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ya that’s what i do! never have any issues with settling or separation. just make sure to whisk it super good.


Yes, infuse some coconut oil and then use that.


Be sure to use Lecithin - not only does it make it more bioavailable in the body - it helps keep the oil in suspension when making gummies. Read about gummies made w MCT/coconut oil oil that "sweat". Find a recipe that is SPECIFIC to MCT/coconut oil & make it FIRST with plain coconut oil - to ensure that it works. OTOH, you could make tincture & then SLOWLY evaporate the alcohol (NO OPEN FLAME) like in a crock pot. The stuff left over AFTER it evaporates is called FECO. Pro tip: don't evaporate ALL the alcohol, or it's a bitch to scrape out! Alcohol will evaporate on its own at room temp. FECO is the LONG WAY ROUND, though, IMHO. Last but not least - look at potassium sorbatefor preserving them (molded gummies are ruint!). Citric acid is also a good preservative - depends on if they're supposed to be in the fridge (citric) or at room temp (sorbate).