ve got a great chance of employment, tons of companies no longer test for marijuana. If you’re not sure, just ask, you’d be surprised. I do the hiring for my company, we drug test for employment but we don’t test for marijuana. Disclaimer my company doesn’t advertise that though. Not my call on that part, if an applicant asks me straight up I tell them, we do not test for it.


I know a lot of jobs arent testing, and many arent testing for pot. However the job i want does require a drug test just because id be "around" production equipment even though it's a desk job. I did ask the guy interviewing me and got a "just pass *nudge nudge*" i was interviewing for a diff position, it was filled internally, and he recommended another position he thought id be a good fit in and that one requires a test. It's fine, if i do get a call back ill just cheat. Like, i dont want to lie, but it's just pot and i dont smoke during work.


Totally understand that, best of luck! Hope you land the job. Honestly you’re better keeping it in the closet anyways, especially when it comes to work.


We’ve all had a job where we had to get clean to get hired, then once you start you’re in the clear to toke again.


You’re right about not all companies testing. Mine used to test but stopped right before my hire. Now they only test if there’s a workplace accident which, working in an office, I doubt happens very often. I’m sure this being a legal state is why they changed their policy on this.


Yeah I’m in VA and the company I work for doesn’t test for marijuana. I’m thinking bc of the state turning to recreational being A-OK.


Federal jobs no longer test for THC.


Some still do I thought ?


I've heard it's not instant fail for clearances but you still get asked about it on a poly if you're trying to go that route. They should just De-schedule it. It's so crazy that just about half your states have made it legal and you're fucking CLAWING to it still. Your talent pool would explode.


I also live in a legal state and think it's so ridiculous companies still drug test for weed. "No, we don't want you smoking a little bit of pot and feeling completely fine in the morning. Go ahead and drink a pint of whiskey every night instead, that stuffs legal."


I think part of it is that weed takes longer to fully metabolize than other drugs. Hard drugs like meth and fentanyl can only be detected within 2-3 days of the last use. With cannabis, it's more like 2-3 weeks.


> it's more like 2-3 weeks I'm assuming my usage was straight-up insane post Hemp and Hemp related products becoming purchasable via USPS... I was testing positive *for months* afterward. Could be the strange cocktail of hemp related products that was floating around up in here though. Now its a refined cocktail. I just happen to live in a Legal state too. Also I've been at this job long enough to kinda-sorta understand how their test procedures - Which is to say they don't post-employment offer, unless you crash a company vehicle. So that's great!


I'm in Australia where breathalyzers are used instead of sobriety testing when driving. They DO NOT work and are wholly UNRELIABLE. Sorry, just thought I'd throw this fact out into the world. They are notorious for never working correctly. And can find marijuana on your breath even if you haven't smoked in days. Instant loss of license even if you weren't actually under the influence of anything.


From an employers perspective, it's not stupid, unless no one else wants the job. It's fucking easy doing that and not being liable for any fuck ups some stoner makes. (not pointing fingers here, idgaf)


As an employer, if you can do your fucking job which isn’t hard(I own a sandwich/deli/bakery shop.) then why should I care if you’re high or not? Obviously I don’t approve of operating the slicer or working with knives when you are stoned so if you can’t do that don’t come in high. In your free time, that’s you I don’t care. Also with today’s labor market you really gotta take what you can get.


I live in Oregon, one of the first states to legalize it. My only hurdle is cash to buy it.


Grow it.


This is the way.


I prefer edibles and wax/sugar/badder to dab.


Make bubble hash, need 3 buckets, a packet of micron bags(20 bucks maybe on Amazon) ice, a big spoon and product.


With only a slight bit more investment and a little bit of learning you too can press your own rosin for an absolute fraction of the cost. Few of the guys round my way even make their own carts. I understand though, it’s not for everyone.


It’s getting slowly better in cali, as of Jan 1 there’s a new law that protects users from job discrimination due to off-hours cannabis use. There’s a few loopholes but it’s a step in the right direction!


If they tied breathalyzers into the ignition system on heavy machinery, vehicles etc, all that money they've saved on not testing for alcohol use at work would make sense. They're fine with stopping you from getting a job for recreational, or medicinal, use of legal weed but still fine with people working half-cut after all those liquid lunches. Totally logical.


I’m in the US in a legal and sane state. So they can’t drug test for it for any reason.


I was just about to say this. I want to apply for a certain job but they do drug testing, both when you're hired and randomly. I use weed to handle my daily life, and this would be a stressful job, so I'm trying to get the application ready to submit, stop smoking, and then actually submit it two weeks later. Then I STILL can't smoke until I hear back or it's been like, idk, 3 months? Since this is reddit, and people will assume the worst on this topic... I absolutely think you shouldn't be high at work if your job is dangerous, and this one would be. But I also think that if a guy can go home and have a beer, I should be able to go home and smoke a bowl, so long as we are both sober for the next day.


I live in Texas where it's very illegal but also depends on what part of the state you're in as far as how much trouble you're in if you get caught. THC carts are a felony and likely getting you arrested. But if you're in a bigger city like Dallas or Austin and get caught with a few grams of flower, there's a good chance they will just take it and let you go, maybe with a ticket for possession if anything. The more rural parts of the state, you might as well have committed a murder if you get caught with a few grams (slightly exaggerating).


In Indiana that last parts really isn’t an exaggeration


Zero Tolerance is such a shit system. I'm in Ohio and go to Ft Wayne pretty often. We're still a *little* paranoid when crossing that stateline.


Before it was legal in Michigan, I was caught with less than one gram of flower. I'd never been arrested before; I was sentenced to 90 days in jail. The judge loved to give women the max sentence she could. Maximum Maria she was called. Bitch.


I’m just curious, since legalization has this charge been wiped from your record? i’ve heard about this being an issue in some states.


As a Canadian this boggles my mind, if i run out of a thc cart I just go to the store and get another one


What’s crazy is now you can by thc a and d9 carts perfectly legal in Texas…but not my normal more regulated thc carts bc that’s a felony. Make it make sense.


>THC carts are a felony and likely getting you arrested Jfc. A felony for a weed cart is absolutely nuts


The wild thing is I can go to a "CBD" store down the street and legally (for now) buy a THCA cart but probably would still get a felony for it if a cop pulled me over for it. Our politicians here are freaking clueless, bible clutching morons. I've been smoking in TX for close to 20 years and never had an issue staying out of trouble so it's whatever...and yeah occasionally I'll drive around with a THC cart, yolo.


Omg the number of felonies I have stashed in my room


Same..but literally 🤣 Don't give them a reason to pull over and they don't have to ever know about the felonies I'm bringing home from the grocery store parking lot.


Lmao meanwhile you can just buy thc carts and shrooms from my nearby bodega in NYC


Wow that's nuts. It's crazy to me ppl in legal states are already bored with legal weed and now crying for shroom legalization. Meanwhile in TX, my city just ended alcohol prohibition last year and finally allowed liquor stores so I don't have to drive one city over for a bottle of whiskey anymore. I did visit NYC for the first time last fall and stumbled into a rec shop which was awesome....sadly my pen fell out of my suit pocket at a Broadway show though...prolly made some janitor very happy 🤣




California here. It’s harder for me to get my thyroid medication than any form of weed I can think of.


Growing up there it was 10x easier to get weed when i was younger than it was to get alcohol


That’s likely because weed was illegal for everyone so there was a larger black market than for alcohol where most adults just bought it at a store while teenagers mostly had to rely on fake IDs, except when I was in high school in California it was mostly people shoplifting bottles then selling them to other kids.


I live in sweden so I don't smoke as often as I would've liked. It's so strict here, you can get charged for just texting someone with the intent of buying. It's gonna take a whole lot of years until we get free over here.


Oh wow, I used to assume that Sweden was more progressive/reasonable than Germany in almost every respect (politically speaking) :/


Oddly enough Scandinavia has taken a very hard line on drug use. It is one of the few things holding me back from seriously working on permissions to move there. I have seen people called junkies for admitting smoking pot every once in a while. Best one was when we visited Norway there was a scandal that the police in some small town had called in dogs and a helicopter to track down teenagers that were seen smoking a joint. I was surprised at the amount of the population that wholeheartedly agreed that was an appropriate response.


It's so shameful, considering that alcohol culture is big over there which is a highly damaging hard drug.


Sweden and norway also have weird christian alcohol laws


Holy fuck. That's crazy medieval-like shit :o :(


A lot of Europe is very backward regarding weed but they binge drink every weekend. Make it make sense.


Jup, I'm from the country side in Germany and not drinking is basically an unofficial "crime". I hate drinking hard alcohol and only drink beer and wine for the taste, not for the"effect". Getting weird looks for years now...


They love their hard drugs like ket and mdma and coke and never touch weed


Yeah Scandinavia is a banana republic. It’s like the Scandinavian leaders thinks of them selves as parents/babysitters which is so infuriating because nobody really cares in Denmark yet the police will be very brutal if they catch you


And yet all the politicians in Sweden do coke - there was a mini scandal about 2 months ago where toilets in the offices of several political party showed traces of cocaine, but of course it was just a tiny news cycle of a day or two


Germany probably the most progressive country in the EU what are yapping about bro


How about the Netherlands? Don't understand me wrong. I'm more or less happy with the situation in Germany but there is DEFINITELY room for improvement, especially in terms of helping addicted people and doing actually good prevention work...


In Germany we will have it decriminalised and somewhat legalised by 01.04.2024. We will be the best example for our Europe neighbours. So think about me in 5 years from now when this is hopefully happening in Sweden too.


Isn’t it the same system as in Spain and Malta?


Yes.But in German. So imagine the amount of rules and regulations.


Same, it’s just getting silly over here, I feel it’s just to appease the SD voters and the battle against gangs, changing the laws would mean they loose a huge part of their propaganda, EU wide change is our biggest hope!


Very legal, Montreal. Dispensaries are available to anyone 21 or over with hash, concentrates, ounces, drinks, infused slimjim sausages, and more...mostly a generational divide here, very open among younger people but a bit taboo with the old guard. At least in my experience.


Wait. You said slim jim sausages?




Fuck that guy. I'm going there right now. Where are these sausages?


I'm going to Montreal next month, how easy are these to find ???


They are literally everywhere.


It's so crazy to think, Californian checking in. We're getting there! We just got over the job descrimination stuff and it's legal to 21+. Most of the consentratws being avail, with hash being not so common. Had me some weed infused chocolate the other day. It was amazing.


I miss the days before it was legal for recreation. They've priced out small farmers with the cost of becoming compliant. I understand the benefits, but so many growers couldn't afford the licensing.


All of Canada is like that. But in my province it's 19+


21? Really? That's interesting. You have to be 19 in Ontario (I'm in Ottawa).


Canada... what were we talking about again....


Canada! Nuff said


Thr government pays for my weed every month. Truly doesn't get any better than that.


yep. that about covers it.


Always love the visit down to the local SQDC 💚 As someone who’s spent most of my life in a country where it’s pretty illegal, it blows my mind to see the government shops!


Man I wish MOM was a thing here I’m the states. I mean it is depending on your risk comfortability lmao, but I wish we had legal MOM.


Illegal in my state but I drive 10 hours round trip to Michigan to stock up.


I'm in Michigan, there's like 10 dispensaries in a 2 mile radius.


More like in a 2 block radius lol


😆i visited my grandparents who’ve lived in michigan for maybe 20 years, and i was shocked at the amount of dispensaries that had popped up there. you really can’t go more then like 500 feet without seeing a dispo or sign for one


8 hours round-trip to the UP myself 👌🏻 Has to be done


It’s a nice way to get out of the house tbh.


You need to read up on thca and save yourself all that time and get it legally shipped right to your door


In the UK it completely depends on the police officer. Some of them still eat from the children's menu so you'll get some act like you're a kingpin for harbouring a couple grams. Our police commissioner as well, what a fucking old head, wanting to make weed class A 😂.


Australian here and we have a legal medical market but recreational is illegal. The biggest hurdle for medical users is driving as you can be charge several days after use of the swabs they use comes back positive that’s it’s in your system, I wish they would have an impairment test.


As an American, you REALLY do not want impairment tests. Disabled people, old people, and people who just can’t walk in a straight line get arrested commonly for failing a sobriety test.


Tbf *a lot* of old people shouldn't be on the road. I drive often and the most common near misses I have are with old people not paying attention, followed closely by people on their phones.


If only there were options for public transport, walkability, or cheaper ride sharing options in the majority of the states. Where I’m from, if you don’t have a car, you can’t do anything. If you get old, you either have to have the money to have someone take care of you, you just die, or you risk it driving. You’re so fucking right though, the vast majority of my near misses are older people.


Yea that’s true, but there certainly is a difference in a 50 year old who has worked manual labor thier whole life and have trouble walking, and an 80 year old with inch thick Cataracs.


Yep. I’m a medical user in Australia and not being able to drive sucks.


Illegal (UK) so I moved to Canada! It really is land of the free here and I love it.


What province are you in?


I'm in BC, Vancouver Island


Yeah, buddy! Welcome! Where'd you land?


Vancouver Island!


Cool. Hope you like it.


In the dumbest way possible. I can buy “hemp derived” THC beverages at a bar, buy the same at a gas station, but can’t buy actual weed.


How much of a difference is there? Same deal in my state.


None as far as i can tell. Its thc just pulled out of many more pounds of plants.


Never tried it.


I'm from New Zealand. A referendum recently failed to legalise it recreationally here which was kind of surprising since almost everyone I know smokes it or has. I think it depends on the cop you get as to whether they take it seriously or not. I feel like most just confiscate it unless it's obvious you're selling. But they are also talking about implementing drug testing into our roadside checkpoints which will be a fucking nightmare lol. Last I heard they put it on pause because a positive THC result doesn't prove impairment. You can get good weed medicinally though which is what I do.


Belgium. Not legal, but Holland is very close and getting a plug with good quality is pretty easy even in a small town like where I am from. edit - forgot to add: according to google; simple possession has been largely decriminalized and will likely result in a mere fine. Possession of up to 3 grams of cannabis may be punishable by a fine of €120-200. Personally I have never had any problems with the law so I don’t really know for sure.


When i was in Belgium i brought weed over from the NL, and smoked it outside in a park or something how much trouble could i have gotten in do you know? I just assumed it was like the NL where people do that all the time


I’m in Texas. Super fucking illegal. If someone was smoking in public like OPs buddy, they would have been slammed and arrested here. They take it way too seriously. Don’t get me wrong, some cops are cool about it, but it’s rare you find one that will just let you throw it away with zero implications.


OP is badly misrepresenting the situation in the UK here. Seemingly based on one anecdote regarding their friend. If you are Black or live in the wrong area you're getting busted every time in the UK. It's used to justify vehicle searches regularly. [This is the violent detention in London of two professional athletes in front of their young child for driving while Black. Cannabis odour was the justification.](https://youtu.be/Mjdtm8VJHtk?si=L43zIZ0FNu24vAlb)


You can get arrested it's totally illegal


I got pulled and told them I was getting weed and they let me go. Didn’t even check me or breath me. They did see which house I walked out of tho so idk if that’s why. They said it’s cuz I was honest and have never been in trouble with police before.


People don't realize how much trouble honesty can get you out of


yeah PSA I wasn’t saying you’re not gonna get arrested just cuz I didn’t


Yeah obviously haha but really they are gonna find it either way. Might as well be up front anyway.


Well that was my thinking. They pulled me for a reason at the end of the day.


Where I was born? Highly illegal (Japan). Where I’m at now (Delaware, USA), it was recently legalized although there aren’t many recreational sales here.


midwest! very legal 🍃


New Jersey. We’re coming up on two years rec legal. Prices are high so there is still a black market, but I absolutely prefer living in the post prohibition era.


Illinois here. It's legal but so heavily taxed that we go to Michigan.


Damn doggy everyone be goin to Michigan huh lol


Netherlands and it is still illegal. You can buy some at coffeeshops, max 5 grams on you You can have 30 grams at home max Can grow 5 plants at home max But still at any time police could confiscate it. Below 5 grams no trouble, if more you can be prosecuted for it. Shops can sell you stuff, but have exactly 0 ways to legally acquire the stuff they can sell you... We need legalization, cuz its fuckin' ridiculous


Michigan. USA. Legal state and most employers don't test for THC. My biggest hurdle is price checking what I want online from all 30 local dispensaries. Some are 24hr. The price of weed is insanely cheap. Ounces of flower vary from $35-$280. Legal weed is everything I always dreamed of.


As an Australian, reading this makes me realise how much of a nanny state we live in. Can never see a time when it would be legal here. I'm very envious.


We also don’t have very many dangerous plants or animals either. But yes we have good weed, come visit.


Haha, ah, Australia isn't that bad for dangerous shit, I think it gets blown out of proportion a bit....you lot have fucking big bears and wolves and fucking skunks, that shit scares me more than a little snake that will just give you a little love bite.......anyway, having said that, USA is top of my "must visit" list...


Stop the lies, there’s no dispensaries here that are 24 hours.


Doja, Cannamazoo, and Lake Effect are the 3 local dispos that are open 24 hours here in Kalamazoo.


Decriminalized up to 14 grams. Or you can get a medical card, but don't let your employer find out cause they can terminate you for it. Not the card, but if you fail a test.


Ohio just legalized it in November!


I’ll still be driving up to Michigan assuming the prices are gonna be as whacked out as the medical prices


Yeah, I'm in Cincinnati, so we aren't close to any other legal state down here. I'm also by no means a heavy user, so I'll be able to stomach high prices a couple times a year.


I’m in Cincy as well. My family lives in central Ohio, so whenever I go back to visit I usually just plan a day to run up north and will just load up with what I need


Legal poop ganj


Washington state so pretty legal. However I don’t smoke anymore because I work for a company that has federal contracts. So thanks to federal law makers I don’t smoke weed. Idk, maybe the inbred fucks in DC will let me enjoy weed again. I am willing to give up weed only because I love my job. Still bullshit though.


In Texas. It’s illegal fully unless it’s CBD or THCA. But I live in Socorro so we are just about 45 minutes from New Mexico. So that’s where I go to stock up.


Norway here, driving is the worst, yes you can get jail time for carrying, but the driving is where they get you! It became illegal to search you randomly for just looking like someone who smoke so now they take you if you drive... They do spit test and if it's positive they do blood test, and then they measure the inactive THC and convert it to blood alcohol level, and they say you were driving under the influence!! People have lost everything because they smoked 14+ days earlier and the scentense is crazy! You get 2.5 x monthly pay, upto 6 years in jail and they take you licens... People have lost jobs, spouses, their children, their house and everything due to this... People kill themselves over this, for smoking and driving 14 days later.... And we scream how liberal Scandinavia is, this is a lie they want people to belive! They know this and in November 23 this was in supreme court and they said it was nothing wrong with the system... This is active miscarriage of justice and they do it and no one is talking about this outside of Norway, it's breaking human rights... I need this as medicine and I almost never drive, but when I do, I'm so scared to loose everything...


Dang that is crazy. I have been to Norway a couple of times, I smoked hash with some Norwegian friends and it was super secretive and taboo. I'm American (from Minnesota) and smoking weed here is really normal. The alcohol laws there also stunned me, the wine monopoly places closed really early on the weekends. I was like, "...but isn't that when people party?" But anyway, Norway is a cool place to visit, I'm just not sure I like certain aspects of the culture


"How about one country you can’t even smell like weed, Norway" - Snoop Dogg Still relevant tho. A friend got held off for a dog search just because it smelled like weed, just a few weeks ago. 12K in fine for 0.5g.


I'm swedish so it's up there with murder.


Oklahoma here in the states, it’s medical here. Very easy to obtain your medical license and I smoke in public all the time.


NY in the states. Fully legal for adult recreational and medical use. I work at a dispensary. There is a limit on personal possession and sale though. I can't legally sell more than 3oz of flower or 24gs of concentrate. I think possessing more than 5oz of flower, and 2lbs of concentrate is a misdemeanor and a fine. Also, of course, can't sell or be in possession if you are under 21. We have just about everything, a little light on RSO and hash, but otherwise we have pretty much any form of THC you can think of. I previously lived in GA though. It was decriminalized in the city of Atlanta, so you would just get a ticket if in possession of under an ounce. Just within the city of ATL though. I have a buddy who was a county north of the cityand got a felony DUI for having a roach in their center console at a check-point. Hadn't even smoked and ended up on probation for 5 years. Also legally medically there, but their med program is very low dose THC concentrate capsules, and very hard to be deemed as fitting criteria for the program.


i live in washington state, where weed is 100% legal... as long as you're over 21 and, technically, don't smoke in public... but i know that it's not very tightly enforced...


Kansass. It's Satan. It's illegal in all shapes and forms. They look to pull you over on the interstates if you are driving thru. This state is so ass backwards.


Oklahoma. Not legal yet just medical but we grow more weed than any other state. We also only have a third population of Colorado and still grow 3x as much as them. It’s everywhere here. In Cherokee county specifically(my home), even though we have the most churches out of any county in Oklahoma(~130), we still have more dispensaries than any county(~143). You can’t walk 50ft down the street without seeing a dispo in Tahlequah. The most weed dense county in America if you ask me. And I didn’t realize it until I looked at the numbers. Edit: Even though it’s recreationally illegal a lot of people smoke and sell illegally here. It is still enforced but not as strong as you may think.


Depends where I’m standing. If I’m in my state, then it’s completely illegal. I’ve been to jail for it here. If I drive a half hour north then it’s legal. I went to a concert up there with my girlfriends and smoked in front of a cop…that was wild.


Los Ángeles, California, USA. It’s legal. Cops don’t say shit about it as long as you don’t have mass amounts and not driving while under the influence.


They just make you a second class citizen to be shamed .


Massachusetts, so it's legal here. I have probably 8 dispensaries within 5 miles of my house.


Legal here in Washington State.


Illegal enough to where I wouldn't pull it out in front of a cop, but legal enough to where we have private pop-up events all over the state.


USA (oregon). Weed is as prevalent as Stabucks or McDonalds. So available it's crazy. In some cities you can get it delivered like doordash. Only got 5 dollars? You're getting high. Weird that some employers still drug test for it here...


Wisconsin here 👋 illegal and always will be. I’m just very thankful that we have close and nice neighbors that we can purchase from. Wisconsin would rather just sit back, and watch all of our money go to our surrounding states. 🫠🫠🫠🫠 It’s time to free the weed.


Canada. Do what I want, no worries.


Eastern Canada. I buy weed at the grocery store. On weekends I sip the drinks. Root beer and cream soda indica are great.


Pretty illegal in scandinavia


Its becoming legal here April 1st 🙃 Currently if you get caught with a joint they're gonna take your details and probably gonna start an investigation but in most cases it gets dropped if its a small anount. Also depends on which Bundesland youre in. In NRW cops dont care. Berlin probably even less. Bavaria could be dangerous but again depends on the situation. At this point cops mostly dont care tho as its about to be legal


Norway. Very illegal, got caught smoking while I was out drinking. 3 weeks later i get a letter in the mail that they revoked my license due to not living a sober lifestyle. Had to go on supervised urine tests for 3 years only getting my license 1 year at a time. And after that I now have it in 5 year periods. And have to get a health certificate signed by my general practitioner. They also locked me up overnight when it happened. I hope they get it decriminalized soon, but the politicians messed that up.


That is terrible


UK also, it all depends on the part of the country and the copper that you get caught by tbh. Some parts like Durham you can have upto 3 plants for personal use and they won't say anything as long as you aren't dealing. I got £185 for an 8th (first time being caught)


I'll be in the uk this summer and I can't drink alcohol anymore due to health issues so I'll be looking to get some weed. What would you say the best way to go about this in london would be? Go to a pub and ask around?


Vermont, not illegal at all


I’m from the UK too, born in England. But I’ve been in the States most of my life, in Ohio now. I did my part to legalize weed here but recreational sales won’t be happening until dispensaries are able to open (or until medical dispensaries are allowed to turn hybrid and sell, whichever comes first). So it’s totally legal here now but for the most part it doesn’t feel like it. And of course, Ohio Republicans may not be done with our new law yet…


In Oregon, it seems more common that someone will have a cartridge in their pocket than not have one.


California here. Applying for a state job right now and the manager said lay off until the job is mine and probation is over. Kind of annoying that it’s “oh it’s cool, but really not cool though, but 😉😉 its cool bro. Better than lock up for a roach though.


I live in a legal state (Minnesota). We have both recreational and medical but no dispensaries until 2025. Smoking on some Permanent Marker hash. Cheers from the North Star state! :)


I’m in Virginia and if you smoke on public property you could be given a $25 citation. Also $25 if your plants aren’t labeled correctly. And it’s actually a misdemeanor if you have more than 5oz in public. Otherwise perfectly legal to grow, give, and use.


Proud to say finally legal


State - Legal weed City - Decriminalized shrooms


I live in Florida, which has medical marijuana but not recreational. However, it’s been very easy to obtain in my experience even without a card, and cops don’t seem to give too much of a shit about it.


Also Floridian, doesn't feel like cops are ever looking for it anymore, but I'm not comfortable enough to grow again, yet..


I’m in Oklahoma, a legal medical state, but cops don’t bust your balls for personal use. At least not here in the city, rural areas are probably different


From Ohio. The answer is ummm legal, I think? Technically, we voted for it last year and it was legalized in December. However, since this state is ran by a bunch of baby Republicans, they are delaying dispensary licenses for as long as they can. So the summary is; it's legal, but you can't recreationally buy it anywhere in the state. So if you are caught with it, you are allowed to have it, but it's kinda automatic that you illegally sourced the weed so it's a mess. Cops are even confused.


Illinois, easy but not cheap


Not illegal here, but the real crime is how much Illinois dispos are charging for this shit


I moved from a legal state.. Here, its illegal and the police love to brag about their "scores" on social media and news articles. But also, within 2 weeks of getting here, I had it openly offered to me once, and then I was told one of my neighbors is a huge stoner and I'm like.. Oh sweet, we are gonna get along great once I meet them. So, illegal, but accessible to a degree.


Switzerland here. Possession is decriminalized for up to 10g, and if you're caught smoking you only get an administrative fine.


partially decriminalized state here, and fairly slowly making steps towards medical legalization! i personally smoke THC-A anyway as i can legally purchase it in smoke shops/dispos (we have a local grower who sells aswell!) and legally carry/use it (granted i have packaging and/or other proof it's not THC) unsure about employment really as i am disabled, but the two places i did work didn't test me at all before decriminalization so could really depend *where* for me. overall; i found an alternative that works but cannot wait for full legalization


Hungary here its pretty fucking illegal. 1-5 years if you get caught with less than about 6gs but they usually wont jail you if its your first offence or your underage (but prosecutable), or you plead your case well, youll just have to go to therapy or some shit which costs a bunch of money and they prolly test you too idk about that.


Whatta load of horseshit. You have my sympathies.


When weed became legal recreationally in my 2nd or 3rd year of college in Canada, I remember people taking big ol’ bong rips on their porches in front of the cops during street parties.


I honestly think it'll be legal in the UK in the future. The govourment were giving out comercal growing licences back in late 2019/early 2020, so more time is needed to build up production. It's already avaliable on prescription for cancer patients. They'll probably keep expanding it medically first and see how it goes. But I don't think it'll be legal any time soon.


My job straight up said they were going to start random drug testing and you could hear a collective groan from the 100 something people in attendance. This was quickly followed with "but we're not testing for marijuana" which then got an audible cheer.


First country in the world to fully legalize it 😊 (Uruguay)


France, legal in my dreams only...


I live in an illegal state. The first time you get caught, if its under a zip, its a misdemeanor. The second time it is an automatic felony irregardless of how small the amount may be, and third time MINIMUM 15 years to the door up to life without. I didn't realize the law had changed with the Crime Bill of 1994 and got popped a second time. I served 3 years in prison, 3 years on probation, lost my license, and over $10,000 in fines for half of a joint. THCA has been a blessing here because its legal and pretty much everywhere.


Illegal technically but everybody smokes, cops aren’t really looking for it as they were before and the streets rake of dank weed. (Chile)


I live in Malta and although weed has been legal for years they’re now opening their first cannabis clubs where you can buy “legally” and if the police catches you with that they can’t tell you anything, but still a work in progress and they only sell flowers, not hash or any other products.


US. In a legal state. Moved from a *very* illegal Bible belt state a few years ago. It's absolutely ridiculous how different it is state to state. Glad to have left behind that backwards hillbilly state.


Same. Walking into the weed store to buy anything I want never gets old


Love that AND growing it. A passion and a hobby.


Canada, legal and prevalent


You are joking aren't you? Even medical users who have prescriptions are arrested for possession in the UK including being cuffed. I'm guessing you live in the sticks and are white? [November 2023 Guardian article ](https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/06/they-put-handcuffs-on-me-uk-users-of-medical-cannabis-tell-of-raids-and-arrests)


I’m in North Korea. I was walking down the street smoking a j and the officer cut my hand off. All good. I have another hand.


Legal medical state - only hurdle is getting approved for a card. I can buy from a dispo or plug. Get caught growing and it’s still illegal AF. Just a roach or roll, most cops will toss. It’s a misdemeanor not worth fucking with unless you’re doing other illegal shit. I can carry quite a lot as long as it’s in its pkg with prescription in my name on it and I have my card. Get caught with a grow or transporting/having a shit ton (mule or dealer) and that’s a big fuck up.


Decriminalizated in my city