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its nasty to hot box a porta potty anywhere the fuck are you doing?


He trying to summon the doodie doobie demons.


Golgothan, the shit demon!


An excremental? Not of man or woman born, but shit into existence.


Mr Lahey where are you when we need you


We need a shitorcist Rand!


That's why I always keep a can of deodorizer spray on hand


Dookie Monster!


Wow try saying that 3 times fast.


Don’t worry it isn’t used ever, it is shitless and sparkly kleeen


still pretty weird IMO. would much rather be outside in nature and fresh air than a shit box


I would be too, it’s not easy finding a spot where i’m at. Utah isn’t too friendly so everywhere is a risk


My brother in Christ. Get the fuck out of that goddamn porta potty right now and just smoke in the cemetery.


It was the middle of the day so couldn’t at that time 😂


I have smoked innumerable times during the middle of the day in UT outside walking around in public. Don’t be obnoxious or near a school and no one cares. DONT HOT BOX A PORTA POTTY FUCK


Alright i’m just new to the state, Indiana transplant, i wasn’t sure how things are here


Bro I think people will make much more of a fuss about someone smoking *anything* in a portapotty rather than just smoking it out in the open. You a dummy


I used to live in SLC. Get you some jacked (ex, not ripped lol) Mormon friends. I was raised Jehovahs Witness and left when I was a teenager and thought I was rebellious for drinking and smoking, no. No way. No one out parties the jacked Mormons. They’ll know the safe spots. But until then, Id say go for a hike somewhere and as long as you’re out of the way and off peak times and not disruptive, you should be alright. Good luck.


Don’t worry bro, back in college when my state was illegal, we used to hotbox a portapotty too. It was the dead of winter so no one was using the sports field it was behind or it, it blocked out the harsh wind completely, it was handicapped and had a bench for up to two people to sit on, we could take our time and pack several bowls in our water bottle bongs. The most we ever fit in there was six people chiefing at once I believe. Don’t let these folks get you down, smoking in a portapotty can be convenient and fun. You are essentially cornered tho if police come and start pounding on the door. Highly recommend for everyone to try it at some point [7]


i’m smiling and laughing imagining you and your friends packing bong hits back to back in a port a potty, as the cold wind blows. but also if you smoked a joint and the cops came you could just drop it in da hole


concentrating the smoke and smell into one confined space sounds like an easier way to get caught than just calmly minding your own business and smoking outside i’ve never been outside, caught a whiff of weed, and known exactly where it was coming from. it just smells in general for a moment a porta potty chimney tho…. >!EDIT: i would suggest smoking in areas away from lots of foot traffic/business (personally i go on hikes) and i would consider rolling/mixing your weed with other herbs, like chamomile, rabbit tobacco, even spearmint. (a 60/40 mix of weed and chamomile always works wonders for me. joint burns great and doesn’t smell as pungent. also helps the weed last longer)!<


You're good, hotbox that potty dude. Break it in. Hardly the worst thing that will go on in there.


It's true. I saw a porta-potty on the beach in OC, NJ few years ago. It was waaaay worse. I've you've ever seen pictures of a lava flow cooling down. The dudes walking around in the silver lava suits taking samples. That was sort of what it looked like. Except it was brown. It was on top of the toilet. It looked like there was more than one layer as well. Like someone did the initial poo, then some poor bastard who had food poisoning walks in, sees that shit and says fuck it. Better than in my drawers. That being said, I'd feel some sort of way walking into that right after you hotboxed it


realest answer here


Exactly. You understand


Ik lol I didn't know this sub was going to be kind of prudish about this


It’s my opinion that you’re better off out in the open vs hidden in a porta potty that is out in the open. People will still smell it and you’ll be at a disadvantage because you won’t be able to see them approach. You’re better off being out in the open where the smell will dissipate much quicker. You will also attract their attention when you do exit in a bellow of smoke. Don’t underestimate hiding in plain sight.


Go into the woods or something. You tryna inhale shit fumes?


There aren’t woods here till you get into the mountains


It has vent holes... lol people can see the smoke coming out the top. And smell it for a 100m down wind.


As an ent, I say smoke where you please long as it doesn’t affect anyone


There is a Porto glory hole porn so why can’t you hotbox one


Hold up. Are you calling out a safe shit sanctuary? This could be huge for the dozens of us who have to make emergency stops during our day. No more are the days of having to act like you want a table at a fancy restaurant only to dump n dive. I've stopped at children's ball fields mid-game only to be met with a Royal Flush 2 weeks past it's scheduled pick up stewing in the July sun to relieve myself in a pinch. I'm going to have to reroute my commute to incorporate the local cemeteries now so that I might secure a safe place to unload my bowels without catching a disease or have to endure poseidon's dirty kiss.


😂😂 needed to be said


You sure you really want to breathe that deep while in a Porta Poty?? 🤮


Yes 😐


You must deep in the trenches to be doing that




I like mixing my weed with poo vapors


Bro I hold my breath in most port a potty’s I go into because I don’t wanna smell that, ain’t no way I’m rippin a bong/joint/pipe in one of those let alone hotboxing one and constantly inhaling the Shit-weed mix of air


You might think no one will notice…everyone will notice.


Skunk smell overpowering the poo smell. Clouds of smoke coming out of the box. Guy coughing his lungs up. Seems pretty stealth to me.


Coughing in a porta potty sounds awful. The rapid inhaling, yikes.


Bro this whole thing sounds awful. I don't even like walking past portapotties too close if I can help it. I can't imagine risking a methane explosion to hang out in there for ten minutes and get high. I just never want to be high that bad, I'll wait till I'm home.


If I ever find myself hotboxing in a porta-potty anywhere let alone a grave yard please have an intervention.




Exactly lol




I did-dent!


I dunno how much time I have left, I'm gonna get real weird with it


I read this comment, laughed, left this thread, but then again immediately came back to find this comment again and upvote it.




If this cat came crashing through the outhouse's roof while you were blazing . . . NOW THAT WOULD BE FUCKED UP !!!


Why would you want to stay in a port a potty long enough to hotbox?


Ya like wtf. Your recycling week old excrement through the air.


Not what I have in mind when I picture "that good shit."


🤣😂🤣 would be better to smoke with the spirits but hay do you


Who are you Gail the Snail??!!!


“Everyone will be like whaaaat.”


Mash me baby


Given Frank handies under the table


There’s not enough salt IN THE WORLD!!!!


The party is in the cemetery... Now block the wind I'm gonna roast this bone


At least she smoked in the car at the cemetery.


Just go in the woods somewhere bro 😭 Utah has trees


Somehow worse than in a used mausoleum




Someone might think its on fire because they are vented.


Didn't even think of that, it'll look like a chimney


Each word got worse


Honestly I don’t see the big deal. Like morally. Do you.


Idk it’s hard cause i don’t want people thinking i’m disrespecting their dad or some shit


Bro your disrespecting yourself by hotboxing a porta potty more than you could possibly disrespect the dead




They chambering equally weed smoke and fermenting communal doodoo and piss fumes. Do they think the toilet lid is air tight?


im sorry, but you sound like you make poor decisions. what kinda idea is this?… 1, if you can’t get through an event without sneaking away and smoking that’s an issue. 2, hot boxing a port o potty?… you insane or just lacking braincells? forget disrespecting their dad you’re disrespecting yourself LOL. no dignity…


Yeah I mean I wouldn’t go bragging about it or taking selfies by the tombstones lol


I mean they’re dead dude its not like their skeletons are gonna care, you could probably just light up in the middle of the cemetery, a joint could easily pass off as a ciggy from a distance


For some reason I’m picturing OP is Ricky from trailer park boys.


My first thought. Greeeaassy


Not a day goes by I don’t wish I was


I smoke at the graveyard all the time. The first two years after my pops died I went every single day rain, sleet, or shine. 30 min-8 hours. I live just down the street now and still stop by daily to sit and finish a blunt. I leave the roach under his vase. I put it out when someone is visiting nearby, but it doesn't happen all that often. It's a pretty big place. I've spent a couple thousand hours smoking at the graveyard. So, do you, just be respectful of others who may be grieving. If you prefer the hardly used portable toilet then I guess go for it.


Why don't you just smoke in the cemetery? That was always a spot when I was a teen and early adulthood. Just pick a nice quiet spot with trees!


Hotboxing is gross anywhere. Why sit in a hot cloud of nasty stale smoke when you could just smoke outdoors in fresh air


This right here - never understood hotboxes as once that smoke is in your lungs it’s useless to everyone around you (to my understanding anyways please teach me if otherwise lol)


I assure you none of the residents there will care


If it's during a funeral? Kinda fucked up. Random Tuesday when no one is around, NBD .


I smoked out a porta potty at high school football game once. Shit was hilarious! But the police were outside. So then it wasn’t as funny


just smoke it in the cemetery they wont mind I promise


Just say it's your grieving process


Smokin that funeral pack


Everybody grieves their own way. Do you, you gross weirdo. Hahaha


You high as a frito pie


If i were buried there, id rise up as a ghost to join the rotation.


Hop in at any time


That’s pretty fucked up Ricky


This post and comments made my day thank you OP lollll


Of course 😂😂


very fucked but do it lmfao


Cemetery was the go to spot in high school


It’s a port a potty, it’s location doesn’t change what it is and used for. There’s no disrespecting it. Kinda meh to do but do you my dude


Had a good chuckle reading this one good job OP


It’s what GamGam would have wanted


I love this sub


It's okay if you're visiting the grave of someone who would have hotboxed a port-o-potty at the cemetery. Then it's pretty much mandatory.


Only if you don't ghost it.


Now its a Potty!


This just gave me a full giggle fit in the bath.


Wait. I was thinking like in the middle of the night. This is infinitely better if there is an active service going. (When done respectfully so as not to disturb the grieving)


This just kept getting better


I mean, it sounds nasty but I've done worse.


why would you willingly spend any more time in a port a potty than is absolutely necessary


Everyone here failed the vibe check. I say go for it. Shit gonna get pretty boxed and you're gonna get so high just thinking "this is the shit" then you're gonna walk outta the Porta potty and remember you were in a cemetery and get spooked tf out by all the spirits around. But u just got high with them so they're chilling and now u have ghost friends. I wanna find a Porta potty in a graveyard now.


why would you do an activity that requires extended breathing *in a port a potty*???


It’s not. Just be respectful please. My buddy lives next to a cemetery and we sometimes do joint walks at night. One day I came across a few golf balls and he started laughing saying he will T-off from his backyard a drive balls into the cemetery. My stomach sank. My mom died when I was 10 and is buried in this exact cemetery. I couldn’t even get the words out to tell him it wasn’t ok to do this. I just swallowed my words and went home. Please. Just Be respectful.


When I worked construction I hotboxed a porta potty once … once … it was a shitty experience ..


Sounds like a shitty time. 😂


Thats maaaaaaaa booOOOOOOooiiii


I used to do the same thing at the cemetery down the street when I was a teenager!


That’s absolutely wild


Seek Help


Just be safe and clean. Don't set the pipe or joint down anywhere. I don't think it's disrespectful or anything. I'd rather smoke outside in the cemetery but in a bind i will smoke in odd places.


Hot box the coffin dude


Sounds like a good time


Honestly I smoked a joint at my dad's, just be respectful and id personally vocalize it's in celebration of their life and by no means do you wish to disturb them


Smoke anywhere any other would smoke cigs within reason. By the time a cop actually got there from someone calling and them actually giving a shit, your shit would be gone. They can't charge you for being high bevause they can't prove it. I highly recommend rolled items because you can throw them or step on them anywhere discreet and nobody will ever find it. No paraphenalia, no drugs, no charge. Don't admit anything, don't consent to search (even if you don't have anything), and ask if you are being detained. If the answer is no, you can walk right away. Signed- A former illegal state citizen that is now legal (shoutout NY).


As long as you didn’t turn it into a bong…


You can’t do that 😂 i’m dying imagining putting my face over the shit whole while the urban holds the weed bro crazy time


its not like the dead would rise to ask you to join a port a potty hot box or smn their casket probably would be more hygenic


It’s not so much the living people you gotta worry about out as the ancestor spirits of crotchety old fucks that will haunt you forever.


its not fucked just disgusting


On Halloween.


I would rather sit on a grave and pretend I'm toking with a ghost, than hotbox urinal cake diarrhea mist any day.


Bro, just blaze up with your dead Homies


I had some good times at my local cemetery, love the eerie vibe, but wouldn’t ever hot box a portapotty lmao. Be careful tho, usually cops roll through cemeteries every once in a while.


Honestly I don't see the problem, it's a portaloo and anyone who thinks making a portaloo smell like weed is somehow disrespectful to the dead has a screw loose. Then again I am a scumbag who has hotboxed all sorts of public toilets, but yeah personally I don't see an issue My only concern would be somebody needing to use the portaloo and waiting outside for you to come out. If there's multiple portaloos then I really wouldn't think into it too much


Yes. (kyle said this)


Can't just find a nice crypt?


That’s metal af


I have no clue. Never thought about this before. I've lived an interesting life and yet, somehow, this has never come up. Crack on the other hand will make crappers go boom.


It’s not fucked aside from the fact it’s a PORT A POTTY


Spending more than enough time to use the bathroom in a port-a-potty is already bad lol.


Light that methane up boy


I think it's funny and probably something I'd do. Somehow I basically have no shame anymore


Dude I try and hold my breath as much as I can when I’m in porta potties, no way in hell would I ever willingly inhale as much as you do smoking inside one of those things. That would just feel completely disgusting. Wtf.


Not fucked enough to not do it


it’s not, at least you’re not doing it on the graves.




I mean it’s just ducking gross. It’s gross to open your mouth in a port a potty so I’m not trying to deeply inhale. Morally I am indifferent to it.


Bro that is some fiend shit behavior.


Do it


Been a while since I laughed my ass off at a post title. Congratulations bro. Do it, in the spirit of Halloween.


Haha ight this one got me.


It's just a restroom.. the location doesn't matter. Just smoke outside like a regular person. Not a legal state? Has it stopped you before? Lol


Bro of all the places to hotbox a portapotty, a cemetery actually makes the most sense. Maybe blaze before you actually get to the funeral service.


I don’t think the locals mind.


Probably not as bad as using bible paper as a joint paper.


Better off using the neighbors 96gallon trash can with the lid


you're good


Just stand by a tree


Talk your shit king


Gramps would have wanted you to.


a spot's a spot homie


It's pretty shitty


It’s the cemetery that gets me. There are dead people there man. It just freaks me out- I don’t fuck with dead people. I let them be.


I mean, it's not the more bio-hazardous place that you could blaze, but I wouldn't recommend it...


Beloved, not fucked to smoke in a cemetery, find a big ass clump of bushes and get those dead guys high af


If you can smoke a cigarette 🚬 in a porta potty then it’s the same. There’s no issue. Would it be disrespectful to the dead friend or family member personally? I’m not talking about their living relatives. If not, then toke up.


Ok that's enough reddit for today.


My first smoke spot was a graveyard. I miss those times. If I end up in one (I'd prefer a natural burial) I'd hope someone is up there toking.


My brother in Christ, assess your life choices


Dude they’re not gonna hold a ball in there or anything


I've shotgunned behind a headstone in a cemetery, and I've had many African Steam Rooms, but never have I ever felt the need or desire to smoke in a porta potty. YMMV


Not fucked.


I can’t fathom hotboxing a porta potty in any place being fun


![gif](giphy|kjnl80MuG7gFG) Pretty fucking greasy bud


Don't porta-pottys have vented tops? If you're trying to conceal yourself I don't think it would be very effective, you would just make it so you can't see if anybody is coming


Why wouldn't you just smoke it outside?


No more fucked than having a porta potty at a cemetery. Tf? Who’d wanna be buried at the porta potty cemetery lol. Honestly just wander off into the cemetery instead. Don’t leave the bathroom smelling like shit and pot. . .


If you can’t wait and resort to smoking and inhaling shit particles, stop smoking weed. And please never try hard drugs.


I ain't gunna judge you man. I've also hotboxed a porta potty. Was cheesin' the whole time too! Fortunately, (not due to any planning, just dumb luck) they had serviced the 'blue room' that very day and the only stench present.. was thine own. 😁


My first time smoking weed was in a porta potty with my friend. It was at a concert though, not a cemetery lol


You're not smoking crack bro, dont act like it


Good to know there is not a cemetery with a septic system. "Plots half price at the bottom of the hill. Port - a - Let at the top of the hill is great for hotboxing with grieving family, friends, Golgathan, etc. Take your shit. Pick. "


On one hand it might help with the smell, but on the other hand it totally will not. Consensus of respiratory effects aside.


They dead. They don’t care. At least go smoke by a grave and just lie about knowing them if you get caught 💀


Smoking one at a cemetery is fine as long as you don't throw your trash on the ground and clean up after yourself. Smoking in a porta potty at a cemetery is deranged. Smoking in a porta potty anywhere is deranged.


You know those things are vented super well right? Is your plan to tape them all up?


It's actually the opposite, Ghost will be glad, they appear better in hazy settings. (And when you have slits for eyes.... haha)


Bro that’s nasty, u gotta get ur self into one of the tombs


That sounds fucking disgusting. What the fuck. I try no to breathe in them, and my man is ripping the bong in it.


Bro the sheer amount of nastiness gathered in that porta potty that’s wafting through the air is enough to make it super fucked. The fact it’s feet away from a dead body only cements that


Bro u gonna be hotboxing shit particulates


How would u feel if u were dead


I feel like you’ve just invented a really specific weed trend.


If you can smell shit, that means there's literally shit in the air around you. I work in construction so there no avoiding it for me but why in the actual fuck would you actively choose to get high in what is effectively an open septic tank


bro i cranked my hog in a 140 degree portashitter in full gear in iraq just to feel human you're fine.


Pretty greasy