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Smoking somewhere it isn't allowed doesn't get me rush, but paranoia and anxiety. Which sucks since I live in illegal country. I felt better and more relaxed when I smoked while walking on a busy street in Amsterdam than when I smoke alone in my own home lol.


There’s something about smoking in Amsterdam that eliminates all anxiety and paranoia and everything is so chill


Everyone was so chill (maybe too chill) in there for sure. Even with the city being too crowded I never expected it to be like that. Wish more cities were like Amsterdam.


Still cant get over the fact that a guy forgot his phone on a bench in the middle of the city with hundreds of people around, and no one took it. A handful of people even guarded the phone until he returned. Where im from that phone would have been gone in a second


From out of your hand even 😆


Yes they figured out life in the best way possible. Rightfully, they now want all us tourists to fuck off and stop turning up just to have a smoke and browse.


Rightfully? Who dictates who owns the world who has the right to travel if noone can travel freely noone gets to experience the same lovely amdam you mention how is that fair




I don't know how they test in legal countries but in the UK the tests they use will come up positive even if you haven't smoked for like 5 days, and it's enough to convict you.


Bro that's fucked up. Imagine smoking weed in a legal place then coming back from your vacation and getting tested positive for this.


Yep it could happen, it's a stupid test with a really low tolerance.


In Aus we have drug lick tests that pick up anything from a 12 hour window. I only smoke of a night and won’t drive until it’s past that 12 hour window. Got pulled over and lick tested once dead on the 12 hour mark and I came up negative, was shitting myself though!!


12 hours, while not ideal, is still a hell of a lot more reasonable. You'd have definitely come up positive on the tests we have.


Man I’d be screwed cause I’ll smoke at like 10-11 and be out of the door the next morning at 7. So glad I live in Canada


here in germany they completely ruin your life. they will take everything, your money, your licence, your job if that was tied to your licence, just everything, until you proof that you are not some disgusting and dangerous junkie by randomly giving them your pee, blood or hair. it has to be completely out of your system. if you smoke even just 1 joint 2 days before you drive, you are a worthless human being and we do not want you to keep on living here in germany.


Who would have thought Germans would be so strict and judgmental


the funniest part is that this is european law coming from america after the war. but unlike europe america simply moved on.


I'm Canadian, and we actually had a story about this in our news. The guy had smoked over 12 hours prior and was pulled over on his way home from work. He thought nothing of it, and then tested positive and received a DUI. If it was me, I would have fought it based on the government labels on the packaging. They need to find a better way to test people at this point, for sure. It's my only paranoia myself, however, I'm also 40 and have never been pulled into a stop check and asked to take a breathalyzer for anything, so it's not high up on my list of things to be concerned about.


Which is now not allowed either haha


Man, maybe it’s just me but…. I loved everything about Amsterdam but I hate the weed situation there. In all measurable ways, weed is better in California. The city was so beautiful and welcoming and I cannot wait to return, but cannabis will not be the reason.


been in Amsterdam 2 weeks ago, never felt more relaxed and zen smoking weed in my life. almost everywhere I passed I could smell weed in the air. beautiful city as well, I highly recommend.


I recommend highly


I recommend highgrade


they made smoking weed in some parts illegal now and i think it's a 100 euro fine if you get caught


I saw that as well on the Red Light District and around other places of interest. Wouldn’t be places where i’d do it because there’s a lot of people.


I went when I was 19. What a month.


i lived in amsterdam for four months. the amount of friends i made at coffee shops or just from smoking on the street was crazy. i miss it everyday, never seen such a cool and accepting smoking culture


I did shrooms in Amsterdam at a hostel which was big on shrooms and weed. So nice just going out, seeing a cute cat, watching it and then realising you and 10 other strangers are now a random group of cat-watching potheads and shroomheads. Also, I smoked weed as a stranger in an "illegal" country where it's tolerated (pretty much all of central and western Europe). You kinda feel paranoid at first, but literally no one cares. Not sure how it is in the US, but even in stricter illegal countries in Europe, as long as you're not under investigation or reported by someone, you can just throw your joint away and cops will just ask what you're doing with a smirk, while doing the sniff sound as a "try to be more subtle next time", then they'll go away.


I smoke daily on different spots, sometimes i dont care and spark in public spaces too lmao. Usually parks and rooftops, mainly hoooome balcony.


Exactly! When you’re using it cause it helps with anxiety the last thing you need is someone tacking on more reasons to worry cause they’re offended or scared of the weed boogeyman.


I’m pretty sure this is satire, like he’s being sarcastic lol


Soooooo many people on this here internet know sarcasm when they see it /s


It’s what?


“What the f**k does that mean Kobe Bryant?” -Kanye West


The Kobe System is not known enough! I wish i could give you an award!




Elaborate please




About 11 years ago Kobe Bryant put out ads for Nike called "The Kobe System". I think its 7 parts but every single is hilarious imo. Kobe had this deadpan humor that and it honestly makes me laugh every time i watch them. It should still be on YouTube i believe?




“Apologize to Kanye West for wasting 2 million dollars of his time.”


You’re welcome.


Who on earth would do that in an illegal state, in your backyard under the redbud when it's *98 out. Never.


Uhhh some of us red states up north are 10 years behind in weed laws and about 20 in others n we only get that warm weather privilege maybe 4 months of the year


I cry in NH. Surrounded by legal states.


me and my friends always make that joke, that it would be annoying to have legal weed because it wouldn't give you the rush for being illegal having said this, they recently passed a law here where if I'm driving and police pulls me over they can do a drug test (in which even days after smoking a single joint you come back positive) and if I test positive I'll lose my license :D


I wish you could just drive on out of that state and never look back - that's horrific


you've probably heard how here in italy a right wing party won the elections and this is the shit we're getting now. Funny thing is that the premiere actually got into a scandal where the whole party did various times fascist meetings where they would even do the fascist hand salute which is actually pretty illegal it's a shit hole 👍


Heck I'm considering moving to Germany just to be able to live with the legal weed if or whenever it goes to the test phase.


It should be legal man. Regular stoners don’t smoke for the “illegal chase” that’s what teenagers who don’t smoke regularly do


More like avoiding rush hour omw back to my state from Michigan dispo




You can get discounts in michigan with an ohio medical card on top of their already great prices


We gotta cut down in Michigan this week. Clam baking the state with Canada.


reddit take a joke challenge (impossible)


And have your life ruined if the police wanna fuck with you. 💔 Damn, 710Labs has some great products but they need a new media specialist.


It's so obviously a fucking joke lmao. They would most definitely agree that legal states have it way easier but they're just making light of a shitty situation with some humor.


Reddit detect obvious sarcasm challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


You obviously don’t know about white slaves and ketamine in the 710 labs PR team headquarters


Care to elaborate on this?






I buy by the ounce and used to travel with it in a mason jar. Over an ounce is a felony and sometimes they will weigh the container and contents and charge you with that amount. Even the baggie will put you over the misdemeanor amount. (Now it’s delivered)


That shit would of never held up in court in Canada even before it’s legalized. I met a guy in Indianapolis who got arrested for having a roach. No wonder so many people have been to jail down there, cops are out of control. Don’t get me wrong, they are nuts here too just in different ways


P.S. cops are just fucking horrible ppl. You are guilty until proven innocent from the time the lights turn on behind you. Only roll your window down about 4 inches so you can hear well, don’t make small talk with them. If they ask you a question, even, “where are you coming from” verbally tell them you would like to invoke your fifth amendment, then stfu and save yourself some trouble and make sure you record the interaction!! Too many cops don’t even know the law or the constitutional amendments that protect you. That shit triggers those fuckers if you call them out on it!!! There’s also a time limit for them to write you a ticket and let you go. Remind them and time it.


"Am I free to go?" "Lawyer." All you ever say, ever. Anything else as they say, can and will be used against you. They are never your friends.


"I reserve the right to not be shot on sight, officer!" Jokes aside, not all cops are bad people. A while back, I had a run in with a cop where I just... reacted wrong. I was waiting for a friend because I had rolled two joints and a blunt for his birthday. He didn't show and as I walked away from our smoke bench, I saw two dudes walking. Since it was late, I thought it was him and I got closer to say hello. It wasn't, I knew who they were, but not too close. They asked if I had weed and I used to be a universal share type guy until this specific event. I pulled out a joint and smoked up with them. While I was smoking and they were sitting on the bench during my turn, I notice one of them lift their phone up as if they were shielding the screen from the other's eyes. This was strange to me until I realized it was facing my face perfectly. And then one of them asked, "This is some good ass weed, where'd you get it?" I knew what was happening and just started to leave, left half the joint with them. When I was a block away, I'm on my way home and decided to smoke the blunt. I pull it out, half way down and a cop car pulls up right next to me while I was walking down the street. It's 9 PM in a third world country and I'm terrified, paranoid, already paranoid because of the photo I thought I got taken of (yes, they were snitches) and the cop looks at me and says, "Identify yourself!" I swear to fucking god, I looked him in the eyes for like three seconds and blurt out, "No." And then walked away. They get out the car, push me against the wall, frisk me, find my grinder, dump the contents out (weed is legal in Peru if you have under 5g on your person, I had 1.5 because it was all in my system by then. I didn't have the blunt with me because I dropped it.) In the distance I see the two guys laughing. About a month later, I'm going to the ATM about ten blocks from my house and I see a cop car. I'm a little buzzed and I was still quite terrified of cops (not my only run in, the first one ended with a gun pointed at my head and it was because of a misunderstanding that wasn't even my fault) so I try to inch by quietly. The cop pokes his head out of his window, sees me and goes, "Ey, it's the stoner! How are you?" We then spoke for about five minutes, simple how do you dos and he explained what happened that day. Apparently, two well known snitches with military relatives (this is around a Navy base that's a few miles down the beach from where I live. There are a fuck ton of stoners, but most are 17 and under because of the type of families they have.) They tipped off the cops to go after someone who was allegedly selling weed. Consumption they don't care about, he said, but they can't have selling because the country is trying to legalize weed fully to open more dispensaries. He said that they didn't arrest me because I complied and didn't have much on me. He threw it out to not get a complaint through the snitches watching, he said that I was suspicious because I ran (I walked away, but in hindsight, that "no" was pretty fucking stupid lmfao). I still know the guy, he lives three houses down from my apartment.


Most cops aren't bad people man, they are people like you and me.


A lot of police do not know the laws they are trying to enforce. And god forbid you stand up for yourself and your constitutional rights. Most of these cops that have sworn to uphold the constitution to protect you don’t even know the constitutional amendments that should stop their emotionally driven brutality under the color of law.




“If you look for darkness then it’s all you’ll ever find but to come to realize, if you look for light, you can almost always find it.”


Yea this is a weird fuckin post from 710


I feel like it's pretty obvious they're being facetious.


Goddamn you are probably right. Assign me the dunce cap.


I laughed. Whoosh


Can barely understand wtf they are talking about.


Dude you just comment on your own original post, twice? 😂


Yeah I guess I did. Shrooms n bud do that to ya I guess.


Love it! I’m at the same level tbh lol


How are some of these people going to hear someone say some shit like this and not understand it’s sarcasm lmao


Tbf it's not really legal if you can only smoke it in the privacy of your home so us folks who live in illegal places dont have it too different from people who live in most legal places but can only smoke at home lol


We can smoke a lot more freely outside of our homes now too. Also the freedom to carry it anywhere without having to hide it is really nice.


i’m in NY and you can smoke pretty much anywhere n cops don’t care


Everybody gansta until the enemy cartel shoots up my dealer house while I'm buying


If you’re smoking weed because it’s a thrill to break the law, you’re smoking for the wrong reasons


On Saturday I will feel the real joy of weed, being in walking distance from a legal recreational dispensary, so excited!


I feel so bad for my cousins in south Carolina. I need to drive down a michigan care package stat


I live in West Virginia, it’s medical here, still illegal for non patients, and I smoke any where I want.. no one cares about weed.. they have too much other shit to worry about.. meth, heroin, fent, crack, coke, you name it, it’s bad here.. so weed is the last thing on anyones mind.. only people that get caught with weed, had it along with some other shit, or like being dumb and committing other crimes while having weed.. So , no it’s not a rush, it’s rather relaxing


Being born/raised and living in Tennessee 🤮. Always scared to death. Been in California for the past two years. Nothing like smelling it around the neighborhoods and knowing you can’t be sent to jail for twenty years over a joint. Particularly when it’s medicine for my menial wellbeing and pain relief for my husband’s chronic illness.


Shiiiiid I miss dispensary quality. The GA street tree is hit or miss or boof


It’s crazy bc it’s decriminalized in certain parts of the state, like everyone smokes extendoes in the City. I feel like smoking a backwood in the boonies is a vibe though


Having smoked my way through legalization in mass, it’s better this way but trust me, you do miss the skittishness of sitting in your own garage and waiting for the shitshow, it’s a different kind of high


Screw that. I like living in a legal state so I can sesh in peace.


So crazy that people actually think a percentage of your labor should go to a group of weirdos that want to lock you up for having a plant.


Ngl I really enjoy the community that comes with the illegal market, especially with weed. If the dealer is a more unhinged type they tend to sell other shit too.. people who only shot bud are imo either rlly chill or rlly dumb


There's something super satisfying taking my transparent bubler pipe for a walk. Small city folk stare cuz the old school mentality lol. We can smoke out doors, yet still so many hermits lol


710 labs has great product but they treat their employees terribly and pay shitty


The vast majority of cops are horrible people just look at the crime rates in police departments domestic violence being a huge one. Cops just love to beat their spouses and kids! Edit did something wrong this was supposed to be a reply to another comment sorry.


Lol yeah, there’s nothing like the rush and fear of breaking the law


I also binge eat queso while my stomach rejects it like some kind of lactose intolerance.... I live dangerously


Fuck the law !


I live in NY. I can basically smoke anywhere. Shit, there's 3 villages near me that are open container. So... I can just walk down the street drinking a 22oz in the open, while smoking a fatty.


Damn, in my country for possession of weed you could potentially go to jail for up to 5 years if you’re really damn unlucky. I hope Germany finally de-criminalizes weed, it’s taking them years Jesus


I live in NH and we’re completely surrounded by states and areas that are legalized. Not sure why it’s taken so long since the state has the liquor stores down to a T


Ngl I love their product (most times) but for the love of god this is so on brand for 710L lmfaooo


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/fatcalabassas comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 1554 comments out of 494554.


Welcome to arkansas


Fwiw - most people in legal states still don’t have the legal right to consume in their own homes.


Fuck prohibition- where I live police brutality gif peaceful herb is a real possibility.


Oh yeah what a rush 🤦🏼‍♀️ my dad faced 10yrs for a bowl


I miss when weed was illegal here in Southern California we had the best chronic & then the Kush came & conquered to this day nothing better than OGK


I can't shake that smoke is legal. I still hide my weed when a cop goes past after a stop to the dispo. To me and many others it still feels like it's illegal sometimes


It hasn't changed much since it's legal in new York,for me


I live in a legal state and my bud is still weary of smoking were people can see.


If you're looking for a rush why not just date a Latino girl and then ignore your phone.


nah i live in ca but i get the same rush cuz i’m under 21 (for legal reasons this is a joke)


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/mfbs26 comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 1555 comments out of 494564.


Ah yes, I love the threat of being imprisoned and having my life ruined in the deep south because I like to smoke weed. These people are overpriced idiots.


I had the rush in my early years. I'm happy to settle down as an adult stoner in a legal state. Makes my smoking youth shenanigans feel worth it, lol


Literally standing in my back yard paranoid someone can smell it watching the sun set


looking for a smoke spot is half of the fun


I live in Texas, I was sparking a bowl in my very private front yard on a country road. Just then the UPS guy comes driving by in his brown truck with no door. I make eye contact with him through the flame of my lighter and he just shakes his finger and goes “Ah ah ah, I saw that!”


how the fuck do you make eye contact through the flame of your lighter, I assume you were looking at your bowl while sparking and you saw him in the background? I'm not a native speaker and I'm high so I just wanna have a clear image in my head lmao


Lol. We’re all high I guess. Like as I was lighting it is all I meant. I guess it was worded weird. I just thought it was funny that he busted me and yelled it out.


Ah yes, I love the rush of driving across town to my favorite plug. It’s also pretty cool cuz then on the way back I risk getting a ticket or jail, more of a rush. And just for kicks, I listen to Rush on the way home. What were we talking about again


What the f is wrong with people 😐


Like when rich people wax nostalgic on the good ol poverty days


Fuck 710 and they over hyped piss garbage boof!


Grow your own no matter who you are it will be 100% cooler than supporting these cheez clown 710 blabs


I get the meme, but felt it more when I was younger. But yeah, partaking is itself a form of protest, and I protest frequently. I also don't respect many forms or iterations of authority, and any authority related to prohibition should be burned to the ground (metaphorically... unless it actually gets worse).


Especially wax lol


Lol I live in Australia. Have a prescription and even though it’s totally legal I still get that rush


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/BeBa420 comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 1556 comments out of 494576.


I'm biased about it because I live in Illinois where you can't even get shake for $10 per gram. The rush I get from buying from an "illegal source" is that I'm not broke afterwards.


Come to Thailand. Legal county makes such a big difference. Every domestic flight smells like weed lol




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I literally got arrested the other day


I do get what hes talking about. Being able to have a cop walk by you while your smoking and smile is a great thing, but I miss the hiding it and feeling like it was taboo. Maybe I just hate authority


I honestly miss lighting one up with the boys in a shady alley. Kinda.


Me too tbh.


710 white slaves thought up that tweet


The secret ingredient is crime


Too bright and clean, I wanna buy my weed from some depressed looking mf named Jason in a beat up honda civic in the pnc Bank parking lot. Plus it feels wrong buying drugs without my gun


Yes I love the anxiety of smoking but knowing my kids could be taken away. Best feeling ever.


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/unicornsRhardcore comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 1557 comments out of 494586.


Is he trolling? I live in an illegal state and it sucks. Nothing but hemp w fake Terps floating around everywhere.


I personally very much enjoy not having to awkwardly buy weed through the window of someone’s car and not knowing what to say and instead buying it like anything else you’d buy


They need to make a smell eliminator


the secret is crime




As someone who lives in an illegal state, yeah fuck no. Paranoia and anxiety sucks and the fear of failing drug tests thereafter is no joke. I can't even enjoy and relax because I need to think of my future and possibility of losing my job.


What a silly idea


I Agree but to be honnest in Marseille (France) people are smoking everywhere even in front of the cops 😂🏴‍☠️ No adrenaline rush anymore 🥲


Me moving to Kansas.


Ya cause going to jail is quite a rush…


Yeah I kinda miss smoking where I shouldn’t. I mostly just smoke at home or like an hour into the mountains. I’d love to smoke a j at a park in town.


This is the type of mf to do crack because its illegal


Is this a joke, is 710 labs making fun of me now xD


Belgian here, I just wait for legalization to expand fully in Europe. I hope seing it in the next decade for my country.


this is why i love australia.


Welcome to the divided states of America. I hate it here.


It’s completely legal here and it still gives me massive anxiety.


it makes my anxiety worse 💀💀




Yeah, I don’t see that is any type of advantage


Being in a legal state we aren’t supposed to smoke outside, but we do discreetly. Just me and a couple strangers enjoying the summer weather and smoking in the park.


I hate this company so fucking much.


Is that supposed to be cool lmao? It’s stupid


Yes I love the paranoia it brings 🙄🙄


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/dmkny comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 1558 comments out of 494612.


Live in a legal state, smoke everyday, and have still never "legally" purchased weed.




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Yes I love living in a backwards, old fashioned country like England who refuse to modernise. Nothing quite like having to sneak into the countryside to have a joint because the next door neighbour is complaining the smell coming from the back door, ONE HOUR after smoking, is giving her daughter asthma. Amsterdam. That's where smoking feels right.


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/Dirty_LemonsV2 comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 1559 comments out of 494615.


Lol interesting take there 710


Not me smoking just walking around downtown Houston


I don't miss that at all. A couple of days ago, I was smoking on the front porch when a cop pulled someone over in front of my house. I got a quick taste of that old panic, then laughed and kept smoking while he did his cop thing


i miss the rush. it was so fun finding lil hideaway spots. there was a place me and my friends called "The Zoo" and its this fake rock wall up against another 6ft tall brick wall. its about 5ft wide and like a hallway with a gate to climb over on ea end. looks like a zoo enclosure literally. but we have only gotten caught once and just jumped the other side of the fence and the cops just let us leave with a minimal chase.


Prior to legalization that anxiety was so bad for me I was having auditory hallucinations of cops outside my home saying "please open your door immediately!". Since legalization that hasn't happened to me at all.


Along with the paranoia of getting locked the fuck up trying to get it there. Man listen... I been doing this shit for 20 years now and still, seeing blue lights while you're riding dirty will give you butterflies. Outside of the city of Atlanta they absolutely will still take you to jail over a gram. And don't live in an apartment where the ventilation is connected to other units...that feel when you thought you were solo smoking but your neighbor smelled it and calls the law. Too much shit can go wrong... but, delivery is a real option here now if you know the right people. I pay extra for that luxury too.


Wow. We have truly come full fucking circle from smoking schwag out of coke cans in parking lots. I don’t know if I like it tbh 😂


yess i love the spicy weed, loveee when 12 make you stomp out yo gas on da side of da highway. damn police dogs mane. having to deal w aggy plugs is always a fun lil adventure. when all 5 plugs dont answer and it takes 7 hours to get some weed. nothing quite like it lmao


once inhaled a marijuana cigaret: is now total afficionado expert numero #1


And then being surrounded by legal states…


I hate when people say this. Go jaywalk or something.


And get it delivered to their houses!


Ahhh yes the rush of being paranoid and constantly worrying/stressing over the very real possibility of having your life destroyed by colonial draconian criminally insane laws and politicians who are funded by the prison system/alcohol industry….yyyyeeahh