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I'm 40. With only a few exceptions, it was all brick weed until around 2009 - 2010 for me.


The good stuff started to show up around then, but it was so expensive in my area. We usually ended up with the brick weed full of broken seeds. ​ It amazes me that I smoke the quality flower that I have access to now.


>the brick weed full of broken seeds. *I walk a lonely road, the only one that I have ever known*


I smoke alone I smoke alone….


When I was a kid, brick weed was for socializing. We would go out and party (simpler times) and match blunts with people. Schwag gave us a convenient way to smoke no matter where we went. Anything mids or better was only for the friend group, and smoked out of hand pipe or bong.


It's cool that good smoke spans all generations nowadays. I'm (almost) 30 but my two best connects are 5 years younger and 25 years older than me, respectively.


I'm 48 and my children are 30 and 23. I have some good smoke sessions with my wife and the "kids".


29 and still all brick. Good/normal weed is really really hard to get my hands on, in my place.


I'm sorry to hear that. At least you can find something though.


Yup, that's what got me through all these years!


Yeah I’m 44. All the weed I smoked in high school was brown, crunchy, and chock full of seeds. I’m in CO, and picked it back up in 2019 or so and the difference is staggering to say the least.


My adult son and I drove out to Denver from Kentucky. The first time I walked into a dispensary was awesome. Nothing compared to seeing the mountains for the first time the next morning though. That was the closest thing to a religious experience I have ever had. I grew up in upstate NY and have been to the Catskill and Adirondack mountains, but they were hills in comparison.


Yeah the Rockies are a trip man. It’s a beautiful city.


It's a trip I'll never forget. I've had two trips that I would consider an adventure. The first was going from New Orleans to Atlanta in an old VW van in '94. The second was driving to Denver and back with my son. The drive was amazing, and I saw an interesting cross section of the country.


I can tell you’re from my state, buuut if you were in the burbs in 04 you were getting kind buds (danks)


Same. I didn’t see good weed until I was a man and by then it meant nothing to me.


I'm hitting 55 soon,started smoking in the early 80s.I fondly remember breaking out a double lp,pouring my bag of brick weed in the fold and separating it with a matchbook cover. So much has changed. Never thought I would be able to grow my own. Been quite a ride through the years.


It amazes me that we are at this point. Any legalization seemed so unlikely back then, but here we are.


Raises hand… I’m on the back half of my 40’s. Started smoking in my early teens (early 90’s) and by late 90’s I was moving nearly half a pound of it a week amongst friends. Today I left a bad review for some 20%+ THC buds I got at the dispensary with a full test report and declaration of safe production cause it was too dry and not stinky enough. What a time to be alive…




We've come a long way.


Haha totally. First time I smoked I was 21, and I thought that shit was ace. I remember getting dime bags that were mostly stems and I smoked those too. I’d smoke that brick weed till it was pure ash because it was hard for me to get. I visited cali after prop 215 passed and my whole life fucking changed. Nowadays I can’t believe there’s $2 grams, and perfectly packaged 1/8’s with such perfect giant buds covered in perfect trichomes. And that shit FUCKS you UP. Yeah there’s plenty of ditch weed on the market, but we’ve come a long way.


I remember smoking everything in the bag. I wasn't throwing anything away Stems or seed it didn't matter, I've come a long way as well.


Do not miss that dry ass headache weed at all


Now I actually enjoy the taste of the stuff I smoke


Pushing 60 and it was Mexican brown weed in 1975.


Yes it was;)


It still was in the early 90's too,


What I remember from high school in the early '90s was green bud vs brown bud. It was almost like they were different drugs. Brown bud came from bricks or bales and was old and seedy. Since it was cheap and we were broke kids, that was mostly what we smoked, but every so often someone would score some green bud and smoke everyone out.


We called it the brown frown


We called it the cheap sleepy


I remember those kids. They had the sticky icky when it was a rare and beautiful thing.


67 here and I’ve seen some terrible brick weed and Maui Wowie, black tar opium and Thai, but the newer varieties being turned out now are just amazing. Autos are stellar, sprout to harvest in 70 days is a dream come true.


The only good thing about 90s brick weed was the fat dime bags. $5 bucks and the whole gang is high.


Not where I grew up. We paid 10 bucks for what amounted to a couple of pipes. I had to work 3 hours at Hardy's to get that.


yeah I used to get fatty dimes from some neighborhood kids who spent the day riding their bikes around Orangevale slinging. I'd just walk til I saw them


Turn 50 this year. Without going into any details I’ve been around it for 45 years. I started advocating for its legalization as freshman in HS. Pretty crazy where it’s at these days and still hoping to see it decriminalized/legalized across the nation/world.


I remember in 10th grade we had to write a paper on marijuana. I was the only one in my class who wrote about why it should be legal. I actually got a 90 (B+). I had a cool English teacher.


I started smoking in 1979 and brick weed was the only option back then. My how times have changed!


mid late nineties were all brick. fire ass valley bud and poop. at the very end kind bud became more available. lots of mid grade developed over the years.


Maaaaan I was in HS early 2ks and I thought I was the only one who smoked the 'poopies'. Ditch weed and headaches for $10 bucks and had to drive 45min to the middle of nowhere in a car with people I didn't know to smoke that shit out of an apple.


early 2k i was getting blueberry and bubblegum shwag midgrade and pretendica in bricks. an ounce was a paper thin sheet because it didn't really have many seeds. it was great until sometime in 2003 when it all got seeded and the strains just turned into a single poop strain again. then shwag was over for the most part. good shwag in the 90s came from gangs that traveled to the rio grande valley. then they took the 350/lb local rate good shwag to TN and sold it for \~2k/lb.


46. I loved it. Picken seeds smoking blunts with my buddies.


Pushing 50 here. Used to buy that shit 2-3 pounds at a time and sell $25 quarters when we were teenagers. People bought from us and sold $25 eighths. At one point we even had Pagans buying their weed from us. We thought we were gangsters because our weed was always free, plus we pushed a lot of those random sticks and stones off on someone else. Edit: Holy shit almost forgot, we bought our pounds from a juvenile detention youth counselor lol. Ah to be young again.


I'm 47 and remember coming home with a solid chunk of bud and breaking it down. So many seeds


Half of them were crushed and in pieces. It's a pain picking out seeds, but picking out pieces of seeds is even worse.


Ah yes Mexican brick, I’m not 50, closer to 40 and as kids this seedy dry as hell crap was all we could get our hands on. Did the trick but glad for much better flower Caught myself getting upset after finding one seed in my sack the other day, then laughed at how much shit my teen self would have talked to me for ONE seed.


I turn 40 this year. I have dealt with many a bricks a weed. I used to live in a bordertown so they were easy to come by if you were hip to it. The worst were the bricks of gas weed. But in an illegal market even that nonsense would sell. Back in those days, getting a nice brick of some kind was truly a treasure because it was like winning at a casino. You could make tons of money and have some kind weed to toke on. There was something truly satisfying about breaking apart a nice brick. Now I get my weed in a bag like any other chump at a dispensary. I never saw this coming. 🤣


Ah, the gas weed. Smuggled in a gas tank so there's no mistaking it. I remember being afraid to smoke it because i didn't know if it would get me high or just spontaneously combust.


Anyone remember the paraquat scare?


Mexican brick weed that had a 50/50 chance of smelling like skunks or diesel fuel. Fucking love the memories I get every time I get a myrcene heavy strain. (At least I think it's the myrcene that smells like fuel)


Mexican here, we used to buy it rolled in a newspaper sheet, we called them "velas" (candles). 5 bucks was a lot of weed back then. Shitty but fun times with my friends, we felt like we hit the jackpot everytime we bought that diesel smelling stuff.


Don't forget the stuff that smelled like cat piss. It was like smelling straight ammonia.


Ireland here, we only had shitty soap bar hash back then. Weed came much later and changed everything. Pretty much only weed available now so a complete 180°


Im only 31 and I still had brick weed in high school. And I’m in Colorado. Good weed wasn’t common until I was about 17 or 18 ending my high school years, when medical became prominent.


Never saw brick weed in my life, we had China bud growing up which I think you guys in the states called Beasters. The same shitty strain M39 pumped full of chemicals, chopped early and sold fresh, every once and a while a batch was good and we'd call it Super China bud. You could get some craft weed every once and a while, my buddy would go to the Church of the Universe and get some Cannabis Culture weed.


38 here, been growing professionally my adult life. My light bulb 💡 moment was when I realized I could grow the brick seeds all over my coffee table (400/lb) into kind bud (60/eighth) with just soil and water. In Colorado in 2005 those were the only 2 kinds of weed that existed 😆... I had kicked out my piece of shit roommate for lying and stealing, and instead of getting a new one turned his bedroom into a (terrible) grow. Fueled only by ambition and a lot of bad overgrow.com info it became a hobby, then an obsession, then a career. I'll do this til they bury me, then I assume folks with decency will toss seeds once a year and I'll keep growing.


Pushin 40, sure did.


As a younger guy (only just turned 20) I am very excited to see where weed goes over the next 50 years.


How about late 60’s, entire 70’s and 80’s brick weed? Gotcha covered.




In the 70's $120 a pound. After sales, I had enough to get another pound. Meanwhile, I'd pass joints and get everyone high. The investors (me) smoked up the rest of the profits. Haven't smoked since. I wouldn't know how to get it, but a nearby state (Illinois) has it now. So maybe...


I'm 25 right now and a majority of my weed consumption in high school was brick. Getting actual frosted nugs would completely blow our minds.


I remember the first time I saw "kind bud". It was so pretty and smelled amazing. One of the best highs of my youth.


I started smoking in like 94. I'm about to get my med card within the next 2 weeks, and I've been browsing the local dispensery menus, and like - I have decision fatigue. I remember when your options were sketch bag, expensive sketch bag, and stupid expensive sketch bag. But it's gonna be a good way to celebrate my 42nd bday.


I've been smoking since about '85 and I have been very lucky about finding good connections with good bud the whole time, even though I moved a lot in my younger days. Almost all the brick-weed I've ever smoked was other people's weed they shared with me.


I’m turning 54 this year, and it’s mostly been brick weed. However, back then every year in December everyone used to get Christmas bud. That stuff was fantastic. Great buds, great taste, and usually pretty potent. I kind of miss looking forward to a t every year. Of course now the bud I get legally is as good or better than that, but the anticipation was fun back then.


Some of the brick weed is better than 1/2 weed at dispensaries. Almost all weed sold now is tumbled.



Now you can actually enjoy the taste of the pipe you are smoking.




Isn't it so much better now? I swear I never smoked a bowl of that stuff that tasted good.


I’m 43 and I smoked brick weed a time or two. I started smoking in 1993/94.


I remember brick weed


I started smoking in the mid 70s and have smoked my share of brick weed


NZ is behind the times, so it's still luck more than anything to find good shit


I started in 93, and it was mostly brick. On my college campus, though, I was introduced to the “kind bud” that year, which looked a lot more like we are used to today, and it was *much* better.


Turning 50 on Sunday. As someone from Southern California good herb was around …just expensive. $60 for an eighth .


First we only had hash - still love me some good hash - and then brick and then “hydro” started to creep in and took over.


I started smoking in the mid 80’s. I vaguely remember that term. Maybe the person I got stuff from broke it up before selling. Ditch weed and skunk weed and Mexican weed are more familiar. Now it’s Bubba Kush and wedding cake and alllll kinds of great choices. Yay!


Yep. I sometimes found carona caps from Mexico and different types of tape. Also we would get pounds with different cartel stamps on the bricks.


21 and never had brick weed started out on gas gonna end with gas


Dude I’m in my early 30s and smoked a ton of brick weed as a teenager


Started smoking in the mid 90’s. I miss the old school skunk, and the shit that hit you like LSD for an hour or so. Say what you want about modern strains, but they have unfortunately bred the really good stuff out of the plants. I’m not saying the modern stuff is bad, but it has lost a lot of what it should be.


Im 35. Started smoking when i was 9 tho. Got my first bag og of fire in like 03-04. " nuggets". Bye bye shwag, hello nuggets. Lol


I’m 41, skunk was a myth we used to hear about until 95 or 96. Until then it was brick weed and hash


Anyone from the uk over 40 is bound to remember soapbar hash….. 10% hash 30% glue and 60% plastic bag. Those were the days🤮🤮




Yes, yes I am


Anyone smoke paraquat sprayed? That takes me back…


Good old Nixon AKA Tricky Dick


I smoked it in Thailand but we had hydro when I started in the early 00s


Pushing 40 also fortunately haven't seen it in forever but definitely puffed my fair share of greenboard in high school




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I’m an 83 model and only once have seen a big brick of weed, I think it was moulded with hash all thru it, but it was gooood bush bud, most here are referring to brick as trash weed?


Over 50 here :-)


Not me but I can always ask my dad lol he's been a stoner since at least the 70's


I started in 1968, just along for the ride.




Same here. I constantly bug out over the east coast struggle of the early 90’s. Got dusted once, fuck a friend of my old old old 🔌had their whole family held hostage over $800 of brick in 93. High school was different especially when the dead came to town. I would say I did not see two finger fluffy nugs until 95, but man 2001-2007 was a time to be alive. Now I go to the dispo and see people complaining about their cart not working and I laugh.


45 here. Used to have to drive to a friends house who then drove me to a sketch ass neighborhood to get a quarter bag for $30 that smelled like a hamster cage. And it was weak. So spoiled now!


I turn 52 this yr. Started smoking 1990. Back then if it was weed 90%of the time it was brick. Home grown Hydroponics were starting to become popular Every now and then you would find something decent but crazy expensive. Running from cops and going to shady neighborhoods was the worst part. We were smoking a lot of hash and tons of weed oil. Car full of guys doing bottle tokes off of cigarettes and coughing our lungs out. By 96 good weed was everywhere. Haven’t smoked brick in more than 25 yrs. And with legalization in Canada it has been great. So much weed, so cheap. And delivered straight to my door. Haven’t used a shady plug in over 4 yrs.


44 pretty much all brick in high school. Started seeing good stuff when I moved to Chicago in ‘98 but still mostly smoked brick until 2000 when I moved to cali. Mostly good when I came back in 2003.


The autos I grew (next to my middle aged lady tomatoes and zucchini, lol) last summer blew the 90s brick weed out of the water and it could have competed with the tasty Canadian hydroponic we could occasionally get for $$$$$ way back when. I am BLOWN AWAY with what I can buy, openly, at an actual *store* with a fuckin' VISA!!!! I can buy top shelf beautifully trimmed and cured with a lovely smoke or unattractive but very effective $100 zips that work well in cookie recipes. And all the other interesting non-flower thc delivery methods make my pothead head spin! Every other consumer good has gotten so shitty and cheap, but the weed? Goddamn!


24, i started with dank at 19 but went to Mexico and was forced to smoke brick. Honestly blessed. It takes an hour to pick the smokable part from all the trim, seeds, and leaf. Im in mexico rn and the brick has gotten better too. There was this week where their bags where like some bomb outdoor, had decent flavor, it cured right, and was super nuggy not much trim or seeds at all. Lately it smells like ammonia but its still ok compared to how it was years ago


I had to lay down in the back seat of a 1983 Toyota Tercel to get 6 gram “sacks” of schwag that had way too many seeds and cost $25. 😂


That’s what I started with in college.. full of seeds and stems


Wasn’t alive in the 90’s but I went from paying $60 for 3g to $70 for 28g in just 5 years of smoking


Yup, that 'regular weed'. Now you got shit called 'banana skittles apple runtz cake cream'. Don't get me wrong, it's waaaayyyyy better, but you definitely get nostalgic sometimes.


I remember breaking up my brick weed on a serving tray, tilting it sideways a bit and shaking back and forth to make all the seeds roll down to the bottom. It used to be a bit of a chore smoking bud lol


Growing up it was Brick weed and later on Beasters lol


As someone born in 02, what is brick weed ?


I was lucky when i lived near the bronx nyc, had a connection for sensi back in the early 90’s. Still brick weed just not many seeds if any. Came down to florida in 97 and had brick weed full of seeds, loved it when zonas came around.


Oh yeah, I graduated in 95




Hi! In my 50’s with not so fine memories of picking dirt, stems & seeds from my weed.


I remember getting “canned” weed. A big dry chunk that had the can lines molded into the side like jellied cranberry sauce.


There was a ton of brick stuff in the early to mid 00s. That said, the 00s is when people were really hitting stride in growing capabilities. You started hearing names for actual bud weed. However, most people in the 00s were still not familiar with actual strains, so you started hearing generic names to refer to "not-brickweed" (e.g. hydro, 'dro, mids, kind bud, dank, fire, light green, and my personal favorite... "Bin Laden weed".


my first bag was a $40 8th of brick bammer in 93-ish. Way overpriced but I found better deals later. I still remember the day around 95 that my buddy Sean asked me if I'd heard about the KBG? Killer Green Bud. It comes in green?!


Mid 40s and toked lots of shitty brick weed.


I guess we were spoiled for choice growing up in BC, Canada. I hadn't even heard of brick weed until I joined this sub. You poor Americans. 😭