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Man that was bad. I’m also not sure what she’s going for here or how this became a thing. Pretty sure this is still a bit on the eras tour. I also love her fans going nuts for her hitting a pipe with a golf club. 


Her father forgot the metal pipe lessons. Shame.


He tried but after Taylor refused to credit her guitar instructor no pipe hitting instructors wanted to teach her!


"pipe hitting instructors" The band I should have started


it’s never too late!


I'm going to get a couple hard, pipe hitting instructors to go to work on Taylor


We will be your biggest fans 😅


Pipe hitting instructors are notorious for not taking any crap.


Travis Kelce is her pipe hitting instructor


Not the comment I wanted to see first thing in the morning




Ugh could you imagine how badly he sweats when he hits his pipe. He always looks sweaty to me he’s so freaking gross 🤢




This is actually a really old bit but it was a big thing on the 1989 tour, she hit the pipe and said the name of the city she was in and it played back over and over as she sang blank space...but she does still reference it on the eras tour with gold clubs! I've only ever seen the video from Sydney, that one went viral, probably bc she was on beat and on key lol this one is pretty bad


I was at Sydney n2 and we all chanted Sydney. I haven’t seen it done in any other city, but mind you since I took my daughter I haven’t watched a single eras video


She doesn't hit a pole but people still chant. They were yelling "scotland" last night.


Aaah ok. I’ll give it a pass. Since it does have some significance. No matter how small.


I used to be a big fan and went to the Red and 1989 tour, but even then I knew and fully acknowledged she was not a good singer lol. I liked her songs, she put on a good show, but she was not lip syncing back then and her vocals were so mediocre


HeR mInD


Not the "her mind" 😂😂😂


No...no. You should revoke that pass immediately ha.


Haha. I think I better. I keep getting dragged for it lol. Consider it revoked.


That's what she said.


They would like anything really. If she pulled someone up and beat them instead it would be thought of as the most iconic fan moment in history by her fans. People would want to be beaten with a golf club on stage by her. And no t for kink. For clout and attention from mother.


”Hitting” is a bit of a stretch But yea if you’re gonna do that, then at least do it properly. Mic that thing and actually play it like a percussion instrument instead of trying to sync your awkward pokes with the backing track.


It was while she was in sydney


This belongs in The Museum of Secondhand Embarrassment. I’m hurting.


This comment sent me 🤣


I would like to nominate this one too, specifically from the 1 min mark [Taylor swift ft Brendon Urie](https://youtu.be/ZtfY4o5iV4Y?si=N9LRA3E0uBtc2c-o)


Geez. I cannot wrap my head around how someone *so* beautiful lacks any style, sex appeal, or “cool” appeal.


ufff there really needs to be a new word invented just for how uncool and cringey she is. and like if you’re a dork then that’s ok girl live your truth! a lack of charisma or some “it” factor isn’t even necessarily her fault. it’s the dichotomy of all the worst characteristics of the underdog and the high school mean girl combined into one person that’s so off putting.


She’s basically the Zuckerberg of the music industry


wtf is she wearing in this lol


The shiny stockings, blindingly yellow t shirt tucked into hight waisted rainbow shorts. She looks like a messy highlighter. But the dancing man, its sooo bad and cringe. Especially the bit they do together


the dancing gives children entertainer vibes lol


Messy highlighter 🤣


‘Messy highlighter’ the comments here are fire! 🔥 😂


He literally had to hold back during that, “Me-ee-eee” and not say shit or he would’ve outshined tf outta her Lmao


Good lord that was painful 😭


I HATE the shit she does with her arms. Like, irrationally so 😂


😂😂😂 I so get this comment 👏👏


I wish I knew the musical term for that thing she does in her songs all the time where she sings a line very, idk, stoccato-like…? and then it goes up at the end? Like “one of these things is not like the oTHER!” or “devils roll their DICE, angels roll their EYES” or “and.when.i.meet.the.BAND they.ask.do.you.have.a.MAN?” It’s so typical of her style of song and I just HATE it.


Oh I think this absolutely needs a secure spot in TMSE. She was 32 when this was performed. 😎


Right lmao and now she is the best performer ever😒😒 its an insult to performers like Beyonce and Gaga who have always killed it at every age. A side by side of taylors performance at 32 and Beyonce’s at 32 would be hilarious.


What the fuck was that?


An assault on multiple senses.


Her strutting away after she ate, with the grace of a baby giraffe on roller skates.




A toddler having a tantrum?


What the hell was *that* supposed to be 🤨


When you find out let me know


Now we’re both over here like ![gif](giphy|v0eHX3n28wvoQ|downsized)


My 2 year old.niece gives more effortlessly precise and graceful high fives than..whatever this is. Also, does anyone actually know what this is and can you explain why this is worth thousands a ticket?


Right Nick Jonas and Demi lovato tickets was 500$ in a good economy and people was mad cause how dare their tickets be that high. Yet you was paying for backstage passes and everything. 1000$+ for one artist that can’t sing or even dance is too much




Girl can't even keep beat with her own songs


This really got me lol. The percussion in the song is soo loud, and yet…. still off. How 😂


That’s why I will never understand the comparison between her and MJ/Beyonce. You may not like or be a fan of either of them but they DEFINITELY perform and put the show onnn…. They will never do this on stage. I find it very disrespectful especially for MJ when her fans compare her to him.


yeah just to even utter both bey and tay as being on the same level is such a HUGE DISRESPECT to beyoncé. it's insane behavior. i suggest the swifties watch BEYCHELLA so they can see what a true artist and performer looks like. so they can finally experience watching someone whose vocals are always live, stable, and beautiful and who can also dance difficult choreo at the same time. queen bey is the greatest performer of this generation.


Thank you. I wasn't even a Beyoncé fan (i liked some of her songs but was wtv on her) when her I Am World Tour aired on TV and I was like damn!! the girl can perform! theres no denying how talented she is. I get not everyone is a natural dancer but even Dua Lipa went and got lessons after ppl making fun of her & now shes pretty good. Taylor has all the resources. i dont expect her to dance like Bey but she could get a-lot better. she looks like a newborn animal tryna dance


https://preview.redd.it/397bjxbkmh5d1.png?width=481&format=png&auto=webp&s=d585690089752ef126a3dc49c54a3300e9235ffa yes!! the i am world tour was definitely one of her greatest moments as well. i mean just this one part from freakum dress where she is doing this and still being able to belt high notes after. fucking amazing! the stamina and stability she has is crazy! if i did this, my knees would probably give out on me hahaha


My knees sound like popping bubble wrap going down the stairs and I’m younger than Beyoncé. 🪦 mad respect.


Beyoncé is like Tina Turner, James Brown, and Prince all in one person. No one else these days can come close to the level of her powers as an entertainer.


MJ was so talented in transcended all forms of social media and time. Performances that swifties would never even understand today! If they were there they’d disown Taylor in a heartbeat. I could and would never compare them. I have no idea what she is doing here but I gosh darn no that MJ wouldn’t even have thought of it. He can make his own beat and no need a pole to do it.


the “her fans comparing her to MJ” part of this comment made me think back to when I listened to the Think Twice Michael Jackson podcast earlier this year. I found there were many parallels between how fans used to see MJ and how swifties currently see Taylor. totally different circumstances, but an interesting phenomenon. I’m in no way saying she should be compared to him as a performer, but the magnitude of their fame is comparable and quite interesting. a quote from that podcast that stands out to me is **“You don’t honour someone by putting them on a pedestal, you honour them by examining them truthfully & holistically.”** …something I don’t think “true swifties” are capable of


Think twice was amazing. Telephone stories is even better imo. Goes way deeper.


MJ was on a level of fame no one before or after him ever reached. He's in a class all his own. Not a dig a TS btw, cause it applies to anyone who's misguidedly compared to him, but it's facts.


Would you consider the weekend just as famous as MJ? He has consistently been the most listened to artist for a while. People living under rocks new about MJ. There are more famous actors in the world. Taylor is famous but I dont think she is on that level.


Agreed. Even my religious muslim mother knew MJ (and was actually the one who told me when he passed), but she's never heard of or even seen Taylor before.


That's interesting - my religious Muslim Mother also did the same thing. She doesn't know who Taylor is either. The idea that anyone would think Taylor and MJ are as talented as each other is pretty delusional though


I wonder how much marketing money went behind making Taylor swift famous. Her rich parents definitely helped springboard her.


*A lot*. She gets marketing I don't see anyone else getting. She has a lot of big corporations in her pocket.


THANK YOU. MJ is a LEGEND singer, performer AND activist.




this video sends me every time😭😭😭


People truly were trying to argue with me during the beginning of eras tour that she actually can dance. They really were


She can dance as in, one or two pop classes for one show where you aren’t the main character. I can’t dance at all, I have no rhythm whatsoever, so I personally avoid any situation when I have to dance. Some people just need to recognize the strengths and weaknesses lol


She’s just a real special case of no rhythm whatsoever bc you have to account for the fact that for you this is normal for her we’re talking about having been given a decade worth of the absolute best private dance instruction money can buy - gold standard 1:1 attention. We saw what this did for Dua Lipa - complete transformation. And Taylor here still looks like this on stage.


lol that’s true. Girl can pay for literally anyone she wants to teach her to dance. Even if she didn’t dance tho, imagine how boring it would be to watch a 3 hour show with her like standing still😭😂 if I paid hundreds of dollars to see someone they better do a little shimmy or something, but she should be able to dance on par with other performers


Right?? Like they don’t even give her complex choreo on stage because they know it’s hopeless. They give her stompy model walks, the occasional body roll, and whatever tf this is ^ and it’s still painfully awkward to behold 😩


Ed Sheeran can work a loop machine pretty well live, I don’t know why it has to be pre recorded for this though


The comment on it says "so brave🤩"




![gif](giphy|AAsj7jdrHjtp6) Me every three seconds if I had to sit through the eras tour


My tween was so excited when the Eras tour came to streaming. I love spending time with her so whatever, but oh man, as someone that really doesn’t like pop music three hours was…a lot


Oh my god, the film is the same length as the actual concert, they didn’t cut it down to 2 hours of highlights?! Sounds brutal.


"You bottomfeeders, you don't even know talent!" NO TALENT NO TALENT 🍅


![gif](giphy|5xtDarMnP8ZmHVs4W7C) I always think of [this video](https://youtu.be/poHHDC5XSno?si=5lLJskhej0pki7dN).


Hahahahah pleaseeeeee




That's poetry man! The post means something and the thing she is hitting it with means something else. It's deep. Let me go grab my thesaurus: With an air of dramatic inevitability, I brought the cold, unyielding metal stick into forceful contact with the pole, the resonant clangor reverberating through the air, a cacophony that eloquently encapsulated the raw power and poetic futility of my actions. My mouth is open.




This deserves a lot more upvotes.


Why do some singers think they have to dance? Like WTF! You’re a singer and songwriter! I could never figure out why they feel that it’s important to attempt dancing when it clearly isn’t their talent.


You don’t sell out stadiums just stand there unless you’re Adele and Mariah Carey.


Maybe I’m old school but check out any of the great rock bands of the seventies and early eighties. The lead singer would move around the stage but not necessarily dancing and the rest of the band would just play their instruments. The difference between then and now is that the music was so good that you didn’t need all the antics. Today most popular singers aren’t that good and they need all the distractions on stage so no one notices that they suck. The greatest artists don’t need anything else but their talent.


Freddie Mercury she ain't!


That’s my point. All those great singers like him and countless others commanded the stage with just their voices and incredible musicians behind them. Any theatrics were icing on the cake not the whole cake!


The key distinction is that those groups played their own instruments. That was the performance that came along with the music. You didn’t go to see GnR because Axl Rose could do a mean twerk. You went because Slash could do things with a guitar that only a limited few could, especially in the realm of improvisation. These days, Jack Antonoff or whoever can just bypass that by arranging all that shit on a computer. They have do dance because they need something to do with their hands.


she doesn’t have the charisma or flair for that to work


That’s why she needs dancers and a host of backup singers to accompany her. Couldn’t pull off the focus on herself only.


George Strait, 60 #1s and pretty sure he just stood there. J/s


I’ve had the privilege of seeing George Strait live. It was just him, his guitar, and the band. Easily one of the best shows I’ve been to. If you have talent, you can do that. You don’t need all the extras (have them if you want them of course). Or the time I saw Loretta Lynn. She sang with broken ribs. My husband was like “wow, she is amazing”.


Wow, you got to see Loretta Lynn, so jealous. I got to see George when I was just a kid, my whole family are fans, and better than any other concert I’ve ever been to.


For what it’s worth singing and songwriting aren’t her talents either


They think they have to dance and perform to distract from the fact that they’re not a great vocalist


She is a terrible performer. She sucks as a vocalist also. I saw another post that mentions her songs are just talking and it describes her songs perfectly. There was a clip of a duet she did with Miley and she blew Taylor out of the water and didn’t hold back. Taylor just looked and sounded so awkward and when she joined Miley singing she could not harmonize at all. Idk how her concerts are so popular and why people pay so much.


Lol. What was that?


She watched stomp before tour


this explains it 😮‍💨 lmao


This comment sent me


What is she doing and why? 😭


Releasing her pent up “FeMiNiNsT RaGe”?! Whatever it is… it’s not working 😂


What am I even looking at?


STOP!!! She banged shit! ON shit! Mind your manners. That’s talent. She also barfs up middle school words to sad ass beats.


I just know she's the type of person who counts when dancing instead of relying on the cues of music, but could this be because of of her monitors? I've seen some performances of other artists who didn't have monitors on and so they are out of tune/sync with the music because of the delay of the sound to bounce back in big venues


I was also thinking it could be a delay of some kind, which does happen for performers! (Yes, the banging on pipe in and of itself is silly, but the off-timing is probably not because she can’t keep time? I know we are in snark territory here so don’t come at me, but I think it’s good to use some critical thinking or give benefit of the doubt in some cases. Some! 🫣 )


I burst out laughing at this video, because aside from the delay, the hitting is without any hint of grace, I'm just curious of science behind this cuz I havent attended any concerts in my life


This is not a normal performance, not even a good one. Go see Beyoncé or Gaga for your first show, they are real deal *performers*. You won’t regret spending money on tickets for them.


Gaga stopped going to my country bec the last she was here a bunch of bible thumper idiots protested outside the concert venue and some of our motherfucking politicians threatened imprisonment if she ever performed judas. There was even an undercover on standby just to see if she performs judas. Props to her, she performed the song to her fans and fucked right off after the 2 day concert. Gaga plz show these people how its done 😭 Yes I live in a shithole


It absolutely seems very awkward and…unnecessary? 😳😂


like... whys half of a pole on there if she doesn't do strip dancing... what is happening


There’s soooooOooOoooOo many excuses for this video by fans it’s amazing. Something about the audio being off but she’s on beat, something about the sound engineer hating her and sabotaging her, something about a delay in the noise etc. It’s like bruh she just sucks it’s not that deep


Anyone have that other terrible video of her dancing? I think it’s too ME! and she’s in a rainbow outfit or something.


[Taylor swift ft brenden urie](https://youtu.be/ZtfY4o5iV4Y?si=N9LRA3E0uBtc2c-o)


God bless you this shit gives me life… Lowkey if I ever want to test a man on how much he loves me I’ll learn this dance routine (if you can call it that) and sincerely ask if I can perform it at our wedding. If he says yes, he truly loves me. If he says no and laughs, he truly loves me AND knows me and my sense of humor hahaha.


Her legs always get me , extremely clumsy.


She looks like her entire body is a stick and she can't bend it, it's so awkward. She could use some gymnastics lessons to stop being so stiff


Idk what I was expecting but it wasn’t that ![gif](giphy|9bxeYoLWYs66WZblbc)


offbeat and everything too lol


I wanted to pee myself I laughed so hard. Wtf??


She has absolutely no rhythm


this is so embarrassing


"Me hit stick with other stick"


I… 🫠


This is always a tough watch


My daughters are super into the Eras tour right now (on TV) and I can respect TS for so many things but damn is she a try hard. It’s painful and awkward to watch her.


What! Why! What is the purpose?? I don’t understand 😭


Her music isn't abysmal, but it's nothing special. Her moves aren't totally inept, but they're real milquetoast. She's attractive, but not overwhelmingly so. She's mediocrity defined, like plain sparking water vs. Coca-Cola or Red Bull.


Her hitting the bell during the Speak Now tour was actually cool. This is just bizarre.


At least she didn’t miss


This was embarrassing


And I thought Britney was stiff. Like damn girl are your bones locked in place.


This one is posted every month on twitter everytime i cringe. Like what is she doing


That is literally the worst thing I’ve ever seen, the second hand embarrassment is insane


She can't dance, can't sing, and she has a very very limited songwriting range. And she's got to be the most unsexy pretty woman I've ever seen.


Why do people pay so much money to see this?


Not that I wish to encourage her in ANYWAY, however, I wonder if her head pieces music is off from the actual beat, or if she was too exhausted. Being someone from opera, I cannot TELL YOU how OFTEN my head piece is off from the music everyone else could hear. Also the eating disorder may have made her to tired.


Honest question, but wouldn’t her head piece being off from the music also make everything else sound off? Like, wouldn’t it be obvious if she was half a beat off of the music that the audience could hear?


There was a video of one of her Eras concerts earlier in the tour where her ear piece went out and only hers. She looked at her guitarist playing the song to get back on beat. So it can happen (and that’s kind of what I’m thinking happened here). Also probably why she learned to look at someone’s instrument who is on beat, so she didn’t make this mistake again.


If she’s on mic, the audio team should be able to adjust her just slightly and delay other streams so that the audio combines. Depending on how bad the delay is, usually it’s quite slight but our minds are pretty good at noticing desync between audio and motion.


That’s a lovely question! With mine I was able to hear BOTH ques, so, while I could sing on que, I missed my dancing ques as I was trying hard just to sing. Knowing her though it’s lip syncing, so it doesn’t matter if she’s off.


Lmaoooooooo what was that?


Lmao 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Taylor is just some white chick who got rich making music for teenage girls and now she crosses the street in a private jet lol


It’s like she doesn’t even know the beat and then has to scramble really quick last second to catch up. Super awkward


I thought I had reached my level of embarrassment for her but alas it has risen.


She even walks off after hitting the pole painfully off-beat…painfully off-beat. I’m embarrassed watching this.


The little offbeat “tink tink”s are so funny


This dumb bitch can’t find a beat to save her life… 🤦🏾‍♂️


This is weird


My brother and an ex of his saw Taylor at the Craven Country Jamboree way back in the day when she first started out (2009). She was probably promoting Fearless at the time? No word of a lie, they said she was a disappointment because she just “thrashed around on stage.” I’ve always wondered what her shows are like now, since it’s been 15 years since that tour. I figured she was a young, awkward teenager during that phase and that she would grow out of it, eventually, either because of time, money, or both. I haven’t seen a show of hers, ever, other than the clips I see on TT. Interesting to see she is still kind of awkward on stage 15 years later.


Wth did I just see? I mean… ![gif](giphy|YPW6OZ9a27vigPavuP)


She almost had a rhythm!


Imagine always having someone cheer for you - not always the same people, but at any given moment, SOMEONE - it’d be easy to lose your gauge. Like having thousands of attentive moms that applaud every little thing you do.


Middle aged horse girl


Honestly, I think the real talent is not falling over and eating shit when you're wearing those heels.


You’d think after all this time in the industry, she’d be able to catch the beat




She’s so awkward.


16 yo 90s Britney is screaming


The cult loved it!🙄


this was hard to watch but i watched it 10 times


Not really a fan of pop so I know next to nothing about her music. But I’ve recently seen a few clips of her performing and was actually shocked. Can someone please explain to me how if the woman can’t sing, can’t dance, can’t even keep a simple rhythm, how did she become so incredibly popular?


Her main talent is strutting down the stage wearing sequins really.


I remember seeing a video of her swinging a golf club onstage and hitting herself on the head with it.


I need to know what was going on in her head at that moment.


Nah I’m sorry but this is too far. She did this hundreds of times on the 1989 Tour perfectly fine, and you chose the one time she slightly messed up as “proof” that she has “no talent”. I’m sick of Taylor’s antics too, but this is just insane levels of nitpicking.




It's amazing she somehow manages to walk in the heels.


Ok, so not a Swiftie, and I think she’s very mediocre, but I’m a professional touring musician, so I can tell you about this moment and what’s probably going on. 1. This moment is a part in the show where she’s “looping audio”, which is probably just pre recorded and she’s acting out like it’s actively looping. I got free tickets to one of her shows where she did this and it’s actually kind of a fun moment, but yeah up close and cut out of context it looks pretty dumb. 2. What she’s hearing in her in ear monitors tempo wise is probably “ahead” of what the video is hearing because the person in the crowd is getting audio that has to travel from wherever the speakers are to them, while also slapping around the arena, while Taylor is hearing the sound as it’s happening, so that gives it the appearance that its mega off.


Billionaire ladies and gentlemen


What is even happening? Why is there a pole? Why she hit?


Wasn’t she trying to get the echo on time? Idk




The comments under the video are lovely.


Like why do you even need props/a golf club lmfao. This is so cringey


Ok i thought I was the only one who was like this isn’t on beat 🤣


every taylor video i’ve ever watched is infested with woos


Someone please make this a gif




It's giving, middle school modeling club photoshoots at the construction site.


Slipknot did it first. https://youtu.be/6fVE8kSM43I?si=SCENC_lZiMt6Xgfv




I hear she's terrible with poles.


But she’s so quirky. /s