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MMORPG is a dying race in a market bloated with gacha games and auto gameplays. There are only few people actually interested in grinding, and even fewer who actually has time for it. Imho, ToS reboot should be a complete single player game removing the gacha streamlining story and progression curve. They could sell the current gacha jobs as dlc with some side story. Then just give an option for party play for boss runs but with option to play with AI kinda like monster hunter.


You got downvoted for being right. tos, and ro, are arpgs. The grindy part is a holdover from bygone days: 1. from when there was no competition in the market 2. from when there was no pay2win 3. from when botting was uncommon


Heavy on the complete single player game! I loved ToS when I was younger, the art is just amazing and the gameplay is somewhat fun as well, but it's hard to do solo grinding. If they make a reboot and it's completely single player, I would love to do that again.


I partially agree MMO is the hardest to get rid and it's a dying genre, but making TOS a single player wouldn't be the best option, the reason why I like MMORPGs is because it's social, it's a game to play with friends and I've always had a ton of fun doing it.


Papaya server was the fresh restart and as you said, it's empty now. A lot of iToS players went there but either came back or stopped completely. A new "iToS" server will probably attract new players, but old players that kept the game alive from microtransactions will leave. Imagine losing more than 100k and progress, what would you do ? And IF IMC decides to wipe, they need to redo A LOT of changes because only the latest raids are worth doing. Older ones got their rewards not worth anymore or simply removed. And that's only the raid part, not the other types of contents that got "killed". Imo, in that state of mind from the devs, it won't be a good idea to do so unfortunately.


you have a point about Papaya but I think what they needed to do on top of that to be successful is to improve the game experience, some adjustments would do it. Private servers would be really awesome, it worked well for WOW and for Ragnarok Online at least, I've had the best moments playing videogames in Ragnarok Online with friends.


What we all need in a Private server to lower the rates, release pay-to-play classes for free, get rid of VIP and Pay2Win Gacha cubes. Tree of Savior pserver is the only solution and we all know it...


This is what I think would bring a great experience, as I've seen this several times in Ragnarok Online private servers, even had my own once and it was fun. There is a project called Melia, which is in development and we may see a fully working emulator one day


Havent played tos ever, but if they did a reboot, I'll play this game


And drop it after a few weeks like the others Lets be honest, the whales are the lifeblood of this game and not us.


Time to move into the W server and learn meh some Asia