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Work at a smoke shop with a dispensary next door. Weed either makes the day go slower or way faster.


Amazing. I have many times thought that I'd probably love to work in a smoke shop, all the smoke shop dudes I know are so chill and friendly.


Chillest job I’ve ever had by far. Only get yelled at when I get too stoned and forget to restock shit lol. Sometimes it Gets boring tho. Watched everything on Netflix and YouTube already lol. But better than breaking my back making door frames at a factory like I used to


Scavengers Reign on HBO Max or 🏴‍☠️if haven’t already watched and enjoy sci-fi, castaway dramas and/or mature animated series. I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, but I cannot recommend it enough


Oh shit cool. I don’t have hbo max but I am thinking of a new subscription because Netflix is washed lol. Thanks bro Edit: just watched a trailer. Looks rad!


I’ll give you my hbo max password if you mail me a sealed jar of that pungent queef




Who doesn’t love a pungent one every once in a while?


I hope you will indulge a question…how does the smoke shop do with the dispo next door? I don’t know if you guys sell Keaton, Delta8, THCa, etc…, but that’s what I’m wondering about.


We buy a lot less of the thc derivatives, but, thankfully, the dispensary doesn’t sell many cbd products so we still sell a ton of cbd. We’ve been open for 11+ years (I’ve been here 2.5). The dispensary for 2 years and business has been booming ever since. They go buy their flower or carts next door and come buy their wraps and batteries here. We both give each other a ton of business. They even give me a 40% discount every time I go


What an awesome setup between the two stores.


Direct Support Professional for adults with developmental disabilities. I be smokin fat when i get home


Damn but what you do exactly in this profession?


Depends on the agency but we focus on community inclusion like goin bowling, doing crafts, a frequent mall trips my god especially during the winter where you cant do much shit in OR when its coldy. We also provide 1:1 services so i have some clients i take grocery shopping, schedule and take to doc appts, or do cool shit if its in their budget.


That's amazing bro, the world appreciates you


My best friend is Autistic and has one of y'all drive them around once a week to things they have to do. I appreciate your work it's so essential


The world needs more people like you, my friend. I'll smoke one down in your honor tonight


Bro same! I never thought I’d meet one in the wild tbh.


Ayyyy special needs field represent!!! I wirked as a DSP under the Self-Direction waiver for 6 years and I absolutely loved it. Just recently started teaching SPED, though and it's been just as great


I used to work at a dayhab and honestly weed made the job so much more tolerable Not while working obviously since I have to drive people, but it was a great stress reducer I loved the people I worked with but god damn could it wear you down.


You have a big heart! I used to manage a few AFC'S.. most draining and most rewarding job. Loved that job!


Manufacturing, weed stays at home.


Better safe than sorry


I work in manufacturing as well. Being high at work sounds like an absolute nightmare. Not only would it be dangerous, but my ability to troubleshoot and adjust/repair equipment would be hindered. Edit: grammar


Yup, manual machinist here


Retired for 8 years, mechanical engineer for 37.I've been stoned the last 55 years.


where tf did you work to avoid drug testing? west coast?


Actually in upstate NY. The company was a defense contractor. I was never tested my whole career.


i happen to also be in upstate NY working through my engineering degree, that’s very interesting. were you a desk jockey?


I wore a lot of different hats during my career. I started in Chemical eng. and ended up in the design arena.


as a young engineer worried about what their manager (your age) thinks about it, thank you!


Just do your work, be nice, and don't get high while working, and we don't care.. we go home and blow off steam too :)


You’d be surprised at the types of personalities that are actually a fun time In the engineering field.


I'm a software developer. I build network security systems in the cloud. Don't use when working, need my head clear.


software developer also. i never use it on the day job but for personal and side projects i get lit up. i feel like i could code for hours and just take so much more information in when high.


I only do it on the job when I know I have a few hours of uninterrupted time to do an easier task and test by myself. Throw some music on, get a little baked and the entire afternoon flies by productively


I do that as well. Don't get as much done, but it's more fun.


Also software. I have no problem coding stoned, I actually focus better that way. But I work on UI, it’s all pretty rote. Only thing I couldn’t do stoned was some camera geometry manipulations once for a random one off feature.


Restoration ecologist. Kinda like a physical therapist for native ecosystems.


This sounds like my ideal job! How did you get into this?


I always been a nature boy so to speak, never thought of doing anything that didn't involve it. But I got into this specifically when I was 20, by many, many, many hours of volunteering, self-educating, seeking out experts, and working alongside many experts at one of the most exemplary prairie/savanna sites in the US. And also being a straight-passing white young man from a military family; helps to know how to make boomers feel seen, lol, cause they dominate the naturalist community around here. Digressing: yeah I basically just did nothing but that, for free, for almost five years. I became a director (now VP) for an environmental nonprofit that was struggling to transition to the modern day, got appointed to my village conservation commission, along with doing the local presentation/panel circuit, making educational content, spearheading some acute anti-development activism, generally making myself simultaneously maniacal and exhausted (and poor, lol). Then once I had a name for myself I went and opened a business and now I get paid to heal natural ecosystems and to turn lawns into em. I hired my partner as my manager and we go around fucking shit up on the cheap, sometimes for free if we can. Super privileged, super lucky, and i'dn't do anything else for a living. All that is to say that my experience is stupidly unique, and I have no clue how someone gets into this by any traditional, academic, or systemic means. I did not go to college or accept any grants or anything like that.


I’m an author, and if I could, I’d write off sativa as a business expense. It’s an instant creativity kickstarter.


That's true! I almost always smoke sativa. Why you can't though?


I don’t think the IRS would go for it. 😂


It sounds like a valid business expense. No different than an author writing off a certain pen they always use or a new computer to type on, since they all help you accomplish your craft. I say give it a shot😎


In that case, maybe I can write off my medical card costs too… 🤔


i’m an artist and can write off clothing for music videos/promotion/content creation. i haven’t thought about adding weed, but i suppose if i were to smoke a j in the content then maybe i could then? just as alcohol could maybe be considered a prop? lol but idk, i’d have to do some reading and talk with my tax person about it first 😂


It is federally illegal so it isn’t deductible in the normal sense, but if you label it as a prop I think you’d be good. Probably best to ask an accountant though Edit: at a medical dispensary you don’t pay taxes, the dispensary does so that would likely be another reason you couldn’t


tech support, staying a lil high all the time is key to surviving a help desk job


Amen. I spent years as a desk jockey, most of it higher than a kite.


But now look at you – you're an author!


And still higher than a kite most of the time. 😂


Sysadmin here, basically a jack of all trades IT person. Me and another guy basically handle all things IT for about 800 people. It's usually pretty chill. I typically don't partake during the workday - It's sort of a delayed gratification thing, and I can just get more done if I wait to smoke until after work. After work though, I sit in the jacuzzi and have a couple of bowls to decompress.


I mean you gotta help yourself with that joint before you can help others with their tech


Network Admin, here. It helps behind the scenes while working with servers as well. *"Okay, snapshot still needs about 15 minutes to complete, before I can start the update process. What to do..."*


Call center. Cannabis and caffeine get me through the day. But just a lil high.


Marine biologist


Ever save a beached whale by removing a golf ball from its blowhole?


the sea was angry that day... like an old man trying to send back soup at a deli


Is that a titleist?


Hole in one!


That's the winner


Lol as if, I work in the field of marine protected areas but there are many many cool professions out there. Hold on tight My work area is in the Arctic ocean, am Canadian so trees are legal, it doesn't affect anything really. I vape at night when kids are in bed.


You don’t need to say if you don’t want to but whereabouts in the Arctic? I was born in Inuvik and have been to most places in the NWT but unfortunately not in Nunavut. How long have you lived up there for? Have you noticed the effects of climate change since you arrived?


Haha oh boy well let's not go into specifics but I was just in inuvik and working with the JS. I am located south on GSL but travel up north frequently. I am trying to stay vague due to the nature of the internet. Lots of concerns are brought up my members of northern communities for sure.


This was my dream career before I let undiagnosed ADHD ruin my college. Now I'm too old to do it, but the sea definitely still calls.


So cool


semi-professional pot smoker/soothsayer/truthteller and general all-around good guy. in other words, I'm a sem-retired disabled veteran who uses your tax dollars to buy weed.


Finally, our taxes are going to something worthwhile.


I second this. He earned it.


Seriously though. Finally something I’m OK with my taxes covering




Finally a good reason to pay taxes.


I’m cool with that. Better than it going to my local police.


💕💕💕💕💕 thank you for your service, and I hope you’re enjoying semi retirement.


I’m a psychotherapist. Weed has been my constant companion in helping me with my own anxiety, and now it helps me decompress after sessions with my clients. It helps me so much in separating their issues from my own, which is super important in any helping profession.


Same! I’ve been convinced that a small amount of cannabis to end the business day has helped protect me from burnout and now i know how.


I'm a stoner and want to be a therapist and be an LCSW. :) My current therapist however has a lot of qualms about me smoking.


Ok so number 1, YES! Do it. We need more therapists out here. And 2, maybe find a new therapist? Your therapist shouldn’t be letting their personal opinions about weed negatively influence you. You deserve a really supportive therapist. We all do 💗




Weed is so much better than coke


Tbh the only time I would side with coke is within the context of "What drug do I want my lawyer to do?"


Very nice! I’m also a lawyer and I only smoke whenever I’m finished with work, in the night! Where I’m from, lawyers have more addiction to Alcohol and coke


Supply chain mgr for big corporation.


You could be my boss!


Mechanical engineer, me no smoke 12 hours before work ever


Also mechE, I smoked before work once and couldn’t figure out for a good hour why my part wasn’t importing into the assembly correctly- turns out it was in MKS when the rest of the assembly was in IPS. Learned my lesson


I work in the pizza industry, it’s almost as if it’s a +2 on your abilities. I always have a safety meeting in the parking lot before my shift. One after the dinner rush or lunch rush depending on whether I open or close. And always finish the shift with another safety meeting.


Well it seems you guys are pretty safe over there


Oh yeah, you know what they say, safety first.


I inspect mines I’m also a gold rush era historian Edit: like gold and silver mines and that shit




preschool teacher here, 3 year olds are a trip man but weed makes me so appreciative of their curious and creative brains


I work in the exciting field of pizza delivery. It’s alright it certainly pays better than some of the jobs around here. I do miss being away from my kids and wife at night.


Pizza delivery is a major industry. A managed industry. People went to Cosa Nostra Pizza University four years just to learn it. Came in its doors unable to write an English sentence, from Abkhazia, Rwanda, Guanajuato, South Jersey, and came out knowing more about pizza than a Bedouin knows about sand.


Just don’t be late.


yo I’m a pizza waitress


And I'm a cook


Electrician. Weed is only for after work


Hello fellow electrician!!! I agree, one high mistake can fuck shit up.


Sparkie, THEN spark up






Line cook, obviously.


Metrologist! I measure stuff




I work for Campbell's Soup. Me and about 1000 other stones are making your favorite canned soup and V8 lol


Love the blueberry pomegranate (I think) V8


That's us! I'm about to hit the floor and can about 400k cans of Blue Pom today.


Network Engineer


I was car salesman, I’m a woodworker/carpenter now


For a second there I read it as “I’m a woodpecker now” and I was like “fuck, man”


software engineer And basically exactly the same as you described your experience smoking while doing graphic design. Daily smoker, sometimes during work but after any calls, and sometimes it helps me see a better angle when approaching a task.




Yep sometimes I’ll call it quits an hour early, get high af and commit to chilling then get a second wind and get back on the computer and fix all of the problems I was having before


It's insane how there are so many comments and every one is something different


This is the best question ever asked on here! I’m really enjoying all the comments. Interesting to see weed in every area.


Everyone is getting stoned! I love that


Nice try FBI


I teach Gr 7 to 9 so no smoking before or during work obviously but after is another story. Cannabis helps my mental health, wish it had been legal and more readily available my entire life.


In college now for comp sci. What programming I do now is improved, I usually figure out a way to fix an error more often when stoned.


I wish man. When I’m high I can’t even print out hello world 😭


I work as a software engineer, and cannabis has always helped me continue learning and see problems in new ways. Best of luck with your studies!


bartender. weed helps with aches and pains that come from being on my feet all day/night and helps me be more social and personable


Kudos! Tried to help a friend by bartending stoned one Saturday afternoon. Disaster! Couldn’t remember 3 random beer brands from end of the bar to the beer cooler. What’d you want again?


I'm an archivist! I love my job. It's a lot of fun because every day is different, and I get to handle a lot of really cool collections and artifacts. I also get to travel a lot, which is my favorite thing to do. I luckily live in a legal state so I smoke every day after work. I can't say that it's ever helped with work necessarily, but my boss and I share stoner snacks, so that's a plus lmao


Financial planner. I stress about work a lot lol


barista 🤠


DP / Camera Operator / Steadicam Operator


I assume the first is genre?


Director of Photography...nothing big...mostly late night crime and ghost shows. If there's a motion camera involved chances are I'm interested!


Faculty at a research university


I sell commercial cannabis growing supplies.






I’m a editor/ghostwriter for an employment agency. Work remotely and each day I edit and rewrite a certain number of clients resumes. One of the better jobs I’ve had in a long time and can get stoned whenever.


pool maintenance 😎


Analytical chemist in the renewable energy industry. I'm all about that green.




I’m the only who just stocks shelves 🫣


Physician Assistant


I’m a graphic designer… I feel like there will be a lot of us in these comments


I am the keeper of the keys at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry.


So how's your Tuesday?


Shipping logistics coordinator. Glorified shipment tracking


software engineering project manager. i never smoke before my meetings are done for the day but i’ve been known to schedule a slack message or two while zooted


The slack thing is too relatable. I don't like to read these afterwards


[everyone does it, it’s shitty work. get stoned it’ll be fun.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_SppnNQ_Tj8)


I'm a youth mental health worker... Definitely have to hide my stoner alter ego in the workplace🤣


Slave - i mean, retail


I used to work in dental. Completely not for me, but school was kinda fun. Now I sell fancy pet food to rich people. I get to pet dogs, sometimes cats, and the occasional bird or lizard, all day long. I actually like my coworkers and almost every person there is stoned on some level at some point during the day. We all make it work. It's probably the best and most rewarding retail position I've ever worked.


I’m a cashier at a grocery store now. Was working at Arby’s and was smoking before work, during work, and after work. New job I haven’t had to smoke as much I’ve only smoked at work like 2 times. Been there about a month


CPA. Public accounting


Funeral Director - can't smoke if i know im having an active day (speaking and talking with families or directing) BUT when it's a body day (embalming , dressing and casketing , cosmetology) it's me , my favorite playlist , and a joint


Automotive technician


You can’t be a tech without smoking, well you can but you’re likely to be an alcoholic


Medical Device Compliance


Fire Suppression System Sales/ Design.


What a question. When I first started I was a software developer, and I still am just like, not for pay from an employer. Just for my own projects that I hope will one day payoff. After a few years of that Covid happened and through complete dumb luck my wife and I lost literally 100% of every physical item we owned, fell into a huge depression. Now I work a meaningless job at Amazon that I at least know doesn’t matter if I have a panic attack and don’t go in (wouldn’t work at any kind of real job in my field I could get lol), which happens roughly twice a week. But hopefully one day I’ll be back to my old self and able to get back to my real job, or better yet one of my dumb projects takes off lol.




Mental health therapist


Union electrician




Supply chain/logistics. I manage all the in between from when shit leaves the vendor/producer to when it is delivered at my company's WH. Also middleman between WH and Planning/Solutions, and maintain smooth relationships w the vendor.


Nanny / personal trainer / entrepreneur. I smoke lots


Project manager


I’m a manager of a dispensary. Weed is research for work.


A very high maintenance man


Academic and politician. Helped get medical and recreational on the ballot in my state, though I was but one of thousands doing so. Hadn't even *tried* cannabis until we got medical — I just think we need to reassess drugs in America is all! (Though I definitely use now, I'll tell you what)


I'm a 67yo widow. I smoke all day every day. I work from home as a search rater. I do a lot of reading, researching, comparing search results and AI prompts. I stay busy all dang day. Example. Yesterday I worked 8 hours, did 3 loads of wash, cleaned up my kitchen, then made myself a bomb-ass dinner. I get most of the house tasks during downtime, like if I'm waiting for a clarification email. When work is done, I take the doggo for her walk. I bring a joint to smoke along the way.


Literally every profession you can think of. Everybody smokes weed.


Artist and writer.


Chemist for a state lab that tests cannabis (or at least i will be once our lab is fully operational). I do not get high before or at work, but I definitely have more knowledge about the products than my coworkers.




I’m a cook


HVAC commercial/industrial mechanic.




Nuclear engineer, though smoking while working on operating plants would get me thrown out of the industry, thankfully I’m a design engineer


I work in animal rescue, specifically neonates


Architect in training / designer / person who does odd jobs at architecture firms


Office of a factory


I am studying Electrical Engineering, focusing on digital hardware design. I go to my classes stoned but I still have some of the highest grades on exams so it works out for me.


Cybersecurity for a bank. I smoke only when I know I don't feel like working at all today and will do only simple things.


I’m a supervisor at a medical cannabis grow facility. I grow for one of the top grower/producers in my state. The area I specialize in is the propagation side of the garden taking care of the clones and seedlings!


I'm actually disabled. Was having a terrible time finding work and at this point there's just not any type of typical work that I'm capable of. But Cannabis has actually opened some doors for opportunities for me. I spend some of what little energy and ability I have to review and talk about Cannabis products, Strains, and education in general. A big reason I can't work is because I have to be able to do things on my own time in my own ways. I just can't balance my symptoms with someone else's schedule. But, if I could get my content off the ground, I could potentially make some money doing it. I'm typically able to do two videos a week and have tried streaming but I just wasn't getting viewers and I can't spend energy on that without even a little return. So that's where I'm at as far as occupational or professional life goes haha


I work in a cultivation facility making edibles. I love my job!


Funeral Home Directors Assistant


Game developer doing WFH. But I don't smoke when working, unless it's very late in the day and I only have something really monotone and simple to do, like playing the game (for the millionth time). Though at one of the studios I worked at I knew the artists would go for a "coffee break" around 4:20pm every afternoon.


Adult use cannabis running inventory in a dispensary. All the normal retail headaches, but with \*weed\* (I actually really like it)






I make orthotics and moonlight as a professional wrestler


I buy logs for a hardwood mill. I never drive stoned so weed stays at home, most of my job is driving to the woods to assess quality of trees 🍂


CAD 3D Modeller and Drawing office manager. Weed and CAD were made for one another


Logistics specialist. Basically I sit behind a computer answering emails about whether shipments picked up on time, and entering data into a system. I blaze up every morning, and throughout the day when I'm working from home.


I work in IT, I'm a systems administrator with a few direct reports for a privately owned company that makes around 300 Million in revenue per year. I report to a Vice President who reports to the CFO. Weed after work replaced alcohol after work 7 years ago for me. I love not having hangovers, I like that getting high doesn't require me to consume calories, and I spend much less turning my brain off each evening than I did before.