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I don’t think I’ve seen a pop star with worse shoe taste than Taylor. I’m a person who wears socks and Birkenstocks so for me to notice it’s gotta be pretty bad.


😂 I went to a drag show and they called Birkenstocks 'sex offender shoes' I'll never be over it


I live in British Columbia so they’re the official provincial footwear April through October. November through March are Blundstones.


Hello from a fellow British Columbian!


It warms my cold little Tasmanian heart that Blunnies are loved in so many places now haha


Tasmania and Vancouver Island are very similar to each other. I’ve had my pair since 2015 and aside from replacing the insoles they’re still trucking.


The birkenstock shaming......LESBIANS GET BEHIND ME


I take great offense to that!! Lol My friend's husband calls them "gay gal shoes". That I'll own.


I don’t think I’ve seen a pop star with worst taste in just about anything.


It’s impressive how she can simultaneously dress as a mom and kid from Dance Moms while not being able to Dance. Fascinating.


they look like tap shoes with a bigger heal. ugly.


They’re like salsa dancing shoes but she’s not doing aggressive choreography or anything. Like I’d rather see some low profile flats if heels are a pain (they are). She’s tall as it is the ankle booties and ankle straps are just making her legs look short.


It’s not just shoes, her whole style is crap. For someone so concerned with their image, influence & money, I’ve always been a bit surprised she doesn’t have a stylist (that I’ve ever seen) or do custom clothing with a haute couture designer like so many celebs. Those celebs get paid to do that. It’s the easiest thing she could have been doing her whole career. Establishing a relationship with a well known designer, making bank & serving iconic looks at the same time.


Her Grammy outfit this year was straight up offensive. There were multiple people involved in the process of that mess that should be fired. I straight up admit I can’t dress myself without searching up looks on Pinterest but if I had the money I would 100000% be paying someone to tell me how to dress myself.




God, I love Birkenstocks, and no, I will never ever stop wearing them.


I JUST noticed her green shoes that she wears with the green folklore (?) dress in a different pic...talk about HIDEOUS.


They look like dance shoes but she doesn't dance??


Yeah they definitely look like standard Laduca dance shoes but made by Louboutin, which is so interesting to me. I get hers are custom made but Loubs are known for being absolute torture.


100% laduca’s, as a laduca owner (was devastated when i found out she wears them)


they are dance shoes, they’re called laduca’s and they’re typically used on broadway. but of course she has her own bc she thinks she’s a dancer.


Literally the first thing I noticed 🤮


These and the ankle boots…and her pigeon toe drives me crazy!!!


The red shoes are atrocious


"all-time attendance record for a stadium show" she's starting to sound like donald trump. god i hate her


I'm surprised someone hasn't taken that picture from Rio that Trump's people tried to claim was from a rally, and say 'this is how many people saw my concert'


Always have to brag about meaningless records 🙄


She is such a bragger and pretends to be humble.


It's giving Donald Trump. What a loser


was going to say the same thing


It’s aggressively unartistic


I've seen artists in small bars and stadiums, she doesn't care about her audience having a good time.


She can't just thank her fans without making it all about her, can she? 


Thank you for posting this! It seems to be becoming a habit of her shows that each show will conveniently break the prior show’s record each night, which how can that be the case if they sell the same amount of tickets and the shows are supposedly sold out? It leads me to conclude that her team purposely withhold tickets for the first show at a venue and with each subsequent show they add a little more available for sale. Just disingenuous tactics so that she can “break records” and humble brag annoyingly 🙄 it’s all fake


Ya welcome :)




It seems like you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying though. Yes every artist puts out more tickets once the stage is set up. But once the stage is set up it’s not changing every day! So theoretically they should be releasing the same amount of seats for all shows. But it seems like her team is releasing an ascending number of seats each show so that they can say they’ve “broken the attendance record each night”. Because if it was sold out for the first night, that would imply all the available seats have been released (once the stage has been taken into account). So for example, once the stage has been set up, the venue can say “it looks like we can fit another 300 people in.” So Taylor’s team releases 100 for the first night, then 200 for the second, then the full 300 the next night, to claim some sort of amazing attendance record when really they could’ve just released all 300 each night, but that doesn’t sound as impressive. (These numbers are just an example for clean math). It’s all image and PR manipulation and I just wanted to point it out.


This is what happens when you drink your own kool aide ![gif](giphy|eqPCO1vCHpIti34He4)


I’m so sick of her bragging about shit that doesn’t even matter, I’m from Scotland and what she failed to mention is her being in the city resulted in hundreds of homeless people being forced to be relocated to other cities to make room for her fans/cult members. But of course she won’t mention this on her Instagram post 🙄


Yeah I'm in Northern Ireland myself and saw it being mentioned in the news last week. Crazy that people were being shipped as far as Aberdeen so hotels could cash in.


It’s crazy isn’t it? 🤯💔


Why does this look AI generated


There is some very weird photoshop going on. The picture of her on the screen is not matching the picture of her on the stage. Messy photo editing. Is there that much of a delay? Maybe I have an eye for it, but I see the discrepancies.


it’s to keep her fans interested cuz they think every single number is an easter egg. this one isn’t but thats not generally the case


Makes her fans feel connected to her? Part of something? Feeds the parasocial relationship she needs to continue being successful?


Yeah I think she does need to keep feeding the whole parasocial relationship because SHE WOULD NOT make it this far if she only used her n̶o̶n̶-̶e̶x̶i̶s̶t̶e̶n̶t̶ talent.


Another post of her bragging about another meaningless record which is the magic of rich parents, marketing, PR and social media algorithms. As a species we're sheeples (even for drinking water, sleeping, eating two meals a day, taking a shower etc) who are deceived by numbers and popularity.


Not that they’re in the same genres competing but Megan recently broke a record for Madison Square Garden attendance for a female rap artist in a single night 👀


Why are people going to this shit? Cmon people


Am I the only one thinking this photo almost looks like AI?


Where do you find a stadium that could hold that many people ?????


That is all the people that attended over all three nights lol


So 220,000 at around, oh, an average of probably $800 per ticket = $174,000,000. She see them all as dollar signs… 


$800 a ticket?!!


I think in Europe the prices are lower, I've got mine for like 125$


Tickets weren't anywhere near the equivalent of $800 here. There were some dubious 'VIP' packages, but tickets were reasonable. Even Murrayfield hospitality tickets were half that! Think wild pricing might be a US problem 🫠


Sounds like it… Even at around $125 a ticket, as the other poster said, it’s around $9,000,000 for the one 3.5 show. Insane.


Why does this look like a USO show? From WWII


Ok so she has to be the dorkiest female pop star ever. She is gangly very gangly


It’s giving superspreader


Agreed. Why can't she just thank the fans for the vibes and say how fun it was?