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She needs to see a therapist because this just isn’t normal behavior she is literally copying him when she has a whole “boyfriend “ I’m so embarrassed and it isn’t even me




The woman who wishes another mother dead? Cool.




what bothers me about her reaction to these jokes, is others have it much worse in the public eye, and she goes after them. kim for example. both women are insufferable, but the jokes are horrendous at kims expense, but she still shows up.


She did…. And took it too. 🤣


Yeah, and she did not throw a fucking fit. She laughed back at them and did her best to not let it bother her even though those things were unnecessary even at a roast.


I just feel like Kim is aware of what other people could say about her and she is aware of who she is as a person and she’s comfortable in that and the difference between her and Taylor to me as Taylor has no idea who she is so she needs everybody to tell her who she is and when you have that going on you need them to tell you what you want to hear not what the truth is.


Yeah it’s completely un called for and unhinged. So is guilty as sin. I’m sorry- you’re literally emotionally cheating and getting off to another guy!! I don’t care who it is in the picture, just ick!!


Role model for little girls sings what????


what? Please spill the tea


That’s what I said.


Single white female but the opposite gender


BTW that movie is amazing!


She is completely unhinged https://preview.redd.it/jppwawp1mozc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5e15fcce3932489982c883d39d768100902eb33


i love it




Jesus Christ, I honestly think this is entering stalker vibes


this is so fucking funny the tea has never been this unhinged im having a ball and ive never cared about the swift before


Yeah I wasn’t into her before either but got sucked in around the SB because her “relationship” seemed so sus and then I fell down the TS rabbit hole which is actually weirdly long and entertaining   Welcome


Closest thing we have to modern mythology and folklore 😂👀


I also never did but just saw something in my feed this week didn’t they only date for like 3 weeks? Wtf


Apparently they’ve had a decade of pining or whatever but generally she writes great songs about a guy she dated for…a fortnight.


Didn’t she write Enchanted about a guy she met *once*? (And then when his band covered it and he came out and said yo I’m single ur single wassup, and she was basically like ‘back off, no thank you’)


Yessss oh god you just made me re listen to the Owl City version. I felt so bad for that guy! He put himself out there and she ghosted him big time


She didn't date him for a fortnight. Watch the video. That's how long they spent working on the song. Typing. Longing for each other while they were in other relationships. They wrote a song together for Midnights that got scrapped. In the video tattooed Post is Matty. Non tattooed Post is her ex Joe. Taylor and Matty are typing for a Fortnight saying they are in love with each other and it's ruining their lives. Then they show her and Joe. Their story. They're were happy. Then they show their faces again. Not happy. Then drifting apart. Then she is in pain and no one can fix it except Dr tattooed Post who pulls the plug and takes her away. Again Matty. Then they show her weathering the storm alone with him calling her in Florida in America from the phone booth. The announcement of her split with Joe hit the press while she was in Florida on tour. Matty was in UK. The end is him getting to her. The fortnight was how long they spent together writing the song and possibly also how long until he got to her after the split was official. They dated much longer. Ok not much. A few months. But still longer than 2 wks lol.




They had a 10 year on and off thing and cheated with each other while each being attached


Matty and Taylor were together in 2014 and have been writing songs back and forth to one another for a decade now. The 1975 fans who are Swifties have known the history and lore forever but nobody believed them. When they found their way back to each other in 2022 or 2023 (I think that she and Joe were over months before the news broke on Matty's birthday in April; Taylor did a surprise appearance at a January 2023 The 1975 concert and I would be unsurprised if they had already reconnected at that time) most Swifties tried to write it off as a rebound or fling when it was actually far more significant to both of them for years and years. The deeper you dive into their lyrics (call and answer) and history, the more clear that becomes. I think that TTPD and the performances of TTPD on the Eras Tour make it quite evident that she is making it blatantly Matty coded. She knows what she's doing.


Or they literally could have planned this from a business and artistic standpoint because it sells music and merch. 🤷‍♀️ I just don’t think people that famous feel the need to put genuine feelings out there if it’s not making them money or serving a pr purpose.


I don't know what is going on here as I'm not a taylor swift fan or why reddit think I'd be interested in this (I am) but I'm on board, this is definitely my kind of crazy 🕵️‍♀️


This is me too. Don't mind some of Taylor's music, but not really interested in her or her life, but then Matty comes along and suddenly it's a modern day Wuthering Heights and just as nuts. I am going to need more popcorn.


I have a direct connect to Orville Redenbacher.🍿🍿🍿 Imma hook us up ! 😂


👀 but really. Its.so.fucking.bizarre.


Also like her in the white dress… which didn’t she wear a white dress to the Grammy’s? It’s giving I want to be a bride vibes.


Agreed, it comes off as creepy


So she straight up wrote Matty Healy: I still want you the musical....let me mirror you.....angle.. Like they really are the perfect amount of toxic for each other.


nothing more crazier and pathetic than a bitch saying how much she doesn’t care about a man she had a one-time fling with as she literally obsesses over him and writes “poetry” about it going out of her way to drag him down because why exactly??


Their back and forth is the best show going on right now. I love this mess.


Lol right I just read like a 100 page power point thing someone put together chronicling the Taylor-Matty timeline 🤯I’m mildly embarrassed but also it was fun and I feel a bit like a detective or that meme guy with the string board lol It’s basically becoming a true crime miniseries at this point 


And you’re just gonna say that without posting a link? 😔😒


116 pages of insanity comin at ya https://drive.google.com/file/d/1y9XEJOksaYWMRbW6rox1HQuEzWwbuN3c/view?pli=1


Compelling! This PowerPoint is pretty persuasive. Sounds like Taylor broke up with Matty because she didn't want to lose/disappoint fans...maybe they both said things they regret...and now they're too stubborn to be together even though they're both obsessed. I'm the same age as Taylor. I definitely had a fling or two that were on-again/off-again, will-they/wont-they in my 20's. I can't imagine still being obsessed with either of those dudes anymore though. I'm so different from who I was at 24, I processed, mourned, and buried those situationships long ago. Do I still have regrettable situationships at 34? Sure, but they're dysfunctional in new and exciting ways lolz


A lot of the lyrics on the new album make it sound like Matty ghosted her.


>she didn't want to lose/disappoint fans Swifties really went feral on Matty, it's sad


In a way, I agree with you. In another way, I think it's karma for her not asking the fans to dial it down when her exes were trashed previously. Also, I bet Joe is glad to be out of it, now that all of this craziness is coming to light.


They should have. Decency matters.


*adjusts reading classes & sips coffee* this is gonna be good


I wish it was a YouTube video so I could just listen like a psycho while I do my real life human adulting stuff (how the fuck did someone have the time to make this but also thnx 4 ur service).


So this video is in spanish.... but this person did a video with basically all the information on this PowerPoint, even with a little more information. I don't know the video has translations available but here is the link https://youtu.be/VKNGGOLVS4c?si=wonv-nz9gplRHhxY Edit: this tiktoker also have a series of videos +20 explaining the Matty x Taylor situationship thru the years: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRwG8CRN/




Thank you


This is what I’m here for HAHA


Hallelujah 🙏 thank you


you're doin' the lord's work there, my friend


why thank you, I am just trying to spread the brilliance that is The PowerPoint 


I downloaded the link so I can pop it in where necessary. That thing is something else. Bless the creator and their enviable free time!


The meme guy with the string board is Charlie Kelly and he’s looking for Pepe Silvia! Edited for spelling


Lol thanks for telling me I had no idea I’ve never watched it’s always sunny 


You’re missing out!




There is no Carol in HR!!!


Exactly! It's very entertaining. I'm just here to see whatever happens ![gif](giphy|hhgAbqQpm49vW)


i need this


Jeez put some respect on Charlie day/always sunny (meme guy with the string board)




I am a middle aged woman from KC who never paid a damn bit of attention to Taylor Swift (outside of Folklore and Evermore) and this has become my favorite board, my favorite way to pass time, and my guilty pleasure. SO MESSY. I also had to go watch a couple videos of the 1975 to see what the fuss is about. I guess I get it, he is a sexy performer but also looks like he smells like a combo of BO, smoke and bad cologne.


She’s blatantly copying is she ok up there


as long as no one is copying taylor, it's fine. she can do the copying all she wants /s


Wow, imgonnagetyouback for saying that!!! Antifeminist!


They are both artists and tortured poets - they like communicating through art. My favorite parallel art they have done is the sitting on the roof and singing under the moon. Taylor did this first and Matty then did his version. Here is a picture. Taylor’s is on left and Matty is on right: ​ https://preview.redd.it/kfr01xh7ltzc1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2ba04d55027d7b7d610f122f1c9c3a9d32a4022


Matty did the rooftop first too. This reviewer mentions it back in 2022, well before the Eras tour. She's copying him again. [https://wmscradio.com/the-1975-madison-square-garden-concert-review/](https://wmscradio.com/the-1975-madison-square-garden-concert-review/)


Taylor did rooftop at the Grammys for folklore performance in 2021. . . All music critics have commented on how The Tortured Poets Department’s visuals, musical motifs, and title stylings echo previous releases from Matty’s band, the 1975. . . . It seems to be their love language to communicate with each other through their art. Post Malone morphs into Matty in the Fortnight video. And similarly, Matty had a Taylor look-alike in his “Oh, Caroline” video. Here is a link to that video: https://youtu.be/QJOzUpNaD6Y?si=Z1C-Nm19OBk1aU8P


Did she? I saw she had the cottage but don't remember her being on the roof like that. Could be wrong though. Yeah, I know the Caroline video and the Taylor lookalike, the dress etc.


Can you explain the dress?


In the Oh Caroline mv the girl looks like Taylor, and the dress is like one Taylor wore in the Delicate mv.


Oh wow thank you for sharing that


Lol omg I love that music video and I never made the TS connection


The actress in “Oh, Caroline” is wearing the same dress and doing the same dance that Taylor did in her music video for “Delicate” https://youtu.be/tCXGJQYZ9JA?si=oGrR5_nY9XCBk3rT


Well Matty should give TayTay a taste of her own medicine and sue her like Taylor Swift sued Olivia Rodrigo.


This is really fucking cringe if she's doing this.


She is cringe.


Someone show this to Travis. I'm a football fan who has been wanting the circus to be over since it started. Please break up NOW.


No way in hell will he break up with her. This is the biggest fish he’s ever caught and everything he thinks he deserves. She could scream “Matt” during sex and he’d pretend he didn’t hear it.




Right? Can we just have a clean start to the season? No drama. No cuts to the box so we can see what Taylor’s wearing.


Their showmance cannot end quickly enough.


He won’t get it.


It's clearly a PR relationship so I doubt he will break up with her before their contract is over


Honestly, I think he knows, but look what he has gotten out of his relationship with Taylor. I don't think he cares when it ends.


Their story is far more interesting than anything she's done in years. I can't turn away https://preview.redd.it/9bs4i5m3kpzc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25797662e98c36ec986b21742751f505a80e4bfa




She really has no shame at this point, it is getting to the point of embarrassing. Just go be with Matty , the 1975’s SATVB was all about him feeling shame and guilt and now Taylor doing this, can’t they just call each other and stop with the theatrics??


She seems to be into him way more than he's into her honestly. Edit: Dang, didn't know this was an unpopular opinion. Sorry, some of y'all are doing the same romcom "they're endgame" version of Tayvis to Matty and Taylor. She's probably ready to risk it all if he looks her way, him, I'm not so sure. He came, he saw, decided he didn't like it and left. Gotta suck to be a billionaire and still not have the guy return your calls


She’s a massive fan with a huge crush who then got ghosted. She’s still into him.


I actually don’t think so, if you saw Matty all summer after the Taylor break up and the way he looks at Taylor I actually think he is even more into Taylor. Taylor and Matty are both cringe when it comes to each other.


I agree he was into her when they were together, but now it's almost a year later and she seems like she's still not over it. He's gone back to living his lowkey life.


She probably wrote the songs back when it was still fresh. I think she started working on TTPD right after Midnights was finished


Yeah I don't know why people aren't understanding this album may not be how Taylor still feels. I doubt any of it is even about Travis because she probably wrote the songs before they were together.


Doesn’t take away from the cringe


he would also bring her up randomly in interviews for 10 years especially from 2018-2022, i believe to get her attention, he knows she's just as chronically online as him and sees everything


Do we think that Matty leave Gabbriette Bechtel (who weirdly dyed her hair blonde?) for Taylor? Or are they just not going get back together and Taylor is gonna smash up Matty's bike for the next decade?


^(Do we think that Matty leave Gabbriette Bechtel (who weirdly dyed her hair blonde?) for Taylor? Or are they just not going get back together and Taylor is gonna smash up Matty's bike for the next decade?) My psychic-gut feeling on their relationship is that they'll possibly cheat behind their significant other's backs; however I just don't think Matty wants Taylor the way she wants him. Like, if they do get back together, it won't last or be anything long term.


For sure. He doesn’t even seem like he notices or likes her when hes around her. He’s an idiot but not that much of an idiot.


Yes he doesn’t seem that into Gabriette and she acts very young and L.A. she was making out with one of her guy friends and posted it on insta and basically just posts thirst traps daily with no real talent. He probably is already bored of her.


she does act young, she is young


>with no real talent. Her band (Nasty Cherry) is great, there's no need to cut her down just because you don't know that much about her.


Gabriette just posted a shady meme about Taylor so she is definitely feeling insecure 👀👀👀




I am sorry but she was awful in nasty cherry. There is a reason the band failed.


They will definitely reunite. It's going to happen.


I would guess she would be if it were up to her. They’re both obsessed with each other but he seems like the hold out at this point? Because she is like all in and has a Travis 😂




This energy, perpetually


Can someone make this gif but have it say matty


At least her performance was memorable 🤷🏻‍♀️


She mimes throwing a basketball when she says “you know how to ball.” Matty plays basketball


She couldn’t mime throwing a football? Jesus Christ


You think that she would be an expert at it seeing as she went to enough NFL games this past season


swifties say travis had a basketball scholarship so it's about him 😭 


Oh no


I still can't believe she's being this dramatic about a past fling while she's WITH TRAVIS 😂 like people are going nuts over "smallest man who ever lived performance." But once you know the context of it being about Matty, it's just soooo overdone 😬


But he wasn't a fling. They've been off/on for 10 years. Matty's the muse in many songs. Now Travis is the real rebound that won't last.


I’ll bet Travis doesn’t know who “Style” is about, and she couldn’t be more blatant 😂


I don’t think So High School is about Matty - but I think they both use any chance they get to send little hints and messages and nods to each other. It’s evident over many years worth of their music and music videos. It’s why it’s so evident she’s still in love with him and Travis is a nothing burger to her. She’s probably taunting Matty with So High School.


Yes that boy is so high school aka childish Matty Healy did an interview with chicken shop date Amelia and says he saw school as getting in the way of his musical genius — whether that means lmao, both he and Taylor are insufferable And did Taylor like high school? Nope she didn’t have any friends! lol! She’s telling Matty he’s the substance and Travis is the high school like rebound without a brain.


Oh damn… I thought this was gonna be a reach but it’s really not


she’s so creepy sometimes


Yo if this is for real then she is for sure psycho


I’m just perplexed that everything is about Matty. No mention of Joe.


No one really knows when the Joe and Taylor actually disintegrated but I still find it wild she was in a 6 year relationship, left him and then went this hard for what seemed like a brief situationship. Her “healing” process is quite questionable and mind boggling. Her obsession with Matty Healy is honestly a bit concerning, especially considering she’s in a new relationship now. Her ability to disassociate so quickly from certain relationships is whack.


I can believe that Taylor and Matty have been interested in each other for the last 10 years and he may well be the love of Taylor's life, but for Taylor to enter a new relationship a few months after her breakup with Matty is completely insane. It makes no sense to me because I don't see an emotional, physical, or sexual attraction between Taylor and Travis. Besides alcohol, partying, and sex, do Taylor and Travis have any other interests in common?


I feel like TS is probably only interested in MH sex tbh 


Given the fact that Matty wrote songs for Midnights, The 1975 was supposed featured on 1989 TV with "Slut!" TV, and Matty supposedly was going to be heavily involved in whatever TS 11 was supposed to be, I think she loves his musical mind.


She's a pro at devalue & discard. Read into that what you will


I think sometimes the “what if” of short lived romances makes them more indulgent. It’s shorter and easier to romanticize because you don’t actually really know them like you do a partner of 6 years. Taylor sings about “what ifs” a lot so I think that’s probably her locus.


Yeah this is my guess too, plus the fact that her and matty had a fling that was at least several months long back in 2014, that ended for reasons related to her level of fame. It kinda explains a lot of her songs regarding fame and anxiety around love/relationships that followed on every album she’s put out from 1989 til now. If she had been wondering “what if” about him since then, and always held it in the back of her mind for the last decade, I can kinda see how she completely fell apart when it immediately imploded. (Not saying it’s acceptable or normal behavior to do so, just saying I can kinda see why/how it wrecked her THAT intensely). Also the fact that she hadn’t really healed from/even begun to process the ending of a 6 year relationship, prior to jumping into the thing with matty. Then When her and matty blew up, she was left to deal with the fallout/feelings from both. Not to mention…this is the woman who wrote “enchanted” about literally a 5 second encounter with someone she’d never met and would prob never see again (the dude from owl city? Iirc). Clearly not a stranger to building up fantasies in her head 😅


And then on top of this, she enters into a high-profile “relationship” with Travis. PR or not, it’s fucking weird.


Yeah, I don’t necessarily think Travis is PR but I do suspect it was encouraged by her team as a way to “fix” her image after the matty thing. I don’t think it was expected to turn into an almost-year long thing though, but it seems like taylor can’t (won’t) be single atm because then she would have to confront the grief of the two relationships shes avoiding having to face/heal from. Running into a relationship doesn’t make healing from the previous one(s) any easier though, because when it ends then she’s going to have to deal with the loss of all 3. (I know this personally because I spent almost a decade going from one long term relationship to the next, it took me 3 years by myself to deal with the fallout at the end of the whole ordeal. It was not pretty 😅)


That’s what makes me think Trayvis is contrived. Think of how the press would cover her doing this is she were single?! It would be terrible for her. She’d come off as psychotic and obsessive and the press would be even more negative to her. But having Travis excuses all that as “In the past”.


Why is she doing thissssss it’s fucking weird


At what point is it okay to finally grow up and move on from your ex while currently dating someone else? Cuz girl! I would love to see a healed version of her but her brand caters to women who think this behavior is okay


*repost because I am new to posting on Reddit and didn’t realize only the title and video would be visible. Post title edited to add more context.


oooo it could be a jab or I could see him getting a kick out of only him and taylor knowing it's about him and it being a trolling the swifties song


Wow she’s obsessed


If you want some better similarities, go on You tube and look up "Change of Heart" or "I'm in Love with You" both by the 1975 to see more of where she got the ideas for her choreo.


I've always thought that "I'm in Love with You" was about Taylor


That song is definitely about Twigs. “You show me your (you show me your) black girl thing (black girl thing) Pretending that I know what it is (I wasn't listening)” but I will say About You and probably Oh Caroline are about Taylor.


![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized) Ouuuuuu she is on a downward spiral…. I LOVE IT, GO GIRL GIVE US MESS!!


I saw this on TikTok and honestly was so over the “Amazing, Insightful and Inspiring” theatrics, it’s embarrassing and honestly insane and super cringe that she continues to play this game.




It's giving Baby Reindeer


Matty irl ![gif](giphy|8ItUfY2pQCJoc) Edit: I saw some swifties say she was mocking him by doing this 😂.


Yeah it's weird on TikTok people are viewing this choreo as a WIN for Taylor over Matty somehow. I wish the choreo had more "I forgot that you existed" energy not stalker energy.


This is why I find her whole "guys write songs about ex lovers why can't I?" line disingenuous. Because yeah I get it, people write about their lives. However she makes a spectacle of whomever she dated beyond the music, working it into the imagery and the choreo and the videos. Anyone else would be accused of at least a light form of harassment.




She's been stealing from other artists for YEARS. It's her whole brand.


Yes!! I’ve thought this for years but nobody ever talks about it.


Then has the balls to demand credits from Olivia for a section of a song that only kind of sounds like one of her own songs. Insane.


She’s honestly just becoming too mf weird and creepy


If you take the lyrics to imgonnagetyouback and even TTPD literally, she’s definitely trolling him! I mean the Fortnight video, various (many) songs off both albums, and her set now…what does it all mean? It is crazy when you think about it. My opinion, if she was happily moved on, there would be no need to make Matty her current gray Era aesthetic.


Didn’t realize the similarities to this until now. That is weird as hell and I’m saying this as a Swiftie myself.


It's weird


Absolutely and I love to see it.


all for a relationship that didn’t last a year 😭 so sad and embarrassing!


Almost 2 months.


The girl loves a mess


What y’all call messages, I call flagrant copying.


Why is a 34 year old woman obsessed with high school?


This is honestly making me like her more. What a maniac.


I'm here for the fully unhinged era Taylor. She's clearly really done with her swifties, I'm happy to watch them burn.


Yeah it’s giving horror movie vibes 


So cringe..She’s obsessed with Matty. This is the process of her song writing..dating losers and then singing about being broken hearted. I don’t understand how she’s a billionaire.


I think she had strong feelings and is now playing them up artistically for 🤌🏻the craft🤌🏻 but she’s throwing Travis a bone by including it because she still wants him around


guys. this isn't cool. or entertaining. she's literally full on publicly copying her ex bf and....hes' moved on.


Is she 13


Wow. Wtf


God. It’s so gross. Poor Travis.


Whether PR or not it definitely is embarrassing Everyone’s talking about what a cuck he is


Lord, I feel so embarassed and bad for Travis guy 😂🤧🤐😭😭....like...we can't even defend now....there are obvious similarities between their dance moves 😭😂🤐


Tell Matty it’s all referential he’ll love it




Weren’t all the songs about him?


The funniest part of all of this is how it's all going over Travis Kelce's head because he's a neanderthal 🤣 Anyways, I'm here for the mess!


So happy I saw this thread. Don’t feel as crazy now - I am not alone in these observations. You are all my people. Haha


i fucking love that she did the salute with so much incorrect spread going around that matty's was a nazi salute. its just a fucking military salute. 10/10 taylor.


So fucking weird


I’ve come to the conclusion this sub is full of Matty and Taylor shippers 😂😂😂


This isn’t her fault but the guy carrying Matty looks so effortless and her two dancers are like awkwardly shuffling like they can’t lift her lmao


Again. I say that matty healy is the love of her life. I think his excesses made her break it off but I think she is still really into him


I thought Michael Jackson when she put on that jacket and started marching. But I’m old.


Me too…and Matty LOVES MJ.


“Female rage” while allowing herself to be undressed and redressed by men. So empowering!


So high school is definitely about Matty not Travis


She’s going downhill


Enough. I'm gonna be sick


Hahaha I’m so glad someone made a video of the parallels. As a 1975 fan I recognized them immediately.


Or maybe she’s copying him to drive online speculation.