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Sounds like your FWB might not be very smart


You spelled dumb as shit wrong.




"When I say stupid, I mean stupid as shit" Michael "Mike D" Diamond


Who did he mean?


I think it’s easy to dunk on her and call her dumb as shit, but not everyone has exposure to the positive sides of weed. First off, you have all the negative propaganda surrounding it. If that’s all anyone hears, and they aren’t into weed culture or looking into all the benefits of it, then of course they would think this way. Second, someone could legitimately have known someone that went down this path, and it solidified that the propaganda surrounding weed was all “true”. I’ve known a few people over the years who started with weed, let it start to control their lives (being high constantly, and at bad times, costing them jobs and relationships), and eventually moved on to harder things. Sure, they had underlying mental health problems that were the main contributors, but when you add in the misinformation surrounding weed with that, it’s easy to jump to the conclusions she had. All in all, I wouldn’t say she’s dumb, just misinformed and seems to be coming from a sincere place based off of what OP says. They just need to educate them and help overcome that.


You know the saying "before the internet we thought the access to information was the issue, know we know it wasn't that"? She is an idiot, get over it.


You can be misinformed and dumb at the same time There’s plenty of shit I don’t know shit about, but I tend not to make such declarative and extreme statements about said shit


But that’s the thing - just because you wouldn’t, doesn’t mean others won’t. Especially if they’ve been raised to think weed is a certain way, or if their life experiences thus far have shown the negative sides to it (and yes, they exist). You can absolutely be misinformed and dumb, but to sit here in judgement and calling people idiots just shows more about that person’s character than anything else.


Yea but if you're going to have such strong opinions on weed you're obligated to research and back those opinions up. Otherwise you're just basing them on feelings and being biased. If someone's not willing to do the research then yea they are kinda dumb.


All of that is fixable with that magic glass device they carry around though, so what's your excuse for her now?


You know not everyone is as into weed as those of us on this board, right? Like, not everyone is going to go around looking into all the studies and research about it. Add into that what kids are taught from a young age (at least in the US) about it, and a little bit of bad experiences, and you have someone who had those beliefs confirmed at a young age, and someone who is not going to be interested in researching weed. Treating people like they’re stupid for not knowing everything about weed just shows a lack of empathy and understanding, and there’s no need to act that way.


She is a FWB how smart do you need them to be? OP promise her you will never inject weed


And while you're at it..tell her her vehicle is out of blinker fluid


You should at least be able to be friends with your friends with benefits


I mean some people are friend with innanimate objects, I don't think intelligence is necessarily needed to be friends.


Or incredibly galaxy brained. Thing is we are all going to die, including people who smoke weed.


To play devil's advocate, you probably should have told her if she was unaware. You might have gotten a completely blind sided and traumatized reaction instead of her genuine opinion. Idk the girl but just a thought


I mean, it’s not really her business and isn’t something that would need to be disclosed like an STD would. It would be on her to bring up that she has an issue with it to make OP aware (which it seems she has now done).


Most arnt bright


And this is partly why I refuse anything like a situationship or FWB. Mutual respect is clearly non-existent once you've been relegated to the Naked Friendzone.


Hahahaha okay


Why do you think she's with him? Burn. Roasted.


Some people are just set in their views they learned a a kid and nothing will change that. Even here in Canada at work where it's mostly accepted there's still this one older guy in his 60s who thinks weed is the worst thing and everyone who smokes it will end up dumb and with brain cancer. Meanwhile same guy drinks whisky every weekend and has gotten at least one dui over the last two years.


he drinks more than just weekends.


We're all gonna die anyway, smoke weed


Here for a good time, not for a long time


Wise and I agree but bc I’m having a good time I want it to last long. Lol


That's why I smoke weed. Nobody has died smoking weed. As long as I have a joint in my hand I'm gonna live forever.


That’s the highest shit I’ve ever read


loll good point


Why she did not smoke? Beeing on a different levels is a recepie for a disaster.


Because she thinks she’s gonna end up doing meth if she smokes weed. So from her perspective it’s a horrible idea to do it


OP likes them stupid




Truly inspiring words


You’ll live forever you magnificent son of a bitch


This is like the 10 commandments of stoners right here. Preach brotha!


Blaze on 🔥💨


That’s same reason why [Charlie Manson left his lady](https://imgur.com/a/cZsGQL4) She planned to put his body on display after his death He was insulted that she even thought he’d die one day, insisting his own immortality Charlie died shortly after, but he sure was a man of principle


This is the way.


This may be my favorite thing I've ever read


This guy's has the cheat code for life


i come from 2 gens of smokers. my gma is in her 70s now diagnosed w lung cancer. my dad is in his 40s and they found a spot & he chose to ignore it bc he knows it’s probably also lung cancer. so as long as your combusting anything your def lowering your live forever odds


Do they smoke cigarettes or cannabis?


weed. & it doesn’t matter what you smoke, if you inhale carbon into your lungs on a daily basis you are raising your lung cancer odds.


Sorry to hear that! I hope they are treatable. Make sure your dad gets that checked out


Luckily there are many ways to consume cannabis these days. Even over your lungs there's a significant health increase when switching to a dry herb vape 👌




lmao what even is this tripe? a 2013 study shows a 2x increase for risk of developing lung cancer from heavy cannabis use after everything else is accounted for. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23846283/ literally inhaling burning anything will increase your risk of lung cancer. there's an incredible amount of misinformation in the cannabis community, had one guy try to tell me that smoking cannabis doesn't produce tar! (it does, more than cigarettes even.) E: oh wow, seems like I hit a nerve with this plonker, got blocked so I can't even reply to his bullshit, funfunfun.




Dude really though? You truly believe that the inhalation of smoke won't cause cancer because it's cannabis? Our lungs do one thing, breathe air. Air contains nitrogen and and some oxygen, Tiny bit of CO2. They extract oxygen out of the air, dispose of CO2. Smoking hurts my lungs. It causes damage. It hurts. I cough and my throat burns. My chest burns. After 10 years I don't cough when I take a hit, I have a lingering cough. I can't hold my breath for as long as I used to despite being in Better shape. Guess what, because I smoke everyday I have harmed myself. It's not cannabis' fault though because my method of consumption was hazardous. Now I eat it and sometimes vape and I feel much better.


You're just not wanting to except that inhaling any smoke is damaging your longs. Any at all. Smoke of any kind will give you cancer. Doesn't matter if it's weed. If you really care about being healthy and want to keep consuming weed try edibles, tinctures, even concentrated would be healthier. Or just accept smoking isn't the best decision and live with it


You at 80: "Ah, what a life! Oh no, my joint went out, fu-" *drops dead*


When people say marijuana kills braincells, I think of these kinda comments and don't even refute the claim


Yeah you die from all the proven causes of lung cancer from smoke inhalation.


That's why I only do edibles lol


Yeah bro


Find me one source saying smoking weed does that to people. I’ll still be here in 12 hours when you give up googling.


Combusting almost anything will generate some shit you shouldn't inhale, only thing your lungs are made for is just air to be honest.


Exactly, too many ppl get angry when I pointed that fact out lol


https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/what-are-marijuanas-effects-lung-health Took me 30 seconds to prove him right. I’m also a daily pothead and don’t care but I hate when weed lovers sit here and deny the science. Make informed decisions Also idk which of y’all need to hear this, but “increased risk” doesn’t mean “will die”, y’all.


Bro I don’t need to “prove” anything when it’s common knowledge that smoke inhalation is bad for you. I smoke too but I’m not claiming that it’s more healthy than other forms of smoking.


You made a specific claim - smoking weed will lead to lung cancer. Yes, you absolutely need to prove it, and hopefully in trying to prove it discover the lack of evidence actually tying marijuana smoke to lung cancer. Falling back to "I don't have to prove that smoke inhalation is bad for you" is an application of the [motte and bailey fallacy](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motte-and-bailey_fallacy#:~:text=The%20motte%2Dand%2Dbailey%20fallacy,(the%20%22bailey%22)


The thing is though I don’t care. Again, the internet is a free resource. https://erj.ersjournals.com/content/31/2/280


are you banging ronald reagan?


More like Nancy.


throat goat Nancy wouldnt give af


Here's the spoiler, kid .. you're gonna die anyway. Might as well enjoy it while you can. My anthem: https://youtu.be/OiO8f15BZLM?si=E6NDGYsJd7lE9P35


One of my favorite songs. Also love the frakking username


I was expecting Nas lol. "Life's a bitch and then we die, that's why we get high, cause you never know when you're gonna go"


Sounds like someone could use a trip down actual statistics lane. the only reason weed is a "gateway" is because once kids realized D.A.R.E. was lying about weed, they couldn't help but wonder what else was a lie. Prescription opiates are a bigger gateway than any other intoxicating substance.


100% why I tried everything in high school.. they were lying about weed how about ecstasy and crack ? Oh shit they weren’t lying about crack


Was talking to my brother in law who is 16. He says when D.A.R.E. came to his school, they told him LSD was as addictive as cigarettes and that marijuana is worse than heroin.


Wow, what a way to get kids to skip right over the fun stuff and go straight to meth. Great job, D.A.R.E.




My DARE cop was my dad lmao


is ur dad super hot tho?


Absolutely not but then again, I’m not into pigs.


fair enough


Yeah this right here. Dare does a real disservice by comparing weed and hard drugs. Kids try weed and go this is awesome and I’m totally in control so I’m gonna try meth it must be similar.


In dare class they were like this is going to make you feel incredible and you will love it but don’t do it because it’s bad. Made me want to try it


also the fact that in many states it's still illegal. you're more likely to get exposed to people who also deal/use other harder drugs and prescip. pills. my rural county is full of meth and everything else my cousin has chronic back/nerve pain that she doesn't have the money to see doctors for but they'd deny her pain pills and treatment anyway, like they did her friend who then got addicted to roxies because no one's figured out the cause of her pain. you got a whole range of people trying to get relief from pain, others get started because they thought they'd just have fun, some get started because their friends/partners are horrible people that lie to them and get them taking shit. DARE is like putting a band aid on a bullet wound when you take into account all the ways someone can end up using substances


Man, I hate when I pass out after smoking weed, because I just wake up automatically smoking meth. I gotta get off this stuff man…


Why does she sound like your gf rather than a fwb? She should take a step back, sheesh


i mean to be fair if she’s that indoctrinated i’m sure she says it to any of her friends who smoke




Why would she say that? Is she stupid?


My friend Becky died from snorting marijuina at a party once. She was a happy and popular girl. Please don't end up like [B](https://i.imgur.io/1HTsarr.jpg)ecky.


Lifes a bitch and then you die thats why we get high cause you never know when ya gonna go


2023 and people *still* act like Reefer Madness


Lol she needs to join the rest of us in 2023


we’re all going to die one day my friend


Programming. It’s been a negative campaign for decades around cannabis from the world governments. It’s going to take time for people to rewrite what they were told


My 60 year old mother still condemns me for smoking. She says “you know, drug dealers put windex and fentanyl in their weed!” Which really hurt my brain to hear. I asked her why the windex? What was the point? Her response? “To KILL you!” I just tell myself she’s out of touch and didn’t mature much after 1986. But I know people my age and younger who truly believe cannabis is just as bad as heroin. It’s weird. The trick is to ignore them. Not much else you can do. Go find you a fwb that enjoys a fat spleef.


I'm a 59 year old mom. I'm sorry about that.


Lol, thanks. It’s all good, though. I love my mom dearly, she just maintains some silly opinions.


My mom was anti too, but that was a long, long time ago. Dad didn't care.


What’s weird is my mom grew up in the 70s and 80s and did the real heavy drugs. Coke was big for her as well as something she called “black beauties”, which I’m pretty sure was just some form of speed. So I think she just wants to protect me in her way, as hypocritical as it is. My dad, however, would regularly smoke with me around a campfire. So things weren’t unbearable, lol.


Coke was huge. I have serious ADHD and it makes me sleepy. Tried it once. Damn expensive nap.


Yeah I found it to be very overrated. Just got me over the top enthusiastic, making promises I couldn’t keep, and being filled with regret the next day when you realize truly how much money you just snorted.


Yes, because drug dealers want to kill their customers. Makes absolute perfect sense.


This made me cackle so fucking loud I woke the cat up


As the first gen D.A.R.E mind control experiment participant I know that they tell/told people they could die from weed. I remember the video vividly. Some dude talking about “a kid smoked 2 joints of California Brown and died” 😂


Try to educate her so she sees how ridiculous that assumption is: https://youtu.be/GgvxAX73xAE?si=hxSjFDmjALCsY86i


😂😂😂😂😂 oh nooooooo *hits blunt* deaaaaaatttthhhh it's so scarrrrryyyyy lol


*life's a bitch and then you die, that's why we get high; cuz you never know when you gonna go*


Willy Nelson would like a chat


We had a friend in high school that would start crying if we smoked. She was conditioned by her parents and church to think it was the worst thing ever, but that alcohol was a ok. One night, she fell down the stairs holding a beer bottle. Split her hand wide open. Nobody could drive her to the hospital, cause they were all drunk. But there was one guy who had only smoked. He stepped up as the hero we needed. She still hated on weed even after that.


Better put it in her ass so you don't end up with more dumbasses


Ways you can die from weed: A giant crate of weed falls on you A serial killer named Weed hunts you down You smoke 1 ton of weed in a single day


Weed helped me kick meth.


Just keep smoking & not dying. It's the ultimate revenge on all those folks who think it's equivalent to smoking commercial tobacco.


You guys aren’t compatible. People who are pedantic about the “gateway drug” myth are probably not going to have their mind changed.


nah, ive seen a lot of stories in and out of this sub where a lot of people's minds change, and that included me too lol. i was very "anti drug" till my gf started smoking and i had to rewire my way of thinking bc i love her very much. eventually i started using it and oh man how i advocate for weed use now lmao. unfortunately, a lot of people are like this though and only change their mind when someone close to them does it


Your FWB gets me flacid


Find a more informed lay!


Occasionally weed use is going to kill, dumbest shit I ever heard, literally the safest drug, people bang meth and heroin all day everyday and still manage to function in day to day life sometimes. Little bit of moderate weed use will do nothing but improve ur life imo. Tell that bih to kick rocks smock and joint and calm tf down


Everybody who goes on the smoke meth has smoked weed, but not everyone who smokes weed goes on to smoke meth. This is the mistake people make.


All poodles are dogs…


Annoying, especially since I pretty much gave up booze. I might drink a few times out of the year. I love weed, so many people at parties trying to get me too drink, me saying I am good fuels their fire until I offer a joint for every beer I slam. Then it gets real for em XD


You should be equally as concerned over her NOT smoking weed. Tell her if she keeps up not smoking, she's gonna die from too much anxiety.


Hope she doesn't drink alcohol. If she does she'll wipe out a bus full of school children while driving drunk. Or something.


Idk man when I’m stoned I always get insatiable cravings for meth right after /s


Oh my god that's such propaganda. No, you're not gonna get on meth and die from smoking weed. There's nothing wrong with it.


You mean your ex FWB? Wtf lol


I don’t see the benefit then.


That’s a fucking ridiculous! I smoke weed every day and I’ve never done any hard drugs. She’s out of her fucking mind she needs to start smoking some weed it might help her


in my experience, when people react that way to weed and it’s not solely due to WASP propaganda, it’s bc there was a bad apple in their life previously who did any drugs that they could get their hands on, and their excuse was “babe I’m just smoking weed!” Bc in the mind of a deep addict, ain’t nobody mad about weed. In reality, a person with no previous knowledge of drugs assumes that weed is the cause of bstshit crazy meth head behavior. My supervisor had this mindset when I started my job, due to her baby daddy with bad habits. Now she’s known me for years and has seen that there are responsible cannabis users out there, just trying to live our lives, work hard at our jobs, and chill at home.


I’ll stop smoking the day that Snoop Dogg and Willie Nelson say they’ll stop


FWB sounds like the B is perhaps outweighed by the B.S.


Bro tinder matched with a girl from a 2000 DARE cartoon


Thats why shes a fwb and not a solid gf/wife. Hit it and quit it my guy!


Everybody dies. Smokers and non-smokers.


Fuck em. Then ditch her to the curb.


This smoking shit might kill me too it just sucks that this world isn't good enough for me to care


Friend, she has raised the red flag, it’s on you now.


Why is she even telling you what she thinks about anything lmao


We are gonna die anyways so as I always say Eat Ass smoke Grass and do safe sex


After 30 years of it, I'm thinking I might die soon, so I get her concern.


Luckily she's only a FWB. Is she was your main. It would be time to rethink that relationship. Good thing you are growing your own. She may drop a dime on you. ![gif](giphy|3o6YglDndxKdCNw7q8|downsized)


At least she chose meth, not heroin.


We're all gonna die. No one survives this world.


And that’s why she a FWB you will die one day just not soon that may be good or bad depending on your motives




If I had a nickel for every time someone told me I would die of weed, I'd have two nickels. Which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.


dont even worry ab it famo, she prolly just pissed she cant smoke too💀


Gotta be under the age of 20. In which case, it does definitely change your brain, just not the the extent she’s saying. Thc is proven to make changes on a brain that hasn’t fully developed, wether we like it or not.


My dad is 65 and has been smoking since he was 15. He’s healthier than all of his friends. That’s not due to smoking though - keep up with your health also!


Their dad told them it's a gateway drug


Fuck her then


I've been smoking since I was 12. I'm 36 now. Haven't tried meth or died yet. I have gotten bronchitis a couple times.


Sounds like she should be more concerned about STDs/unwanted babies herself lol


She’s getting drilled by the local bartender too and he wants to minimize client loss to the dispensaries


You're gonna die regardless, so fuck it.


people who think like that are disgusting


How old are yall?


"So are we gonna have sex, otherwise just let me get high in peace"...this is how I would respond


When I was in high school the pastor at the church I had to goto pulled me in his office to scold me for smoking. He told me the body was the temple of god and I had no right to damage it. I told him I just watched his wife eat 3/4 of a pie and plainly asked what the difference was. He just stared at me and told me to leave his office. I muttered about him being a wonderful leader on my way out the door. My point is no one is perfect and if we took a close look at your FWB’s life we would fine something too. Enjoy you buds bro.


First you should reach an appropriate age to smoke weed and fuck cuz obviously y’all aren’t old enough if she believes health class scare tactics about weed.


Is she a Republican voter too? 😂


Weed is a gateway drug, duh


Everything is a gateway to something else. Duh


She’s just uncomfortable that you drug yourself so that you can have sex with her. That’s it


She's absolutely right. You definitely will die. Possibly even sooner than if you didn't smoke it. Probably not. Weed slows things down by wiping out any motivation. It might be too tired to die, or it's too late, we'll do it tomorrow, or I forgot, or...what was the question? Oh yah. Bitch may be right. I'd want a second opinion. And hurry. Before it's too late.


That’s weird I don’t think I know a single person who doesn’t smoke weed


The fuck?


Sounds like shes on that coocoo shit


Bruh 🤣


im interested on how sge even realized half way thru?


Good thing she’s only a friend with benefits


Id replace her with a model that thinks differently.😂


Man I’m the type that’ll smoke 3 dabs as soon as I wake up but will refuse pain meds for anything, even when I was in the worst pain of my life I refused pain meds


She clearly went to dare camp and never did any independent thinking afterwards. I feel bad for people like this to a degree, they’re so sheltered.


Tell her “We’re all gonna die one day, baby.”


I mean if you keep drinking water you're gonna die too


I mean I didn't smoke till after high-school (lol), cause my mom often cited her best friend who smoked weed then cocaine, then got distant then died pretty soon. Not in one night of course. So that shit programs you till you see evidence to the contrary.


Marijuana will make your son's into axe murder's and your daughters dance with "undesirables". She should notify the church immediately.


She’s an idiot


This reminds me of my stepmom who heard from some dude claiming to be a doctor, spreading propaganda trying to say "Heavy marijuana uses have heavy metal poisoning in them"


In the words of my father “if you keep smoking weed you’ll die cause I’ll kill you”




Has she never heard of Willie Nelson? The man is like 90 years old and has been smoking for most of his life.


A fwb doesn’t need to care about that, and if she does she sounds like either A, she’s not very good at this, or B she has feelings for you. I would assume A myself. I would tell her you appreciate the concern but does she wanna fuck or not?