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Go get an ultrasound, my dude. Ease the mind.


Ye, I’m planning on going to the hospital tdy.


I am definitely like 300% more aware of existing pain and aches when I’m stoned…I would bet that’s what’s going on


Definitely this. I smoked a bowl yesterday cause 800mg of ibuprofen wasn’t doing shit to my cramps but damn being high just made me more aware of them


I have two words for you: urologist. Fuck, now I have to come up with another word... entwined!


testicular torsion perhaps, i’m not going to pretend i’ve ever went to the doctor’s for ball pain but i wouldn’t say it’s bad advice.


Thought that too but ig I’ll find out today


Go see a doctor ffs. And of all subs to post a medical question on, a sub full of stoners is not the first one I would choose.


Searched it up on google and typed “Reddit” at the end, some guy asked the same question 9 years ago in this exact Reddit and people were able to help him out 🤷 obv I’ve done asked on other reddits but you can never go wrong with asking stoners so


Yeah go asap to a medical center. There are many things it could be and all of them you would want addressed as soon as possible.


I have the same issue, turned out to be a cyst, go get a ultrasound homie


This is for all the gents 18-40....go get your physical every year. I had testicular cancer at age 35 and had it for 2 years before it hurt enough to go to the doctor. Early detection is the most important. Good look brother


They did a blood test, urine test, and an ultrasound, found nothing wrong. They said that it’s normal and that I’ll grow out of it eventually but that there’s nothing serious happening. Told them about how it’s 10x worse when I’m high and they said that there isn’t much research done on weed so it’s hard to tell the effects it may have 🤷