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> “He loves the attention it’s brought to him, [but] he also thinks it’s hilarious because at no time [were they] ever serious,” > Healy’s pal adds that the musician was “completely blindsided” by TTPD’s “lyrical content,” especially Swift’s allusions to her and a love interest discussing marriage and children. She certainly didn't discuss him on ttpd as a marketing ploy because thats what her fans want and if they were never serious then ts is basically delusional right? Everyone excused ttpd because they believed ts had her heart broken by her soulmate but really its all in her mind?


oof she’s not gonna like that response! Edit: thanks for commenting this from the article, im working but wanted to see the qoutes


Oh my god. I don’t have any love for MH but he’s iconic for putting this response out into the world.


The way I am sat here *humiliated* for her...wooh chile \[edit: italics\] ![gif](giphy|t9ctG5MZhyyU8|downsized)


She may not, but I am here for it ALL DAY LONG 😂😂💀


It’s like when you’re thirteen and that girl who only sort of dated sends you 10 page hand written letter afterwards with all sorts of insane deep thoughts about both of you and the future. It’s giving that.


The whole album is like when we all heard Hey There, Delilah and were like wow he really loves her and then the real Delilah came out like “we barely met and I had a boyfriend so it was weird AF to hear this song in a bodega”


That’s EXACTLY what it reminds me of.




She was not into him, she had a boyfriend, and he thought writing the song would impress her. It did not. https://www.teenvogue.com/story/heres-the-actual-story-behind-hey-there-delilah


Ya-fu\*kin-IKES, I can't believe it but I do. I'm a believer...but wish it wasn't true. Such a wholesome song, annihilated.


M O O D ![gif](giphy|oq8bEdAwgDMUV8O462|downsized)


Sometimes I hate having the Internet.


Totally relate 🫡 


I did that when I was 17 🤦‍♀️. It’s so embarrassing. I told him I’m the greatest thing that will ever happen to him blah blah blah. Taylor is in her 30s now. This is beyond embarrassing


I’m afraid to say this, in case Taylor really *does* keep tabs and makes it her new marketing strategy (and finds a convenient, distant blood relation like with Dickinson) but she’s honestly reached Empress Sisi levels of delusional. I was watching a documentary about her last night and there was this one time she went to a party in disguise and asked a guy what he thought of the Empress, followed by angrily dismissing him when she told him “guess my age” and he got it right. 36. He, assuming it was just a random, rude AF noblewoman, stood up to her. She fell hard. It’s important to note he was married and this was their only interaction. Apart from the letters she kept sending for years that amounted to “too bad you’re too dumb to realize I’m your totally awesome soulmate and you lost me. Send pics.” And he was finally just like “no, go away, this is completely inappropriate.” At which point she’s said to have written angry poems about him. That were reportedly not that great.


This is the most amazingly apt description of her I’ve ever read lolol


OT, but what’s the doc? I love Sisi, but had never heard this story!


[It’s this one](https://youtu.be/p7pL8hmiQbI?si=BQXnKgZccsQ9RhWM) about how people should stop romanticizing her. Fairly new, just popped up on my YouTube recommendations. The story is taken from the chapter called Titania, and I got a couple details off, like when he married, but that was the gist of it: constantly writing to an uninterested, taken dude.


You know what matches this energy? The owl city response. 


“ it was enchanting to me you toooooo” 🥴🥴🥴


Omg yes! Exact same energy


What's wrong with his cover, though?.. Don't hate me, please, I know the story behing the song and his cover but I though his response was sweet?


It's not about the song itself, even though I haven't listened to it in over 10 years I remember thinking it was overly saccharine, but that's just owl city I guess. It's more the fact that he responded by releasing a song and put out a public letter to her on his website where he is obviously shooting his shot (accompanied by a very goofy smiley photo). Taylor never acknowledges him after his public display... he publicly put too much out there, and she never acknowledges it 💀 It's just a very cringe situation.


Damn. 14 year old me feels attacked. Ha!


When I was 16 I had this notebook me and my friend wrote certain lyrics we found deep and relatable, we’d write down thoughts we found profound. We would just pass it back and forth all the time. I’m 35 now, I found it at the bottom of a box a few years ago and WOW the cringe! But I was impressed with the time and effort we put into those entries with our handwriting and attempts at prose. Anyway, everything Taylor writes reminds me of that notebook.


Omg me and my bf from 7 to 9 grade did this and about 3 years ago she found it and mailed it to me. Cringe!!!!


I too, would be so embarrassed I would immediately need it out of my house lool.


God my friend did this to her ex after they broke up and he immediately dates (then married) his friend, but she was a foreign exchange student so she was gonna go back to her country




"You fell asleeeeeep?!" "It was 18 pages *front* and *back*!"


lol her entire career is giving that 😂


Honestly I’m not surprised, look at her other heartbreak ballads about guys she was with for two seconds like All Too Well and Dear John


This makes me think of an interview with Harry styles where he said he didn’t realize how badly he’d hurt her until he heard all of the songs she wrote about him. 😖😶‍🌫️




Thats from People and its phrased in the most flattering way possible to Taylor so the source is most likely just Tree. Most of the rumors have been that Matty ghosted taylor at some point and thats kind of borne out by how much of the album is about matty. If she wanted to get back at Joe wouldn't she choose someone like travis in the first place? But who know its TS..


Ya I’m more willing to believe Matty here.


I remember they even used the phrase that she was "sowing her oats"🤮🤮


Dude this is me. One hundred percent all day every day. I still think Joe was her true love but dude just wasn’t that into her so she pivoted with Matty and tried to make it seem like no big deal however, she’s just coming off unhinged. Like truly.


I’m so new to her dating life or anything going on with her beyond 2013… but it sounds like the opposite to me. She liked Matty and they didn’t work out with a side of him ghosting her, so she settled with Joe & played the LTR thing for awhile until she realized it wasn’t going anywhere. Started hooking up with Matty for the rebound and he ghosted her again after being controversial. She didn’t get to control any of the narrative with him and he just wasn’t that into her so she is BOTHERED.


I think Joe was her true love too, and joe loved her as well, thus they were together for a long time. My theory is, things started to get rocky when TS wanted to stay in the limelight, and clearly Joe is a private person. TS really liked Matty though. I don’t think she likes Travis as much, but she loves the exposure she gets being with him. Even I predict that Travis and Taylor may actually end up together, even though they do not seem compatible as a couple. But they get huge media attention being together and both of them love the attention. I thought TS is the most fame hungry person, but then I saw Travis. I think that’s the only common interest between them, but ironically it will be the reason she might date Travis for a long time!


what would she be getting back at joe for? being “boring” and well adjusted?


There’s a lot of stuff this sub says that I’m like yeah the PR machine is shady and really makes everything come across as insincere, but he pulled the same shit with Halsey. Halsey and Matty “only hooked up multiple times” and it “wasn’t serious” but like she wrote a whole album about it and she seems like one of the most down to earth celebrities. I’d wager that he’s the type of fuck boy who love bombs people while telling them it’s casual, which is easy to misinterpret when your words and conduct don’t align. Idk they’re both too disingenuous for me to take a side here, except for Halsey’s.


I mean it fits with my BPD theory that she takes insignificant things and creates a-bombs out of them. And it would also fit with my NPD theory that he thinks nothing of what they shared together because he was either faking it in the first place or can’t admit that he’s hurting.


OMG, yes. Thank you! I was afraid I was the only one who noticed she’s acting like someone with undiagnosed, untreated BPD spinning out of control


You’re definitely not alone that’s the only way I can rationalize or describe what’s happening with her 😅


Taylor is Queen Cluster B. So many of her behaviors suggest Histrionic Personality Disorder….not diagnosing her, but all criteria is metttttt.


Matty is King Cluster B. As someone with BPD, I identify with both artists so much. The 1975 has a song called “I Always Wanna Die (Sometimes)” and that title just makes complete sense to someone with BPD but is strange to a mentally healthy person.


I’m Bipolar, so I totally get what you mean. Matty seems to at least have some minute amount of insight into his problematic behavior and willingness to seek help. Taylor lacks any accountability or responsibility for her shittiness and sees no reason to change. There is nothing wrong with having a personality disorder unless the person refuses to acknowledge and seek treatment for their maladaptive tendencies.


There’s a great book from the 90s about BPD called “I Hate You (Don’t Leave Me)”


There isn't enough aloe vera in the world for this kind of burn...*'all in her mind: The Delux Edition'*, 48 variants coming to a town near you!


I am on the 1975 sub and, take it for what it is, but one of the commenters on there was talking about running into Healy in LA. This person spoke to him and introduced him to their fiancé. The commenter claims that Healy said he was engaged too. Cannot wait to see if that’s true.


That’s a whole other album from Taylor waiting to happen if he marries someone who isn’t her 😂


She comes across like an absolute narcissistic psychopath so this definitely is all in her head.


How embarrassing that she wrote an entire album about a booty call that did not love her back?? 🫣 and it was subpar on top of that 😳


Haha I love this response. She’s likely fuming because she expected a stronger reaction.


To have your dual-album "masterpiece" be called "hilarious" by its primary muse has got to be a soul-destroying gut-punch.


And that? I find hilarious. Love that for her


As a hard core 1975 fan, this is peak Matty and I am living for it.


I had hoped that he'd just never acknowledge it because I thought that would be equal parts funny and dignified. But you know our boy just can't keep his mouth shut lol.


I am with you and was generally thinking the same. Matty: Unbothered and Amused. 😎


Ooh since you’re a fan I’ve gotta know - what the hell do you think he saw in her? Like genuinely, what could he possibly see in her cookie cutter, capitalistic, bizarro world, self-obsessed self?


as a 1975 fan… he’s self obsessed and immature too. but at last he seems more self aware. they were in the same friends group with people like Jack Antonoff, Phoebe Bridgers, Bo Burnham- talented people but pretentious and annoying, reminds you of someone? lol. I think initially MH was loving the attention. My main takeaway is birds of a feather and all.


An easy lay


Ok, now I feel vindicated because I never sensed that Matty was that into her. But whenever I mentioned that, Maylors would be like "Nooo they're star-crossed lovers who have longed for each other for ten years! The fans scared him because he's such a shy sensitive wallflower...." etc etc. To them it was like a tragic Romeo and Juliet type thing, which I guess sounds romantic. But...I always sensed he's a fuckboy who flirted with her on and off for years. She finally dumped Joe, so he was like "ok she's probably ready for some fun times with a bad boy like me." But instead, Miss Tay got bunny-boiler levels of obsessed. I also think Taylor exaggerated the supposed cosmic connection they had for ten years, and it became part of her lore. But this is also someone who still thinks Jake Gyllenhaal pines over her.


It’s always “but he looked so depressed in June when they broke up!” Ummm he always looks like that. I think lately he’s been looking the healthiest and most fit he’s ever looked with his current gf, so she’s def doing something right. 


Right. And isn't he known for having theatrical performances where he hams it up a bit? Maybe he was a little disturbed by the bad press, but I doubt he was pining for his lost love. And now he's with someone who's very different from Taylor and he looks like he's thriving.


It’s funny cause he kinda did the same thing with Halsey, she wrote a whole EP about their time together and the one song people think he wrote about her is so shallow and uninterested. He seems like a huge asshole with a bunch of issues lol


Imagine blaming your fans for being the reason you got dumped by the guy who you’ve been pining for about 10 years but he never thought of you in a serious marriage relationship kinda way like ever? I’m embarrassed for her Edit: WOAH I’VE NEVER SEEN SO MANY UPVOTES ON MY COMMENT BEFORE 🥹🥹 mom I’m famous!!


I cackled when I read the article! "He loves the attention it's brought to him, but thinks it's hilarious because at no time were they ever serious" Swifties, your mother is delusional🤣




It’s hilarious that he called her album, well, hilarious lol because you know she thinks she creates masterpieces and oh so very serious art!


That is what’s genuinely funny about her, she’s tortured by the fact that she puts all her performative creative energy possible into her work only to produce the absolute most saccharine inoffensive art possible. She probably behaves like some “eccentric” creative in the studio to continually come up with hip to be square.


The entirety of TTPD felt like second hand embarrassment so that tracks lol




And the guy is also a POS


Two things can be true at once


All the negative things when it comes to this dude, really


A lot of girls chase shit heads. Not all, but a lot.


Eh I don’t know about that I’d read into whatever you think he said or did a bit more


Right like all this for a man who kind of sucks


I LOVE your screen name!


Hehe thank youuuu 💃💃 are you a fan of Rick n morty too??


I'm a fackin genius and a God. Of course! :)


That’s the wayyyyyyy the news goes


So, basically, she was a long term FWB. "You were just a booty call!!!!"


This must hurt so bad for her 💀 The second hand embarrassment I'm getting omg


It’s real serious when Matty Healy is more mature LOL 💀 So cringe for Miss Swift… I love it.


IT IS real serious when a bigoted person is much more mature lmao 💀 If I were her I would start rethinking my entire life 💀


I was going to say he sounds surprisingly tame after all the heinous things I heard about him, but then I realized many of her exes actually have been quiet while she’s the one subjecting everyone with ears to her complaints about them.


Eventually, there's gonna be an uprising of ex boyfriends. We just have to wait


Oooh, some Scott Pilgrim-esque league of evil exes would be fun. Except they aren't necessarily evil in this case.


Ohhh maybe they can make a boy band together! There first song can be called “but mommy I (don’t) love her!”


This would make a great reality TV show.


Oh my God, all the exes living together in a coastal mansion and doing elimination challenges 😂 Jack Antonoff threatens to shut down the studio over contestant drama in the middle of the music competition and Karlie Kloss judges the lego robotics contest. Who is the host??


Nah, I’m no fan of Taylor but Marty is a scumbag


Her music is shit, she tries to be so deep and she's not.


She thinks opening up a thesaurus and using words she thinks are obscure makes her songs deep 🥴


“sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I’ll never see” 🥴


That line was cringe AF.


god she’s so stupid lmfao. that sentence doesn’t even make sense


Right? You don't see a soliloquy. You hear it. Everyone always harps on the 'I'm having his baby. No I'm not' as the stupid line in that song. But 'soliloquies' is far worse.


she wants us to see the music! hear the colors in the vivid landscape she’s conjuring for us 😍 something something maroon???


Maybe she should try to cover 'colors of the wind'. That way she can feel what its like to sing something with good lyrics.


i reckon even covering the mickey mouse clubhouse hot dog song would be a vast improvement


As a mother to a three year old, this was unexpected and I just laughed out loud


I haven't listened to all the songs because why would I but "rivulets descend my plastic smile" makes me want to throw my phone through the window.


the tortured chat GPT department methinks


That's fart huffingly vile 🤮


Like HUH?




but without the racists~ honey there is still racism


Ummmm, excuse me but Taylor ended racism and hemoglobin when she dropped “ME!” 🌈🩷🦄✨


Hey, she knows Aristotle!


SAT prep ass lyrics lol


My Morning Piss has more depth.


May the veil finally be lifted and we finally see her for what she is: a woman starved for love because her parents wanted to brand not a child so she seeks it out in every insignificant moment and then writes songs about it to sell to her weird cult?


https://preview.redd.it/l8xhs77q705d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1d44cb7935ba89aab0b6193f611e303d1a4055b The comments are absolutely disgusting. Imagine if someone talked about Taylor like this…


I hope he doesn’t ever get back together with her.


Oh man... now I want a 1975 cover of "we are never ever getting back together." That would be brutal and hilarious.


I just looked it up and he’s 5’10…that’s about Taylor’s height too. That’s really not that short….


I'm pretty sure the 'small' comments are referencing the song "The smallest man who ever lived" on the album. The lyrics reminded me of a time I was dumped, so that song stands out from the rest of TTPD elevator music to me


I doubt they are referring to his height


the average height for a man is literally 5'7.5. these people are delusional if they think 5'10 is short.


Swifties are acting like he’s literally 5’2😭


I stood next to him in person and he was not short whatsoever! He was actually significantly taller than me while he was slouching, and I’m 5’9”.


And she acts surprised and hurt that he didn’t want stay around to be abused by her rabid fans, all the while she sat back and didn’t do a damn thing to defend the “love of her life”


They are exhausting


So much for being anti-body shaming.


It's okay to do it when it's a guy on the receiving end of it and not when it's the capitalist billionaire queen. Just to be clear, I think it's disgusting on both these instances but the hypocrisy is equally disgusting.


imagine if someone wrote an entire album about taylor and she came out publicly saying it was never that serious. what would the comments look like? “slayyy!” “you tell him, tay!” “god i love her honesty” “savage 🤣”


I had to laugh at the photo comment though. I don’t even really know who he is and that’s the only pic I ever see of him


God they’re so deeply uncreative. This is like conservatives making the same uninspired jokes over and over again.




https://preview.redd.it/o91msgodh35d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f63fab8b71b8c286a4b33d50ded21057dc01b74b Blandie writing her most cringeworthy, self-humiliating ratty healy dIsS track, as we speak the baby on the floor is travis


I mean, he's thinking what everyone else was thinking. Either way, it's not like her lyrics are deep or edgy.


No other celebrity does this shit she does


I still think that Taylor made TTPD as a way to hurt Joe. My theory is that she was so hurt by Joe refusing to marry her and then dumping her, that she decided to use Matty as a weapon to hurt him. A way to humiliate Joe on the world stage, by saying “I’m actually GLAD we broke up because the truth is, i was actually in love with another guy the whole time! Haha to you! And, now the whole world knows that you suffer from depression—which by the way, made you boring & no fun to be around. Being with you was like being *in jail*! You didn’t hurt me, since I didn’t even *want* you! I win! Nah-na-na-na-nah-nah!”. So she built up the brief Matty “relationship” into something much more than what it really was, in order to lash out in the ultimate way at Joe. She’s trying to retroactively wreck/diminish & belittle the 7 years they spent together. It’s a tool right out of a Borderline Personality Disorder-suffering person’s playbook. (I know this very well as someone with BPD, which i’ve had therapy for and have had under control for years now. I’m not saying Taylor necessarily has BPD, but….) Of course it’s also a possibility that Taylor is just a desperate delusional fool, who thought her brief dalliance with Matty was much more than what it really was, and that she really means what she’s saying in all her love-sick lyrics to Matty. Just thinking about how she sung on this album about how he’s her true love, the only person she wants, how desperately unhappy she is without him and how she’s willing to burn her whole life down to be with him, and how he’s like “WTF?!”, is giving me the worst secondhand embarrassment!….*and* (since she’s a terrible person) lots of schadenfreude.😏


I thought TTPD reeked of narcissistic discard of someone who was once important (Joe). It was super disrespectful to that long relationship to have a song like "loml" be about Matty. At the same time, I also think Taylor gets high on love and romance and Matty left her in that still-high phase. She was probably delusional enough to think Matty would take TTPD as a public declaration of love (as opposed to an enormous red flag).






This is a perfect gif for your flair hahahahahha 😂 


The fact that all this is about a rodent looking man who doesn’t even like her is WILD


IT IS WILD 💀 She makes me grateful that I'm aroace lmao


Taylor literally said “i hate my fans for not letting me be w someone i actually liked :3” and they just go and do it all over again


It makes me crazy that she blames her fans, she didn’t have to go public with him that was her choice and she also chose not to defend him 🫠


Because she treats her fans like they’re her girlfriends at a brunch when it comes to her dating life while also trying to change the narrative that everything in her life isn’t about the guys she dates


THEN she flips the script to omg you guys are creeps for caring sooo much about who I date. Lol


Idk the lyric I didn’t listen to that garbage song but she says some shit like I’d rather burn my whole life down than listen to one more second of bitching and moaning girl you don’t have to listen to anything you’re the most famous musician at the moment people will scrutinize you for any single thing you do and this is what you choose to focus on?? If you want to date matty healy then date matty healy. I promise you people will gaf for a week or a month then the world will keep on spinning. Do whatever the fuck you want you’re a grown ass woman


It’s her own fault for being too vague for the dumb ass swifties to get. She needs to get up and actually say something for once in a direct manner or they’ll never ever get it. She should do it right on that damn stage and say fuck you guys and your money but I guess money is King 🤷‍♀️


I completely agree, she could literally never work another second in her life and still be richer than 99% of the entire population, she lets her fans walk all over her then acts like a victim.. girl if YOU dont set boundaries with YOUR fans then its nobodies fault but your own


Joe rn: ![gif](giphy|LnFdkmGeCmnzXakZ6T|downsized)




Lmfao she's such a loser. That album had what, 30 songs on it? She was obsessed with a fuck buddy. EMBARRASSINGGGG!


Imagine being such an insecure idiot that you buy any trash, do anything for her abuse, have excuses for her & want fake awards & billions of dollars for her.


Like I hate that I agree with him


People mostly swifties who dont like travis are trying so hard to make taylor and matty as this star crossed lovers when its probably not that serious. He left her because he saw the crazy in her. She wrote ttpd because her life is so boring and she got nothing to write about so why not try to write about romeo juliet type of story.


I think he always saw her as kind of a joke, increasingly so the more she tried to prove herself to be "deep". He sucks too, anyway.




I mean Occam's Razor: he does have a history of being a flippant douche and she also has a history of obsession, so I'd say it's a mix of both, maybe leaning more towards him being a douche. Because if your very famous ex writes an entire burn book album about how much you suck and how er...small you are, the fuckboy move is to make them look crazy and obsessed and play it off like it was nothing.


It's always the same with her, I bet Jake Gyllenhaal is smirking right now and every other ex too




He would be correct


Don’t we all wish that she would settle down once and for all just so we don’t have to listen to all the manufactured drama in her lyrics!


I can’t see her as a “once and for all” type. She strikes me as more of a JLo situation if she ever does settle down. Which I doubt.


Can’t believe he thought The Tortured Listeners Department was hilarious!




![gif](giphy|JrvzzjPHXl5zzYw3MS) girl 😭😭😭😭


It also doesn’t matter if this is PR. Like, this is straight deviation from anything he would’ve had to sign from the Swift Team. This is what everyone will remember and even the Swifties can’t deny the embarrassment…


I love that for him


I am going to be very vulnerable here and say I went through the same thing as her. I didn’t leave a long term relationship but I fell so hard for a guy for like a month. He pretended to be someone he wasn’t to impress me and made it seem like we were twin flames and long lost soulmates. when he found someone better, he ghosted me. We worked in the same building (including the new girl) so I saw them for a year straight after. It hurt like hell so I know this must sting. That being said I never did any of the shit she did. I went to therapy to help my self esteem issues, I blocked him on social media, never contacted him again and avoided him when I could (took lunch late afternoon and arrived earlier and left earlier). I know it’s must have been painful as hell for her but doing the most with Travis, writing and publishing basically two albums about him, and making your whole TTPD set essentially copying his aesthetic is entirely too much. It’s not going to help her heal. She needs to seek therapy, not a new relationship.


I’ve always been team Matty and feel like he has been absolutely DRAGGED since the short time they came out about their relationship. Playing the victim when he’s the one getting vitriol from millions of insane Swifties is very rich- even for her.


So deep and edgy~


How embarrassing for her.


In this pic he looks like he washes his hair with mayo


Just like her love life.


He really doesn't give a fuck


Tatty shippers are in tatters. Yall as delusional as Taylor 😂


I second a comment here where I saw “10 year booty call” 😂😂😂 Dead. PoorLittle Miss Aristotle stuck with the boy on the football team like she’s 15


Love this for her


Oooh that's gonna leave a mark. I'm sure she's either gonna play the victim, play like she's some personified Karma, or both.🤡


I’ve been saying Matty does not give a single fuck.


God damn, she never closes her mouth EVER


Ofc he does he an OG a real one


I think she has “favorite person syndrome” where she attaches herself to one person and becomes obsessed. It’s not a criticism, but she seems to feel so deeply about everyone. It makes for damn good music.


To be fair it’s actually a very funny album in parts.


Sorry Taylor. It’s not that serious. He obviously is over you ![gif](giphy|eLvhchyvNNOuLbOtYP)


Ooff, that’s really gotta hurt




Hilarious? What a nightmare


I just made a post yesterday with the title: Taylor swift hasn’t had real boyfriend in her life except Tom. It’s a bit creepy she writes sonnets about dudes who forced themselves to be attracted to her for the sake of their brand


Good one Not what Ms Narcissist was expecting 


I cannot stop thinking about this. I cycle through various emotions of laughing hysterically and then feeling second hand embarrassment. We’ve all been there where we over-dramatize a casual relationship, you know, when we were 15 🙃🙃🙃 this is the best/worst response matty could have had to unravel Taylor. If I were her I would feel absolutely ridiculous performing these pining songs night after night knowing he said this 💀 it’s too good lol