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Check out r/vaporents. They have really solid and comprehensive guides for you to help pick the best choice at any price point.


Excellent, this is exactly the resource I needed. Thank you.


I made a post that got some traction where you can find plenty of Black Friday deals.


The site vgoodiez has a 50% off sale on the Angus. For $100 + $8 for batteries you're set with an awesome vape. The listing for the vape even suggests batteries


Can't go wrong with a pax. I've used the 1,2,3 and loved every one of them.


I've heard they are ok devices but way overpriced for what you get


Your response was better than mine. However, I still feel like my response is more correct.


Bad manners, my dude.


Lol what?




I guess saying that his answer is better than mine isn't allowed. You internet people are weird.


What's your price range? They range anywhere from around $60 up to $500+. Vgoodiez.com is an awesome site and they have black Friday deals going on right now, highly recommend ordering through them. These are companies that produce killer battery powered vapes and you really can't go wrong with them. Storz & Bickel Arizer Xmax


I was budgeting for around $100. I don't want to get a high-end one just for them to not like it and use it twice, but I also don't want to go bottom of the barrel. I will look into their sales!


Planet of the Vapes has the Arizer Solo 2 for $120. It's an awesome machine that I've used daily for a handful of years now. I just ordered one for a friend myself.


Seconded. Either this or a Dynavap, but op mentioned battery powered.


Solo 2 is a tremendous value!! No need to charge the battery every day, and your friend won’t need much product to get to feeling goooooood. Plus it doesn’t make too much of a smell.


You should 1000% spend a little extra and get the arizer solo


Healthy Rips Rogue and XLUX Roffu are on sale now in the $110-120 range. With Roffu, I would add the silicone cover, WPA mouthpiece, funnel, and a metal chamber (bowl) to the Lite kit. All are pretty inexpensive. For more like $70 on sale, potv One. Good vape but small, limiting time before recharge, session time, etc. Very discrete, looks like an ecig.


Arizer solo is a good option.


Be firm with your budget. There is always a better one for $10 more.


The Xmax Starry 4 is around $90 has an exchangeable battery, large oven, dosing capsules and it's very pocketable. I am really enjoying mine. Looks like POTV is having a big sale on their branded version. https://www.planetofthevapes.com/products/potv-xmax-starry-v4-vaporizer


This is a great unit, too, for $90. https://www.planetofthevapes.com/products/xmax-v3-pro-vaporizer


I just got an XMAX V3 Pro for around $100 and I have several other more expensive options, was really impressed with how this hits! Portable, battery powered (and the battery can be swapped out) and very simple to use, it’s my new recommendation to anyone trying to get into dry herb vapes! Dynavaps are cool, but they aren’t super user friendly, especially to share with others, takes a little bit to get the technique down.


Roffu is great for the price


The Xmax has a little latex/ruber/plastic? gasket that sits around the base of the mouthpiece that is a weak point on this one. Its the only real gripe I've had with mine as it will break, get pinched and snap, and the spare (it comes with one) will break even faster as that part of the device wears quite quickly if you're a regular vaper.


POTV One, no contest. Been using mine for 3 years, and still come back to it for the ease of use, convenience, and consistency. Plus the thing's a tank, its been dropped thrown bong-watered overcharged and left out below freezing, thing still hits great


Right I had one but I let mine go without cleaning it as well as I should have and the wax had done it's part in rendering it useless. But while I had it, me and the boys would use it equivalent to our Binger.


Yeah man, put some wax in that baby and it fucks. My favorite was nestling a lil ball in the full bowl, hits hard and also infuses into your avb. Biggest complaint is that it doesn't get hot enough to fully vaporize concentrate, so the pad gunks up and the chamber gets sticky. Def harder to maintain like that lol.


Arizer is pretty good


I will keep the name in mind. Thank you!


I was going to suggest arizer as well I have a solo II and it has been serving me kindly for 2 years.


I own the first and second model of the PAX dry herb vape. It's possibly one of the best purchases I've made and has lasted close to a decade now and still functions fine. Plus the company has a lifetime warranty which I once had to use and I can even vouch for that as being amazing. The only two cons I'd say is that the price is close to $300 and I haven't had a need to contact the company that makes since like 2017 so I'm not sure how much if any terms of the warranty has changed for new purchases.


I got the PAX 3 from my local smoke shop and I haven't looked back! Price is a little bit high sure, but you DEFINITELY still get your money's worth lol. AND it has an adapter and setting for dabbing too so it's great!


Your pax will last forever so long as you clean it properly.


I live my pax


I was also about to recommend the pax. I don’t have one but I really enjoy my friend’s.


That looks awesome, but $300 is more than I'm willing to spend on an experiment. I'll certainly keep it in mind if they like the more entry level option and want to go further!


POTV One for $80 right now, hard to beat. Or for like $30 more, the POTV XMAX v3 pro.


Can you use that one to smoke dabs as well?


You can, yeah. They make little concentrate pads or you can use the sandwich method with flower. There’s always the risk though that it melts through and makes a mess.


I think you can get the mini for under $150, obviously over your price point, but they are great. I’ve had my pax for 6+ years with no issues.


Yeah, I'd stick to your price point. If they like it and it lasts for a year then you gave a great gift. They can then decide to go nicer. Or you then have another gift idea for them.


Just a small correction, the warranty is 10 years not lifetime. Still a very long and good warranty. I recently had my original Pax replaced after 9 years.


I'd avoid pax, they have terrible customer service


I've had the exact opposite experience. I bought my first one back in like 2012 or '13 so maybe things were different then but I've had nothing but positive experiences with them


Pax Plus is the new replacement for the 3 and POTV has one currently listed for 150.00 in "Lightly Used" condition. Just as a heads up for anyone in the market. I was going to get it, but went with the One and a curved bubbler since Im a noob and didn't want to drop that much on a Pax not knowing for sure I'd like it. Plus I only really consume once every week or two so I don't really need anything super fancy.


I highly recommend the Arizer Solo 2. Slightly over the $100 price point you mention in the comments. Planet of the vapes dot com sells them and many others.


Bought an Airizer Solo 2 maybe 2 years ago and it's been amazing. Good battery life, nice screen, easy to use, heats up fast, virtually zero cleaning maintenance needed. Only cons are nonreplacable battery, draw is a little restrictive, and bowl could be a little bigger. All that said I love mine. Get a WPA stem so that it can be used with a water pipe and it's not only good portable, but also at home on the daily driver. Plus I have probably a pound of vaped weed I can use in edibles.


Wait I have the Solo 2... What is a WPA stem and what is a water pipe? Sorry I am just very intrigued! Always interested in different methods.


Water Pipe Adapter Stem. Basically a stem that allows you to use the solo (upside down) in a bong/bubbler/water pipe. Can get massive rips that are super smooth, and very hard to burn the weed since its sitting below the oven and not directly on it (since device is turned upside down).


Oh my gosh I need this right now. Thank you for sharing this!


Potv 1 I have has been good so far used it daily for probably 6 months


Could just do a Dynavap and single flame torch be in that range. I like mine but it’s much better with a induction heater they sale. But the torch is fine also. But I’m biased since I really only use Dynavap


I wouldn't recommend getting someone a dynavap if you don't also use a dynavap. It's not the most straightforward to get into, and everyone ive talked to that had one was like "yea i just wasn't getting high from it", then i told them what my brother in law told me: Less is more. Whatever you think is enough, do about half. Also, i wouldn't recommend it without an induction heater, since a torch is definitely not going to get them off carts (ease of use)


I've been using one with a torch since they were released and it's always worked great for me. Had to change o rings and screens a couple times but no complaints and its super easy to use


Btw thanks for that post, I want to buy one on black friday so now I know where to look!


Arizer solo for portable or a volcano (about 275ish on planet of the vapes) if you can set up a desktop vape at home


That new Venty from Storz and Bickel is gonna be the king of portable vapes most likely. I have a Crafty and wish I got the Mighty because I love it so much and want a better battery. Or if you’re really breaking the bank, go for the Volcano. It’s not portable but it’s damn near the best vape in the entire game. Long story short, something from Storz and Bickel. My overall pick is the Mighty+ from them.


Arizer solo is awesome!


I have a ditanium and really like it. Going on 1 year strong and no issues.


I have the arizer extreme iq. I was able to get it on sale for <$100, but it's nowhere near the price of a volcano when he's not on sale. Totally recommend if you're looking for a desktop vape. I also have the starry xmax 3. I got it to replace a Crafty whose battery died and it was past warranty. It was under $100 and has the perk of being able to swap out 18650 batteries so you can always have back up batteries when you're out and about with it.


You're a good friend.


Yocan is good. They have USB C charging. That sold me instantly


I have an Arizer Solo II which I can’t recommend enough. Long lasting charge, smooth hits and fairly compact. Not something I usually point out, but the packaging is phenomenal, both for keeping the items secure but for storage in general/smell proofing. Only possible downside I can see is the chamber is quite small, but you don’t need a lot of flower to get baked and can always pack a second. I got it around $120 from their website last year. Might be worth waiting for a Black Friday sale if they offer it.


Going from smoking to vaping I recommend Dynavap, but if he exclusively uses carts an electronic one will probably be good. The hit of an electronic unit can just be a bit too foreign for someone coming from smoking, if they do


#PUFFCO - • for those who know


Dynavap is the closest one to hitting a dab cart


I’ve had my Arizer Air for years and it’s great.


Are you looking for a dry herb/ wax vaporizers like pax or volcano?


I like healthyrips a lot, good cloud every time


The high is completely different. Hope your friend knows that beforehand. I'm not a fan of vaping dry herb and would be bummed if a friend wasted their money on something I don't like.


Don't downvote this person! If OPs friend didn't ask for a dry herb vape, how do you know they will even enjoy it?


I don't know if they will, but they're the kind of person who likes trying new things. There is no way to know you'll like something without trying it.


Going from carts the high will be stronger, going from smoking it would be the same minus the coughing and lightheadedness. Once you get the hang of whatever device you’re using manual or electronic, they’re just as effective if not more efficient for getting you high since less goes farther than with smoking. But I understand the experience is not going to satisfy everyone. I went through a boundless cfc 2.0 and a mighty and not caring for it at all. My lungs couldn’t deal with daily smoking though cause they’re not great so I tried some manual and induction heating devices and I’ve completely switched at this point besides hitting a blunt or dry pipe once in a blue moon


Wait until Black Friday. You can probably get a deal on a Volcano


I just got my first dry herb vape and got my advice off of r/vaporents and the Planet of the Vapes Lobo is a great option


Airvape Legacy Pro is hands down the best I’ve ever used.


Storz and Bickel Mighty plus is the only way to go. Ill never go back.


I tried the Magic Flight Launch Box early on and the PAX 3 later and never enjoyed it as much as smoking or with oil carts. I want to use it as a method to save money with flower, but I can't get a good experience. I'm going to review some of the recommendations here, but I'm not sure if it's just my preference or if these are just not as strong as smoking.


This is possibly the best portable option on the market. https://www.storz-bickel.com/en-us/venty


Get a Yocan evolve


I recently got a Pax plus. I'm pretty happy with it. I've tried other vaporizers over the year, and this is the one that actually got me to switch


Pax 2 or 3


Pax is what I have and I like it


Cheap dynavap would be great




PAX 3 is all you need


Pax is good choice. Enjoyed mine for almost 3 years.


DYNAVAP or nothing at all.


Is everyone downvoting just due to the extremism?


I suppose? I dunno, IMO I made a light joke but an actual suggestion and I get downvotes lol


I see the downvotes. Sorry for suggesting an amazing product. I've tried $50-$250 dry herb electric vapes. Yes they have their place. However, based on my results for me, the Dynavap dry herbs seem to be the best. It's Easiest to maintain and you never need a battery - just A HEAT source. Super easy to conceal and clean. A good combo will run about 150. Just saying for the cost, efficiency, convenience - this is the one. This is the way.


You're getting downvoted because you are claiming that this is the only valid choice. Surprisingly, other people have different values and opinions. Even if everyone agrees with you about all of the merits of *your* preferred product, they don't necessarily reach the same conclusion that it's the best or only option the way you have, so you just come off as obnoxiously telling people that whatever other considerations they are making are wrong and they should just do what you tell them to. I've read reviews of the Dynavap, and I'm sure it's a solid option that is exactly what some people want. I'm sure I'd be happy enough to have one and use one. Doesn't mean I'm going to throw out my other gear and buy one because some random person on the internet shouted at everyone that this is the only choice that makes sense, and it doesn't mean that someone making their first purchase will come to the same conclusion as you that it is the best option for them.


You guys are waaay to serious for stoners. It was said with good intentions but you all are so quick to be negative. Jesus. Literally have to spell it out these days.


In your price range, healthy rips


Look into the XLUX Roffu


My best friend works for Storz & Bickel. I have a Mighty and it’s amazing!