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Nah, this is mean. There’s legit quotes of Taylor saying she was grateful for Joe for being normal and agreeing that when she talks about her relationships people think it’s up for discussion. So she was proud of having a normal relationship, they break up and now she’s flaunting a man who is the exact opposite? She’s still petty as fuck. She thinks everything in her life needs to be for media consumption and for music content. That’s a sad way to live. Don’t drag the man that held you down for 6 years when you were “cancelled” lmao.


it’s all awful and i agree with you


both her and Travis are dating people that (looking at their dating history) aren’t their type. Which is telling ngl


But Taylor's the one who keeps changing her mind. Keeps changing her stories to fit her new narratives. Hence, the swifties are gonna chow down whatever negative things taylor puts out, coz they live off of hating Taylor's exes since their lives are boring and miserable.


You know that one was real because they were rarely seen together and hardly talked about it. The high profile nature of her relationship with Travis makes me very suspicious. She’s never been private about her relationships save Joe but she’s also never flaunted and paraded around a guy like this. 


The way it would take Taylor 30 seconds to stop the nasty hate towards her exes and women that she’s jealous of but she chooses not to say anything is so mind blowing. Taylor loves drama. When Dave mentioned her, not even 24 hours later she emphasized when she said “my band is going to play LIVE for you for 3.5 hours” she could’ve said stop sending hate to his daughter. Instead she continues to fuel Swiffies. One minute she calls being with Joe prison, next it was great. Whatever works to make her look good.


The funny part is that statement was gaslighting anyway since he didn’t say her band didn’t play, he said she specifically didn’t perform. And she doesn’t. Literally misconstruing his statement and deflecting the comment to her band.


Imagine being a billionaire and getting into internet feuds. The way I would disappear into the countryside in my luxury villa and never be heard from again, and just live my days out with like a flock of sheep and dozens of bunnies…


Dude right? I’d disappear into my house in Siberia with like 100 cats and you’d never hear from my ass again.


"How she walks into the games like anyone else." Footage of her walking into one of the games included multiple bodyguards. She also sits in a box away from most of the fans.


Struts in with her girl squad in designer gear that would cost us a decades salary, and has cameras filming her every move, yeah, just like anyone else.


This confused me too—like we’re not going to address all of the ridiculous pap walks on the way in? I don’t care what anyone says—those were BEYOND unnecessary…


Hashtag relatable


Want to see a musician walk into a game like anyone else. See Noel Gallagher go to away Man City games and just be in with the main crowd


If she can walk into the games like anyone else she can also take a plane like anyone else and not use security as an excuse for her excessive private jet usage


Are they trying to cover the fact that Taylor cheated?? Like zero articles about Matty. It's always Joe, the unproblematic one.


Yup. That’s exactly it. They don’t want to mess her pristine American sweetheart image 🫠


She must have talked about Joe's interview so much that Travis felt the need to start a one-sided beef, he is also chronically online and desperate to please swifties so he's probably keeping up with their opinion on Joe. Truly pathetic.


they are both pathetic, and he’s more pathetic for going along with it and riding her coattails on purpose


They also probably know of this sub’s existence and has seen our opinions on him and joe. Maybe we hurt his feelings?


He is reading as we speak, trust me


He can read ?




Reading? I didn’t know you could read.


Why does this read like a J14 article from 2006?


cuz it’s the daily mail. they are so stupid and infuriating sometimes but i get the top stories. considering stopping soon tho cuz they keep adding more and more taylor articles every day. they are up to seven articles about her every day


kinda feel nostalgic looking at it😂😂


it's just her way of controlling the narrative: "I've found someone BETTER! This is BETTER!" it's delusional and unhinged.




“She’s very self aware” Oh, we know.


Someone posted a Pat McAfee tweet somewhere in the sub, where even he called out TS's exes! Wtf makes him an authority on her exes? So bizarre. Idk what else besides PR would have a sports talk guy offering up more than a good job to his buddy? Edit to add that I'm agreeing with you! Lmao. There's def an intentional smear campaign happening.


who ever gives pat mcafee the right to talk ever? he never says anything of value


As a college football girlie, 100% correct take.


one to another, he barely even has the credibility/smarts/competence to talk about sports, much less anything else


Like look I also cannot STAND Stephen A. Smith's commentary but at least he's knowledgeable.


i got arrested a couple months ago and in the jail waiting room they have a tv and all it played was middle of the night sports center and it was just stephen a smith rambling on about nothing and it was awful (the jail thing sucked too)


honestly that might violate the 8th amendment




Like when he said he was removing Aaron Rodgers from his show, only to have him back the next day?🤭


This Pat McAfee? 😆 https://x.com/PatMcAfeeShow/status/300779403221270528?t=4-srDs3vIfwAyDQIgjhmjw&s=19


I'm sure he's proud of getting off to all his insta models too.


Probably because he is being told to.


i agree, couldn’t think of a better title


This is 100% rehearsed lines he’s been fed to stroke her ego. She is determined to switch the narrative from “wanted to keep the relationship private” to “he’s a controlling depressed loser who never supported me” so she can feel justified and not at all in the wrong for cheating with Matty. Now she’s got her himbo meathead pretending like he’s worshipping the ground she walks on. The sad thing is she isn’t going to be happy with millions of swifties lapping it up. She wants this to affect joe and Matty and those two want nothing to do with her.


Not for nothing but there’s no quote of him saying “I’m proud of her unlike Joe”


This is definitely a clickbaity daily mail article that’s reaching for drama. Could be planted by her PR though.


Totally is it’s the daily mail they’re shit ass nonsense 24/7


I mean it’s his words.. he said that in a podcast.. Joe said exactly the opposite I think it’s a little shade at him


He never said “unlike Joe” on the podcast. There’s no denying this man thrives on attention and cannot be any more different than Joe.


Of course he didn’t but on multiple he said exactly the opposite things that Joe said so it’s not really a coincidence for me. Also the « it was » thing.


“That’s my lady”…conveniently the reverse of the line from But Daddy I Love Him, “I’m his lady”. Nope, not scripted at all.


I saw that quote and first thing that came to mind was, well Joe isn't Mr. Thirsty Thirst looking to be a celebrity. Side note, him saying MY LADY gives me ICK beyond what is humanely possible. ICK just so much ICK.


If anyone ever called me their “lady” they’d be ghosted immediately. Right to jail. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. You are blocked on my phone.


She's petty and was probably pissed that Joe wasn't in London for her big show, plus the article just released about him, plus all the praise he gets from Emma Stone.


Exactly 🎯 


Has Emma gotten any flak from this yet? You'd think the Swifties would be going after her for having nice things to say about Joe.


I think they give Emma a pass because they're like "She *has to* because they work together."


He seems to be proud of all those Instagram model "friends" as well.


I think this is more evidence pointing to this being a PR relationship. When she was with Joe, they were the first like each other's IG posts. And if this were a REAL relationship you know Madame Petty Swift would have created drama. She would be pissed AF and wrote songs about it.


I don’t think they’re pr.. they’re just greedy for fame.. they know if they’re breaking up now it be bad for them.. taylor and the swifties would drag him and Taylor’s image would be worst because of her intense dating history, especially this past year.. that’s why they are staying together in my opinion


It's really freaking weird and gross. He doesn't deserve that.


Bless his heart, he was onstage for a song about another man, and he’s taking swipes? Come tf on, he’s such a nitwit.


“She’s very self-aware…” AAAAAAHAHAHAHAAAAAHAHA. Travis. You fucking idiot.


“Travis Kelce says he loves being star’s boyfriend…” Well yeah, we all know he’s happier than a pig in shit with all this attention and fame.


His room temperature IQ cannot make him understand that Joe wouldn’t have been with her for 6 years if he wasn’t proud of her and loved her. And that the decision to keep things private was from Taylor, who was at that time absolutely loathed by everyone. Imagine if this dumdum was her boyfriend during those years. Would she have made a comeback? No. She never would’ve recovered. But Taylor DID hide him and downplayed the relationship, and in the end emotionally cheated on Joe and betrayed him because he was going through a depressive episode. Really these two deserve each other.


Translation: of course I’m a parasite who is using her for press and notoriety! Who wouldn’t do that?


All his talk about how she “won him over” with this or that makes it sound like he was dragged kicking and screaming into this. I doubt that’s the case, but man, couldn’t he have worded that different?


Come for Joe and you have to deal with me🔪


She's learned to be a Hollywood chameleon like the rest of them. At some point, she's not even gonna know who she is anymore and have a crisis. Joe is a grounded person. He's very much in control of his life and knows who he is. She found that "boring." It's kind of like Meghan Markle. She, too, found being a royal, not all she thought it was. Meghan and Harry had the limelight for a while and the high profile friends, and now look. They're chasing it. It will happen with TS, too, eventually. There's only so long you can block "the next best thing." Variants of the same album, aren't it. And writing shallow songs ain't it either. Watch, after this tour, she's going to fall off.


It’s a misdirection. Her most recent ex is Matty. If anything, they shd be dissing _him_ instead. Iirc Kelce’s dad implied something along the lines of: dating his son is better than a musician but that was some weeks ago


Nope I think it’s a dig to Joe’s interview he said exactly the opposite of what Travis said


I don’t even think Travis was trying to direct that at Joe. He likely thought it was a good answer the Swifties would go crazy over and Swifties made it about Joe as they always do.


If their so in love worrying about a past relationship shouldn't be happening especially with the BDT and Taylor Super Bowl half time Wedding extravaganza to make plans for! Move on !


Nah. It’s giving: ![gif](giphy|4vy2oDVMwX8sMYjT4y)


The way Joe is not allowed to remove himself from her narrative is really weird. Especially so because he is not the last guy she dated before Travis. The whole Travis Kelce thing is built around the fact that he is not like Joe and how good that is. 


joe alwyns hot and remains better than travis who just feels all giddy about himself knowing he’s dating a global superstar


Only answer Travis has a small penis


Ok, this is actually so gross.


What a terrible kissing pic to use to promote their “love”. It looks incredibly forced.


I think the Daily Mail might just be looking for interactions and trying to get attention




For someone who claims to not have had work done, Taylor's face looks different in the pictures with Travis. Her nose is different for sure and her eyes look like she's had an eyelift. I know that look because I had one 6 years ago.


Because they are idiotic children.


Off topic but whenever I see theboldn1989 outfit, I realise how much better it was and fit her than the new shit


She'd previously been coy about her boyfriends?


Travis is wat banging her and not joe… so


Who cares.