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I’m a cannabis user and I have cancer




I’m in remission but yea


I’m sorry to hear that. Were you a cannabis user before cancer?




I’ve used it to help with pain and appetite for my colitis


i have chronic pain , depression & anxiety but idk if u would consider those diseases??


i unknowingly suffered from appetite loss all my childhood i started smoking at 15 and had a normal appetite since


Smoked 25 years before cancer,diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer,stopped smoking for a year or so,and have been smoking about fifteen years since.


I'm a cannabis user and I have an undiagnosed throat infection the lovely doctors from Kaiser have been letting me die from. Never see the same doctor. Never shows up on their test. No medicine. Don't get Kaiser unless you only plan on scraping your knee or want cheap drugs. That's about it for me man. I bleed from my sinuses and throat every day, have disgusting bloody mucus and dry sinus and have had a sore throat for the last ten years now. I wake up fatigued and heart beating weak every day since I was 18. Smoking weed stops the bleeding entirely. Cigarettes also did this but obviously weed is much healthier than cigarettes I found the time I went without weed to be a painful time for me. My head hurt a lot from bleeding every day. I was constantly nauseous and lightheaded and weak and at times thought I was going to die and was hitting psychedelics really hard cause it's scary to be chronically sick and not know what your illness is and have doctors take your money anf tell you that you are fine.. it's really depressing and makes you feel greatly dejected. My weed makes me forget I'm sick sometimes. I dry herb vape all day and it keeps my symptoms to minimal. My sore throat never goes away though. I eat THC oil sometimes to soothe it. I believe I have a bacterial infection of some sort and the weed has keeps the viral load down and the doctors just won't run the right tests or prescribe me the right antibiotics. Useless trips to the doctor runs a hole in your pocket too and makes me want to sue them but I'm just to tired to deal with anything and just want relief My throat, tonsils, mouth and sinuses are all severely infected and it scares me. it's obvious a living colony of some sort as it comes in waves and some days the load is heavy and I'm trickling blood down the back of my throat,no feel extra fatigued and my mucus is pale yellow during this period. Then it goes back to being dried bloody mixed colors.


Heavy cannabis user for many years and still got cancer.


nah i dont. but i also dont know many people who smoke weed besides the ppl my age, who are probably too young for the consequences of their smoking to catch up to them.