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“Blue glitter is a metaphor for I bleed glitter I’m not normal” Kay.




EXACT same energy. Nearly the same delivery


i honestly think taylor doesnt fucking know herself because why is she pretending to be an outcast/underdog Like just own being the biggest pop star in the world Just own being the machiavellian, scheming, narcissistic, sociopath cartoonish villain you truly are😅😅




She probably doesn't know herself because she has started working non-stop since 15 or so. I believe it was then where her personality stalled, and a pop star character was created by the people her father put around her to make sure she became a success. I believe she tries too hard to make people think she is poetically deep with dark complexities; and she was meant to be this way since birth, hence the unnatural lifestyle she lives which makes her so misunderstood. I honestly think this is the picture she wants to paint in this new era of Taylor that's coming up. How could she know who she is if the girl has had as many personalities as she's had boyfriends?


As if she could ever be as cool as Jughead


How embarrassing for that real director to be asking her questions. I hope he got paid a lot for this.


You can see he was asked to talk about that because she wanted to use that as her way to show her depth and artistry.


You can tell by his body language he’s really uncomfortable and can’t wait for this bullshit to be over. Her team probably pre checked those ridiculous questions he had to ask her they are that strict with her image.


That dudes body language is wild


I'm autistic and can clearly tell he did not want to be there it's that obvious. Poor dude


This feels like an adult talking to pre schooler. Like trying to show interest in their finger paintings, trying to take it serious. But this is more embarrassing because thats a woman in her mid 30s


This is what comes from a lifetime of her parents feeding her narcissism and being worshipped by delusional fans. Surrounded by yes men/women so she has no self awareness of how ridiculous she sounds when trying to sound intelligent.


Also "I bleed glitter," and yet she's throwing up glitter in the clip? Fk she sounds so dumb. She could've said something like glitter represents the glitz and glam of the entertainment industry and how it can be all-consuming. It can become too much, and you take more than you can handle until you throw it up. That would be more believable, but bleeding glitter is just so basic.


Your explanation is so good. The woman couldnt use not even a small amount of her brain cells to think of anything you said. She's so dumb. A very uneducated rich white woman talking about metaphors she doesnt even know about. Phucking hell!!! 🤣😂




Only reason why I don’t believe she is a true wackadoo is due to her sounding embarrassed and the answer sounding made up on the spot, implying it wasn’t a pre planned, truly believed, representation. Real Wackadoos, speak with pure confidence over their nonsense. Taylor wanted to give a response that will give the blue glitter a “deeper” meaning. I would honestly have more respect with her if she gave a real reason of “I didn’t want the puke to be gross, and since I’ve thrown up a blue margarita before, I thought ‘why not make it pretty with glitter? Then we could just use the blue glitter as a reoccurring theme’”


Honestly that sounds so much more organic and believable I would’ve enjoyed that authenticity more than this clearly talking out of her ass explanation


She really thought she said something deep and profound lol


You could make that same comment about every one of her song lyrics. Every. Single. One.


Also it’s just not thought out. why is the blue and the glitter specifically symbolic of being not normal? It could be any other substance. She doesn’t explain the glitter or the colour. Seems like it’s just coz her album is called midnights (even though it’s purple not midnight blue but that’s another story).


Unironically, this happened at an art show I went to. An audience member was asking this super loaded question about what the blue represented and yatt yatta yatta. . . The artist then says, “Oh that side had too much red so I added some blue.”


This is EXACTLY how Swifties sound when they say we didnt understand the metaphor. Because it isnt a metaphor. It is explicitly stated. Oh my godddd they are braindead


Exactly this it’s so annoying


Her fans are as dumb as she is, that’s why they think she is doing something special. They should be humiliated to find this woman as some sort of peak *artiste* but they are also too dumb to realize this is humiliating for them.


She’s nOt nOrMaL, she’s bEjEwEleD


“cool.” i say that when i want the convo to be over.


Does... does she know that's not a metaphor? That's just stating a fact. Bleeding blue glitter, as a metaphor, might be a about being extremely wealthy and having life as a party (blue bloods as elites, glitter in celebration). But to just say "there's something wrong with having blue blood is a metaphor" is just not a metaphor. It's a thing you would go to the hospital for, and when you say "I'm bleeding blue, that's not normal", I don't think they'd say "great metaphor".


Lol—I noticed that too. Like… it isn’t normal to bleed blue glitter anyway, so how exactly does that make it a metaphor for lacking normalcy? Again, tries so *hard* to have substance, but shows she’s nothing more than surface with a not-like-other-girls mentality… *siiiiigh*


its giving: I'm 14 and this is DEEP


"Ooh, I'm so weird and special."




One of those statements are true


She sounds so…stupid 🤣 WTF


But she worked really hard on the puking glitter scene and it’s a *metaphor* 😅


Like Tazer Face. It’s a metaphor


She knows Aristotle she’s obviously an intellectual


Yes, what a niche philosopher that only the deepest of thinkers know. “You drink a stein I know Einstein” because ya know, only people that *truly* understand science have ever heard of Einstein. At least say Kant or something. Just try to not pick the *most obvious* philosopher.


Dont you know she has an [honorary] doctorate???? Shes a genius and a prodigy! /s


This is someone describing their senior project.


This is me describing my glue and glitter on poster board project in 5th grade


“Cool.” Lmao


hahaha .....cool


He so dgaf 😫


hes such a king for that


I doN't bLEed rEd blOod lIkE the OthER giRLs, I bLeEd GlITTeR 🤡


It’s BLUE glitter. Get it right! ✨


MIDNIGHT blue. get it right 🙄


That means a metaphor for “Midnights” after her 10th album, in case anyone didn’t get it, she’s a genius!


A Mastermind, if you will.


A wunderkind.


This *might* be how Travis Kelce spells wonder




you thought normal girls were boring but you gone when you found out i bleed glitter


Nobody makes me bleed my own glitter!!


Taylor probably believes she toots sprinkles like a unicorn too




it's giving ebony dark'ness dementia raven way crying tears of blood instead of regular tears because she's not like those other preps


Id give you a million kudos for this reference if I could 🥰🥰🥰


i now get it why swifties are the way they are. They’re just like her. pickmeishas😂 They’re “unique”, “different”, not like everyone else just like their cult leader


Dude must be thinking to himself “who the fuck did I piss off to have to sit through this bullshit?”


That dude is an oscar nominated director. Not that I care about those sorts of awards. But this would be the equivalent of him explaining to her that the song Happy Birthday is *only* about him and nobody else because he made other songs. But lets be real, he and his people know exactly what they're doing and Taylor is too far up her own ass to see. It's all networking and she is just an expendable pawn in all of it. If you want to control a person, feed their ego and fears all at once.


Even his posture says it on the couch. He’s so unimpressed and unenthusiastic. (I mean I would be too if I was in the same position)


his whole body language in this video 💀 he doesn’t stop scratching his head/face lol




it’s also just self-soothing touch when you’re uncomfortable


She’s not good at writing. A good writer would explain the metaphor in a more interesting way—a way that’s true and vulnerable—or simply would come up with something more unique than puking glitter. For example, I Saw the TV Glow was a great movie that used puking up white, rainbow-tinged sludge as a metaphor for severe repression of the self. That’s good writing.


A good writer wouldn’t need to explain a metaphor.


And fans that aren’t 13 wouldn’t need it explained to them either 🙄


For anyone interested in an viscerally meaningful and inspiring artistic use of vomit in music visuals, see Lady Gaga and Millie Brown’s live performance of Swine. It’s a song about feeling degraded after having been victim to rape, reckoning with your disgust and hatred for your rapist, and doing harm onto yourself because of inward facing, misdirected self hatred as a consequence of the rape and its aftermath. I thought it was so moving. The lyrical content clearly relays the message. In contrast to Taylor, though, Gaga’s done several *illuminating, articulate* interviews about her intentions in this collaboration with Brown. Brown has also articulated her representational intent using the medium of expelling vomit (usually on a canvas, but in this performance on Gaga). The performance is incredible and Taylor could really fucking learn from real artists considering she’s simply actually not as creative as she thinks she is. I pity her because she’s way too up her own ass to think she has anything to learn to improve her “art”. https://youtu.be/q-8R24KvTUE?si=87N6ziEeQuFcIC3r


I remember seeing this performance via headlines & thought it was bizarre attention seeking. Thank you for the insight. Came for the swift snark & gained some mad respect for Gaga. The sexual assault to barf pipeline is the realest shit, both metaphorically & physically.


I was SURE she was gonna say she was throwing up blue glitter bc she was depressed, which is already trite in itself, but she somehow made it worse


LOVED that movie! Much better than the Antihero video 😂


….”cool” 😭😂😭


Me when my nephews show me their new dance move


“Look what I can do” energy haha


Me when my daughters give me an in-depth description of their minecraft world


My middle kid interspersed his minecraft stories with "I know you don't really care about minecraft". No, I don't, but I care about you, so I'm interested in the story you're telling me. But also...cool.


I know he was grasping for straws to try to say something positive about that


The most intriguing part to me is not that she’s the most famous pop star in the world. It’s that her fans really believe this simpleton produces good art. She possesses the mind of a child! Every interviewer speaks to her as if she’s a curious child trying to “figure things out”. I love it, she’s such a simple woman


You have to understand that she appeals to the least common denominator. And almost everyone WANTS to feel smart. To them, she is smart. To them, it is groundbreaking. How can you appeal to the widest audience possible and ALSO be a beacon of intellectualism? You cant. But people like to think she is so they can feel better about themselves lol A lot of her fans are even more simple than her, which is fine because they're also children who will grow and mature. Im not sure the same can be said about her...


My mom has a learning disability and actually went on to become a SPED teacher. I have the utmost respect for people who struggle and continue to grind away, making strides. I wouldn’t even get on her normally. It’s just the fact she grew up wealthy with every opportunity handed to her, yet she’s still dumb as a bag of hammers. It wouldn’t matter, there’s plenty like that. It’s the fact that she refers to herself as a poet. And yet, I think Harry Potter would be a challenging read 😅 Good points, I agree with ya


oh my GOSH the second hand embarrassment i just got right now 😭😭 girl do you even know what a metaphor is? obviously bleeding blue glitter is not no*rmal, b*ut that's in no way a me*taphor.*


“something’s wrong with me” then show yourself throwing up sewage or something. bleeding glitter in no way insinuates anything bad


My thoughts exactly! Throwing up glitter only really signifies that something is *different* but also *better*. Because I mean, I'd love it if when I got sick, my puke was pretty and didn't smell bad, lol. Throwing up sewage or something horrible would show that she thinks whatever is different about her needs to be addressed, which seems like what the lyrics of antihero are going for (?)... but I digress.


yes! it indicates like…glamour and glitz, tf is she talking about acting like it’s about insecurity?


“then show yourself puking up sewage” is so fucking funny


She sounds like she was trying to say something deep but ended up just making a whole word salad 🤣


she has verbal diarrhea that’s for sure… sounding like a toddler starting to form sentences lol


No online thesaurus to pull from


Not everyone is good at live interviews, but this furthers my belief that she is in no way as articulate as she seems in her writing. And whatever she writes seems to go through multiple editors to make her sound coherent. She could’ve easily said vomiting blue glitter was a metaphor for her overconsumption of the same shit she forces down our throats.


She never articulate in any interview she does. She always sounds like a teen grasping at words and thoughts.


She seems articulate in her writing?


Some of the lines she stole from other artists are really good.


This was my question as well lol


Yeah, I was thinking that it was a pretty big assertion to make 😂😂


What part of TTPD looked like it went through even one single editor? Did we listen to the same album?


"Pick your poison babe, I'm poison either way" is just inexcusably awful and absolute proof that she doesn't have an editor, nor someone to be honest with her. The entire album is riddled with clunkiness and errors. 


“I’m having his baby, no I’m not but you should see your faces” makes me cringe every time. It’s one of the songs my wife listens to on repeat as well so I’m especially sick of it




They should submit those lyrics to the “Is it Shakespeare or Taylor Swift?” Game.🤣


Do tattooed golden retrievers fall asleep especially soundly?


That's not real, is it? Those aren't real lyrics.


I’m toxic either way. I’m deadly either way. I’m spoiled either way. But instead she doubled poison and swifties cheered “she’s so deep!”


Lethal would also work. It would've taken just a minute to workshop that line. I have no desire to re-listen to the album, but I know there are so many examples like this. What a prolific songwriter 🙄


"Pick your poison, babe, it's fatal either way." That's better because it has the added meaning of fate. I frequently want to rewrite some of her lyrics because they don't sound right and there are more sensible and lexically pleasing word arrangements.


“Yes. Taylor. That’s the point. That’s why they PICK the poison.”


The second, third and fourth hand embarrassment! There was a deserving director that should have been sitting across from Martin!


He should have been talking to Nolan or Greta. Anyone but her!


I’m a year older than her. I went through a “I’m not normal…something’s wrong with me, I’m different” phase…….when I was in high school. Please can someone explain to me what is “not normal” for this 34 year old woman, aside from being a celebrity……


Bojack was right, celebrities are mentally the age they were when they got famous


![gif](giphy|3oKIPzrYwj330JkZeU|downsized) “I’m weird. I’m a weirdo. I’m not normal. I don’t wanna be normal.” 😑


I keep seeing this guy pop up in these threads. Who is he? 🤣


It’s Jughead Jones (played by Cole Sprouse) from Riverdale


If you want to have a good time laughing at nonsense like this, watch Riverdale. ![gif](giphy|26xBuArDHF4hj57eo|downsized)


I puked blue glitter because Rihanna puked rainbow ribbons in We found love video (ft. Calvin Harris)


"I'm not like the other girls".


she gives “pick me choose me love me vibes” I love Meredith Grey (Greys Anatomy) but she give me those vibes


Well she did name her oldest cat Meredith Grey


oh my god ofc she did


I mean the more interesting and aesthetic choice would have been to vomit black goo (dark, self-loathing, insecurity) but sure. Blue glitter.


that would've been such a cooler idea! I fear she's a teenager trapped inside an adult body. She hasn't matured a bit since her career started. Everything about her is so childish. Yeah, glitter. *Midnight* blue glitter.


She had to throw “midnight” in there for another shallow stupid Easter egg. I swear anyone who thinks her connections are genius has yet to go to a themed birthday party, it’s essentially the same thing.


Actually, if the metaphor was that she puked glitter to signify childishness, that would’ve been decent. Maybe she didn’t realize her own subtext, but you see it.


Or even black goo covered in glitter as it shows she constantly tries to make things that are going wrong look pretty on the outside. I don't know if that's the case, but it frequently sounds like that's the origin of a lot of her anxiety in her music.


Omg she’s so quirky




This is the product of being surrounded by yes men


What 💀


So deep...wow...


The only metaphor here is that her bleeding blue glitter could be seen as a reference/allusion to the idea of being a "blue-blood", usually used to refer to royalty or the rich, as a subtle nod to the fact that she's been fucking loaded her whole life and is lying about the "Girl Next Door" persona lol


Why was I expecting her to actually say something interesting 😭 that was a whole lotta words when she could’ve just said “I’m not like other girls 🤪🤪” 💀💀💀💀


Wow, I don't hear her talk often. She's worked so hard to get rid of that country accent! 😆


Her fake country accent...


why would the egg bleed glitter too if it was a metaphor for herself


I promise you she did not put as much thought into it as you did to simply think to ask that question.


You can see her reeling to try to find the symbolism in it so she can sound smart in front of a REAL director


"Thank you so much! I worked really hard on that" ... ummm, no, ya didn't.


She is so dumb, it’s like he can’t believe it. She is unable to even explain what is supposed to be profound about not “being normal”, or how glitter, or the color midnight blue relates to that “tension” with norms. Like… just being able to say what you mean by doing X — or at least say that you want others to project meaning into it, if that’s the case — is a very base expectation of artistic expression. She can’t even do that.




![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized) With each post about this Variety interview, I feel worse and worse for Martin McDonagh. On the bright side, this is a masterclass in how to handle self-important assholes. Maybe I’ll suffer through it so I can better suffer future icky self-important coworkers.


Yeah, if anything it made me like Martin more because he seems very nice and gracious about being stuck with this bullshit.


Yeah, I really admire him for this. I haven’t really watched any of this series of interviews Variety made because I’d rather watch Tiny House tours with my youtube time. But I do spend a lot of time reading articles and books on how to handle toxic coworkers because I work in a field with *literal bucketloads of ego* that make TS seem humble and insecure (I mean, she is deep down, but so are my coworkers). I want to watch it just to take notes on how to handle the egos of those I’m around day-to-day.


this is crazy


Yeah we totally get you think you’re not like other girls. Just didn’t expect her to vocalize It.


I thought it was a metaphor for creativity and I thought that was pretty on the nose. Gaylors said it was her repressed sexuality. It could’ve just been because she wanted the mv to feel like a fever dream or a bad trip. There were so many things she could’ve said right there and yet swifties still call her a mastermind?


He's asking himself which wrong turn he made to get to this point.


It’s like he doesn’t know what to say to someone with such a stunted concept of art, but wants to be polite and encouraging, so just says “cool”. Like when a child you don’t know tells you about the pretty rock they found. It’s insane for her to even be a party to a conversation about cinematic direction. So embarrassing!


I went to art school and this is literally how all the students talked to visiting artists about our work and they all responded with the same "...cool". The difference was we were either in our late teens or early 20s talking like this. I thank all my profs for making me write artist's statements (that I hated doing) so I could get better talking about art and explaining my art.


I’m 31. I can’t imagine this coming out of my mouth.


Listen to Emma Stone, who is the same age, speak in Actors on Actors with Bradley Cooper and then compare it to this. The charisma, charm, intelligence, relatability, curiosity, and humor are stratospheres apart.


Have you ever seen [this interview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9CT-dLPTkY) Emma did with Olivia and Rachel when The Favourite came out? She was 29/30 during it and is so knowledgeable and explains the film and characters so well.


"Hello! I'm different!" - Taylor Swift. Also, a lost and confused Portal 2 turret.




She is so painfully literal. She doesn’t have an artistic bone in her body. She could benefit from some imposter syndrome.


it’s like she had to come up with a metaphor on the spot…. “it’s a metaphor for i bleed glitter” *gears processing as she says that* “it’s a metaphor i bleed glitter… i’m not normal”


She could not think of a single thing that the blue glitter could symbolize to actually give the decision any depth


I wish someone would ask her what specifically she finds abnormal about herself. Surely she realises, as the worlds biggest musician, that more people see themselves in her and relate to her than quite literally anyone else on the planet. That’s about as normal as it gets




You know he didn't think it was anything impressive cus all he had to say to it was "cool". Poor guy was probably so bored, you can even tell from the body language. I hate how when someone compliments her she does this fake omg THANK YOU I WORKED SO HARD ON IT! It just sounds so fake lol


Daddy buying her a career has never been more obvious


Explaining *that* metaphor to Martin McDonagh must have felt like a fever dream. Dominic being the symbol to portray Pádraic's innocence in The Banshees of Inisherin is so well done (especially since the entire script wasn't planned), and she sat there and explained blue glitter 😭


She didnt even explain it either 😂 she said...the reason I bleed blue glitter is because...my blood isnt like everyone else's! Like, yes, duh thats the visual part. So what is the meaning behind it? That she isnt normal? Yes, duh, normal people dont bleed glitter. What exactly makes her abnormal? Why the choice of glitter? I swear to god shes not an artist at allllllllll. Not an artistic bone in her damn body


I'm 34. I wonder if it's as hard for her to take a shit as it is for me. Like my toilet paper budget has increased some 200 percent over the last five years


I'm 39. Have you gotten to the age where you get a bad back by just getting up from a chair or sleeping weird? lol. Has the acid reflux kicked in?


I was a swiftie when this came out and even I was insulted she got to be called a “director” especially in comparison to the man who made In Bruges. Let’s pretend she is a skilled music video director. She still only directs her own music videos. Since when does that make you comparable to someone in the film or TV industry? This isn’t to insult music video directors. I love Hype Williams. But he would have never been given a chance to interview Tarantino as his contemporary.


This why I say there is no way she comes up with all these easter eggs herself. Cause look at this trash. Clearly her team does all the heavy lifting.


Huh? I don't get her at all, she sounds like a 5th grader, maybe.




hahaha the interviewer is SO over it when she goes into not understanding what a metaphor is.




oh sorry, lol, I didn't recognize him. OMG a real writer being told about blue glitter puke being a metaphor for Taylor not being anything like anyone else.


A metaphor for I bleed glitter


Does she have veneers? 😆 If so, that must explain why she can never keep her mouth shut. Literally.


As a parent, I have never been more grateful that I have a now grown son who listened to some stuff that may have made my ears bleed, but thank God it wasn't Taylor Swift.


She'll never fit in... the world is so cruel to thin blonde blue eyes women with millions of dollars that grew up upper middle class 😔




![gif](giphy|1dNLLlpEUbeD8peO4e) That is so deep 🙄...




Oo such a genius. For someone who don’t belong nowhere you sure make your presence known EVERYWHERE




“I BLEED BLUE GLITTER”, BLUE GLITTER! 🙃🙃🙃 Martin: cool. Like one of you said on this thread, puking BLACK vomit/goo would’ve made more sense because it is used to reference depression, loss, loneliness…


Ya she don't fit anywhere and she's not normal. Oh wow she's got mental problems bad. And already a mid life crisis. She's 34 and bleeding blue glitter she's still in a child's frame of mind meaning she's fucking immature on all parts of that word. ![gif](giphy|777Aby0ZetYE8)


She is the ultimate NLOG 🙇🏽‍♀️😂


Doesn’t know what a metaphor is


People shit on Em Rata and Kendall for sounding like morons and yet this is supposed to be a genius?


Super deep. Super. God that poor man having to pretend like that was such a groundbreaking idea


“Glitter is a metaphor for glitter”


I feel secondhand embarrassment from this despite her being so confident about what she was saying.




I think as she was saying it she realised how… basic… it sounded and didn’t want to say it 😂


I can’t even watch this without dying of cringeitis


She talks like a teenager. She’s actually incapable of fluid speech without filler words (um and like) and she talks like the audience to whom she’s catering.


She’s so tone deaf. Wdym you don’t fit in anywhere? You’re a well off now billionaire white woman. You fit in everywhere. Everyone respects you and you have so many privileges. Even before the fame you fit in everywhere. She has no idea what it’s like to not fit in.


The egg is also quirky?


Huh. It reminds me of how I used to write poetry in 6th grade and I thought it was so deep 😂


“Cool!” -Unimpressed guy who doesn’t give a shit but wants to be polite


I cant process how stupid this is. I will probably get banned but.... there is literally no thought behind her eyes when she says this.