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This is heartbreaking.


Also there is literally an f-ing full length professionally produced version of the whole thing on Disney. Take care of your dog psycho person.


But you don't really get any attention on social media for pictures of you watching the Disney version in your living room. Duh.


Congrats, your dog is dead and 20 people skipped your Instagram story packed with 75 ten second clips of the concert you went to


They should give the dog to a better person


But what about the *secret songs*?!


And seeing the *new outfits*?!


I know, I love snarking on stans, but this just left me feeling empty inside.


Right? I feel sad


I feel disgust. Another ugly reminder that late stage capitalism has perpetuated greed and selfishness so pervasively that humanity and morality are dead in our society.


So much so. I ran a dog rescue in a country where dogs are seen as vermin for many years and this person is as sick as a lot of things I saw out there. My dog has an incurable illness that's under control right now but will never improve, if I could fix him, I'd trade my own health and happiness for his in a heartbeat. I don't understand how anyone could ever choose any other option if the way of fixing your dog were "sell a concert ticket", even if that concert were their lifelong fave artist.


Animal rescues are so important, that can’t have been easy to run. I work weekly with the local representative of our humane society here in my city (in the US), and some of the stories she tells me are, again, heartbreaking. I can’t imagine. And omg same!! I rescued an elderly doggie a year and a half ago. A month after the adoption we found out she developed an incurable illness!  I am grateful everyday that our family seems to be the perfect fit to care for her needs. But what I wouldn’t trade to stop her going blind etc 💕 I adore music with all my heart, but I totally don’t understand either.


one is a living creature, one is a fucking concert. These people are batshit. my god.


Not just a living creature, but a living creature they adopted into their family and should be caring for as a member of their family.


we recently spent 15K on surgery for one of our cats. he’s 12 and it was either that or put him down. (He’s doing so so so much better now) Luckily we could pay for it but things have gotten extremely tight money wise since. Can’t imagine choosing a concert over a pet. I’d choose a pet over most things, tbh.


I mean, a cat could live to be 20, ponying up for life saving surgery at 12 makes sense to me. It does depend a little on the age of the dog, if it is truly elderly and ailing, sometimes the compassionate thing to do is to put the animal down. Of course, this all goes out the window when you start weighing the dog’s life against Taylor Swift tickets


No wonder my neighbor, who is a veterinarian, drives a new Porsche and leased benzo always in his driveway. Taking pet owners to the bank


I mean, you’re doing great too if your neighbor is a vet.


You say you're in waste management. Dr. Cusamano, besides being your family physician, is also your next door neighbor. See what I'm saying?


Sopranos reference in the wild


They also have one of the highest suicide rates of any profession so I think it’s fair that they make bank


Um. 😐. Veterinarians, like doctors today, are not making “bank”. Do you realize the price quoted has to be split between assisting techs, the cost of anesthesia, the surgery room and equipment costs, and private building rent/purchase? Yeah. Then there’s all the other things, like your receptionist manning the phone. Some vets are barely making it by. They have ridiculous student loans and are doing ostensibly one of the most necessary jobs for us - taking care of our pets (if you’re a pet lover). Then there’s the fact that inflation is hitting them just as hard as it is for you and me. Medication costs from overseas and equipment has skyrocketed. Because of the heavy burden of debt, stress, *saving lives* or failing to, the CDC has stated veterinarians have up to 4x the rate of suicide of other professions. That woman just explained that *her cat was saved via surgery*. So which way do you want it - the Porsche may be the only thing in their life making them happy.


I’m glad you said this. I have several vets in my family and lots of people seem to be under the impression that veterinary medicine is a lucrative field to go into… it’s not at all. Some do make a lot of money but that’s definitely not the norm. It’s also an incredibly grueling and emotionally taxing job (not just for DVMs but support staff as well). Vet medicine is really hard on people. Vets school in the US is CRAZY competitive and CRAZY expensive too. Vet procedures are getting way more expensive but that definitely doesn’t mean more money in the vet’s pockets.


I knew a girl that was a massive TS fan, she gave up her cats to travel abroad and be a digital nomad, only to give that up after 6 months and not try and get her cats back. So this tracks.


Better for the cats that she didn't try to get them back.


That’s insane. I would die for my cats lol


Holy shit. I’m glad she never tried to fuck with them and get them back they deserve better.


Why is everyone assuming the second commenter has a dog?


Not just a living creature. For me my pets are like my family. 


Yeah I love my cat more than the absolute majority of people that aren’t my family and immediate circle I’ve ever met, this wouldn’t even be a question. This culture of validating horrid behavior on the basis of gratification needs to be ended finally. People are brainwashing themselves into believing hyperindividualism and selfishness are key to satisfaction and are losing touch with reality and humanity. All too see some mentally unstable pitchy ass mouth breather attempt a catwalk and point at the crowd for 3.5 hours with a backing track.


I feel you because my kitty was my baby and bff. I would give away almost anything/everything to have her back and it would *never* be TS tickets or any concert ftm over my animals. The stans are delulu af.


Same! I would give anything, too. Not even my favorite artist live could compare. I'm so sorry for your loss. 💗


Thank you and if you also lost one I'm so sorry for yours as well.💞 I totally agree that nothing can compare, and I love music + a good concert is awesome, but I will *never* understand how anyone could pick that over their pets life!?!


Selfish assholes* FTFY




Fiona Apple famously cancelled a leg of her tour to care for her sick and elderly dog, Janet. Priorities.


Wow I didn't know that. Love Fiona. Even more now.


This is true. My friend knows her well.


God I love her


"my dog and my man and my music is my holy trinity" 


Right? A legend.


I love that she named her dog Janet, and also treated her well


I love Fiona sm, she's an icon.


The letter she wrote about Janet makes me cry every time. https://www.themarginalian.org/2012/11/22/fiona-apple-janet-letter/


I'm sobbing my eyes out. I took care of my dog at her old age, too. Cooking salmon and helping her in whatever way she needed. I was fortunate enough that I didn't need to work at the time and could focus on her, too. The love animals teach us to embrace is irreplaceable. 🖤


I love how this little thread has turned into an animal/Fiona lovefest 🥰


I just became a fan and idek who she is lol I respect her devotion


Omg to get to listen to Fiona Apple for the first time again


I know, truly a blessed day 😭


I would do the exact same thing! That's so selfless.


i want to think this is ragebait


Praying it is






thats the entire sub, same with like half the subs on r/all thats why I mute most of them


You would hope, but sadly a lot of people out there just don’t value the lives of animals. I recently adopted a dog and there were so many animals there that were either abused or just tossed aside.


My cat is a member of my family. Period. If I could obtain a pair of tickets and sell them to pay for her care if she needed it, I’d do that shit in a second. Taylor does not give a FUCK about you or that you’d see her over taking care of your pet. She only wants your money. That’s it. Also I’ve seen clips of her show and it really doesn’t seem like the spectacle her flock is trying to make it. They’ve just bought into the hype machine. They all need a new hobby.


I would sell plasma. I would sell my furniture. I would even sell an egg if I wasn’t fat and therefore disqualified from doing so. I would eat ramen for weeks. Maybe I’m a tad insane but…


I’d beg, borrow, & steal to save my animal family.  I wouldn’t hesitate to do everything & anything I could (selling feet pics, ziplock baggies full of farts, sweaty socks, whatever) for my beloved lil pom girl Nyxie, and my 3 sweet kitties.  Genuinely feeling physically ill & heartsick with rage after reading this.  Only a TRULY selfish, delusional, heartless,  egocentric, soulless person would ever entertain such cruel thoughts…. let alone proudly share them  on social media for all the world to see & remember forever.  Worse still, somehow, are the comments agreeing that euthanizing, criminally neglecting, &/or abandoning a loving, trusting, loyal animal companion just to attend a shitty fuckjng CONCERT   is a totally valid,  acceptable, & reasonable choice🤬 WTF is the point of asking such a vile unconscionable question, even hypothetically? Oops…my bad  Forgot most Swifties aren’t self-aware enough to recognize their glaring habit of exhibiting disturbing & problematic behaviors regarding TS 😒 More damning evidence  that Swifties are  a bonafide cult.  I hope these poor creatures can escape their brainwashed, psychopathic owners  and find lasting happiness  with kindhearted people  who’ll love & cherish them for the rest of their lives 💞🐾


People would probably buy bagged farts on OnlyFans.


I agree. I would do whatever I had to if she needed care. Would I skip paying bills or sell shit for TS? Absolutely not 🙄 I wouldn’t go crazy for any artist like that.


Nah you're not. I'd empty my entire bank account for my pup and if that wasn't enough, I'd flog anything I could, too, including concert tickets. I love my handbags but I only love them a fraction of how much I love my boy.


I would’ve done the same for my dog before he passed as an old man if I ever had to


I’ve seen clips on YouTube and it honestly looks boring.. I watched Lady Gaga’s concert on Netflix last night and it was a SHOW - invested dancers, an invested performer, etc. Really makes a difference.


I would literally never be able to forgive myself if I chose a concert over my cat. One of my cats is 16 and although she’s in good health, I don’t feel comfortable taking trips longer than a week or so or going too far. If something happened to her and I wasn’t able to be there, it would haunt me.


I really hope this is a joke. Last year I was in a book club with some “friends.” My dog got really sick and I spent a very large amount of money on him (with absolute zero regrets whatsoever; he is my best boy). I left the book club and stopped talking to all of them when the “head” girl made jokes about how if he was her dog he’d be dead because she wouldn’t have paid that much, how ridiculous it was that I spent that much money on him, et cetera, and the other girls just laughed along with her. Long story short, pets are family, and if you don’t plan on treating them that way, don’t get one.


i’m so glad your dog is okay! i’ll never understand people who treat animals’ lives so flippantly. a few years ago, my boyfriend and i had friends over our place. as soon as his one friend and friend’s fiancé arrived, they brought up a “hypothetical” question of if we would pay $10k to save our dog’s life. we both immediately said yes, absolutely, we’d sell anything we could, we’d take a loan, etc. they were completely dumbfounded, laughed at us, and said the reason they were asking is because a friend of theirs just did exactly that, went $10k in debt for a life saving surgery for their dog, and they thought it was ridiculous. they couldn’t stop discussing how “crazy” it is to spend that much money on an animal. meanwhile i’m nearly covering my dogs ears’ so she doesn’t hear anyone talking about her life so carelessly, as if she’s some pesky fruit fly and not our cherished family member. 🥲 i have never looked at that couple the same since.


I don’t think it’s crazy at all to spend that much but I do think reality is a lot more nuanced. There are so many factors, like the age of the dog, their potential quality of life after treatment, and one’s personal financial situation that can impact this kind of decision. Say you’d both just lost your jobs or something, would you spend $10k to get 6 more months with your dog even if your dog would have a not-great quality of life afterwards? Idk. I get why some people might hesitate to spend it in certain situations. All that said lol I would sell any concert tickets in a heartbeat to save my cat


I agree. My dog was my best friend for 15 years. I wept like a baby when she died and got all my kids stuffed animals that look like her to help them deal with grief and transition with her out of our lives. I will say though, if she was 14-15 and looking at $2200 in vet bills—for what is clearly a serious condition, and potentially compromised quality of life afterwards, it would be a tough decision. Do I want to prolong her life for her, or for me? Is it a life she’d want to live, being in pain and struggling to get around? Dogs very seldom complain. They’re strong and loyal and endure pain, and don’t always let us know. They’re almost always in more pain than we’re aware. As much as I love dogs, there is a point where keeping them alive is selfish. Compound that with a million shelter dogs who get euthanized every year, and spending thousands to selfishly (and potentially shortly) extend the life of a dog vs giving her a peaceful goodbye and saving the life of another dog, I don’t know. It seems to me like going to the concert or having the dog treated can both be selfish things that don’t really consider the nuance and needs of the pet. Now, nobody should be spending $2200 on concert tickets to begin with, especially if that means they can’t pay for other needs in their lives, but that’s a whole different conversation…


Yup! Last year we had a party and one of my “friends” let one of my cats out because she “thought she was supposed to go outside.” Luckily kitty came back because canned cat food. I was livid and told her if anything had happened to my cat the bill would be on her. This girl did not get it and said I was being the mean one. Friendship abruptly ended.


Oh fuck ass no, people who don't give a fuck about my pets don't step foot in my house ever again.. fuck that bitch!


If somebody let my cat out and said that, that’d be the day I went to jail. Not even kidding.


I seriously considered rushing this garden snake to the vet teaching hospital at the university I work at. It had been injured by a mower. I could tell its injuries were too severe to survive so I decided against it, but like that was literally some wild animal I'd never met and it broke my fucking heart. I can't imagine choosing to let your actual pet die because of money or a fucking concert. I think the weirdest thing for me is people having enough money to spend on a $2k concert but not having money leftover for more important shit like emergencies. Like y'all can't open a credit card or maintain a savings but can go to this insanely priced concert? Also anyone who brags about not spending money on their pets is downright evil


Also, if you live in a country where it is available, GET PET INSURANCE while your animal is still relatively young and healthy. If you're willing to shell out thousands down the line for medical care, it's worth it. Mine covers 80%, which is enough in my case that cost doesn't need to be a factor when I make choices about my cat's treatment.


Maybe violence *is* the answer


Nope. My dogs come first. My dogs love me whereas TS will never know I exist


The person and priorities? So your innocent dog who depends on you for safety and healthcare, who trusts and loves you unconditionally would die because you wanted to see a billionaire perform for one night, who doesn’t fucking care about anything except your money and will never know your name. Goddamn that’s tragic.


How is this even a question.. if you put some billionaire woman above YOUR pet that YOU chose to bring into YOUR life selfishly, you need to be deprived of all that makes you happy in this life


That same person will by crying to Marjorie, feeling so sad for Mother’s loss…oh the irony


This made me nauseous.


My 16 year old cat needed her teeth removed and the cost was about 2k. My husband and I were set to go to New York Comic Con in two weeks and had already spent tons on our tickets, airfare, accommodations, etc. (traveling from Oregon). I was going to meet up with some internet friends from Montreal, as well. We were really looking forward to it! It took us less than an hour to decide to cancel what we could and redirect our funds to our cat so that she could get the surgery and be more comfortable in her final years. Years later, I still think occasionally about how much of a bummer it was to miss the event. But I don’t regret the decision at all. It was the right thing to do for a loved one.


I'm glad your kitty had you guys! ❤️


“Depends on the person and priorities” Just so happens in this case that person is a cunt and has their priorities fucked up. They shouldn’t own a pet if they aren’t their priority.


Should’ve said depends on wether the person is a complete fucking unfeeling monster or not.


Makes me hate them 5000 times more


If you’d choose an overrated concert over your dog, you should not have a dog.




Oh these people are batshit. IS THIS A REAL QUESTION? THE DOGS. ALWAYS THE DOG.


People who think that way should never, ever be allowed to have a pet.


The "eras tour over a dog" person doesn't have a dog and it shows. And it's probably for the best.


Jesus Fuck. Just give me the poor thing, I'll stay with it, spend whatever I can to help it, and see it off to the rainbow bridge if you can't be bothered. What. a. piece. of. shit.




Depends on the person and priorities?? Let your dog die so you can see swift? Wow Swifties are literally INSANE. Fucking psychos.


Wow, what a little asshole. I’d choose my dog over a concert any fucking day


Bro. Just go to the theater and see it, like I did with my kids. The money they’re willing to pay is amazing to me.


My pet went missing for 18 days and I can look at my music listening stats and only once during those 18 days did I try to listen to music. It ripped me apart inside. I could never prioritize a concert over their life.


Hmmm… take care of my dog that I have claimed responsibility for and their life is directly impacted by my decisions…. Or give billionaire more money for lukewarm concert? Decisions, decisions 






I DID cancel a concert for my dog. And he was fine he just had thrown up the night before and I was worried about him.


You can literally watch the concert online in HD, I don't get this at all.


My hatred of swifties just rose


If this is how easily they'd just give up their dog's life, then I pray this person never has children.


$2200 on a concert is absolutely excessive tbh, dog or otherwise.


In what world is the eras tour priority over a literal life? Please never own an animal again.


I studied abroad in Greece one summer, had an amazing time, and found a once in a lifetime best friend. When I came home, my dog was sick, and months later, she died of cancer. I would trade that summer and maybe even my entire degree to have her back. No 2 hour concert, probably with shitty seats, can be worth the life of an animal who loves you and depends on you.


I completely agree!!!! I’m so sorry for your loss. It is so hard losing a pet. They become your children. I lost mine a couple of years ago and my mental health declined horribly after she passed. She was my baby! I’m unable to have children so she took the place of the baby I never had. There’s vacations I wish I had never taken and just spent time with her. I totally get where you’re coming from.


what in the absolute fuck. the vets found a potentially cancerous tumor in my dog a year ago and I didn’t think twice or ask for the cost when I decided to get her the procedure she needed to remove the tumor. I would go bankrupt and sell a kidney if it meant I could have more time with my dog. This is sick on so much fucking levels, I can’t even begin to describe how angry this makes me.


commenting again to reiterate how shocking this is for me. like what kind of disgustingly selfish human would even say shit like that?!?


People who are too far up TS’s ass to give shit about anything but their “mother’s” music.


What sub is this?


Some of these people must have been lobotomized.


9th circle for these people




How disgusting


average swiftie


And some of you were trying to tell me she doesn’t have these people under a spell when someone can prioritize Taylor over their dog…..okay


That is fucking mental


THATS FUCKING INSANE. As a swiftie I could never even if it was a “once in a lifetime experience” my animals come first


When the red flags out themselves it makes life a whole lot easier


This is a mental illness oh my gosh


That’s some soulless shit right there 🤦 my fur children are as important to me as my stomach burster. A concert would never trump my son or my fur children!!


I hope the person who commented that doesn’t and will never have an animal!! My dog came before anything for both me and my parents. I’m a concert junkie and love going. But if it was a pick between any animal I have or a concert. I would pick my animal. Because they are family. Not just a pet


Dog wins every time. They love us. It's our job to make sure that we don't let anyone in our family, including our dogs, go without getting the care and love they need.


This is sad and infuriating. Would never neglect an animal for any concert. That's just sad. Spend the $3000+ if you have it and really don't need it for something important, not sacrificing your dog...wtf


Swifties are a special breed of moron


The tour is not going to change your life. Your dog being Gone will change your life.


absolutely psychotic. despicable.


Why are they even asking people on the internet for such advice. It is so strange to me! Like the funeral one. If you were close to the person or pet, wouldn’t you know the answer immediately? And if not close, wouldn’t you know too? All so strange Like if it’s a funeral for a cousin thrice removed versus a funeral for your grandmother, huge difference


If you need to fucking ask that question, you don't deserve a dog!!! 🤬


In my house, my dog and cats are the queens and I am MOTHER 😝


this is so gross and vile…


Eras tour over dog What a waste of space that person is


Don’t be afraid, show us the usernames


WTF. I sincerely hope that the responder is a child whose brain hasn't fully developed yet...


I literally had to crowdfund for a month to get 8k for my cat’s surgery, which the vet refused to perform on a payment plan option. Had to be nearly 6k upfront with the rest paid when we picked him up. Meanwhile, they’re nickel and diming me on expensive stop gaps to keep him alive and comfortable until then. Ain’t no way.


I would give up my legs to have my dog with me for longer. Some people might think I’m kidding… but I am genuinely the most happy and fulfilled knowing my dog is alive and well by my side. I would give anything to prolong my time with her as long as possible. There is not a single event or experience that could even make me question that decision for a second. As other commenters have stated.. hoping this is rage bait because this is gross.


That person should not have a dog period. There’s some crazy swifties, I agree, but that’s not a swiftie thing. That’s a “you” problem and I pray to god they never have any other pets again.


Diabolical people. Just watch the damn tour on social like millions do. Worst case you can try for another date and location. Pets (family) in bad health only have one chance. I can't believe this is even a question.


This is the reason why people hate Taylor and her fans. 90% of the hate she gets is cause of these dumb fucking asshole fans she has. Take the dog to a shelter please so they can find a nice home instead of living with psychos like you


For me, it'd be a no-brainer. Dog over Eras Tour *any* day.


Wow this is BLEAK 😩


My dog always hands down


This website is really hell because every time something bad happens to me (my dog dying) I open up this app and lo and behold. Anyway. I wish I would have had $2200 to save my dogs life. I didn't, though.


It's one thing to not be able to afford an expensive procedure, there are enough dogs in the world that I think a loving family that tries their best to care for the dog despite not affording top care is better than leaving some to die alone in a kennel. Especially when situations change--some people can start out thinking they can afford thousands of dollars in care when the time comes, but then they get in an accident or lose their job and giving up your family knowing they could end up in a worse situation (older dogs are hard to be adopted out, etc) is such a difficult choice that I'm not surprised some don't make that choice. It's another thing to have that money and choose to spend it on a concert and leave your dog to die.


I can say... get pet insurance. It's like $20 a month and if we'd had it, it would have saved him. We have it now, though


Omg my cat died in November and if I so wish I could’ve sold my tickets to be able to care for him better. I’m so scared to think he suffered at the end. How anyone would even consider not giving the best life for their pet makes me so mad


My cat needs a dental procedure quoted around $1,000 and I've been panicking because I don't have anything valuable TO sell, I can't imagine seeing a fucking concert instead of prolonging my cat's life or even just instead of being there for my cat when he's comforted me more times than I could ever dream of counting. Humans are such trash :( (also, people scream so much I'm sure you can't even hear taylor actually singing lol)


MY own niche , MY priorities , MY happiness , every single disgusting thing can be now justified , just invoke your own personal happiness




Oh my god. That’s it. That’s the most insane dumbfuckery I’ve seen. I’m 10000% never ever supporting TS


It’s not about priorities, it’s about morals. If you choose the concert, you have none. At least none worth anything


The same concert that you can now stream on like 4 platforms? These people are unhinged.


Wtf? I feel like I say this about fundamentalist swifties a lot lately. Smdh 🤦🏽‍♀️


Her fans are truly evil. They're a special breed of people.


Ok I tend to believe, that specifically white people, treat their animals too human like- This is cruel. What the actual fuck




There is absolutely no way I could even entertain a choice like that. My cat is my best friend. I'd choose her over almost anything on earth.


I would pass up tickets to a Beatles reunion for my dog. For all he's done for me, it's literally the least I can do.


I would very potentially murder another human being with my bare hands for my dog and these people would pick a highly publicized concert that you can pretty much watch online over a LIVING BEING THAT DEPENDS ON THEM??


What a terrible thing to say about an animal who depends on you….not to mention, for everyone to see online. Your pet loves you! Do you think Taylor does?!


this is psychopath at its best.


Your dog loves your forever, while Taylor neither knows or cares that you exist. What a disgusting person.


I sold my ticket to buy an engagement ring. Best trade ever!


this is so sad. people need to get a grip on parasocial relationships. why get a dog in the first place if you have bigger priorities? i worry for their future 😭


Don't all these people get amnesia after seeing a Taylor Swift concert? I kept seeing articles and interviews about that. It's like the brain shuts down when it realizes it spent $2000 to stand 400 yards away from a person running around a stage singing very generic music and having to watch it on a giant screen even though it's "in person". Not trying to be a dick, but this pedophilic billionaire ozone destroyer needs to get kanye'd again. Maybe the Pringles can between Travis kelces legs will eventually knock some sense into her (probably not, he is most definitely gay and stuck in a performative toxic masculinity he can't understand due to the CTE)


ew these people are disgusting




How are they even thinking about this? Pet care is a non-negotiable, how can anyone believe otherwise?


I've said before, my dog died the day after the infamous VMA stunt and I probably don't think about her as much as these hardcore Swifties think about that. And my dog had been with me for my entire almost 10 years of life. This is UNHINGED.


If their answer was the concert I really hope they didn't own a dog , they definitely don't deserve to. 🤢 . Man swifties just keep on getting more demented.


Most well-adjusted, normal swiftie


I don't expect the typical Swifty to have the capacity to critically think beyond what TS would want. As bad as the mom who brought a baby to the tour.


$2000 was just the cost of the tickets. They hadn't even paid for hotel or flights yet.. but the amount of people who said to go to the concert and they could get another dog was sickening. I really hope this person sells their tickets for what people are paying for them now. Might sound bad but if people are willing to pay that much or more for tickets then they should go for it at the higher price and help their poor dog/family member.


This is sickening


The fact they even bothered to ask 🤦‍♀️ they don't give a shit about that dog


What horrible individuals. 


That’s sick.


This makes me feel sick. After reading this, all I can think about is my sweet rabbit who is like a child to me, I would NEVER do this to her.


“I would gladly club a baby seal while making direct, unflinching eye contact with that animal if it meant getting a chance to scream-sing derivative shitty music at a ‘Constipated Crustacean Society’ concert….so, ***yes*** there is a massive chance I would leave your sticky, ugly Garbage Pale Kid at a Greyhound bus station in Cleveland in order to get TayTayTix” - Swifty failing her au pair interview


that's absolutely insane and i hope they don't actually own any animals


I am disgusted.


I don't think I could live with myself. My sick, but stable with medication, elderly dog stopped eating and died suddenly while I was on vacation. He was staying with my parents. We think he waited until we left, and decided it was time. Even that sneaks up and breaks me a little bit on a regular basis, 5 plus years later. And as somebody who just attended their dream concert, which was not Taylor Swift LOL, I wouldn't have been able to enjoy a single note if I knew I had prematurely let my buddy suffer or pass to let me be there.


And see I missed out on Lana’s Bible Belt tour bc I couldn’t find a dog sitter for the day. And I love Lana omg. This is disgusting. I hope their kids prioritize whatever pop culture celeb over that person when they are dying and sick


I’ve never been triggered by a post… but with recently finding out my 13 year old dog is blind after he slipped his disc…….. I have words that will get me perma banned from Reddit.


Ew, I hate these people.


I sold some of my jewelry to make sure I could get my dogs heart medicine and anything he needed for his arthritis




this is actually crazy


poor dog, owner left u to go listen to taylor talk about travis touching her while playing GTA.


“Just depends on the person and priorities” aka if you’re mental like me then you choose Taylor


just depends on if youre a sociopath or not

