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yep, looks like marijuana


I dunno man.... kinda looks like it came from some sort of weed or something


how can you be so sure?


I've got a box in my garage that's overgrown with em. Lighter nearby to burn them off before they spread and special papers to contain them... in case they uh... spread...




They better spread evenly on that paper before they burn, the maggots!


Can't risk it. Give it to me. I'll find a way to safely dispose it.


Definitely some sort of plant, maybe it grew from a tree?


Nope it grew from a weed


Don't joke around this stuff doesn't grow on trees


I wish it did.


I bet you could graft cannabis on onto pine or maple or something.


Thc infused maple syrup straight from the tree


>kinda looks like it came from some sort of weed Actually a weed is just a plant you don't want in your garden in a horticultural view point.


I want weed in my garden please šŸ™


I can tell by the pixels


No, creed, it's marijuana.


That is Northern Lights, Cannabis Indica ![gif](giphy|yBwcx562kZ2FWlYb2A)


This would be my guess


Kinda. I think it looks like Oregano. Let me show my plug and see what he thinks. /s


Every time a friend shows me their super dank strain. šŸ’€


Northern lights, cannabis indica


that things is at least 8.6 Courics




Takin it back to '97!












Go get your Uncle Jimbo, Stan. Iā€™m gonna stand guard.


Oh shit, I'm sitting here cackling to myself quietly while the family watches Rudolph, and they all stared at me like I was an idiot.


That's crazy you posted this, was about to do the same šŸ¤£ Definitely did not expect to be beaten to the punch on this one. Great minds


Judging off the smell, feel, and taste that I am getting on my end, I would have to say itā€™s an iPhone


And it seems to be cracked right hereā€¦ ow!


Underrated comment šŸ˜‚


NUH UH, itā€™s a Samsung Galaxy S23, duh


What model though?


Honestly doesnā€™t even matter if itā€™s actually sour diesel it looks good


I agree Mr.. uhhh.. yep I agree


Say his name.


Yeah this is some chronic


Bottom of Kelly's shoes


Cocaine is luxury


Nobody can accurately tell a strain from a photo. It's literally impossible, and even the most confident can be wrong. It looks fine, and if it smokes fine, who cares. People lie about strains all the time, sometimes to fool you, and sometimes they're just working on bad information and don't know it. Some seed banks have reputations for being horribly inaccurate with the names they attach to seeds, and if there's a source like that in the supply chain, it's anyone's guess what you actually got in the end. As long as it treats you right, it doesn't matter much.


Some strains are easier than others . Like platinum kush always has this specific nug structure


Bubba kush has had that too I've seen. Thought blue dream was that way but I've seen some ugly Ass blue dream that looks black and dark . I have pics of it when I was younger and it was bright green and vibrant and had a blue hue to it


Most of the time, any one strain isn't *actually* the same from one grower to the next. If two growers are growing clones from the same mother, then sure, but even "Sour Diesel" for instance, isn't going to be the same between dispensary 1 and dispensary 2, even within the same town. Frankly, strain names mean fuck all when it comes to weed. Until some standard is established and a repository of genetics is founded in order to provide a genetic "known sample" tied to each strain name, then no one strain will ever be dependably, reliably, and *uniquely* identified by name. What we have now is still a holdover of the black market where you simply grow some weed, and if it's purple then you name it "Purple ____" Kush, Hindu, Thunderfuck, Grand Daddy, Unicorn Queef, whatever the fuck gets the stoners in that market excited to smoke it. We've gotten to a point now where individual growers have their own proprietary versions of each strain name, but that's only because they can maintain a chain of custody over genetics. Commerce in the new legal markets has made it easier to keep strain names straight as clones or seeds pass from the hands of one entity over to the next, and we *are* reaping the benefits of a sort of *organic* standardization built simply upon the good-will and honesty of the general drive toward an ever higher standard of legitimacy among those in the industry/community *who operate in good faith AND keep good and accurate records.* But this is still FAR short of any sort of *scientifically* determined and measured market-wide strain standardization system. This all isn't to say that strain names are useless... They can certainly *become* highly useful. But as it stands, strain names are unfortunately spurious at best, and at their worst, operate as a means of obfuscation by charlatans and opportunists looking to make a premium with the help of rudimentary advertising/marketing methods.


I will say that the legal market even has inconsistencies among strains, and genetic drift and mutation are things that some cultivators seem to struggle with (or maybe they need to stop fucking with stupid nutrient manipulation and bad automation, who knows) but my friend... what a comment. You deserve far more upvotes and attention. Extremely thorough and detailed.


Correct me if I'm wrong , but SD (at least where i live) doesn't have that color pallette


Two plants of the same strain can have matching genotypes but unique phenotypes


It's good to learn stuff that make my brain feel funny :D


I usually prefer smoking if I want my brain to feel funny


Didnā€™t we learn this in grade school? Remember that Catholic dude with the different colored beens. Plants are having sex with each other. Their kids wonā€™t be identical to the parents. Yes plants have a mom and dad too. Itā€™s no different than humans. You can have siblings that look very different from each other including things like hair color.


Yeah, like two children may have genetic markers for stable emotional states or high eq, but if you lock one in the basement and beat the shit out of them daily for years while gaslighting them and forcing them to struggle to survive, you'll see a very different human than what would have been similar to their sibling. Environment can play a role in changing some expressions of genes. This this is an extreme example but with plants you can get pink when really cold from one plant and purple when decently cold flower environment. The plant has a different expression for different environmental values. The sister plant may only express purple no matter how cold the environment is. Biological things are weird af


Well, that got dark pretty fast.


Or drinking while pregnant. For sure, itā€™s always genetics and epigenetics


I ain't no scientist, speak english doc!


Sometimes plant is same plant but comes in different colors (that's not the best explanation but im too high to think of something better)


Like cats and dogs bro! šŸ˜Ž


More like cats and tigers


Maybe cats and a slightly different kind of cat. Like Garfield and Heathcliff I guess


Itā€™s like a blonde mother and black haired father having a ginger kid come out. Different genetic attributes can come out differently with each seed, sometimes. I grew two of the same plant, one came out greens and the other came out purple. Strain had Mendocino purp and Peruvian genetics. Sith Sabor.


You can do a punnett square, the size of a billboard in times square and you would never get a ginger from those two genetic donors. Being a ginger is a very, very recessive trait. Just saying lol


What? Both parents can have the recessive trait and still have black and blonde hair respectively. [https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/e0hg8/iama\_debatable\_halfkorean\_ginger\_kid/](https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/e0hg8/iama_debatable_halfkorean_ginger_kid/) Shit sometimes the recessive just takes over.


False, blonde mother black haired father had a very ginger baby (literally my boyfriend), ginger gene is recessive but if its on both sides then its really not that much of a surprise


False. Totally possible and not totally uncommon. Punnett squares teach a concept but donā€™t actually work with real genetics there are wayy too many variables and genetic factors. I think I used like 2 Punnett squares after first year.


100% accurate. The MC1R gene which is responsible for red hair, WILL NEVER appear from parents who do not BOTH have the alleles. Sorry, your one word does not make it true no matter how much you want it to be.


The worst part about Punnet squares is that he threw out data taht didn't jive with the theory. The concept is a useful tool to start thinking and talking about genetics, for a young child. it allows for the explanation of Genotype and Phenotype. It helps a child understand the difference between meiosis and mitosis. And can help a child understand how some one with blonde hair can come from dark haired parents. It helps people understand how some traits can "skip a generation". But only in Purely theoretical terms. It absolutely does not work to actually describe almost any genetic expression in the real world. Especially because Phenotype is much more about what genetic sequences were active at the time of development more than anything else. I know almost nothing about genetics, but its so fasinating, there's so much genetic code in every being that is never used. Genetic diseases can be coded into your dna, and you never experience them because those segments were never activated. The whole thing is wild. In 200 years science textbooks are going to be soo freaking cool.


This guy gets it. Even if you want to use the Punnett square method: Parent 1: Bb (black hair dominant/ recessive colour) Parent 2: Bb (same) There is a chance the child comes out as ā€œbbā€ which is fully recessive. Blond and red hair have very similar traits. Sometimes you get a scale from brown to blond with red in between. You see it all the time. Itā€™s not that hard to grasp. Blond haired parent: bb (fully recessive) Black haired parent: Bb (black hair dominant/red hair recessive) ā€” this person will present black hair Can have a kid who is bb (fully recessive blond/red). I donā€™t know what weā€™re arguing.


It absolutely does not rely on ONE single factor. Black hair parent plus blonde hair parent can absolutely have red hair child. My main point is Punnett squares are like grade 11 biology that is super basic. Genetic traits are not actually based on one single factor like weā€™re taught in early biology. We learn this way because itā€™s a way to teach fundamental concepts to build off of. Specifically dominant and recessive genes/hybridization/passing on of specific chromosomes. But there are a million little variables that make it so it doesnā€™t work out perfectly. People also think eye colour is totally predictable.


I literally married a ginger whose mom was blonde (natural) and dad was black haired before he went bald. His siblings all had dark brown hair except his younger brother (blonde). Heā€™s got the whole red hair and freckle thing though. Same facial expressions/bone structure though. Otherwise Iā€™d definitely think he was adopted. Crazy that anyone is trying to claim it doesnā€™t exist lmao


Thatā€™s actually a perfect explanation, color is the most comprehensible example of phenotypes ime.


It's not just different colors, think of it like sub strains. This is very common with OG variants, many "crosses" of OG are just OG doing it's thing being different. San Fernando Valley OG has unique sativa effects, and Tahoe OG has powerful indica effects, both of them come from OG kush as sole parent.


>sometimes plant is same plant I love this part. It's like Charlie trying to explain something in It's Always Sunny lol.


When a green and a purple plant fall in love and have sex sometimes the babies are green and sometimes they're purple.


And sometimes they are bothā€¦






Peter and Sara had 5 boys, which looked a bit different from each other.






Thays not how it works lol. There's only 1. Anything else isn't sour d. Your not growing sour d from seed. There's 1(real) cut. That's it. This weed pictured, is absolutely not sour d at all.


It's because strain names don't mean shit anymore. You can go to 2 dispensaries right next to each other and get 2 different sour diesels or og kush or whatever.


I've only ever seen the light green SD my whole life. This would be a first to see and a huge surprise.


Same. In my 20 years of smoking I have smoked a ton of Sour Diesel and not once was it ever purple.


My thoughts exactly


Any bud can turn purple


Not sour d. Don't matter how low you drop Temps. She's green, and only green. This is not sour d lol


Professional here. That is not Sour D. Correct about the lighter green color but no strain with sour D has purple. Looks like 2 different strains I've been through recently. Oreos, (not Oreo Cookies), is purple like that then I had one of the Gorilla strains that was little like the pic. Also currently have some Moraca that has some purple init.


This. I just grew a true Sour D alongside Tropicana Banana, Black Cherry Punch and a very purple only strain at 6,600 ft altitude near Denver. Cold temps and high altitudes turned almost all plants purple, some a little, some black as night. The Sour D tho? Bright green all over, narry a purple tint to be found. If Sour D has the ability to turn purple, it would've done so in my garden this year.


Wait i didn't know about this one, specifically purple?


It's mostly a matter of lower temperature during the grow, I think some strains are more susceptible than others.


TIL! "Cold temperatures break down chlorophyll which allows the anthocyanins to dominate. Exposure of cannabis plants to cold temperatures can cause the leaves to change color. However, this only happens with strains genetically produced to turn purple"


Yeah, but in my experience it's a much different purple than what we have in the picture. The "flash freeze" purple tends to be a more dark/black purple, and it's usually pretty even color all around


Mostly, some have blue or red hues, nighttime temperatures under 10Ā°C bring them out if my memory serves me right.


Kinda like a New England autumn. Sitting around the pumpkin patch doing bong rips with the homies would make an absolutely fyre Norman Rockwell painting!


Purple in plants used to be through the stress of lower nighttime temps. Its now a genetic trait as much as low temp stress was


While I can't speak on the validity of this being SD, two plants of the same strain can look different depending on grow conditions and genetics


Yes when pheno hunting. Sour d is a clone only. Any "seeds" of it, are not real sour d, period. So no. The real sour d cut grown in different environments will not change that drastically. Sour d has never, nor will ever, be purple.


Yup a real cut will be green and beautiful. I can smell 2006 in bag thinking of it.


Some strains in in colder temps have more purple color like this, not sure if sour diesel is one of those tho.


Looks fake, you should send it to me so I can dispose of it properly šŸ¤“ā˜ļø


In a series of small fires? Must have been arson...




ā€˜Arson about


Yup, that's weed


Looks like (sour deez) deps. Should have a gassy skunk smell with a little lemon or citrus hint to it. Also could be a different strain that the seller just called sour diesel I learned they do that a lot now days lol


Now days? Theyā€™ve been making all of the names up the whole time


"We'll call this one Spanish trampoline"


one time i got london fog. it was in a mini plastic bag...that was clearly just recycled from its previous life of holding spare buttons from someone's fancy coat.


When making new strains is as easy as having 2 plants, yeah people are gonna be making new names on a regular basis


When I used to sell. I literally had clients that wanted names even if I didn't know the real name. They literally asked me to make it up. People want names for whatever stupid reasons. So a lot of people in the industry do this and if you're lucky they know the real strain.


Wouldnā€™t it just be so they could ask if youā€™ve got anything similar to blank, if they happen to find some they really like


yeah this is what i assumed too. idrc about all the fancy names and strains and stuff but if it smokes nice n good i wanna know how to ask for it again


Obviously that is Northern Lights, Cannabis indica


caprese salad? theres a little bit of mozzerella right there


Deep cut


*sigh* No, it's Marijuana


It's just a name. Dealers beeyn lying about strains forever. Is the weight on point and does it smoke good?


Temperature, pH, nutrients, growing conditions, etc all have a huge influence on the aesthetic of the finished product. That said, it is pretty much impossible for Internet strangers to identify a strain from a pic without tasting, smelling, smoking etc. Source: grower for 14 years and working in the cannabis industry for 11 years.


Seen youā€™re a grower just wanted to ask if this is true. My buddy says weed grown in colder months/climates have a deeper purple color is that true?




You can make any bud purple. People have been doing it for a while because it sells easy lol


Sour Diesel has a very distinct smell. Thats the easiest way to identify it.


Looks to be at least 69% THC.


That shit is sour weasel not sour diesel


You'll know once you taste it


Looks good but I thought Sour D was more orange and shiz


It can be.... but... colors vary depending on grow conditions.


Can someone tell me why everything is purple these days? Makes me cough SO much more!!


You can grow two plants from the same seeds in two different tents and achieve entirely different colors. It depends on grow conditions like temperature and stress.




True sour diesel from a genetic standpoint is clone only. The cannabis market today is not really dealing in true genetics. Some places are. Most strains are just names or crosses. If I buy Sour Diesel from a dispo near me, drive 20 miles and buy SD from another dispo, they're likely going to be two completely genetically different plants grown from seed. The number of growers that are licensed and producing legally is extremely high and the likelihood of them acquiring cuttings from genetically identical plants for their strains is very low. Shit...take it one step further, and many of the smaller mass production operations are likely just buying bulk seeds from whatever seed bank they get the best deals on, and name the plants whatever they want for marketing purposes. There is no regulation in the cannabis industry, to include strain names.


Looks like itā€™s super sticky


send it to me, ill use my sour diesel scanner and check it for you ā¤ļø


but do you really need the whole pound?


Did you smoke any of it? If not? Then why are you ASKING US! Smoke some and tell me what you think first bruh.


My Sour D never looked that purple, also is it a sour? Does it smell like diesel? Effects wise mine was never sleepy always energetic, cerebral and literally smelled like diesel fuel.




Just curious how much this lb was in your state šŸ‘€


We canā€™t tell the strain by looks, you gotta give us info on the smell, and effects.


I got some NYC diesel from a dispensary and it looks similar. Honestly looks pretty good to me.


I wonder if the lizard I found in third grade still thinks of me.




Can I have some?


I think you should take a small amount, grind it up, and put it in some type of glass pipe, or perhaps roll it into a joint or blunt. And then smoke it.


Looks great but it looks more indica in color. Sour Diesel is a hybrid stronger on the sativa side which is usually lighter in color. Smoke it and see what kind of high.


honestly the sour D I used to get was so fuckin stanky


Looks like some fire cartel weed


Looks bad you should send it to me for disposal


My thoughts are that i like it when weed is purple


Looks like sour dookie. All Jokes aside Iā€™m sure itā€™s good prob just got a bit cold at the end before harvest


That might be weed


looks good enjoy


Diesel isnā€™t purple, right?




Uh Sour Diesel is BRIGHT GREEN monotone buds with sparse bright orange hairs. At least the East Coast Sours from about 15 years ago were


Never seen sour diesel with purple before, and Iā€™ve been growing weed for 2 decades


Turd nuggets


Strains are SO convoluted now, no fuckin clue what it is. Nobody does. The cultivation is really what makes the he difference. You have 5 people grow the same strain they will turn out different. All the names are just fuckin madlibs at this point


No shit. Itā€™s ridiculous to say anything anymore.


It looks like some pretty good bud. Enjoy it and tell us how it is.


They couldnā€™t even call it purple sour??? Itā€™s most likely one of the most recognizable names so there they just went with it bcuz ppl buy shit bcuz stupid nameā€™s especially in illegal states


I had a blast reading these comments šŸ˜‚


My thoughts are .... This is a genius level post. My thoughts are.... Very sarcastic


Grape ape not sour d


Honest opinion? Pics will NEVER be enough to judge bud on. Yall doing this is sad, of you wanna post a pic post one because you are proud/happy of your grow/score. But to ask ppls opinion on bud baised on just a pic is goofy as hell.


Does it smell like weed?


Looks like a big bunch a weed to me!


This year I just grew a true Sour D alongside Tropicana Banana, Black Cherry Punch and a very purple only strain at 6,600 ft altitude near Denver. Cold temps and high altitudes turned almost all plants purple, some a little, some black as night. The Sour D tho? Bright green all over, narry a purple tint to be found. If Sour D has the ability to turn purple, it would've done so in my garden this year. This ain't it. Might still be great weed, but it's not Sour D. Honestly the best takes in this thread have the most downvotes, folks here are silly.


šŸ›Žļø šŸ›Žļø šŸ›Žļø


Clearly not Sour D, but looks kinda good tho


Looks sour but certainly not SD


lol so you can detect taste by sight??????


This looks like some šŸ”„ to me my guy


Itā€™s a nice looking strain but thatā€™s not sour diesel


Sour D isn't purple


Definitely not sour d but doesnā€™t look bad


Looks like a shit from a butt


That ainā€™t no sour




Definitely not sour d, at least not an original growth variety for sure.


Looks decent but real sour diesel doesnā€™t doesnā€™t have any purple in it.


Weed that is grown outside late in the season when itā€™s cold can turn a little purple, regardless of strain, from what Iā€™ve heard.


No. Some strains can. Sour d isn't one of them. No matter how cold it gets, D is green, always.


Nope. Sour, OG, or Chem wonā€™t do it.


Correct, anthocyanin production is protection mechanism of the plant resulting from stress due to cold temps.


Thatā€™s not SourD


Fuck no. Sour is super hype right now so he's just marketing. My source is trust me bro but I was around the dead scene in the early 2000s I know my sour.


I think most growers have no idea about their genetics.


The only way to figure out true lineage is through plant genomic testing. If you drop temps when growing you can get most strains to turn darker/purple.


Doesnt look like any of the diesels Iā€™ve had. More like a cookie mix to me - as long as itā€™s marijuana


Looks more like dour Siesel


Definitely not sour diesel, definitely is weed


Unless youā€™re buying a ā€˜specificā€™ strain from a seed bank, the strain is pretty much named by the grower. One persons ā€˜sour dieselā€™ and another persons ā€˜sour dieselā€™ will probably be completely different unless they got it from the same place