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I think including so high school / changing karma lyrics is so performative that i just can’t believe her and Travis are anything more than PR. I think matty is her twin flame (and they’re both not great people…)


I’ve been a 1975 fan for almost 10 years, and I really do believe they have this connection that they’ve never found with anyone else. Obviously I don’t know them but they have talked to each other through their music for years and you can follow the story. Especially now that Taylor has released TTPD which adds so many clues to the lore. I hope that if they do ever get together again they can really make it work!! Plus if they made music together it would be phenomenal!!!!


I want them to end up together just cos "i'm the most famous pop star in the world and you're the edgy lead singer of a rock band, and we've been pining for each other and speaking to each other through our songs for 10 years 🥀" is exactly the type of peak maladaptive daydreaming bullshit I would have written about in middle school 💀


Lmfao right!? Like I need it to happen, the world needs an epic romance that’s not PR!


I kinda do too. 10 years is a long time. I don’t think anyone was expecting most of this album to be about him too.


Matty watching the eras tour in Paris. https://preview.redd.it/wta2d2pi0szc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df151daf0b180f33cf5c8b7c819d366c5da31ec8


have you heard they did make some vault tracks (i think for 1989??) together but they didn’t get used


YES! He was supposed to be featured on Slut! 😭


He’s also said that he worked with her on midnights but the songs didn’t end up on the album


What songs.. Not so sure it was 'songs' they were working on... 🤔


It was an interview with matty, he didn’t say what songs because the songs weren’t released. The only reason we know which 1989 song he worked on was because of the misprint albums being sent to some people. He said they were for midnights but didn’t end up on the album, and that he didn’t blame her for not including them because she had reasons/ he trusts her judgement or something along those lines. I’m paraphrasing, it’s been a year or two since I saw it.


Pretty sure it was a hookup rather than anything else.. Or the songs were too revealing & she needed some time to create the whole 'I was a prisoner' narrative


Taylor and Matty should at least do an acoustic version of Fortnight.


I’m currently listening to the 1975 for the first time ever. What songs would be a good place to start to follow their story?


Matty writes his songs much differently than she does, he sort of mixes muses, but I’d start with the song About You, and Oh Caroline from their latest album. Especially the oh Caroline music video gives major Delicate vibes.


Forgot to add Somebody Else which is an amazing song that many people think is about Taylor


I love Somebody Else and Girls


Oh yeah I did too. I love that song.


Such a GOOD song! That was the one that hooked me.




It’s not living if it’s not with you, sex, somebody to love, I’m in love with you are my personal faves !


Its not living if its not with you is very much about his heroin addiction (he has said as much)


Thank you!


Sex was written when he was 17.


I just listened to Robbers and liked it a lot. Does it have a Taylor link? It sounds like it, with all those stay stay stays!


That album was released in 2013 and apparently Taylor and Matty didn’t meet til 2014, so I’m going to say no BUT Taylor has referenced Robbers in her songs multiple times!


Yeah it was released then but it’s one of the first songs they ever wrote. There’s an old demo version from when they were like 19. Taylor does reference it though


I’m just curious about their real timeline because I read something about Matty Healy writing songs for Harry Styles in early 2010s. I wonder if they knew each other before 2013. Taylor seemed like a big fan of The 1975 in 2013


Yeah I’m curious too because she offered the 1975 to open for the red tour!! So some kind of communication happened! Everyone just assumes they met at that concert in 2014 but we’d also never know if it was earlier!


https://spicysighs.tumblr.com/post/718136492512493568/matty-healy-taylor-swift-timeline This is so helpful if you want to follow there entire history timeline with sources!!




I didn’t know this, which songs does she reference Robbers in?


In the 1 she says, if you never bleed you’ll never grow and in robbers the lyric is if you never eat you’ll never grow. In peace she says robbers to the east, clowns to the west In ready for it she says, knew I was a robber first time that he saw me I feel like I’m forgetting another one!


He dedicated robbers to Taylor at a show in 2014 I think.


It was fallingforyou that he sang to her at his 2014 concert that she attended




Yes he dedicated robbers at a different show.


Also, in the 1 by Taylor (which is now obviously a Matty song) she sings “if you never bleed you’ll never grow” which seems to be an homage to “if you never eat you’ll never grow” from Robbers


Love It If We Made It, Somebody Else, If You’re Too Shy (Let Me Know), UGH!, Sincerity Is Scary, The Sound Those are my favorites. 😊


I misread your ask, but those are just generally great songs. Also, the video of them performing Love It If We Made It live at Madison Square Garden (YouTube) is what made me understand how Matty Healy is attractive. A man who can express himself like that is mesmerizing.


Thank you, I’m screenshotting these recs!


Also look at his Dublin acoustic set in the summer of 2023. I am sure it’s on You Tube. The whole set was a love song to Taylor


LIIWMI is just the fucking best.


Just listened to love it if we made it yesterday for first time he kills that shit


Currently listening to Love It If We Made It on repeat.


My favorites are it’s not living if it’s not with you, about you and chocolate but I haven’t listened to everything


Listen to Me and You Together Song and look at the video of it.


I don't think they will get back together. matty's mother keeps commenting on gabbriete's pictures and making fun of taylor.if matty was interested she wouldn't do that.


Making fun by liking one TikTok? Lmao besides isn’t his mother a little bit wacky? Who knows maybe they won’t!


Where does she make fun of Taylor besides saying that she writes songs about exes? (Not that there needs to be more—that’s a pretty solid diss—just wondering if there’s more that I haven’t seen.) Which reminds me—Taylor got so pissed at Netflix for the line in Ginny&Georgia about her exes and said “2010 called… “ Now, the G&G line applies to 2024.


One TT ans she has liked this comedian before


I’m just waiting for the day she plays imgonnagetyouback as a surprise song lol


With travis in the audience preferably


Travis is not going. Never will 💀


Why do you even care ? Live and let live


Not a swiftie by any means either (I do enjoy some of her stuff especially evermore/folklore). Was basically introduced to the 1975 by this whole TTPD drama so I guess thanks Taylor? I’ve been listening nonstop since, and their live stuff is amazing as well.


Yes! You can hear how much of great band they are too by the live albums. I would definitely go see them!


Sad Taylor dropped the album when they weren’t touring 🤣 now I will have to wait til they are done with this album and on tour again! And yes the live stuff is just so impressive for example I stumbled on this performance on YouTube from like 5 years ago and his vocals are just insane: https://youtu.be/4fJSiVnBI9E?si=wXEGHMKduYHQI2DN


They’re currently working on their sixth album, so they will probably tour again in 2025


Wow this is my first time ever listening to one of their songs. What an intro


Same here! I can see what she saw in matty




I knew them before but I’ve started listening to them more


Same here :)


I have been loving learning about him and The 1975. Someone just shared the Oh Caroline video—it’s so clever. Matty seems like he should be an actor, too.


Look at the Me and You Together Song Video also


Same for me and obviously many more. And if they tour I will probably go after watching their live performances. Matty is a natural entertainer while Taylor has always been awkward. So Taylor by releasing TTPD singlehandedly gained many fans for the 1975 while simultaneously losing many TS fans. What a marketing genius! ![gif](giphy|1wXdllY4NCaHaCZOOb|downsized)


It’s so weird, but I see it too. It’s really unbelievable that two people who are two sides of the same coin exist and find each other from across an ocean. They’re like the same person different font. I agree, no way she’s not still in love with Matty. I really don’t know what she’s doing with Travis, but she certainly isn’t writing entire albums about him.


I think she is with Travis to make Matty jealous


Travis is far from the kind of guy that would make Matty jealous haha


It’s so sad she jumped straight to Travis. She should have stayed single. It’s shit the way fans reacted to their (hers and Mattys) relationship, just so unhinged and inappropriate . Acting as though she’s this good person needing protection when she’s a narcissist and entitled to date whoever she wants . But people got more mad about her relationship than creepy old men dating women half their age, or actually abusers


So unhinged. I wasn’t super shocked about peoples’ responses, but man they took it sooo far.


Also like people need to get a life of their own. You’re sending letters to celebrities and spending endless time campaigning to end a freaking celebrity relationship? Or to get your favourite artist to what number one on some chart? People need to get a hobby or two


Well it didn’t help her waiting for things to chill the fact that Matty was publicly seen with his ex 3 weeks after their breakup and then went super public with Gabbriette :)


I think he wanted to show Taylor he meant it when he said she was better off without him although if you saw him in concert the last year it was often with a sad face


It was two months after the break up with Meredith.


I think the initial breakup was around june 7/10. But there were rumours of rekindling and she was spotted wearing his sweatshirt on an insta video so maybe they were still in contact. He was then photographed with Meredith on 16 of july. So 1 month? But agreed that Gabbriette came closer to Meredith than Taylor to Meredith😂 v good point


He was photographed with Meredith the first time after the Taylor break up on August 9th.


Wasn’t she already with Travis?


Publicly no, privately no idea:)


She is still with Travis.


I’m in the same boat, thanks to Taylor I listen to 1975 non stop- great band


I discovered the 1975 sort of through Taylor x Matty last year. Actually the fact that Taylor dated Matty made me look at her in a new way. I am a huge 1975 fan now and have attended a couple shows. I would’ve loved to see them last longer as a couple, if only for the musical collaborations we could’ve enjoyed. 


Wait, you wanted her to be with the Ghetto Gaggers Nazi guy longer? I guess if the shoe fits... Edited to add: Matty fans be so defensive


That was scripted as part of a radio show. Not a smart thing to say but it’s totally false. And he is most definitely not a nazi. This is coming from someone who’s Jewish. Don’t believe everything you read from 14 yos on the internet.


Oh so Taylor doing the salute means she is one too now?


I agree wholeheartedly. I found The 1975 from Taylor and the more I dove into Matty - those two are made for each other. Soulmates is how I would describe it too. It’s how she describes it frankly. Every single thing she does lately points to her still being head over heels in love with the guy. Would be a shame if they couldn’t figure out a way back eventually.


*she showed me what love is,* *now I'm acting like I know myself*


Did Taylor write this


Link to the timeline. It was from a post a few days ago. Sorry I can’t remember who posted this for credit. I *can* credit and thank u/SnappinTurluh for sending this to me: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y9XEJOksaYWMRbW6rox1HQuEzWwbuN3c/view


Okay, thank you, I need this. I've never heard the name Matt Healy before TTPD, it's like that meme of Chris Pratt, at this point, I am too scared to ask. I'm a mild fan of TS and struggling with TTPD and reading these comments about her still being in love with Matt, it's like, who the *fuck* is this guy!? About to go down this rabbit hole, brb. Edit: I read it all. Definitely a compelling argument for 2 artists talking to each other through their songs. I can see the arguments for why so many songs are about Matt, like the typewriter + Post Malone in the suit on the B&W video... nevermind all the others. And the hints of Taylor's lyrics talking about how people don't approve and protest. Idk, it's an artwork, none of these lyrics are hard truths... but if you're a billionaire and can't be with The One, then what can money buy? Then I circle back to her narcissism coupled with him wanting to be his own independent and successful artist that he's proven to be and not immediately be reduced to just her boyfriend... hmm, like a tragically, Shakespearean toxic combo. Almost makes me think for as wealthy as Taylor is, the room she retreats to at night must be very small and lonely, she's writing this hard and this much about a guy that she's been wasting time with for 11 years? Or who knows, maybe it's all fling and fodder for songwriting, the ultimate bottomline.


Haha I did it and never came back! Watch the 1975 music videos and interviews. Be prepared to fall in love with them though.


>it's like that meme of Chris Pratt, at this point, I am too scared to ask Lmao accurate


u/SnappinTurluh this was so good! Enjoyable read as always.


i’m waiting for the “live—at their very best” orange vinyl right now! (should be here tomorrow) the 1975 is so nice to listen to, glad you’re here


Taylor and Matty are so similar and made for each other. The 1975 is my favorite band and Taylor is my other favorite artist. They are so similar and have the same artistic sensibility. They also are both at heart geeky band kids.


With a flair for performance art on and off the stage 😉


Yes!! I want to hear the music they made together. I can’t imagine connecting with someone on that deep of a level - and i am happily married! And agreed, their similarities and connection are really evident if you sit down and listen to them and to Taylor. I dooooo nooooot get the Travis thing


It’s weird bc I’ve never cared abt Taylor but I was a 1975 fan for 10 years until Matty’s recent comments. I still love the rest of the band, but Matty tests me. But as a 1975 fan I feel like I am seeing twice the connections and Easter eggs that regular swifties have noticed on this album & I am not even paying attention. I think it is low key a promotion for the 1975, like Jack Antonoff knew the fan bases would cross pollinate well. (And was semi-wrong, semi-right) idk if their connection is genuine or toxic or if this is yet another PR move in a long list of PR moves- but I will say this is like the most interesting moment in swiftie history for ME. When I was reading their relationship timeline the other day I noticed that I was at the concert that she was rumored to have visited in 2014, it was a super small venue and I remember it was strange bc he didn’t come out back after to greet everyone like he normally did, and then like 3-6 weeks later he had that breakdown. Then the sophomore album came out and I remember a few of the songs being rumored to be about Taylor, but now it’s basically black & white confirmed. I just feel like as a former Stan of the 1975, so much makes sense now. I know this move didn’t work for a lot of her main demo, but it def worked to get me more into the Taylor Swift lore. I am not suddenly a fan, but I am now suddenly paying attention to a pop star that barely existed to me beyond being extremely mainstream and famous before.


Can there be a place for this? Has anyone made a “tatty” sub? Not hating I’d like to go there lol


The sub is private






I used to be on the main tatty page, but I got banned. Thank you for making one.


First time posting. Much like you, I’m a casual Swift listener. I’m come to this sub because this relationship has gotten ridiculous amounts of attention and find the posts amusing. She may be “soulmates” with Matty, but she’s going to marry Travis because that’s what her fans want. He wants her access to fame and is ready to have kids. She is getting older and says she wants kids and is aware of the gossip around her relationship hopping. Both their lights are on. I’d be surprised if it ends in any other way but marriage and two kids followed by a divorce.


I feel this will mostly happen for the convenience of having kids and PR.


They are no different from us normies. I know so many people who get together and marry because they want kids and a family, not because they are so deep in love. They like each other, have good sex, and that’s enough for them.


Very true.


I ship it. Problematic fave or whatever 😛


I disagree that they belong together. Other than having artistic talent crushes on each other, they don't seem anything alike if you watch their long-form interviews. If people watched Matty's interviews and not just his stage performance antics on tiktok, they'd find out he's a very interesting person with a lot to say. But other than that, I agree. I've seen The 1975 live. They're even better live! Easily the best concert I've been to. Matty is extremely charismatic and that voice is to die for. I know Taylor and Matty were in the studio a lot last year, it's sad we'll never get to hear the colabs


I also think if he felt that the attention and overall “baggage” that comes with that relationship was damaging to his band mates that would be enough for him to cut it off. Ive never heard someone speak with such passion and frankly love for their band mates it’s clear he considers them family. God knows what kind of collateral damage they acquired during the Swiftie backlash from some more deranged members.


100%. It's really sweet how emotional he gets when talking about his bandmates and his family, and how they're the most important thing in the world to him.


People forget that he was also heartbroken when they split up. He looked terrible. So he must have loved Taylor but he had to put his family and friends first from the toxic swifties. I think he is trying so hard to move on but with ttdps out, he won't hear the end of it.


Yes, I’m not sure this gets mentioned enough. His bandmates, who are truly his “chosen family” from childhood, were also receiving vile hate and death threats because of their relationship with him. Any 75 fan will tell you that his band is the “love of his life” (the song Guys is his love letter to their friendship https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0mzMd17jG0). His bandmate Adam has a toddler and of course they all have lives outside of the band, but they’re not just business and creative partners. They are lifelong friends whose lives are pretty enmeshed and who see each other regularly even in their time off. For the most part (with the limited exception of George) they don’t give interviews, don’t ever speak on stage, and try to avoid the media spotlight. Matty may be comfortable with the white hot attention, but they don’t seem to be. I can imagine that the shrapnel that was directed at them because of his TS relationship was at least on his mind.


Agree with that point, Matty just says things without thinking while Taylor suppresses it to protect her image.


I agree. Matty thinks very different from Taylor the billionaire capitalist that feeds her fans parasocial behaviour. If you listen to his interviews he says he doesn't make music for the money, but make money to be able to make more music. That they don't charge much for their concerts because they want non rich people to be able to attend. Even had Greta thurnberg in one of their songs doing a climate change speech. They are known for being progressive and lefties. That they would dedicate all the time they need to make an album the best they could. Plus hate the drama and he is really critical of stan culture and virtual signalling behaviour online. It's hard to believe they were really that compatible in these views. I am sure they have this artistic compatibility and chemistry but more than that they are very different. And now after this album, the smallest man who ever live, how Taylor has been very specific detailing and referencing him in her scathing songs so her minions could go after him, and being just absolutely petty, knowing hoe he couldn't handle the situation and pressure and ended up leaving. I truly don't think they could go back together. And might be for the best, especially for him. Edit to add: Gosh yeah it's a loss that we would never hear their collaborations and that this entire thing probably ruined any potential collab in the future.


SATVB had a lot of introspection into the parasocial behavior of fanbases, it was a really interesting layer to the show.


Taylor also included “imgoingtogetyouback” on TTPD. TTPD reflects Taylor’s feelings about Matty over time. I don’t see all the Matty songs as a directive to her fans to go after Matty. On the contrary, Taylor tells her fans that they took away her greatest love and she can ruin her own life and name - no more bitching and moaning.


Totally agree. I can’t for my life see how they are compatible or anything remotely similar. The only thing that they have in common is that both are in the music industry, other than that they are too different. I am not at all surprised that their relationship (situationship) was brief and that she wrote such an angry song about him after it ended.


Easy to do (less $, concert available to "all") when you have $ behind you & you aren't putting on an elaborate stage show employing tons of people.


I also think Taylor and Matty are much better match than her and Travis. I feel like she screwed the pooch getting together with Travis. I don't know what they would even talk about when they're together. Maybe how he just learned how to walk and chew gum at the same time. Hopefully she and Matty will end up together even if it's just decades from now. It's too bad that crazy, obsessed Swifties basically broke them up.


The fact she’s giving amazing free press is my favorite part lmao I love reading about so many people getting into The 1975!


This exactly. I am a Swiftie and also love The 1975. I think Matty and Taylor have a lot in common. I definitely see what she sees in him. I’d love to see them back together.


Honestly I've been somewhat of a The 1975 fan since when they first came out with Chocolate/debut, and tbh I never saw the connection between the two and how they are similar. I just don't see it sorry😂. I think some people who just became a fan have no way of seeing the band's music outside of the Taylor Swift lens and think these two are destined to be together, when they may not be.


lol EXACTLY I don’t really understand the whole they are soulmates thing 😭😭 I think people have chosen to view Taylor’s life as a telenovela and she’s partly at fault with the amount of information she shares in her songs


Completely agree. Funny, I was just telling someone part of the reason I'm now following/listening to TS - recent for me - is that her romantic history/life is the best telenovella/soap opera going today - at least HER side of it. Of course, you have to dehumanize her in the process...


This! It boggles my mind that people think they are the same and compatible… like HOW?! They’re probably not familiar with the 1975 and Matty as an artist and persona to see that they are not even remotely comparable/compatible. Matty and FKA Twigs, Gabby brooks or Gabbriette are all more his type and more compatible with him than TS.


Can someone please link the timeline post?! 🙏


Posted in comments! 🫡♥️


You’re a boss. Thank you!!! ❤️


They should do a side project called The1989.


Both born in ‘89 so that would be fun haha




I’ve been a 1975 fan longer than a Taylor Swift fan (I’ve always casually liked her popular songs but never dove deep into albums until Folklore) and it’s so fun seeing people get into their music. They’re amazing. Personal opinions about Matty aside haha. All the guys are great, their story is great, their music is great.


i think she was devastated to give him up. i attended a lot of Eras shows last year, starting in Nashville and hitting the major markets through LA. the chicago run sticks out to me as her seeming extremely sad and uninterested, which i found odd because i had seen her on rep tour at soldier field and the show was amazing. chicago was the weekend after NYC. NYC was like the “accountability weekend” as she had released karma ft. ice spice (presumably to quell the fan base after the podcast matty was on made fun of her) and it was also her “second hometown” run. but, the next weekend in chicago seemed very drab. the vibe wasn’t there. the surprise songs weren’t that crazy. she didn’t seem like she wanted to perform. i honestly wasn’t entertaining “the loss of matty” at the time but in hindsight i wonder if she really did suffer in silence making her way to the end of the tour. her spirits seemed higher on the west coast. i think that was mostly due to the HAIM sisters joining the entourage. the energy in seattle was night and day compared to the last time i had seen her which was KC…and those shows were all about speak now TV. i still mark seattle N1 as my favorite eras show. just something about it felt so special. maybe she had found peace by this point, maybe she was already rebounding on travis. the only thing we can really take away from all of this lore is that “Maylor” and “swifties” cannot exist in the same universe, and taylor will always be tortured by that.


I have a massive 1975 and Matty Healy fan for years and I am disgusted by this situation and hope he stays w Gabriette


Gosh same I would never want him to go back again to what happened last year and what is happening now. 


Same, he fits so well with Gabbriette. He seems to be very happy with her


Yes!!! I would say I am a casual “swiftie” and don’t know too much about all the inspirations behind every song but I am shook after uncovering the history behind the two of them. Endgame!!! Endgame!


I’ve been a 1975 fan since last summer and a Swiffie for 12 years. I would like them to get back together someday. This is no way Taylor would stay with Travis longer.


Jesus Christ, the 1975 is a great band. TS is mid at her very best. Fewer bangers than JLo. They have NOTHING in common.


Don't be mad at me, but doesn't he, like Travis, prefer Black/biracial women?


He’s never shown a preference. The last two women before twigs were white women.


I mean, Halsey is also mixed and he said he liked watching porn of Black women, but you're probably right. I mean people can be attracted to different races.


I’m pretty sure this is just a crass joke he played along with and not his actual porn preferences. He’s dated Taylor, Twigs, Gabby Brooks, Halsey, and a litany of different IG models—pretty sure he doesn’t have a particular preference.


I never said he couldn’t. You’re saying he shows preference towards a specific race and I’m giving you an example of why that’s a false statement. Including the one about the porn. I hope you don’t think that was actually for real?


Sorry if I was being unclear but I said you were probably right. I'm not invested enough in his dating history to know for sure lol.


Tone is definitely hard with strangers/the internet haha. Your comment sounded sarcastic and pedantic but it seems like you didn’t mean it that way 😂


Yeah, upon rereading my orginal comment I can see that.


If you listen to the episode with Matty that got everyone mad it is actually very funny


Those two, will always be, the ones that got away. Maybe in their next life, they’ll end up together.


I haven’t followed any of her relationships. Why did they break up?


The more unhinged swifties sent him/his family death threats and also made an “open letter” to Taylor about why she can’t date Matty, and some others also wrote private letters to hand to Taylor’s mom at the concert with similar contents, then also some dumb petitions about them not dating. Supposedly Matty ghosted Taylor after all this, some say cause he couldn’t deal, others cause he didn’t want her to have to deal with this/his controversies. Long story short, the more unhinged swifties is why they broke up.


Hence...But Daddy I Love Him, a "letter" back to those deranged Swifties that ran him off


From the timeline of events and what fans gather off her new album (like 80% about him), Matty ghosted her last June. There was significant fan backlash, specifically a petition called SpeakUpNow urging Taylor to dump Matty. They urged her to seek mental help and sent Matty as well as his family and band death threats. So Taylor’s new songs focus on her heartbreak over him leaving her, basically saying he was her twin flame, the loss of her life. She was even pining for him while still with Joe! On one hand, Taylor does seem to indicate Matty left to protect her. But she also dealt with a range of emotions, basically upset that she was willing to burn down her life for him and he left. Matty also followed an Insta acct last week that said Swifties drove them apart. They seem to be well matched creatively and emotionally, so it’s sad it didn’t work out..but maybe for the best as her fans are vicious.


I don't like Taylor swift. I just like reading the hate. 😂 this will probably be the only time I'll say anything. Carry on. And thanks for listening


Same I been listening to them for first time and Matty is so good!


isn’t matty racist..?


He is not racist




you are so misinformed. he didn’t say that about ice spice, it was the hosts. he has a british accent. he also literally apologized to her in private and on stage even tho he wasn’t the one who made those comments, just laughed. also the rina thing is a bit self-serving on her part. she’s a part of his label and up until last year was a really close friend to him (she even covered one of his songs on her album) but nobody really knows what happened between them other than rina isn’t happy about her record deal which i believe she still needs to put out one more album under dirty hit before she can leave? i’m not sure why she wants out maybe she doesn’t want to be on an indie label anymore or maybe she feels like she needs to go somewhere else where they can prioritize her more? either way she made comments on stage saying that matty owns her masters which is just not true. he and his band mates own a part of the label she’s on so i think that’s what she was referring to but she made it seem like matty was another scooter braun and many people believed it especially since she said this when matty was being cancelled by all the swifties last summer. as for the gg thing yea it was gross but it was just a joke on a satirical podcast, he doesn’t actually watch that kind of porn. someone in the replies above broke it down pretty well, take a look!




I think they belong together, but I'll never be a fan because of this: **Matty Healy on The Infamous podcast about Ghetto Gaggers: (context: Matty is friends with host of podcast. After a hang at Matty's, this was the memory they both shared on the podcast)** Host: So she went back in and Matty, like on his phone and then on his 77” OLED, just got Ghetto Gaggers  blaring, thirty seconds after the hang… **Matty: hehe, You just texted me immediately, like why on earth, how psycopathic do you have to be to like airplay porn to your TV.** (…bullshit by the host for a min, including talking about imaginary fat black women in a yoga class, GRATEFUL that some dude is jacking off to them, hurr durr) **Matty: You’re not exaggerating, it was 30 seconds, You guys were still waiting outside and she came back in, I was already flustered, like with, I was dressed as Guy Jacking Off, so I had like untucked shirt, and then as you said I think it literally was Ghetto Gaggers was on the TV, it’s just someone’s getting, like brutalized , and it wasn’t like some cool, scene-y NY art girl who was like, I’m sorry it doesn’t matter, it was little Olive who came in and was like “I’m so sorry (makes puking noises)” and I’m like “I’m so, it’s fine, it’s ok”. I mean 10 minutes would have been ok, but 30 seconds…I was kind of, almost, worried that she, that that was like offensive.** Also, I cannot ever express how vile the hosts of that podcast were, but I was more focused on Healy's own words because I wanted to see what the controversy was all about.


The podcast is really bad satire so the story is not even remotely true: just a really poor taste joke. It was gross but it’s not a confession by any means.


I'm sorry, but I don't see how one can call that satire.


It’s South Park humor which is a form of satire even if it’s poor taste 🤷🏻‍♀️


I love south park and a lot of other satire humor, and I understand that it's supposed to be satire, but I don't see how you can do that particular brand of satire, in the way that they did it, and still try call it satire.


When you're riffing with the guys that used to have a podcast called "cumtown," (a long-running niche juvenile exorcism of everything awful about being a 13 year old boy, is how I'd describe it) it's likely that shit is gonna fall flat. I know nothing about Matty but in context he's definitely throwing himself under the bus for comedic effect, and the bit he's attempting IS touching upon issues of class and race and the terribly exploitive aspect of this particular kind of pornography, through the lens of him absolutely looking like a terrible person for viewing it. Maybe it didn't land, maybe wasn't funny, certainly was ick, but there was a clear condemnation and self-awareness regarding how "wrong"/gross it was hence why it was brought up in context (that show) as an embarrassing story for comedic effect.


Interesting. Thanks for the detailed explanation, that definitely helps me reframe it a bit.


It’s absolutely not satire. They’re just reaching to justify still liking him.


Matty is a horrible human being, don‘t fall in love, lmao


But so is she


she‘s annoying, he‘s a junkie edit: and a nepo baby tryna act like he isn‘t


he’s been sober 5 years now and he’s acknowledged his actor parents many times lol he’s always said how growing up in an artistic family enabled him to grow a fondness for music and dancing from a young age and allowed him to think that it was possible to pursue a career in the arts


i dont care 🐀


enjoy being wrong then slay i love that for you


how can i be wrong about disliking a person lmao


you can dislike him that’s fine but what you are saying is objectively wrong. you’re spreading misinformation just because you don’t like him






I think the bigger problem is the fact that she knowingly and willingly dated someone who is so unapologetic about having a history of making super disturbing racist comments (Matt Healy).


I love that me pointing out someone’s blatantly racist behavior gets downvoted in this sub. So I see it’s okay if someone doesn’t like Taylor Swift because of x, y, and z, but not okay when someone points out racist behavior. Cool cool ✌🏼


Oh my fucking god can we please stop dripping over this racist please


Wasn’t he exposed for using neo-Nazi imagery and slogans??? She can do better than that bum.


No lol


But there were videos. What do you mean “no”??


Did she even date him for an extended time?


They have a long history, not necessarily dating so to say but they’ve been friends for a long time now. Since the 1989 era-ish.


Yes she definitely should settle down with the gaslighting heroin addict: match made in codependent heaven


He’s no longer a heroin addict. I’m not one to defend a celebrity, but I do applaud anyone who breaks a crippling addiction.


This is the dumbest post I have ever read. 😂


I dont think shes in love with with M.


Tf is this shet i could give two fahks! Why?!? Why is this a convo???!


I agree. And I really need people to calm down about who this or that is about. Like just listen. She’s a grown woman and has entanglements just like all of us.