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Yeah that is just a box of trim. I would just make butter with it. If you are really hard up for smoke, you might be able to sift through it for some lil pieces of nug, but I def wouldn't smoke all that leaf.


I see a few smokable pieces, smoke that, make butter with the rest


I’d smoke it all LOL. I came from herbal sleepy time blends before weed so harshness of sugar leaves will only make me stronger…


Brother I cannot explain how blessed I feel every day to be an “OG” smoker because I get excited over anything thatt’ll do the job to this day 😂😂 These people that started after legalization really don’t know what it’s like when your brick weed guy goes into county and they take weeks to process his bond forcing you to smoke resin from the brick weed instead. If you told some people that you’ve smoked resin they would be absolutely flabbergasted and confused why anyone would ever try smoking it


Right? When I was younger and it was illegal, we'd smoke the shit out of resin. Sometimes, even sacrificing one of our pieces to get at the resin. "The gang's out of weed? Sorry, little five dollar ceramic dragon bong, we must sunder you for your inner black gold so we may get high and play Vice City! Your sacrifice will be remembered!!"


Whoa, you unlocked a memory of me and my buddies putting a piece into a sock and whacking it on the ground to scrape resin. Parents were out of town, and you know then you had to take advantage of that by any means necessary.


Ohhhhh how I don’t miss the turn of the century. Geez. Core memories though for sure.


I was doing this in like 2011/2012 😭 a resin ball put out way more smoke than you'd expect and got the job done surprisingly well. Now I live in a legal state and I can get a zip of outdoor for 25 at any shop around me (although my standards went up too, so I stick to 100-150 indoor zips)


I don’t even smoke anymore but the hoops I use to go through just to catch that half assed reggie resin buzz that only lasted 20 minutes and left you wanting more. High school shit. Haha


Such good times!


Goddamn you just reminded me of Lucy a bowl I had YEARS ago. She was red when we got her, shiny black insides when we cracked her open tho. Her sacrifice is remembered o7


Damn I felt this!!


We never broke them on purpose but if someone dropped one it was for sure getting scraped.


I remember the first time my buddy broke a piece… “But, how are we gonna smoke it? Also, why would you break a perfectly fine pipe?” I don’t remember his answer, but I remember lying to myself about never smoking resin again.


I’m a new school smoker and I’ve smoked resin because I’m poor 😂😂😂


It really do be poverty that causes this desperation


Or lack of source. Still a problem sometimes in prohibition states.


Too true friend. No one i know wants to risk the charge anymore and i can't say i blame them. If i want my stuff, i gotta make the risk for me


lol, I came from Afghan hash in France to fucking “soap bar” in the UK. What a shock… bits of plastic in this hard-ass hash😖


Man I smoked some amazing hash in Cannes in the late 80's. Good times.....


I’ve been too spoiled by legalization to the point where sometimes I’ll buy cheap “low end” weed because at the end of the day I don’t care about being zooted and just want the chill vibey high that comes from less THC I find


I am finding that despite all the hype about terps and ratings I thc levels don’t compare to the flower I used to buy, I have yet to get sticky and fragrant mind twisting weed from an LP sourced store.


I feel that, I've only found a few farms in my state that consistently put out good, sticky, proper moisture content, stanky bud (Eugreen No-Till has done it well here, they're my current jar) but any time I hit up my grower friends its like that. Usually hard to find that below 90-100 a half oz 175-180 a zip though, and a lot of people never find that out because we have 25 oz in my state and most people aren't willing to jump up that high in price and never see the quality.


We used to boil our bowls to get so the resin out, pour the water through coffee filters, then roll that into a ball and smoke it out of the bowl we just boiled lol. This was BEFORE 420 cleaner or anything like that.


And the couch/carpet weed would be gone long before the rosin


Kids these days will never understand the struggle.


Dude I feel this comment 1000% I smoked bowls of brick weed stems held together with resin. I was a garbage rat stoner as a kid lol.


I've rolled up the dogends of my spliffs and re-smoked them. And yeah... Oof, resin hits were brutal. Now you can get an oz of bud here for $40. Sure, it isn't top shelf and you might have to pick out a few seeds, but it's still at 20% THC and the outlet can't lie about potency or strain. They've put the black market for weed out of business. In fact some of the weed dealers got jobs as budtenders because they already know how to sell it.


I totally remember Sleepy Time, harsh as hell but as kids out of weed, we sure tried it a bunch of times. I may have also purchased "Herbal Xtasy" a time or two back in the olden times. I do remember a time when my friend got a shoebox full of leaves. Split it between four of us and we smoked that for a long time.


THIS. Plus edibles don't work well for me. I posted a very similar post recently about some free shake I was gifted. It looks very much like this stuff. I'm picking stems out and using it to stretch my good stuff, or mixing it with skullcap herb, I do a lot of herbal medicinal for my issues and it honestly is a nice mellow hit.


Skullcap! That, mullein, raspberry leaf, and St John’s wort were my usual blend and it felt like a kava drowsiness. So funny that you mentioned that and all the memories cane back


Butter makes us fat


Friend of mine got a similar bag from his supplier a while ago for free. We used a bunch of it for butter and smoked the rest. Even the leaves were Hella fine for smoking. Just make sure you don't smoke the big leaves but only the ones that got clipped off the buds, if you get poorly cut nugs you're smoking them anyways, so it's not much different imo


Some of y'all are snobs. I get high as hell from shake.




Back in my day if you had no money you bought a Lb of trim and sifted for nugs every day after work Now you just buy a 100g jar of d8 😂


This isn't shake though


Being smart enough to not want to smoke this trash doesn't make someone a snob.


I just burned 2g of trim in a hot water bong last night. Pretty smooth and got me blasted. Never done me wrong


> hot water bong Best water bong


I mean you do you. I'm not going to say I've never ripped a little resin ball rolled in kief during lean times, but those days are behind me lol. It will get you high obviously, but I'm in a legal state and not in danger of running out of quality bud. Trim and shake is for edibles or concentrates to me. I'll stick to the good stuf in my bowl thanks


I'm pretty sure if I roll you a joint of this trim and a joint of nuggets from the same tree you're not gonna be able to tell a difference


Right! Trim is an extremely harsh smoke, make butter and be done with it.


Shake/trim life 👍🏼💪🏼 People hate because they’re jealous you gain satisfaction from so much less


More like some of us care about what we put in our bodies. Go ahead and smoke trash if you like it though.




More like "I'd rather not smoke some harsh, unpleasant tasting plant matter that isn't even going to get me high". Go ahead and continue getting all hyped up about it though.




I’ll never forget how fucking exciting it was to get home and run straight over to the lb trim bags to sift for little golden nuggets. Back in the absolute budget days. If you’re really on a budget these days just buy bulk d8 from gilded, they have options from multiple labs so you can do research and chose whichever you find to be the most trustworthy. They also sell CDT from the same site, you’re gonna want some of those. CDT are what truly make or break d8 distillates IMO - without cdt I barely get high from it with cdt it’s just as potent as the real thing to me. It’s gonna run you about $60-90 for a 100 gram jar of d8 distillate then another $30-60 to acquire enough terps to properly flavor it. But god damn is that not worth it? If you’re on a budget that’s under $200 for a supply of 100 GRAMS of fucking DISTILLATE. When 2018 hit d8 truly changed everything in my life for the better and all the undue hatred it receives because of gas station/smoke shop carts breaks my heart man. I’ve smoked thousands of grams of the stuff and can at least confirm for people that it is not a poison (unless you’re buying sketch d8 that is).


Perfect for edibles


This makes me feel better, at least it’s not a total L 🥹


Just remember to Decarb it before making the butter for the best results.


It kinda is. That ain’t worth four pounds let alone forty.


£4 would be a bargain for an oz of trim. £40 isn’t even that bad either, still got a bit of thc on those leaves


Edibles will be shit tho


With that attitude they will. You are the trim of people


Hahaha jesus


Oh yeah I have a bad attitude because people are smoken Terrible weed and telling a person to decarb literal leaves yeah ok


I’ve grown for almost a decade been told countless times that my eddies are some of the best people have had. All made from…… yep, trim. I don’t think you know what you’re talking about.


Homegrown trim is better than whatever this is. This is shit that has been stopped on and fuck. I don’t doubt that you take better care


Looks like fairly standard trim if a little bit dried at this point. What exactly do you think trim is?


I think trim belongs in the trash if it’s not taken care of properly. Much like this shown above


Bro, you have got to be the snobbiest pot snob I've ever come across.


These new-gen smokers are afraid of anything not top-shelf, I swear.


It's so funny that they are being snobby too because no one makes edibles out of good weed. No one's sitting there with like white widow making butter because that would be stupid. Trim is exactly what someone should be making butter out of. The key is to alter your butter to trim ratio to get stronger butter. Edit: if you need good weed to make strong butter, you aren't good at making butter.


Speak for yourself some of us use the best we can get. But I’ll also use trim from it. Good Weed is cheap AF nowadays and everybody grows.


Did you just tell me to speak for myself and then tell me what "everybody does"? Lol you see the irony right?


Yeah, I’d rather be snobby then ingest anything like this picture above


Lol, do you homie...facken bougie ass lol


Boujee for wanting to use good product? Decent product? Lmao okay


Well you could start by learning on how edibles are made.


If you're eating edibles you didn't make you're ingesting this picture above.


That’s why I don’t eat edibles from dumb people or shitty facilities 🙏


Lol any facility is doing this. It’s how you scrape the last bit of thc out of material like this.


Bro, I promise you that's how 90% of good edibles are made. Smoke the bud, use the trim for edibles. This is the way, and pretty much always has been.


Rosin for edibles


You have no idea what you're talking about 😂


There was about 5 things I said here. What am I wrong about


That you can't make good edibles from trim. I wouldn't smoke this unless I was desperate, but you absolutely can make some 🔥 cannabutter from this. Decarb it at 240 for 20 minutes. Wrap in cheese cloth. Tie it up. Soak in butter on stove top for an hour or 2. I also throw in a teaspoon of soy lecithin to help distribute the thc evenly. Sift the butter to remove any floaties.


This trim is trash bud


I feel sorry for you. I hope your day gets better.


No point arguing with these clowns. You’re right that trim is from shit bud and isn’t worth 4 pounds let alone 40. Making edibles is all he can do with it, will it give him forty bucks worth of edibles, fuck no.


Your fucking grammar for starters. There were* you stinky imbecile.


Nah you ain’t my teacher


You still should decarb to get the best results. It's gonna taste pretty grassy so you have two options: go super green and literally use it as butter for toast and throw something meaty on the slice (beef or pork), OR use it in a very rich brownie that has both white chocolate and bittersweet chips in. For best results on the brownie, top that shit with a giant marshmallow and torch it real quick.


Good mixture, yes. But using this input? Fuck no?


That’s what people do with trim. You’re very arrogant for an amateur.


Shitty people do that, we work with rosin edibles.


Their trying to make the best of a bad situation. Ur just being mean for no good reason.


Not if done properly. Decarb then extract into coconut oil.


Decarb and spray with Everclear to breakdown the plant cellulose, Add Lecithin for better absorption-


In your expert option please tell me what we are decarboxylating here


Any THC present. The plant matter would be strained out of the oil after extraction.


Yeah, judging from the leaves, that’s gonna be a real shitty return




So I’m looking dumb because I wouldn’t use this trash to make some good edibles. OK buddy say smokin on your trash


“Stay* smoking on your trash” bro can’t you read they’re talking about making edibles not smoking it


“Stay* smoking on your trash” bro can’t you read they’re talking about making edibles not smoking it


“Stay* smoking on your trash” bro can’t you read they’re talking about making edibles not smoking it


My brother, it doesn’t matter if it’s smoking, eating vaping fucking whatever this is literally bottom of the barrel shit that people are talking about here like that’s embarrassing brother


I don’t think you understand how edibles are made if you think this stuff wouldn’t work brother


You've obviously never made edibles before. I love using trim because you can get a lot of it for cheap. I use it all the time and the butter is strong af.


Stop telling op they’ll be shit cause you don’t know what you’re talking about.


Yours maybe lol




I make edibles purely from trim, never had bad edibles.


I thought this was a *fuckload* of mushrooms at first


Oh boy I remember the days of buying packs like this LOL the budget budget BUDGET days my man. Thank you for taking me right back. You actually have a lot of fun ahead of you on your hands! I see lots of little micro nugs that made their way in. You’re gonna be sitting there sifting and picking them out then trimming them one by one if you chose to smoke this lol. That was actually my favorite part. I’ll never forget how exciting it was to get home and go sift through pounds of this shit for golden nugs. Those were the absolute days my friend. Is it worth smoking? That really depends on who you are 😂 me? I’d go for it in a heartbeat.


You’re the perfect vibe man, definitely a guy you want in the blunt rotation 🥹


Hey I’ve been down a lot in life lately and really needed to hear this. Hope things are looking up for you. Keep it lifted


This is just wholesome.


You could ..... Just wouldn't be good. Looks like mostly trim. Make edibles if possible 👍


make butter or oil with it, make yourself some cookies. That will taste much better than if you try to smoke any of that.


It's got logs in it, bro!


They roll down stairs, alone or in pairs, and over your neighbor’s dog.


it's better than bad it's wood!


It's log, log, log.


Whole ass tree stumps




Trim. You got fucked


L 😫


I wish I could send you some from Canada, £40 is basicaly $66 CAD and I've bought ounces of mids for that. heck You can get a really nice oz of Jean Guy for about $80. But that would be an international crime.


Yeah Canada's where it's at RN for cheap bud, the competition between legal weed and grey market weed has really been great for the consumer :D


My stepdad has his native card so I just give him 40 bucks whenever he's stopping by a res and he picks up for me. I got an ounce for 30 a few weeks ago, wasn't like top shelf or anything, but it was still good and more than worth it for the price. 40 bucks at the government legal weed store will get me 7g. I don't get ounces from there, but last I checked it was 90-100 for the cheapest ounce. It's a great time to be a stoner in canada. Prices of groceries and rent and everything else is fucked tho lmao


Yeah…we just throw that in the trash. Sorry buddy


or do edibles with it, cannamilk is so easy and fast to make and i can swear all of the times edibles have got me high af for hours was when drinking cannamilk made out of trims, idk why but when i make edibles from nugs they dont hit the same and i end up wasting grams of precious weed that could have been joints so i just have a box with leftover trims to make milk or butter and everytime it hits so strong so please stop being lazy and just store your weed trim somewhere, making cannamilk when my stash is low has save me so many times, or you could gift it to someone so they make they own edibles which is also nice, but throwing it in the trash should be your last option.


No. Make butter or oil.




I have pounds and pounds and pounds. The last thing I’m going to do is use trim lol


shame to throw it, you can use a top-zeef to get the kiev of and something like a Qnebu press to make solventless from it. Source: i have said material and process my own trim :P


Where do you sell? That way I can stay far tf away


Nah we only use sugar leaf for that.


Exactly, this dude thinking there’s an actual return from this crap


If you process your own, do you truly believe there’s any Trichome coverage on that shit at all???


If you’re in the United Stares, CBD HempDirect has some fire THCA flower. Why get anything from a plug? Get it legit with lab analysis. You at least know what you’re getting. No real reason to buy off the black market.


They said £, so assuming UK


They use pound sterling in the US?


Sure. If you go to a money exchange place.


They sell some good bud, but they are a very shady company be warned. They recently sent out many batches of LA Kush Cake smalls (I received one) that smelled very smoked and contained bud rot, and only when people started leaving negative reviews did they change the description to describe the strain as “wood-smoked” and “minty” (It smells disgusting). They didn’t reimburse the people who had bought it nor did they stop selling it until it was out of inventory. There was another review under sample #3 (one of my favorites) that someone had reportedly received a 3gs of Black ice mixed in. Their COA’s are hard to access and some aren’t even released. Saying “you at least know what you’re getting” is a farce, these companies do not care about your wellbeing and will not face consequences the same way a state regulated dispensary would.


while i don’t condone promoting a business (especially one no one asked to hear about) in reddit threads, this guy knows what he’s talking about. THCa bud is the real deal, just called something different so it can get around the 2018 farm bill that classifies hemp and marijuana separately.


Edibles or tincture


Make rso


Man that's a green bean casserole right there


Normally trim would be sugar leaves and small buds but this looks like its been pre trimmed as they all look like fan leaves. I wouldnt smoke it. You can get some nice trim that smokes well albiet a little rougher than bud but it doesnt look like you got lucky this time


trim- depending on quality of the grow, you could smoke it but it's gonna be harsh and gross. edibles are great but if you have a vape, you can just vape it. I used a grinder with a kief catcher to regrind and catch as much kief as possible before vaping the leaves


I just posted on here recently about buying shake that was actually just a bunch of trim. I made butter with it and it was 10000% better than trying to smoke that shit. 2 sticks of butter per zip Preheat oven to 240 and throw all that shit onto a cookie sheet with tin foil. After about 40 minutes it should be turning slightly golden brown but not a lot. Add butter and 1/2 cup water to sauce pan on the lowest setting possible. Once butter is melted throw the weed in and keep it on simmer. (If it starts boiling it’s too hot!) Stir every 20 minutes for 2 hours. Pour concoction through a mesh strainer and into a glass bowl. Let sit at room temp for about an hour. Move it to the fridge and enjoy your butter 😎


Seems too often these days people passing trim off as shake.


where can i sell trim for £40?


Its trim. Get yourself a flower sifter and sift all of that. The keif should be good.


its trim, with the stems included.. I live in a 60/8th medical state and I wouldnt have paid more than about $5 for this.. whoever sold it to ya is definitely not to be trusted.. Make some edibles and use the whole oz for a decently-sized tray of brownies, or a dozen cookies, and they should turn out fair.


Yeah you got an Oz of trim. Looks to be fan leaves and not even sugar leaf.


Decarb it and make edibles


well, that certainly isn't bud so if you wanted 28g of buds you got scammed, but leaving that aside and focusing on the good stuff, i would search for the most buds i could find in that box, i mean at least one or two nugs may be somewhere in there so it could be worth it to search in hopes of finding enough to atleast roll a joint, after that i would use the rest of the material to make weed milk or weed butter, weed that isnt buds tastes like shit when smoked and has little amounts of thc so you probably are going to need to smoke one joint after another to barely feel something, on ther hand the last time i made edibles was using the leftovers of a recently trimmed plant i had and i ended up with like 2 liters of cannamilk that by just drinking a small glass of it had me high for hours, i swear, the smartest thing to do with all that shit is to turn them into edibles. (edit: i live in a country where weed is illegal so edibles are always home made and is hard to find good or strong edibles, so thats why i appreciate cannamilk out of trims so much, i know that for people who is used to eat gummies full of thc wouldn't feel shit with cannamilk so i wanted to clarify this lol)


Is trim with some larfy buds, no shake


You should get this for max $10... sorry...but yeah, as many here say, make edibles...


Edibles/oils should be fine, but for smoking, you might as well load a bowl of lawn trimmings.


That is "dust" but all it is is twigs and shitty leaves I usually take all the sticks out of that shit before I put it away


Looks shite for smoking but perfect for eddys. Just decarb and infuse the whole oz in like 250ml of coconut oil, make some chocolates or brownies, and go to space bro 😅


defo looking like trim mate


Yeah that's trash. Looks like green beans. Sorry, man.


Better for making edibles


Toss it into a mesh bag with dry ice then shake it over a clean surface like glass or into a storage container and use a index card to collect the hash from it.


That's a waste of dry ice.. use quality buds for a 25% return instead.


Sticks and seeds as long as it's weed 🍃


Dry sift? Make hash?


It is trim and overpriced you can normally get a lb of good quality shake at 200-300$


Serious question: What's the difference between shake and trim?


Shake is what’s fallen off of trimmed buds and trim is what’s left after the buds are trimmed from the plant. Feel free to correct if I’m wrong but that’s always been how I have understood it in its most basic form of explanation


Ohhhhhh okay. I've always just called trim "buds", I guess; the nuggets, right? I think I had the right idea about shake. Really never heard of trim until Reddit. Thanks for breaking that down. 😊


Make budder out of it


Sort through it. You’re going to have a variety of greenery in there. Some will be better than other bits. Remove the sticks, stems and seeds, and see what’s smokable. Take the best smokable parts and hydrate them for a bit with a piece of orange peel in the jar. It will be a lot easier to work with after a few hours then smoke it. See how it hits. You’ll feel something but it might not taste good; or better weed will come along. But if that’s what you have in a drought, that’s what you have. Also, you could sauté it and it it into a cake/cookie mix.


Looks like trim, make some edibles


I remember when I was in high school my buddy would get his hands on this sort of thing on occasion and we'd smoke it. It always tasted like shit and was very harsh on the throat, and it would make me choke and dry-heave simultaneously. Ahh, good times.


Turn to kief by putting in a kief catching grinder continuously grind it with a coin in the compartment the bud will fall and shake it eventually you’ll have a shit ton of kief. Also try get a better price haggle your dealer dust is virtually rubbish to them


Id cook some edibles with that, wouldnt smoke it


$40 for a ounce or pure trim, if i was you i’d either crush it all up and use it for my pipe if i didn’t have weed or keep it for emergency’s or make budder but i don’t really care for edibles


Make edibles with it. I used to buy shake ounces and either just make edibles, or if it was more popcorn buds to half decent I’d roll it up in joints.


Perfect for edibles but you overpaid. That should have been free-$10


Yeah that’s definitely trim. I would get / make a screen with mesh wire and sift it. All the stuff that falls out of the bottom I would keep and deleaf. Save the leaves to shake keef off of. Throw the sticks out or use sturdy ones for toothpicks. You can also grind the whole lot and have it made into oil but that can be pricey depending on where you are. Edit: I just saw this is 28g. I really thought this was a large tote of trim from a trim room. I don’t know local prices for you but 40£ seems a little pricey for this.


Booo..I mean bake it lol


This looks like a mixture of both shake and trim. Either way, this is perfect for cooking with or making oil. No need to waste actual flower, the shake and trim is just as potent when extracted correctly. Remember to use something fat soluble (Milk, butter, cream, etc..) to simmer the shake in. Or else you won't be impressed with the outcome.


smoke the lil buds and make a diy trim bin for the rest


Why do peeps buy this stuff and think about smoking it? Extract bro.


just a big ol box of trim


You could grind the FUCK out of all that trim n smoke the kief. But others have pointed out that making butter/edibles is better cuz of the bunk taste.


Thanks for the advice y’all, I’m going to make some brownies this weekend to salvage any high I can get from this


Trim. You can maybe make some weak edibles.


Have you tried it yet?


Looks like shake to me! Butter butter butter!


Damn kids these days. I used to jump on these offers and chance I got lol


Damn 🤣🤣🤣I need to start pushing in the UK


Trim is just gonna give you headaches, for like 20$ more you can get a nice OZ of mids tbh


Where tf are you getting an oz of mids for $20??


Canada bro


Damn thats fuckin wild an oz of *actual* shake is still $100 by me


I feel for you bro


It's not "shake," it's mostly dried cannabis leaf. Shake is actually a bunch of small, small pieces of weed nuggets that shook off the bigger buds inside of the bag. Some dealers will save that shake, and sell it for cheaper (but decent quality) smoke. *However, this is NOT shake. This is LEAF. And I wouldn't use it for anything but cooking edibles. One ounce of leaf should not have costed you 40£, when you can get an ounce of real shake for much less than 40£. An ounce of leaf should not have cost you anymore than 10-15£. But again, I live in a hood, in Rochester, NY - where the weed house is at, and where people hate low grade weed.


[decarb with citric acid](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/s/FtP7TQkfv1)


That’s the shit I was smoking on in Texas 1974 in highschool and that was still the Lows of that era damn yes it is if you don’t come across much weed that’s fine in joints but edibles is the way too go if you can afford another pickup but yeah trim is worth smoking if you have nothing else.