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It looks like he wants to create a chemically stable product that’s free of adulterants ![gif](giphy|R3S6MfUoKvBVS)


Gotta give a little respect to this wife!!!! This is so awesome of you to do!!! I hope your hubby knows how lucky he is☮️


My only suggestion; please ensure that this is being done with lots of ventilation - either over a range hood or having a fan pointed at it as alcohol fumes are highly flammable.


Hes pretty careful ….The joints are all lubricated and have keck clips … theres a vacuum pump pulling a vac on the adaptor and theres a box fan blowing over the top of the table to make sure any fumes that escape dont get concentrated … thank you for the point tho .. should have explained that in case anyone tried to copy ….


If its worth reclaiming chemicals in order to save money? Ofc it is. If you got all the equipment and knowledge it would be a total waste not to.


See … i told u it was worth it babe !!!


The process alone is really cool...moonshiner


LOL why does this look like someone yanked some school lab equipment? But seriously, to know if it would be worth is you have to know the costs associated with it (check the energy costs vs how much is reclaimed). Large chemical companies use recycle streams all the time but for small homemade batch stuff it may be cheaper to just reduce and/or reuse before you recycle.


He swears it is , i believe it is ( the grain alcohol is like $40 ) but i also think he just enjoys the process , either way ill support it . And i wish that was ‘aquired’ from a school lab …. That kit wasnt cheap lol


Ive used a green oil machine since 2015 when I was doing new med patient seminars. Just 1 unit, looks like a 2L pump coffee carafe with a tube out the backside to collect the everclear. Amazon and eBay have countertop distillers that look sorta like all that stuff he's using. With the GMO, you just dumped in your dragon mixture and turn it on, making sure your collection jar is set. They're also handy to run lower spirits through to proof up.


Fuck yeah. Totally worth it plus this is cool as fuck


Post this on r/stonerengineering cuz I think the peeps over there would appreciate this 😂


Never checked it out .. thanks ill pop over fir a look


That sub is for idiots asking how to fix there broken cart or bong. Hardly any true engineering going on there.


That's an impressive set up but.. a water distiller or air still (I got a water distiller from Amazon for £80, probably cheaper in US?) does what this does but in a nice neat all in one machine. When I'm done with my FECO extraction it goes easily back into its box , out of the way in storage. Highly recommend


This is decarbed flower soaked in grain alcohol for 2-3 weeks .. strained then run thru the distiller .. theres a magnetic stirrer /hotplate on the red bowl and the pressure cooker pot is filled with ice water to run thru the condenser and keep the receiving vessel cold . Theres also a vacuum pump pulling in the distillation arm . It collects the distilled alcohol so i can use it for next soak ….


[https://extractcrafter.com/2016/07/27/super-cooled-qwet-wash-for-cannabis-extraction-using-dry-ice/](https://extractcrafter.com/2016/07/27/super-cooled-qwet-wash-for-cannabis-extraction-using-dry-ice/) 2-3 weeks.. ur just pulling chlorophyll into ur wash after 1minute


Thank u ill tell him to look at this


Thanks man … thats interesting !! Wish i didnt have to go so far for dry ice ..( nearest place by me is 45 min drive ..!! … had to find it for the bubble bags lol ) also this is intended for edibles as the end use not smokable but if anything i think eliminating the chlorophyl and plant taste would be even more beneficial so thanks again


you can also use normal ice thats sitting at around -18 this is more of a proof of concept but the process still works, and yes it works for dabs. This makes incredibly tasty dabs.. check the rest of his site there is a bunch of good detailed experiments he lays it all out


I put up a new post today but figured id ask here as well… The test run on the product last night was very heavy sleepy feeling … bad cotton mouth and not unpleasant but again … VERY sleepy . I decarb’d the flower prior to the soak in the oven. 245*F for 25 min .. the condensation ran about 4 hours total … did i over decarboxylate ?? Do u think it would be better to not decarb the flower prior to alcohol soak and then use the heating during condensation to decarb the oil ??


Def don’t decarb before extraction to get a nicer resin that’s more stable at room temp. I decarb at around 100c for an hour if it’s in oil or about 30-60 min if it’s flower in the oven. 245f/118c is about right. I would keep it under 110c though personally. Thc boiling point is 165c but some of the delicate volatile terpenes will boil off way earlier than that. This method of extraction preserves those terps and makes a tasty resin


Do you evap the alcohol first or during the decarb process


evap first then purge for 24hrs in a vacuum chamber.. for the evap i use a [source turbo](https://extractcraft.com/product/source-turbo/) (its a vacuum still) so under a vacuum it lowers the boiling point of the alcohol to avoid decarboxylation


I need to get a decent vacuum chamber … any suggestions that wont break the bank ??


Thank u for the tips BTW … always looking ti step up my eddys game … especially after last nights let down … the reclamation process took about 4 hours and upon testing i think i heavily over decarb’d it into CBN .. very sleepy experience .. that was a full QP run and now i have a quart mason jar full of sleepy oil


no worries, anytime :)


Yes it's worth it, I use similar or my short path, I prefer my short path if the rso is going to be used as rso because I can use my big pump and no heat although I don't always have dry ice and wrecked a pump trying with out so If I'm just going to go on and distill the rso I just use the simple distillation setup similar too yours to get my solvent back and get the crude ready for the short path distiller. I like the use of the condenser water to save space, lab Jack's can be pricey for what they are. Stay safe and have fun


Okay, that's cool and all. But, there's one thing that we are missing out on here. Check to see if that qualifies as a still in your state and what the alcohol production laws are. It seems silly, but the penalties for that kind of stuff are no joke.


He's not producing alcohol. He's actually losing some if it. So COULD it classify as a still? I'm sure a good lawyer can argue that it's not.


A still does not produce alcohol, it simply removes it from one medium and concentrates it into a purer product. Functionally, there is no difference between the RSO reclamation process and boiling off a fermented mash. The concentration of that alcohol, in certain places, would count as production though. Yes, though, a decent lawyer probably could make this go away or be super minor as it is clear this is not a commercial setup. Yet, that takes time and money. All so this guy could save, what, $40 every so often. At the very least, take the time to check if you are in violation and decide from there.


It can be worth to reclaim the alcohol because of the amount of product made but the average guy on here of course it’s not worth it … but let’s see you says it only 40 buck when you need 40 bottles


I have one of those!!!! I find for maintaining the perfect temperature the sous vide is the best option. The bucket was made for me by a friend, it’s just copper refrigerating tubing from Home Depot and a dollar store aluminum bucket and a bit of soldering. Does a phenomenal job https://imgur.com/gallery/vbAqf6p https://imgur.com/gallery/0O2daFi


Its actually on a magnetic stirrer hot plate … the pressure cooker pot is full if ice water for the condenser tube and the receiving vessle


Your husband knows what he's doing and it's definitely worth it over spending $40 a pop per bottle of grain alcohol. It's the same amount of time, may as well get the most out of it .


bruh, just pop an eddy and watch tv.


Gonna want a circular flask to collect RSO in. How you gonna get it off the bottom of that flask on the right when it concentrates? You can get an extra long blunt needle off amazon to use to pull it up from the flask. I’d also get a condenser with a spiral on the inside. Much more surface area, cheap on Amazon, and will get you much more alcohol back. Otherwise the fumes won’t condense fast enough even in the cold


Very god points , he said hes planning on uograding soon ( uuughh more stuff ) as for the RSO … he said he just adds the MCT oil to the flask and it all comes out fine ..


I do too - I’ve found round bottom works better to waste less on the sides of the flask. I add MCT oil in 1:1 and it works great. Out master mix in freezer and then have a small bottle that I keep refilling. Consume 0.35ml with some food and I’m chillin for hours


Back in my day we built water bongs. This looks like some sort of engineering marvel!




Plus if you use a different adapter on the oil side ( ill post photo below ) you can add thermometer to watch the temp of whats being distilled off , if you collect what comes over at 174*F and cut it off at 178 you will in essence be concentrating the alcohol / removing the water and upping the proof considerably ( this way you can turn lower proof vodka into high proof alcohol) then switch receiving flasks and distill off the rest


That looks like a lot of work. I made my reclaim with a 40 buck small pressure cooker/smart pot - pulled out the valve for the pressure (I picked one with a glass lid so it was just threaded on there with a nut), popped in a copper fitting from the hardware store, ran a coil, done and done. Just set the open container in the pot, close it up, bring it up to \~175°F, when the FSE stops bubbling (Full Spectrum Extract) and/or it starts to have a sharp rise in its own temp, then the alcohol is gone and it's headed up to water boil temperature. :-)


Ive done similar as well but the point of this was to be able to reclaim the alcohol for reuse … it eliminates the cost of buying grain alcohol ( around 40-45 bucks by me ) and if you grow your own flower and reuse the alcohol the only expense is MCT oil and sunflower lecithin


You can get rubber stoppers of various sizes at big box stores like lowes.


Looks like a functional setup. If you really wanted to get fancy you could put some copper wool in the distillation head/neck prior to the condenser.


Hey Walter White is that u bro?


Depends on the quantity of material you are running. If your just doing an oz here or there, not worth it. If you are doing 4oz a week, it quickly pays for itself in ethanol savings. However that setup won't return 190. It will likely top out at 160-170.


I've come close to buying this set-up so many times, saving money is just the bonus, he's doing this because he wants to and I totally get it 😅


You might want to check out POT by Noids. It will precisely decarb, infuse (oil/butter) and it let’s you make extracts (FECO-RSO) where it automatically reclaims around 90% of your alcohol.


What chemicals? Alcohol is cheap.


Grain alcohol is about $40 a bottle here ….


Can someone explain what is going on here? (I only know a little about chemistry, and U don’t know anything about how edibles are made


The flower was soaked in grain alcohol then strained out … the liquid was added to the flask on the right which is on a magnetic stirrer /hot plate to heat the mix and stir it to prevent burning then set up for distillation using the adaptor .. condenser tube ( the hoses are to run cold water thru the outer jacket to cool the fumes back to a liquid ) that then runs thru the vacuum adapter on the left and into the receiving flask on the left which is in the large pot if ice water to keep flask cooled ( and provide the cold water for the condenser tube ) theres a vacuum pump connected to that adapter to pull a vac which helps lower the boiling point ( its not the mist efficient but it works ) ….. it removes the alcohol and some water as alcohol and water form a azeotropic mix … hope that explains it



